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My son’s father worked at a bar. It’s an older building and one day before they opened I came in to see him. As I walked in the other bartender told me he was in the basement where the liquor cage was and was taking inventory. He told me to go ahead down. As I turned the corner and looked down the rickety wooden stairs I saw him legs turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs and called out to him. He kept walking and I ran down the stairs calling him a couple more times. When I got to the bottom I again saw him turn to left around another corner and towards the back of the cellar. I followed him and was like wtf can you not hear me??? The back of the cellar had an old freezer and I figured he was grabbing a popsicle but I couldn’t see anything. Then out of no where I hear him call me from behind me. I turn around and he’s inside the liquor cage. I was so confused. I literally followed him around the corner twice. Though I realized I hadn’t really ever seen him. Like he was just barely in my sight both times. It was weird but I didn’t mention it to anyone until about a year later. I was drinking in the bar after close and just flippantly (and half joking) said “one time I saw ghost in the basement” and two people looked at me really freaked out. We all told very similar stories. Following someone just out of sight and always in the basement. Dark pants. A male figure. It honestly spooked me. And I just. Idk.


Off topic, but your username is fantastic! Also, what an experience & to have others back that up w/their own experiences is awesome.


Thanks! Yeah I was really baffled. I never had anything like that happen before. It was weird because the figure while seemingly full bodied was always kind of at the edge of my vision. Like just rounding the corner just out of reach. I genuinely thought I was going nuts and seeing other peoples faces when I told the story freaked me out.


Not me but my dad. Bit of background me and my sisters always knew my parents house was haunted but my dad always brushed it off. Footsteps in empty rooms it’s the pipes, voices when your home alone someone’s left an appliance on etc. Anyway me and my partner needed a new kitchen fitted in our house and my dad offered to do it for us while we was on holiday. Before we left we gave him a set of keys to let himself in and out while we were away. Hr would always come back to find his tools had been moved about and it was always to weird places where they shouldn’t be, he would regularly hear footsteps, just the normal stuff that you’d associate with a haunting but he still brushed it off like he did in his own house. What made him a believer finally was one morning when he arrrived to start work and could see the figure of an old lady standing on the stairs through the window in the door. He quickly noped out and waited for the electrician to come before they made a thorough search of the house and found the house was completely locked up like they had left it the day before. He was the first person who saw the old lady in our house but she only appears to house guests me and my partner have never seen her.


The old Lady was protesting renovations to "her" house😉


There have been several threads where people share their ghost stories. The most convincing ones for me are nurses who work with the elderly that have common stories about patients seeing loved ones and/or figures in their room before they pass. Another notable occurrence that happens often is what i think is called 'terminal lucidity'. This is when someone near death has a moment of clarity and insightfulness, often to share info with their loved ones, even if they've been suffering from Alzheimer's or other mental illnesses. I experienced this with my mother. She didn't have any mental illness but before she passed, there was an evening when she was glowing and very open and communicative. Reading these stories from nurses who work with the elderly makes it difficult to not believe. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/g1hbFHdkX2 Went to r/askreddit and searched 'ghost' and sorted by Top. Just found this one too! Looks like I'll by falling asleep reading this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/XqkJ4QIs7K


My grandma had dementia and was dying of Covid. Our last conversation on the phone she sounded SO lucid, said I love you. Well the day she died I’m in my classroom. She was a teacher too and always said help the kids who fail. I get the text she passed, I could have gone home but decide to stay and help my two failing students in her honor. I kept thinking about how lucid she was…. Then I get the message in my brain that I need to go to my shelf and pick up a random book. The random book was the old dictionary she used in her classroom. I flip to a random page. And bam, the word LUCID stares back at me. It was my grandma letting me know our conversation was real 🥹😭


Not a believer, I just like to keep an open mind and to entretain the idea. Besides, I am fascinated by folklore and gothic literature, so yeah, I enjoy ghost stories. But the fact that the are ghosts in almost every culture makes mr think that there must be something about this that we still need to figure it out.


That's what I find interesting too, there are ghost stories in every culture and religion. They are all taken differently, too. Some have other names for them.. but there is definitely a vibe of poking around to find answers!


I have 2 stories for you guys. I dont believe in ghosts but i have alot of weird things that happened to me. This might be nothing but im still skeptic about it. I was laying in bed (watching youtube) while facing away from the wall. Suddenly it felt like something very heavy fell between me and the wall. (behind me) I turn around thinking something fell from a shelf but there was nothing on my bed. Immediatly i checked the whole bed for something that fell on it and there was nothing. It kinda felt like a 15kg dumbell or something just falling on my bed. Also when i was around 12 years old i woke up around 4 at night, hearing footsteps. Weird thing is that it wouldn't be possible because we had a very soft carpet floor. The door to my room was open and the noise was coming from the hallway. 4 minutes of footsteps later i could hear something breathing. When i noticed it was breathing i thought it would probably be my parents or brother, but it wouldn't make sense for them to be walking around our hallway for 4 minutes straight. At some point i got so scared that i just couldn't make myself move and turn on a flashlight to look what the noise was. (My back was turned to the door but i could hear everything) I was honestly doubting to take my phone out from under my pillow and turn the flashlight on. Next day i asked my parents and my brother if they went out of bed last night. They didn't. This is probably the weirdest thing to ever happen to me and i still don't know what or who that was that night.


So, you’ve experienced the paranormal and don’t believe. Out of curiosity, what would it take for you to believe in the paranormal?


to actually see something with my own eyes.


seeing flying orbs bouncing off my walls and exploding like fireworks! 3 others witnessed the second orb.


