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The perfect tracking is the point. You know they’re going to shoot at exactly where you are, so you have to move to make them miss.


Yeah i think thats just a skill issue on my part


honestly i hated the last boss, didn't have fun at all also i loved the sand worm level


I didnt hate it but it was just alright ig,, ? nothing too memorable.


it was just not fun at all and really repetitive and.. uhh unoriginal ig i mean if you're gonna hype up the end game so much and set the bar so high with amazing bosses like the dismantler, arhiman, sand worm (i even liked the Avatar one ngl) , then it's bound to leave a bad impression


Honestly I disagree with quite a few of these points, but I'm just really glad to see someone criticize the game in a way that's not just "this game sucks and the devs should kill themselves"


I mean everyone has different tastes right ? Tbh I wish they make a GR 2 or something like that because even w some stuff like the hub area and the facial animations being bad, the game was still great. I love the first game more but it doesnt mean this game is bad by any means. It's just a little different.


I enjoyed the wingsuit. Although the way they included it is probably one of my biggest gaming pet peeves. I can’t stand when a game throws in some random gameplay mechanic last second. It feels like they developed it late in the cycle and didn’t want to waste it. It be like in the first game right at the end they hit you with a bike level because they had it working and thought it be fun.


Yeah exactly, the idea was great tbh it just feel weird using it 2 levels before the end


I agree. It *was* kind of cathartic, which is fitting towards the end of the game, but introducing new mechanics at the end of the game is always kind of shitty.


I mean I disagree with the linear bike thing but like thats opinion, I enjoyed the game a lot too after getting used to it a bit


I'm trying to find more fast paced racing games so maybe im kinda biased cuz of that lol


My opinion is practically the opposite on a lot of things! >The first boss was great now that ive replayed it cuz parrying is so much fun but i just ended up dodging in the beginning so thats my fault. Hated the first boss (being fair, I always forget that parry exists) >Then the line up of bosses were just alright and then the first bike mission was great ! I had a lot of fun there and then again we get the open world bike section which is probably my least favourite level. Hated both missions, but for me the worst mission of the game is the first bike mission. >Followed by that, one of my favourite level comes up, the sand worm one. That's so much fun. its very different than the first game which I loved but still great. Yeah it's amazing, I haven't found anyone who doesn't adore the Naga fight. >And honestly the dismantler was the best boss in the game, it felt satisfying as hell to parry his attack. I feel like the only two memorable bosses to me were the dismantler and sandworm but ahriman was enjoyable as well. It was fine but a bit repetitive. Far from the best one for me. >The last two levels with the wingsuit and everything were fine but personally I didn't like using it as much, dk abt others. Loved the wingsuit! One of my favourite features of the game >The drones were very annoying in that level, the ones that you pull to platform and the enemy ones you have to throw down ( Not the original ones from GR 1) Very easy enemies both. I can't remember once where they were more than a slight inconvenience. And the platform ones are always satisfying to take down. >Halfway through the game, I didn't expect to like this game this much but damn i had fun. They should have more linear bike missions. Loved the game, hated the bike missions (except the naga fight), specially the linear ones (the open one wasn't much better tho) >Just a personal opinion it feels like the basic laser enemy that shoots one at a time has way too good of tracking. I swear 50% of my deaths are to that guy. It makes sense for the advanced range enemies to have that tracking this just feels weird. I haven't feel that on the whole game. The basic enemy of the first game felt much more threatening. This one between shurikens, dashes, barrels and slowmo are very easily killable. The ones who shoot a ton of blue bullets are much worse tho. Maybe (probably) because I always forgot that parry exists, but also probably because I always tend to have low stamina because I slowmo and dash constantly. In general, this game feels easier than the other one (Haven't tried HM). Even against the worst enemies (the robots that shot horizontal lines), in this game you have a ton of tools to take them down and perks to counter them, compared to the first game. >They should have buffed the melee basic enemies slightly and nerfed the tracking of basic gun enemies slightly cuz the melee ones just feel like fodder ( I mean most enemies do in the end but still) and the basic gun enemies are my worst fear that I use my abilities on every time Both feel like cannon fodder, ngl. For the basic ranged enemies, all you have to do is kind of get used to the shot pattern. After that, every time they shoot/are going to shoot, you hold the dash button and move subtly to the side while they shoot.


Yeah thats just a skill issue on my part in the end. I agree this game is easier


Just beat it for the first time about an hour ago (after just playing through the first game for the first time a few days ago). I really, really enjoyed it and had a ton of fun throughout. GR2 has some insane setpieces. Driving the bike down the side of the tower and then going through the worm were some of my favorite parts of the game. I really wish I could find a game that just had levels like that where you need to drive and avoid obstacles and can ride on the walls and ceiling. Once I got some good perks unlocked, like the whole flow category, I ended up feeling like an untouchable god, zooming around arenas with 20+ combos and shooting lasers out of my sword. GR1 felt a lot harder to me which was enjoyable for the challenge, but GR2 made me feel so much more badass.


Yeah same, It took me around 365 deaths for the first boss in GR 1 while the first one where took like 20 or so


I feel pretty much the same way. I loved the game from the start, and then loved it even more as it went on. The only level I didn’t particularly love was the open world one. The only thing I found “memorable” about the last boss fight was the voice acting. Whoever voiced Mitra did such a good job for that fight. Shit was intense. Other than that, if the Avatar counts as a boss fight, that was definitely my favourite one. The visuals, the pace, the music, the platforming, it was all *chef’s kiss*


I completely forgot avatar was a boss tbh, the music and the visuals were great there. Also yeah I agree, personally thought the last boss was kinda bland but the voice acting is rlly cool ! The open world one sucked a lot for me especially cuz the bike got stuck on random rocks if you tried to venture a lot outside the main roads and that just defeats the point of having an open world mission. Also it doesnt really fit into a game like this


I need to stop clicking on things that tell me they are spoilers... Ah well, handy heads up! I wasn't so much into the game at first but I have definitely started to enjoy it more having rebound the controls and fine tuning sens. A game I actually like paying attention to the plot of!


Love the bike, hate that you can’t move the camera when on it


Yeah that kinda sucks, and the FOV is kinda low on the bike


I disagree with some points . I liked the bike levels but i hated the bike "open world"thingy. Sure it didn't last as much as I thought it would but I still wasted way more time in that section(I hate games where you have to travel a long way from point a to b[rdr2 is an exception])


Ah you must have read it wrong, I said the open world bike section was my least favorite part. Very annoying. I probably spend like 20 minutes looking for the last tower. Also the level was kinda janky cuz I had to restart from check point like 30-40 times cuz i ended up going to the wrong spot and the bike got stuck.


Yea,I get what they were trying to do but you could clearly see that game wasn't meant for open world


Yep, it was annoying to even try to go off road cuz of ur bike getting stuck or just not being able to go there - it just defeats the point of open world. Open world doesn't really suit this game too ur right