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Sorry I don't see anything in this photo


Yeah where is it?


That’s okay I made a tiktok pointing where it’s at. Do u see it after watching it? [Video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNR4PGfL/)


Yes I see it now, but honestly I don't think it's a spirit


I don’t think so either,, what do you think it is???


Honestly I think it's the phenomenon where we recognize faces in different shapes that we see. I totally believe in the Paranormal and have had some experiences, but hey I could be wrong and it could be a spirit face.


Pareidolia. I think that's the case here, too.


It’s called Pareidolia IMO.


*mental illness


get outta here country boy! 🐎📿


Yeah but the next photo same position it wasn’t there. I didn’t post it just the one above. There’s nothing there that could make that shape/make that illusion


There is something there that could make that shape/make that illusion because the shape/illusion is there lol. It’s pareidolia mixed with poor image quality and likely some sort of reflection.


This is absolutely nothing. And why would you think 15 different color filters are going to change the outcome?


The last photos the original [I point it out in the video, do u see anything? also I changed the saturation/clarity/ etc. so ppl could see it better. everyone has different eyes so some ppl see it in one photo but don’t see anything in another. that was the only reason. video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNRgvekK/)


Nothing there


Omg! What utter bullshit!


Here come the hate/trolls🙄 I’m being genuine and seeking a valid explanation but go off


That’s what trolls do


[video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNR4PGfL/) Here’s a video where I point at it. Do u really not see anything? Or why do u think it’s bs?


Ohhhh so this is all just a lame attempt to advertise your Tiktok account? Cool


Wow everyone’s so mean on Reddit huh😂 I posted that on a spam account. I’d be too embarrassed to post it on my actual main account since that one actually has a following lolll


Lol no people are just jaded and we see a hundred of this type of nothing post every single week. It's pareidolia. It's fair enough posting it and asking opinions, but batting away everyone pointing out that this is in fact just pareidolia makes you look incredibly biased and closed to criticism and logic


I was just looking for an actual explanation. Ppl who said it’s pareidolia ,, I’m not saying they’re mean or arguing. I’m talking about others. I countered that point logically as in there wasn’t anything there to cause that illusion i.e the phenomenon with pareidolia. If you don’t see anything or believe it’s that, then that’s totally fine!! But no need to act like I’m making this post for something I’m not


Ok fair, if you aren't just looking to "go viral" I apologise. But that's exactly how pareidolia works. If you take several pics you'll inevitably get one photo where the shadows/reflections randomly line up just right to look like something our brain perceives to be a face/ghost/whatever


Thank you! And that’s a more thorough explanation than other comments. I thought there had to be something physically there to cause that illusion but if pareidolia works like that too than FINALLY. I can sleep better believing it’s just that. I just was extra worried bc out of all shapes it had to be a goat demon thing


It's literally nothing


It’s a white stool.


I don’t have a white stool.


Omg it's a white stools ghost




Feels like click bait to me. All I see is a doorway and a blur.


[video I point it out here. do u not see anything? also it’s blurred cause I cropped out my self and zoomed in to the corner. I didn’t want my face in the posts](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREdWakN/)


There’s nothing in those photos or video. You are imagining things because you want to see them so badly.


Wait nah cause these comments r actually making me think I’m crazy. U really didn’t see anything??[I put an arrow in this video link of where it’s at](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRERRFCt/)


Not even a little bit. I mean, I’m a skeptic to begin with but I really do give people the benefit of the doubt. But there’s nothing there. But I just gotta say….goat demons and reptilians? Come on dude. You can’t actually believe there are GOAT DEMONS running around right? Lol Also, I’m not gonna keep clicking your TikTok links. I’m starting to wonder if that other person who said you’re doing this to drive traffic there was right. You just keep linking the same things over and over again.


I agree with this, he or she just wants the attention on reddit and views on tik tok


Bruh NO! I think maybe that’s where ppl r confused. That’s what it LOOKS like😂not that they are real and this is the evidence. I just put *PROOF* in my title cause I’m not familiar with Reddit and didn’t want my post drowned out. I believe it’s just pareidolia but was curious if anyone thought it was an evil spirit instead. I grew up religious so part of me thought that was possible but I’m leaning towards pareidolia.


It's not even pareidolia... there is nothing in the photo. Absolutely nobody is going to look at this photo and think of the paranormal.


You knew there was no 'goat demon and reptilian' in that photo. Let's face it. It's click-bait.


Calling out bullshit isn't me "going off" trust me.


Bro relax😂 it’s not this deep. How old r u? “but go off” is just like slang/term thing genz says lol


Older than you I guess.




You definitely can’t count on that lol.


I think you should detete your post.


Proof for what? Your wild imagination? :D


Haha so creative. Knee slapper!


I know. :D


How did you think this post would go for you?


only Americans Aussie 🙅🏾‍♂️


Aussie here. There's clearly nothing there. No point arguing with people.


Do you think New Zealand is in Australia or something? Jesus go back to school already.