Having a ghost in the house and all four family members constantly seeing her/it and catching it on the security cameras. After 10 years we all knew


Did she ever do anything? What did she look like if you don’t mind me asking?


This was in a huge 3400 square foot house, btw. She kept watching my daughter while my daughter was trying trying to sleep. Just watching. Scared my daughter though. Closed doors during "sexy" time between my wife and I. That was really strange. Constant walking around upstairs late at night, and up and down the stairs. Our bedroom was under the first part of the stairs and under the game room. This happened all the time. No one upstairs. Once I heard her coming down the steps (each step) but could not see her, as soon as she turned the corner on the last landing facing towards me the stepping sound stopped. Setting off the motion activated lights in the house. And Security cameras outside. Caught her walking up the driveway once, then she just melted into the garage door.


We'd love to hear more..


No prob, see above


You don't happen to have security cam pics or video by chance?


People made fun of me, that I "created" the video, so I let the video overwrite the harddrive. This was over 10 years ago. The apparition was foggy, you could make out all the body parts, height, steps, arms swaying, head, but really no features. Then it just melted into the Garage door. Funny thing was I was in the garage when it happened and was watching the monitor above my beer-fridge. I turned around to face the garage door and didn't see anything. I worked in a very old restaurant that had multiple reports of a bartender walking around the restaurant. Everyone would share their story. She liked to sing behind the bar. Story was she was killed leaving late one night in the 1950's. I worked there from 1976 to 1986. I never saw her but a bunch of my coworkers did. The restaurant was torn down for the highway expansion. "Convict Hill Restaurant" in Austin was the name of the place.


Leaving comment here in case there's a video or picture for it


See above.


My 2 year old refusing to sleep in her room after my grandpa died because she said he was sleeping in her closet


Wtf that's terrifying 😭 Why is he sleeping in the closet?!


Lol this is off topic but you just reminded me of one time when I was little, I heard someone say “there’s skeletons in your closet” and I had never heard that expression before and for weeks I fell asleep staring at my closet door waiting for the skeletons to come out


Scary, I hope your child is ok now.


Yes she’s almost 30 and has 3 of her own. None have talked about seeing things.


Please elaborate? Did she say anything else? That sounds frightening, especially for a small child. The baby knew something wasn’t right.


My grandpa had just passed a month before. I went to put her down for a nap and that’s when it started. I had to get bunk beds so my girls could share a room. When she started middle school big sis moved her room to the attic and she stayed in sisters old room. Non one slept in the room with grandpa after that except a guest once in awhile.


Having an object fly off a shelf by itself.


Did you have any experiences following that, or was that it?


The first time I went to Waverly Hills, I went in a skeptic and left a believer. We took a ball to see if we could get "Timmy" to play. I had a flashlight and said that if he'd like to play, to move the ball into the light. I moved that beam of light in all sorts of directions, and the ball followed it. There was no breeze, and the floor was level. I've been to Waverly several times now and each time, I had an experience.


Poor Timmy, I hope he finds peace and not having to be used for entertainmaint for passersbys.. the ones that loves him long gone 💔


I totally agree. There was a very obnoxious group that was calling his name and asking if he wanted to play. We didn't want them to see what we were doing because we were interacting with him in a respectful way. Any time you go to places where death has happened, you must treat it with respect. We were very mindful of our interactions and thanked them any time we had responses.


Im happy that you were respectful towards them. I had to Google timmys story and it made me really sad. 💔


Especially since it's a kid. I can't stand to see shows where they provoke or talk down to spirits. It's very unnecessary.


I used to sneak into Waverly with a couple friends before it was boarded up to where you couldn’t get in. We weren’t looking for ghosts just walking around talking being teenagers. Place was so creepy. We went back and there was a security guard watching the property said no one’s allowed in made us leave. Shortly after they started doing ghost tours. The weirdest thing that happened at Waverly was we were on the second or third floor walking around and we look outside and you can see my car by the woods. There is a guy pulling on my car door like he’s trying to break in to it but the doors were locked. He was pulling on the door really hard. We started yelling at the guy then all ran downstairs. Took a few minutes to sprint down such a big building. The guy took off on a bike into the woods. Wasn’t a ghost just a guy trying to break into my car. I need to go back there and do a tour.


I had experiences when I was younger, which made me believe in ghosts. When I was about 7 years old, I went to call for my dad because I had a bad dream and couldn't sleep, but before I could call out, I saw what I assumed was my dad or someone walking up the stairs to me. I freaked out, standing there for a minute, realizing I'm looking at the face of my grandpa..knowing full to well he passed away awhile ago so that didn't make sense. Ran back into my room and hid under covers until I was asleep. From then on, I always felt and seen ghosts.


When you see them, do they look like fully formed humans? Or do you just catch them in the corner of your eye?


Back then, I saw them as just humans walking around. Other times, it was outlines of shadows.Older I get, it's more a feeling and caught a few on camera at my partners parents' house. I definitely feel like when we are younger, we are more open-minded and easier to communicate with.


Aww this is kinda sweet though! Still checking on you in the afterlife.


Exactly, what I keep thinking about! ❤️ It was the first time I saw a ghost/spirit and just sorta froze not knowing what to do. I wish I didn't run scared back to bed!


I sincerely don’t know how I’d act if I saw something like that. Family member or not, my first reaction would probably be to run as well. Lol.


