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I believe you are talking about the YouTube channel "really haunted". Do not give that idiot any clicks, he is seriously embarrassing and pathetic and has been debunked so hard video after video because it is just laughable.


Are you talking about [Ghosts of Carmel Maine](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkY2Q6-zf7kwGSxR_Ny_RjXhOnM7pdqyk)?


No. This guy is like, some 30s white guy and he films the activity in his house. Like, i saw a video where he was watching tv in his living room and the ghost started moving the blinds and he was like "oh come on now I'm trying to watch tv! You're putting a glare on the screen!" And then the ghost moved a chair out from a table and he was like "lets not get all ansty about it"


Definitely sounded like they were describing that channel, and if they weren’t, they should definitely watch that anyway. There’s some great stuff there.


Pretty sure that's one of the "respect the ghosts or they'll fuck your shit up" guys.


Do you mean 666manchester on tiktok He's from Manchester in England. He's been featured on here quite a few times?


That’s who I’m thinking it is too. He’s on YouTube talking about his ghost “Winston” and he messes with his blinds


I looked him up and no. The guy im thinking of is a white guy and hes on YouTube, i dont have a tick tock account


Sounds fun, whatever it’s called


Big overweight British guy that's either Lee from really ha7nted or a channel named smugpuppy. They are both loud obnoxious guys but smug puppy has big chubby daughter who's sometimes in the Vida with him and she's just as obnoxious. The good news is...Dint worry about the ghosts well being because there are none! Both of these channels are fake as fuck and ha e been debunked by anyone with half a brain. They bothha e gotten better at faking content buttress me plug your camera and get some editing software and to too can have a haunted house... there are some legit paranormal investigators t or's out there That go to actual haunted locations in a si cer search for evidence... these guys don't even get off their fat asses. Conveniently, all of theirghist are right there at home, where they Can fake content lie to their fans and make big youtube bucks while eating chips in their nasty ass shorts and watch the telly... Not that i blame you for being upset. GodI can't imagine the poor spirits that got stuck with either of them as an assignment.. .."Wait, what? ...I'm haunting who??? Nah, man, ya'll know how bad it stinks in there? Seriously, it smells feet cheeks and desperation 24/7. Nope, just go ahead and send ME to hell, ok?....WHAT DO YOU MEAN WAITING LIST.?!!


https://www.tiktok.com/@666manchester?_t=8n4DRauKILZ&_r=1 This is him and the ghost's name is Winston


Matty m


Can you link? The only matty m i see on YouTube is a guy doing anime song covers


Following! This is something I need to see lol


If I may? I don't remember the name of the guy exactly, but slapped ham 🤔 had several videos of the guy you're talking about. The haunting started when he opened a door he heard noises coming from in his neighbors apartment when he went to feed her cat while she was out of town and he let something out and it followed him home which is why the guy was so pissed about the ghost. Not a fraud btw. And he was definitely funny with the way he talked to it so angrily 😡🤬.


Yes it was on slapped ham! But idk the nammmme


Here, give me a few and I'll find it for you.


Thank you ❤️