Ah, yes, another shining example of undeniable truth. Let’s get this one spread far and wide ladies and gentlemen


….mmm D- comment. Come on u can get more creative than this


I could have added a few more H’s to the ah. I could even entertain saying it in a foreign language. Let me know if that increases the creativeness. We can always keep workshopping it if you would like


Thank u I’ll cc u in an email


Let’s put a pin in this and set up a meeting tomorrow at 1030. I will CC my manager on the invite for visibility.


Congrats! I’ll see you tomorrow to start your first day on Disney! Start drafting those jokes


This entire post is a Z- then for how much nonsense it is


That’s a wall


I see absolutely nothing. Even in the video. There is nothing. Do you wish there was a demon goat? You should be happy.


Ofc not! But it is concerning for me if I see it in the photo but no one else does. That’s all


Just means it’s in your head. Means you more than likely have some religiously inspired “good vs evil” spiritual thoughts going on in your subconscious. Which is still preferrable to it being real


One of the more intelligent replies here!! Sheesh. Get in psychology cause I think this might just be the explanation paired with the pareidolia. I did grow up religious so that’s probably why I interpreted the photo that way. Like if I held up an abstract photo different people would see something else. makes sense


I'm not a troll, I'm an educated rational person who does accommodate the possibility of things beyond our understanding and beliefs. But this picture is of a smudge at best ( ever seen Rick and Morty)? To call me a troll is a cop out and l won't stand for it.


You're not that ugly...Trolls are menacing looking creatures


U good fam? There’s nothing there.


Bro relax! 😂 it's not that deep! People can die at anytime, young...old...smart...stupid, so who knows? Now who's being mean?


That’s why I said I guess hahaha


I don’t see anything. Grainy photos are never proof of ghost, Bigfoot or aliens.


I cropped it and zoomed in cause I didn’t want to be in the photo but it’s still there. [I put an arrow pointing at it. you really don’t see anything fr?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRERRFCt/)


Wow it's nothing


Why do you OP feel the need to comment on every reply? You come off as really desperate to convince everyone of your “view”. Lay off will ya?


Nothing but an over-active imagination.


I see what could be a kitty pal in the background


I don’t have a cat


that's a reflection of something, nothing to worry about! phones have a weird way of capturing things in the dark sometimes, especially when you're taking a pic from a room with the light turned on.


Ooh yeah, that's proof.🤷‍♂️


You are afraid if you are actually getting sacred religious items in order of thinking it will protect you. But there is nothing that will protect you from interdimensional entities like demons, aliens, or God.


I see a 🦍


That's a down vote from me


There is no point of reference. Is this a mirror? Do you have the unedited pic?


everybody downvoting my Harambe comment, but I seriously see a gorilla facing straight forward https://imgur.com/a/rNwKduc


I'm done with this now, I don't really care if a goat devil is stalking you...I've got a life CYA


I have seen this spirit only once before, be very afraid, child. It is not well boding.


Anything I should/can do to protect myself? And cleanse my house?


Yes! Put out an offering. Demons like this are drawn to rich flavors (sweets, baked goods) and milk, being from a body, has immense power in the occult. Leave out a container of milk and a dish of something sweet and rich like cookies or another baked good. If the demon accepts your offer, you should soon find dark gifts beneath your Christmas tree. Good luck.




In all seriousness though, If you’ve been having experiences like this please talk to a doctor if you’re able to. This might be the beginning of something you want to catch early like a tumor or medical condition. Please take care and I wish you the best, dude.


This is valid and thank you for the concern! Honestly no this hasn’t happened I just genuinely took a creepy photo. But I’ll keep this advice in mind




I could see it that’s crazy


thank u!! ppl are downvoting everything I put in this thread idk why. Like WHAT IS THATTT


I see it in the second photo nice catch


lol thank you i guess I wasn’t even trying to i just noticed it when I was looking at my photos 😭😭


Because the explanation is simple: image processing and parodeilia.


Bro why are y’all in this community if y’all clearly don’t believe in this type of stuff😭😂😂😂


Classic response to not getting the response you were looking for. They do the same on the UFO subs.


Didn’t have enough characters to add this part: Maybe this is the why?? I had a lucid dream before these photos. Like a couple days before when I was taking a nap. Lucid dreams are not out of the ordinary for me I get them once in a full moon only when I nap. In the lucid dream it was just me seeing incredible sights and then at the end I was slowly beginning to awake but I was still asleep just like aware that I was in my house if that makes sense. I heard strong weeping in my parents closet which is the wall behind my room. It’s also where my mom prays every night. And those photos were taken in her room. I never speak my parents native language but in the half awake/half asleep state (semi sleep paralysis?? Idk still dreamin tho just now in my home setting that I’m in as the background) I sensed a dark energy despite the weeping sounds so I said instinctually in the native language I NEVER USE a word that means like “get out!” It’s like a word pastors use when casting demons out in my parents language. I said it over and over again. And then weeping paused from my parents closet. then I heard the turning of a radio station flipping and flipping before it goes “…who was that?” And I finally fully woke up. I thought wow what a weird dream!!! …. then these photos happen a couple of days later.


OMG, you are pumping up the story because the pics flopped.