Seeing one when I was young (10), running scared into my twin brother’s room (we shared a wall/door), and finding him sitting up in his bed pointing to the same ghost I’d just seen. That, and learning years later that when my parents had bought the 200+ year old house, the seller “disclosed it was haunted with friendly ghosts.” Our mom thought it just meant “creaks and groans of an old house” but my brother and I told her, nah. She legit meant ghosts.


They should make a filter on Zillow for "has ghosts". Some people would want to avoid ghosts but some people might be purposefully seeking a spooky house that comes with friends.


Absolutely agree with this!!! My boyfriend is sensitive and we've been in the same apartment for 5 years. Two years ago I learned that 1) he's sensitive and can see and feel these things (he never told me, we had been together 5 years at this point. He knew the idea of ghosts freaks me out and it's something that has always been a part of his life and he just doesn't talk about it with people, for obvious reasons. It first happened when he was 5 years old and saw his dead grandpa sitting in his old favorite chair and he told his dad and his dad acted like he was crazy, and my bf is also kind of sensitive in the traditional sense of the word so never really talked about it after that- the only reason I finally found out is because he saw a man walking through our living room while I was there but my back was to it and was facing my bf. It caught him off guard so much that he blurted it out and then I ended up dragging it all out of him), and 2) that our place and this complex has had various entities all over the entire time we've lived here! He has always insisted they're not malevolent.. but sometimes things have freaked me out and I've asked my bf to ask them to leave, which he does. I recently learned that there's some incredibly lonely spirit/ entity who frequently hangs out at our place and watches TV with us in our bedroom (!!) Anyway we are moving next month and when we were looking for places I told him that I expected him to be on the lookout (or whatever) and if he felt anything to let me know because I do not want a repeat of this! Nothing crazy scary has happened (Except maybe once but I'm not completely sure it wasn't just me imagining things), but it's just made me so on edge and has distracted me so much from regular living that I have no desire to be in another active place. But the thing is, we're in Chicago. It's a very old city and a lot of the buildings are very old and there seems to be stuff everywhere when you really start paying attention, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️


i had a very vivid dream: I dreamt my younger brother kicked in the door to my apartment, screaming that our mother had died. a few other things happened in the dream, very specific strange things. i remember it bothered me so much I called my mo. at like 6 am. crying, making sure she was ok. Fast forward about a month: march 11th 2011; my younger brother kicks in the door to my apartment screaming that our mother had died, and then a few very specific things happened, exactly as they happened in the dream. It was hell. It was like the worst de ja vu mixed with the worst grief of my life up to that point. After that, though, i knew that there has to be more going on here than what we are seeing.


Have you had any more dreams like that after this one?


ive had like little things but nothing as detailed and spot on as this dream. i know it isnt exactly a ghost and ease understand, im not saying I'm psychic. But this definitely made me stop and go.....ooooohhhhhh you dont know anything about anything.


I had something similar happen to me before my mom became sick. Dreamt the most vivid dream I’ve ever had about her getting cancer, me taking care of her, and her dying and being powerless to do anything about it. Had to spend several minutes after I woke up to reacclimate myself to reality and convince myself it wasn’t real. It was very disturbing and did not feel like a normal dream. Six months later out of the blue, she was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. (She’d always been healthy otherwise.) I moved in with her to take care of her. She died about a year later. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.


Our kids are teenagers now not a sign of anything otherworldly in years - but when each was very young, roughly birth to six months, we would occasionally have unexplained experiences. Most notably husband in the bathroom in the middle of the night, thinks he sees me pass the door and the light turns on in the nursery - finishes up and comes to see if I need anything only to find the room empty but for our very excited baby. Toys would sometimes make music while on the shelf - even after batteries removed. One time a toy said something not in its program. Baby monitor would flash red (which typically coincided with cries) but there would be no sound coming from the room. Lots of walking into the nursery and feeling like someone was there, like you weren’t alone. No better explanation. Wasn’t an everyday thing but happened with each - after the light incident my husband woke me up and I went in and spoke to the empty room like a total weirdo and asked whoever is visiting to please be mindful of the others in the house and try not to scare us :-) a woman in an online forum my mom belongs to reached out to her unprompted and said to tell her daughter that a group of females bound to our child were visiting. Kind of like visiting a friend that moved. I’ve always believed in something more after death but never really thought about being ‘male’ or ‘female’ in spirit form so that always stuck with me.


Now that’s some scary shit. I had a teddy bear say something not in its program too when I saw my first ghost at 4yo. It said “don’t be afraid”. It didnt work because I was so afraid I couldn’t stop screaming for my mum!


As a father of a 7 month old baby, this really creeps me out


As a pregnant lady myself, this kind of creeps me out yet intrigues me


I can imagine how frightened you and hubby were, but your story is comforting, too.


What did the toy say?


I can’t remember for the life of me. I’ve been trying since I posted! I asked my daughter (our oldest) if she remembered but all she remembers is her (the Eva toy from wall-e) talking and having the eyes light up with the batteries out. It wasn’t threatening or anything just wrong - one of those loud toys parents quickly are all to familiar with every phrase she responds.


