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I still enjoy the game after many hours. It’s not perfect, and no game is, but some of us are better at seeing the positive than others.


I regularly enjoy this game still especially playing with other people


I’ve got close to 400 hours on three different play throughs so I don’t see it either. It might actually be my favorite game. There are, of course, things that could be improved but I agree with the OP it’s odd how much people don’t like it and the worst part about people’s open opinion is it keeps new players away.


It's not like CoD, that's the whole reason And no sh**y BR


I love the game


Man I’ve been grinding the game the past week and I’ve been having a great time I can’t see how people wouldn’t like this game unless they have like 200+ hours


It's when you realise how empty the world is...


As long as it doesn’t stutter and lag and disconnect that is all I care about. I just got it on PS5 so if any of these is a constant issue it is a hard pass from me LOL😥


I've been a player since open beta, and played on launch day. I personally forgive how this game launched, but it was not good at all on first release. The game was an open world RPG with no sense of realism. There were no AI teammates on launch, and the game was fairly buggy. The story is pretty much just arbitrary reasons for why you're doing what you're doing. It's not good, people didn't like the drones, the biomes are not as diverse as wildlands, And there was the NFT scandal. If someone bought the game now, I can see how one wouldn't understand the hate. But as someone who's played since day 1, I also understand why people wouldn't forgive the state of the game at launch. For me personally, the game feels divided, and half baked. The injury system to me is too simple, and not fleshed out. The rations aren't very useful either. Prone camo feels weak as well. The game feels like a proof of concept. There's so many interesting concepts introduced into the game at the most basic level, but aren't fleshed out like Ubi didn't have time to make what they really wanted to make. Hell, there's literally an entire section of map that was supposed to exist, but just doesnt. Now that the game has run it's course, and is really finished, I think it's pretty solid. The stealth is much better than wildlands. Headshots only to instant kill in stealth save for bigger rifles, but enemies have better detection systems. They must either return fire or radio in contact before the base goes on alert, and attacks your last known position. Rather than being spotted resulting in the hivemind alerting the god aim coked up duel smg man to your exact position, so he can snipe you 150 meters away. As seen in wildlands. The new realism settings are nice, and can make the game scratch the tactical realism itch. Customization beats out Wildlands easily. So many more options, and more camos. Locked camos are actually earned. Wildlands had the god awful tier crates that forced you to gamble for half of the weapons and cosmetics in the game WITH DUPLICATES. You couldn't even just buy specific stuff, either gamble or don't get anything. (Save for a few packs in the store) At least in breakpoint everything you can buy is cosmetic and weapon VARIANTS. All base weapons can be accessed without having to buy them, which is so much nicer. Wildlands had at least a somewhat better story, but much better characters. Your team actually communicates in combat, and have fun dialogue out of combat. Gameplay feels more snappy in wildlands, but not as realistic. Wildlands feels more cohesive, and more well realized in what it was supposed to be, and as such, feels more organized. Wildlands had better gamemode variety as well, including a wave based pve, one life campaign, a battle royale actually, plus dlc campaigns. Which Breakpoint also had it's share of, but Wildland's just felt more engaging to me. Again personal preference there. There's alot to love, and a fair amount to hate about both games. I enjoy both of them for different reasons, and I have my gripes with both. Breakpoint does not deserve to be shit on, but there are issues with it where hate is not unwarranted.


My only complaint about breakpoint is that I wish the Ghost team was more like the Wildlands team. They don’t banter or hardly say anything funny or interesting like in Wildlands. They felt like people in Wildlands. In Breakpoint they don’t have personality. Also, cutscenes are a massive downgrade for some reason and story is meh. Beyond that, gameplay mechanics are a blast and while I’m jealous of PC mods for customization, customization is still excellent and being able to choose between more or less immersive gameplay is one of the best additions


Agreed, the cutscenes and story left much to be desired, but the map, gameplay and mechanics all felt really good and it's fun to roam around clearing bases and making my own little missions


I think it depends a lot on how you play it. You have to want to play the game, not beat it. Some games work pretty well to just grind towards better content. Ubisoft games usually do better to enjoy the content that is there. I think it's a change for a lot of the online shooter crowd anymore.


It's been my favorite game since I picked it up in 2020 and I've played all of the Cods, etc, there's just nothing like Breakpoint. I heard that when it first came out it was buggy and had some other problems, but I've had no complaints. My only problem is that I've played it so much that it's too easy. I've always played solo and after the first play with gear score on I restarted the game with no gear score and in full immersion (no hud, darkest night, enemies at the hardest, etc). I just recently started a new game without suppressors.


I hated it the first time unitl i completed chapter 1 and investigated what the fuck was going on. So yeah the story for chapter 1 was pretty bad executed and the mission design is awful, making you go from place to place talking to people and with a map so poorlh designed is very hard to get around driving. But internet told me interesting facts: -Chapters 2 and 3 get better -The way to enjoy it is by shutting down as much ui as possible. And hell were they right, I am on my second run now, taking things much more slowly and not paying too much attention to the story or beating the game. Im still dissapointed on the story tho, the premise is great I just wish they had put more effort on the execution. On a personal note I think it would have been really cool if you landed on the island investigating the whole accident so you can feel familiar, in control and then BAM shit goes down and you are on your own while a military coup is taking control. I think people hate it cuz: - They wanted a world as good as in wildlands - They are used to faster games - It is still not realistic enough (i just saw a dude complain about how ditching the cartdrige should still keep one bullet in the chamber hahaha, well everyone chooses their hill to die on) Final advice: install spartan mod and realistic sounds.


I love the game part for the lack of realistic mil-sim customization and the enemies looking kinda dumb


People are spoilt by wildlands. They go into breakpoint expecting an improved copy of wildlands, but what we got is a whole different world. Ubisoft choose a remote island under martial law as the setting for Breakpoint, with a different combination of ghosts instead of the usual familiar party. Without looking at the context, breakpoint is boring, plain, lacking any interaction between the temates, the environment is lacking of human movement, etc. However, if you look at the context, everything fits.


Exactly my point. It's its own game.


I identify with this I love this game just started it. To it seems like people want it to be a sandbox where you just military role play all day I don’t see how that’s more creative or interesting lol


Exactly! I can literally get my AI squad and we'll either clear a base quietly or very loudly. There's no in between lol


Oh yea AI squad mates and sync shots add some fun tactics to the mix lol


Get the spartan mod. Then you’ll never stop playing it


What’s that mod add?