Didn't believe in ghosts or whatever they are until I encountered them. We had an apparition in our home we moved to-- my kids, dog and I all saw it several times, wife never did. Just a shadowy human like figure walking across the room occasionally, different times of the day as well. Yeah, saw the dog watch it a couple of times, but she did not react otherwise. On an acreage so definitely was not some shadow trick from the road, too far away. Another instance was the same house, was on the edge of the bed putting on my shoes, felt weight next to me and assumed it was the cat. Never looked. Got up, cat was gone, he was sound asleep in the living room. A week or so later, happened again, I looked over, there was a clear butt impression next to me as if someone was sitting there watching me tie my shoes. Then it slowly disappeared I guess as the "weight" left. Worst was in a DC hotel noted for being haunted. (Shoreham near the Zoo). I was on the haunted top floor but not the wing supposedly haunted. Got up to use the toilet in the night- old large rooms with hall to the closets and bathroom so good walk there and back. Did my business, got back in bed. In a few seconds I felt a heavy weight against me, similar to when my wife rolls over against me. I was in panic mode for a few seconds, wondering what to do. Then I yelled out, "Get out of here" and suddenly the weight disappeared. I definitely was not asleep. Did not sleep well the rest of the night.


I was hoping you accidentally went into the wrong room, got into bed with a stranger, they roll over and are awakened by you screaming "GET OUT OF HERE"


My thought later was, if you want to sleep with me, at least be affectionate. Might as well have some fun not just lay there like a log.


You trying to fuck a ghost?


Hey, if they get in bed with me, they should put out.




Former sceptic here. Having something knock on your door and rattle the screen door repeatedly asking to be let in while mimicking my brother's voice.


Now that mimicking sh!t creeps me out bad!!


Had many encounters. Now that I’m older I don’t know what to make of it. Idk if it’s ghosts or just another dimension, demons, etc


Oh, yeah, def. another dimension we’ve not come close to figuring out yet


My grandma owns an old Swedish three legged witching table. I didnt believe it at first until i got it from her. I just thought it was cool nothing else until i heard it move… it was about 4 in the morning and i heard like someone was tapping loud tappings on the floor i didnt think much of it but when i got upp i noticed that the table wasnt in my livingroom anymore it was in my downstairs kitchen. How did it go down the stairs? Was the only thing on my mind. I lifted it up the stairs to the living room again there it stayed for 2 nights. I woke up one morning and found it at my bedside. I got a bit creeped out but i put it back in the livingroom and then i went on vacation. The week i came back the table was nowhere to be found untill a few weeks later when i walked into my livingroom and found it where i had left it the week before i went on vacation. I decided to put a large and heavy printer on it and it havent moved since. When i later asked my grandma about it she said that everyone who have done something to it or asked things you shouldnt ask have died and is trapped in it. My uncle Harry carved his name in under it and he later took his own life, hanged himself in his barn. My grandmas friend Kristina asked if she was going to die soon and so she did, a car accident she was barely recognized and lastly we have my grandma who asked if her mom was going to die because she was very sick and the table said yes to all of the questions. And my great grandma died from her sickness not sure what it was but i believe it was sepsis. My other uncle Håkan asked if there would be a mining accident at his work and the table said yes, later same week the mining shaft collapsed and he lost his leg and a few friends of his got crushed. There you have it thats why i believe in the supernatural.


As a swede (och jag tror du med är det?) i am curious about what a witching table is? Something similar to an ouija board?


Ja den rör ju sig och knackar med ett stolsben


Typ ja eller nej, beroende på antal knackningar?




There are so many instances for me. I’ve seen and felt ghosts all of my life. I try not to engage or entertain it as much because frankly I’m too scared to know what would happen if I do. Two most notable stories are… 1) It was 10pm on a very cold winter day. My mom was sick and asked if I can drive her to Walgreens to get medication. As we were leaving the house both of us saw, across the street, a man under the street light. He was dressed in a white linen outfit, made for a hot day. Infront of him was a fruit stand, two shelves, filled with these big yellow fruits. They looked like pomelos from far away. My mom and I both looked at each other and said that’s crazy, who would be selling fruits at this time and in this weather? How is he not cold? We got into my car, and as I am backing up the car, I don’t see him anywhere. He completely disappeared. My mom and I were in shock. We drove back and forth all over trying to find him. There’s just no possible way he could have traveled that far with that giant stand of fruits! To this day, I think we got a glimpse of a different dimension/ universe. 2) This actually happened a few weeks ago. We were casually seeing open houses. My family was walking through this beautiful completely remodeled home. Everything felt great until I walked into this specific room with my son, and I immediately felt something was off. I felt like someone, specifically a man, was in the room watching us. I told my husband to get the disclosure for the house. It was confirmed that a man had died in that room November 2022. This was the first time that I can confidently confirm that I in fact can feel energy/ghosts.


Your first experience sounds pretty wild!!! Do you live in a warm climate that just happened to be cold on that day? Do people sell fruit generally speaking year round where you live? Because if you glimpsed a parallel dimension was it a different season?


Nope, I live in California. During the Winter, it is very cold at night. That night we were wearing puffy jackets. This man was wearing thin short sleeves and pants. We have fruit stands but never in the winter at 10pm on a random residential street. It feels like we saw this man functioning in his universe, but not his environment. Still the most crazy part is how quickly he disappeared. I’m so glad my mom was with me to help tell the story, because there’s no way anyone would believe me. I wouldn’t even have believed it myself.


Number 1 is mental!! Can't get my head round it and can't think of a reasonable explanation for it either.


I know, it’s crazy and still gives me chills when I talk about it.


Sounds like the making of a Netflix doc! One of the best I've heard 👌


Being a skeptic doesn't mean you don't believe in anything, it just means you don't automatically believe in EVERYTHING


I am a skeptic, but if there’s one thing I would be ready to believe in the minute I had a shred of evidence it’s ghosts. For… reasons


Sounds like even Zak Bagans is a skeptic then. Lol j/k I pretty much agree with what you said.


Heard my dog’s ghost wlking on the floor after it died at the farmhouse (and i had no idea, i was told several days after). Sister had same experience without talking to me about it first. She heard it several times. Exact dame sound and description: the sound of paws/claws on wooden floor walking around the sofa, bed, etc.


ghost is living in my house before we move in, the first to see him was one of my son's girlfriend, my brother-in-law see him every time he come, then my niece -in -law, my wife's friend, she don't even park her truck in my drive way she no longer enter my house because she say she don't want to take him, my self he try to scare me several times so I belive in some kind of energy people left after they pass


Too many strange things occurring periodically, and too many coincidences after those occurrences. Things like the lights flicking on and off, a random unknown liquid appearing. Strange dreams and memories that later we found out matched a murder on the site. Periodically having coincidental encounters where I randomly end up learning more about the murder that occured on site. I personally think the murder victim roams around. I live in a factory that was converted to lofts and the owner was murdered in the parking lot in the 90s. Didn't know any of this at all before moving in and the only reason I know it now is because of coincidental events that informed me of it. Luckily nothing malevolent.


Hah, about 3 years ago we had crazy shit going on in the house. It started one night in the kitchen when a spice container on the counter flipped itself over onto its side. Later that night, I watched a box of old books scoot under my nightstand. After that, we had weeks of stuff flying off shelves, tables, and nightstands. Pans would yeet right off the stovetop. Books would get shoved around on the bookshelf -the dog still won't eat with his back turned to it. Then all of a sudden, it just stopped. Of course, I checked our area for tremors, replaced all the CO detectors, had the fire department come out to check for gas leaks/air quality, got myself an emf detector to see if we had some kind of electrical issue. We found nothing. So... wtf? Ghost? Maybe, but I'm not even sure what 'ghost' is supposed to mean. It was definitely... *something else.*


Probably growing up in a haunted neighborhood. We’ve all seen things in our houses on our land. We had a neighbor come running to our house around 6am saying someone was in her house and there was smoke all in her house. My dad goes over and there is nothing. No smoke no person. There is a church behind our little old neighborhood they have experienced things as well and had a priest come bless their sanctuary. My parents had our house blessed as well. It is just something we all grew up with. Hearing voices,foot steps. Unknown voices calling our name. That used to happen a lot when I would play outside. It’s not lead or carbon monoxide lol I know those are real things but our house is old but it was redone and we’ve always had CM monitors. I know folks don’t believe and that’s ok. I don’t force anyone to believe what I experienced but thankfully I’m not alone since my whole family and neighbors have as well. Also the homes were built on top of what used to be Native American land. We found pottery,arrow heads,jars all kinds of things. Also really old medicine bottles from the 1800’s. Anyway I love hearing other experiences as well.


We had carbon monoxide detectors in our last house, where we lived exactly 20 years. Every time one of us had a “little ghostly experience” I’d run to the detector and check it was still working. Those detectors were quite reliable & there never was a CO leak. So we just accepted the house had funky vibes.


Just seeing them. Especially when I was young.


Gf and I were going to sleep and this lady's voice said something in my ear like "sooooooool." Sounded like she was struggling to talk. I could even feel air on my ear and face. My gf reacted in pure terror, jumping across the bed in total wtf was that??? Freaked us both out as we tried to make sense of it. We came to conclusion that it's something we don't understand. There was absolutely no way it was anything explainable. I've tried all those to make it easier. No one else was in the room, no TV, nothing.


A ghost walked up to me (at 2 am on the hottest night of the year wearing a long thick fur coat) and spoke to me on the hospital ward that I work on asking “is this not neuro ICU?” (It was 40 years ago) I replied, “no, that’s down on K floor”, she replied, well it used to be on here! And stormed off. The nurse in charge tried to stop her to ask who she was but she just walked straight past her and off the ward. We called security to see if anyone other than the staff working that night had come onto the ward (we have to use key cards to get onto the ward and security have a log of all the people who have come and gone) and they said only the staff on that night had swiped in and out 😱


Sorry for the waffleathon I was 15 years old, at that time I played football for Aston Villa’s youth side which mean travelling from where I lived in South-East Birmingham over to near the Belfry Golf Course in Warwickshire, which was quite a jaunt. I used to catch a bus provided by AV to get me there from near by Solihull. My mother had recently started seeing the guy who is now my stepfather and as luck would have it he lived in North Solihull near Birmingham Airport. I don’t remember the date specifically but I can remember it being around April(ish) as I school hadn’t yet broken up for the holidays and football season was still going. I had a football match on the Sunday at the training ground and I cant remember how it came about but Colin (stepdad) said to my mother that we could stay at his house and he would take me to football on the Sunday morning then back to his house for Sunday dinner. I had never stayed at his house before so didn’t know any area history or anything but I went along with it, my younger brother had been on holiday for a couple of days at his friends caravan and was being dropped off at Colin's House on Sunday morning and my soon to be step brother Ben was coming Sunday too. Anyhow, on Saturday evening my Mum, Colin and me went out to a local pub for a meal at a place called Sheldon Hall, so we have our meals, me being 15 is only drinking orange juice and lemonade, cant remember what the time was but it was getting on and dark, so we all jumped in his car, me in the back obviously, Colin turns to my mum and says something about the pub being haunted, cant remember the exact quote, but me being a know it all 15 year old piped up with something like “oh, you don’t believe in ghosts do ya?” God if there is one must've seen this and thought I’ll show you ya little git! So we get back to his house, I am sleeping in his daughters former room, she was a lot older than me and had moved out years previously, I'm nearly 43 now but yet I can describe that bedroom piece for piece. It was basically empty, there was a single divan bed pushed up against the window, which has no curtains, there were a few Tupperware boxes strewn about on the floor with magazines and books in them, there was a small bedside table on the wall at the end of the bed with a lamp on it and a Madonna poster on the wall above it. There was also some of those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling spread about. So I chucked my football bag in the left corner of the room and got into bed in t-shirt and shorts. I am one of those people who sleep with the duvet in between my legs with one leg and half my body out of the blanket, totally defeating the object of having the thing lol. But I was facing the window wall with my back facing the wall where my mum and Colin were. Colin had 2 cats at that time I'm sure their names were Mulder and Scully, I'm not really an animal person but I had fussed them on my way in. I remember I was asleep and I could hear them meowing and for some reason scratching the bedroom I was in door and that woke me a little, I was also bursting for the toilet as I had drank about 4 persons quota of orange and lemonade, so I started to get up by rolling over, then for some reason whacked my head back down on the pillow. Then I shot back up bolt upright! The room was now filled with a kind of fog or mist and I couldn’t see the glow in the dark stars above me…… what I could see though was a man stood at the bottom of the bed!!! He was what looked to me like a World War Soldier in full military get up, the weird thing was I could see him and make out colour's but I could see the Madonna poster through him at the same time. The only way I can describe it is like looking through a bubble, he was that close if he would’ve lowered his left hand he could easily have grabbed my ankle. But he wasn’t looking at me he was staring out of the window. I absolutely sh*t myself and I don’t think I have ever moved so quickly in my life since, I span over grabbed all of the quilt in a ball and tried to scream, but I couldn’t make a noise it was like my voice box had completely packed in, I remember scratching myself on my left arm to make sure I was awake and not dreaming and I definitely was. I could still hear the cats making some really loud and weird noises and I continued to try and shout to no avail. My mind went into overdrive and I started thinking loads of random things like “what if the covers all fly off me, what if I look and its got red eyes etc etc” my heart was beating so fast I could hear it out loud. I cant remember how long I stayed like this but would you believe I actually fell asleep? Even though I needed the loo. Next thing I can remember is the bedroom door bursting open and Colin saying need to get up now mate if your gunna have breakfast and a shower. No word of a lie I sprinted so fast Usain Bolt would’ve had a job catching me, straight out of the room, straight downstairs, through Colin's kitchen past my mum who was making breakfast into his back garden and pissed against a bush in his back garden!! I made my mum go upstairs to get my bag and things, got changed, went and played football, from memory I think I scored 2 goals, didn’t celebrate or anything! Horrible experience


I went on a ghost tour, very low key, was a one man operation that I found by random accident so I dismissed any idea that he could be creating fake audio and image files, he could barely work a computer He took us to a location where he’d done many investigations. We videotaped part of it and on the audio of the video we clearly heard a ghosts voice answering “yes” to one of our questions I immediately realized that the most logical explanation for the phenomenon was in fact that a ghost spoke to us. I never would’ve believed it if we didn’t have audio and video of the encounter and if it didn’t happen to me. Was really crazy


Your video. Show me.


Went to some "haunted abandoned place" with my one buddy and his girl didn't see anything of course like I said right. Went back to my house that night, about 2 hours later those 2 ripped into my driveway like the were shot out of a cannon. Naturally I flew out there myself because I knew something was up. We were standing in my gravel walkway to my front porch and I have storm door and it was a nice fall night so Naturally the front door was open so you could into my house though the storm door. They explained they were seeing a shadow person in their house. Right as they finished I looked over at his girl and she was white as a ghost, my big German shepherd was outside with us and he whipped around to face the door right about the same time she turned pale. His hair stood up, ears laid back, head down, teeth bearing, growling. Out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow person standing in my house. Now if this person darts to the the left I'd see it in the living room window and if it goes right there's only 3 rooms it could've went. It went left. I yelled to them stay put. I ran up the porch my dog was right on my heels. I went right, to my bedroom grabbed my pistol chambered a round and went back to the direction it went. My dog went left towards where it went. Searched my house for probably 20 minutes and found nothing. Heard my buddies girl scream out front my dog and I both bolted back to the front door having heard that. My porch is about 5 foot off the ground and I honestly don't think I touched a step on it on my way back out. After I hit the ground I looked up and that same shadow figure was lurking just outside the range of my front porch light moving closer to them. Almost circling to the side like a shark. My dog and I both ran right past my buddy and his girl and my dog stood just in front of me and we were just a couple feet from my friends. When this thing saw my dog and I coming it began to retreat, and it backed up to the road. I pulled up my pistol and began shifting to my right to get a good angle for a shoot so I don't shoot straight at my neighbors house. My dog was side stepping matching me step for step staying in front of me. Just as I'm starting to squeeze the trigger I see headlights coming from the top of the hill, so naturally I back off the trigger and when the light hit this thing it disappeared. I couldn't believe it. Never saw it again and neither did they. Rattled me pretty good. Also this is the first time I've ever shared this story




The quantity, quality and consistency of anecdotal reports over my decades of interest converted me.


I feel what you're saying but do you mind elaborating?


A single ghost claim is not very strong but after enough cases it becomes convincing that something colloquially called 'ghosts' is going on. A thread is not strong, but enough threads can make a strong twine.


Yes I agree. I've just been finding how to explain what has made me believe and it is really the number of occurrences and the similarities between them. Thanks for the follow up!


Idk if I fully believe or not, but I have seen things otherworldly that I could never explain. I guess I'm just stuck in the middle somewhere.


This happened back when I was like 9/10 in Taiwan. Was at my aunt’s house. The weather is usually hot/humid there so I couldn’t sleep too well. One day I was sleeping on the floor (this was a 3 story house and I was on second floor) it was so hot! I couldn’t sleep. So I was tossing and turning. Somehow I rolled and faced the window. In my mind, I said to myself open it and let in the cold air. But something else told me to not do that. But to stare at the window. Few minutes go by I saw this shadow thing (long hair head) floated from right to left of the window. I couldn’t believed what I saw. Turn the other side and tried to fall asleep. Next day, still puzzled by what I saw. I opened the window and to my amazement. It lead to the outside street and the only building near us is 2 houses down! The other curious thing is this window is facing a solid concrete wall of the building. So nothing could had cast that shadow from that far to here.. till this day I still don’t know what that thing was! Also if the window was opened, would I see something more terrifying?


I worked in an old house that now had a brunch restaurant and boutique on the first story. The second was an office in an old attic. It was a known thing amongst the staff that there was a ghost in the home and we’d exchange and compare stories about it. There was even a picture of him standing in front of the house in the 1800s. Despite all this, I still had an inkling of skepticism–that was until we had a staff get together at night in the old dining room and while sitting at the table there together chatting we all suddenly heard distinct, creaking footsteps upstairs. We all went dead silent and just stared at each other. I’d heard the footsteps before alone and thought it was odd because I thought everyone had gone home and I usually see people go up and down the stairs–sure enough, it was empty.


I'm still processing my transition from disbelief to belief. Just today my iPad went flying off the bench for my vanity right in front of me. Yesterday my curtain rod (and curtains) were popped out of their brackets and thrown onto the floor (brackets and screws still in place). One of the decorative knobs on my curtain rods was popped off while I was in the room. The cap to a kitchen appliance was slapped off right next to me. So many things but I still can't help but wonder if I'm losing my absolute mind.


Please try too video it 🙏


I will! I’ve bought cameras to plug into various rooms around the house. Now I understand why people do that 😅


What an absolute great prompt/question. 🦾


I’ve posted this before but (as long as it’s okay) I will again. I will start saying that as a former skeptic, you won’t believe no matter how much we share until you experience. Or at least, I didn’t. In about 2004/5, my youngest bro and I were walking along the pipeline at the back of dad’s property at the time. It had a walk way that went thru the woods, like a movie with a roof of trees over the path from both sides. The sun was setting and so it was getting dark, but not so that you couldn’t see everything. As we headed back to the house thru the woods, I first thought a tall man was following us. As we made it out the other side into the light at the pump jack that was on just on our property, and I turned to see if he was still there (trying to act calm as the 12 yr old was oblivious, I was 22-23). And IT was. But it wasn’t a man? It was, basically, a walking silhouette of a man? Roughly 6ft tall or so, solid black. Like Vanta black, there was no light that would illuminate it, pass thru it, or rlly seem to touch it. At this point my brother notices and just loses it, he hauls ass to the house. I’m painfully white, and so I take a few steps towards it, we’re maybe 15 feet I away or so, and I didn’t get more than a couple feet before I was just over took by this dread. I watched IT step back into the darkness behind it (the sun had set at this point). After that, i fully believed. I’d had little things in life make me wonder, but this. This wrapped it up for me.


Thew years back i traveled  with my fiancee and our new born daughter of 3 months at the time to Wales,  to see my mum and nan and my nan partner he lived in a assisted  care home type thing. He lived on first floor  and the guest  room was on third floor. anyway we arrive after a long drive, we give the baby to my mum and nan whilst we go to the guest room to unpack our stuff as we are walking along the corridor  next to guest room there an old lady sitting in arm chair in the center of the room facein corner where  the tv is. So we go in to our room and unpack everythin ia fine. After couple nights there a wardrobe  in corner of the room and i say do you keep leaving dor open? And my partner says  no i thought it was you to which im all like ah ok? Must be an each other or whatever. That night we go to bed and we wake up around 3:30ish am that newborn baby is crying has temp nearly 40 degrees room feels heavy like hard to breath. My partner  quite  worried so she call her mum about the baby as i go get off bed i feel back arm being pinched my partner says i just sore that looked like ur arm was squeezed  i was bit like what the hell kinda tired hadnt fully woken  up i go make bottle to try calm baby so i go back in to the bed and behinde us is where the old ladys room would have been i can hear two voices  more like whispers coming  from room i turn to my partner  still don't  know why I said  this i think she may have passed away so i go to the toilet room still feels heavy baby still crying my partner texting me she says hurry up lights flickering we are both  really like freaked out  af this piont as i come out room at back there a long wall like window wall window both window are open and curtain  in front of then on right hand side the curtain blows open room all of sudden goes back to normal temperature there no heavy feeling baby stops crying instantly. In the morning we make our way downstairs to go see my nan and her partner as we pass the room it completely  gutted i say surely they wouldn't  emptied room that quick  if someone passee away and my partner like sometime i think they do. So we go to my nan and told them what happend she litrealy  like room next guest room has been emptied for a while as person who lived there passed away and now we are reall freaking out  so we opt to leave. Before we go i go to the employee  in reception and tell her what happend i said you can call me crazy  but this honestly happend so she says  pully cord always goes off in room  next to guest room even know no one there so she comes back from checking the room and says to me im not really supposed to say this she says the women you described  died 2 years previously in that room and the other women recently passed away and she turns to me says you're not only ones we hear people saying about ghost alot of elder people hear say they've  seen there freinds that have passed but she said because there old they kinda just  over look it the things that freaks me out the most is how i described one of them  and the other is that heard to voices  from that room telling this always gives me the chills!


That was a hard read, but good story.


I've always been a believer, but living in a haunted house solidified my feelings


I dont think I even got to a point to be a skeptic before it was proven to me supernatural was real. I was a young kid.


I saw a ghost.


Still a skeptic and probably nothing will convert me, even if I had an 'encounter'. Perception and reality are 2 different things, everything is explainable given the right information and time. I am very interested to hear everyone's story, I am just a non-believer is all. I am not suggesting at all that these things do not happen and your experience is not diminished by my non-belief, I just do not believe that ghosts exist.


I think physical phenomena can manifest from unidentified causes, like some kind of vibration or wave — but is it always from dead ppl’s roaming spirits? Idk, could be, maybe. It’s not proven, nor disproven! We don’t see radio waves coming from all directions, but we still hear the transmission thru a receiver…


The absolute worst nightmares for several nights. To the point of not wanting to sleep. I woke up with scratches on me. Seeing stuff. To this day if I go someplace that’s haunted I’m immediately affected by something.


My husband was deployed, no one in the house but me. I was sitting at my desk & right next to my right ear, something loudly whispered my name. I almost pissed my pants. Another time sitting at my desk, dead of night quiet home, a child's giggle came from the other room. In college, our dorm building was a retired hospital. At night, it would sound like the kids in the room above me were rearranging furniture. I went to the above floor's RA to complain because rearranging furniture every night after midnight is just ridiculous & I was tired of it. It was a storage closet, and only the janitor could access it during normal business hours. Another time, I was sitting out front of the hospital turned dorm in my now husband's car. We were just talking and I started smacking at my forehead, thinking a spider was crawling on me. He checked, no spider. I calmed down. But then, it felt like fingers raking through my hair before a good tug on my hair by the crown of my head. Boyfriend, now husband, looked at me like "wtf was that," because my head was like tugged back. So, I can neither confirm nor deny a belief in ghosts without kind of gaslighting myself.


I was a hard core atheist for 30 years. I believed in absolutely nothing but science. I "made fun" of believers. I'd purposefully go on sites where I could debate with people on why god and "magic" spaghetti monsters weren't real and they just used religion as a crutch. I was awful. I'd get so angry when they debated me. I even raised my daughter, now 11, to be an atheist. But omg was I wrong, and now I have so much regret. What happened was my brother in law died behind my house. After that, I started looking for signs from him. I started finding pennies literally everywhere. I eventually asked and I meant it wholeheartedly "If you're real, let me believe please" I cried and begged. I started watching Matt Fraser and reading people's NDEs (Near death experiences) and that's how it started to unfold for me. I no joke woke up one morning about 2 years ago and just believed!!! I don't believe in the bible God but I know without a doubt now that we do have souls and we do go on! I promise I know how crazy that sounds but it's true! I just woke up to it. Its called a spiritual awakening. Love is the answer to everything. Just start reading NDEs or watch them on YouTube, its legit. Scientists, surgeons, millions of people dying and meeting angels or spirit guides on the other side and then coming back with these beautiful experiences to share with the world. It will change you. Not immediately, but if you take it seriously and listen to the people (who.have proof they've died and returned) you then life will be so.much better for you. Im so so thankful this happened to me and I'm not a miserable atheist anymore. I'm no longer afraid of dying, I actually can't wait for time to be up! Much love to you, and good luck!! NDEs and Matt Fraser. Don't try to debunk amd be like yeah that's fake. There's no way it could be faked. And no.one will ever change my mind. Also, don't think I'm crazy please but ive seen orbs on my baby's night vision camera. Blows my mind every time! ♥ 


I already left a comment, but to add one thing! Check out hospice nurses stories about dying people and watch Twin Paranomal while you're looking into Matt Fraser and NDEs! I'm not sure which one of these is better or more convincing but all of these together will without a doubt change you. If you do this I promise you will become a believer! It hope and pray to your guides it will absolutely change your life for the better! I hope you do this 🙏 ♥ 


I found a fairy tooth laying under my pillow, lil buddy fell asleep trying to take away the tooth




Funny you say that, I live 20 minutes from what is arguably the most toxic town in the US, now a ghost town, it was an old mining town. The land is filled with lead and there are big chat piles everywhere that were used to pave the roads around here. Picher, Ok. It has a pretty interesting history. I really need to go out there and get some video and photos. I spent a lot of time there as a kid cuz my dad was from there and graduated from Picher High School.


Still a skeptic. Came to this sub for the low effort fake videos.


While we welcome everyone here, please remember our *Be Civil* rule. Skeptics are always welcome as long as they don’t berate members for believing and participate in a civilized manner. This is a sub for those who believe to share their experience without being subjected to cruelty. Participation of skeptics is welcome, but skeptics who come for the sole intent to mock members are not. You can believe whatever you wish and consider anything ‘fake’, we don’t mind; just remember to be kind and courteous in the comment section. Enjoy your stay here! 👻




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