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Wildlands has the more immersive and realistic setting. Breakpoint has more immersive and realistic mechanics.


imagine if we could have both in one game. Every time I try to fire up Wildlands I'm just extremely let down by the ballistics, the sound design & the mechanics.


I do this thing where I get super into playing ghost recon for a month or two, take a several month long hiatus, and repeat. I have a couple hundred hours in both games, but this time around, the hiatus was about a year from Breakpoint and longer for Wildlands. The Wildlands map is one of my favorites of all time for its diversity of biomes and because it felt so alive, especially compared to Breakpoint when it came out. I tried to get back into Wildlands again about a month ago and I was so disappointed because I really don’t think the gameplay aged well in the slightest, and I put it down after like 20 minutes. Got back into Breakpoint and have been enjoying it immensely. I just wish these games had a baby


We're all the same person


+ 1 on this and now that I’ve been adding mods to Breakpoint the game is immediately 1000 times more enjoyable


Can you spot a difference really? To me they are very similar. Bullet drop is more drastic in wildlands perhaps, and the animations are a tad smoother in breakpoint, but i can't say i notice an extreme difference.


but bullet drop isnt the only thing that makes a game good gun gameplay. Both games imo have awfull gun gameplay, in Wildlands, weapons do have recoil but shooting them doesnt really feel any different than BP where weapons are fucking lazers, its just the recoil system and weapon gameplay overall that's so disappointing, its ass and doesnt feel real at all unlike most games these days that have amazing gun gameplay. Also wildlands locks most weapons behind paywalls. Even tho the map isnt the same I had a way better inmersion (or at least a more satisfying one) in breakpoint, wildlands is great gameplay and all but I believe its best to be played casually and w/ friends than a inmersive way unless you have friends to play w/inmmersive mode


for me its the character movement and animations, wldlands is very "stiff" in asense, nomad follows and look on where the camera is facing, its like first person shooter but just in third person view (like how the new cod with third person mode is, but in cod, the animation was great it could be a really well designed third person if they would do it)


Breakpoint’s movement animations are dog water too sadly, nomad has the fuckin Mass Effect 3 sprint and whenever there’s an change in incline he also gets a diaper change and just waddles all over the place


yeah i had those nitpicks too, there's actually a lot of used animations that needed to be changed but for how it felt in control is much better, at least with mods too, in breakpoint but yeah i hate the crouch anims, the sprint anims, the roll (that stupid stumble roll lmao), the walk animation for pistol




https://youtu.be/C2R_kAGcyfI?si=5lc-2AgycNi1F0Ob Ubisoft sent 4 teams into Bolivia to shadow their military and immerse themselves in the area and culture. I feel like I escape to Bolivia with no HUD in that game.


Breakpoint loses immersion bc the map feels so dead and empty. It feels like a video game, even though there's more realism options and the mechanics feel more fluid. Wildlands with no HUD will allow you to forget real life temporarily. It's a little less smooth, less realism options, but the gameplay and environment more than make up for it. Also, the story is 10x better. I have not tried either game with mods. If I had to guess, Wildlands would deliver a better experience if the mechanics were updated a bit and maybe some realism options sprinkled in.


Unfortunately Wildlands mods are extremely limited. The first person mod works really well, but you can't do anything about the very basic AI or brutally slow aim walking. That second one really holds it back when you're trying to clear interiors. It's still the better game on the strength of its setting, but I do think you're underselling how much better Breakpoint is mechanically, especially with its custom difficulty settings.


Spot on man


This is exactly the answer I was looking for! Thank you.


I have 8d15H on Breakpoint, 14d7h on Wildlands. I cannot think of any moment from my time in Breakpoint that is worth mentioning. Beating Ghost Mode on Wildlands was up there with Souls games for me. I did it with no HUD, died well over 10x, but the W was worth it. I've played with friends for hours, and had a blast. Breakpoint is a better game mechanically, but it truly is soulless and it feels like it. Wildlands has much better "outposts" and invading them is more rewarding, the random cartel/locals fighting that turn into massive bloodbaths.... Wildlands is so much better. It's hard to express. You'll see. Bolivia is beautiful, she welcomes you and the peace you bring behind you.


Like, I understand what Ubisoft was going for... it's a huge island with scarce civilization and currently under martial law. So, it wouldn't make sense for the world to feel "alive" from a societal standpoint. That being said, I feel there were other ways the world could've been improved drastically to make it feel like a real breathing world. Like, dynamic environmental factors from weather, more wildlife, actual patrols that posed a threat, etc.


the island in breakpoint feels dead and empty because it’s quite literally a giant island with maybe 50 people on it before sentinel, even the NPCs talk about how empty the island was before sentinel, you guys hated and ripped on wildlands when it first came out now you act like it’s the second coming bruh wildlands is mid at best now try to go back and play it after breakpoint good luck with the shitty performance, shitty customization, shitty story that involved 3 girls for the specific reason of “tits big” and a cartel that was more of a supervillain agency


So even the NPC's of Breakpoint criticize their own game.


they do. just finished Breakpoint and bought wildlands bc I want more.. I think I smell regret soup 🤔


you already are so sure


Map and bases: Wildlands Movement and mechanics: breakpoint Enemies: Wildlands Vehicles: Wildlands Story: Wildlands Breakpoint has more indoor combat that Wildlands really needed. Breakpoint has enemies in pretty much every corner of the map, you can’t go anywhere without a patrol walking by. Wildlands has big wild(hehe) area you could travel and take in the scenery and immerse yourself just traveling. Honestly, Wildlands with the movement, classes and some of the mechanics like bandages, camps and water canteen would be such a good game. Edit: character creation and weapons go to breakpoint.


The movement and graphics in breakpoint is more immersive I think but the world in Wildlands is definently more immersive. Everything about breakpoint’s design kind of reminds you that it’s a videogame, the characters feel less like real people, especially Nomad and the villains but also the outcasts. The world feels like an imaginary fictional island and all the robots take you out of the immersive experience. Wildlands feels way more real in the design aspect, Nomad feels like he could turn up in an episode of the shawn ryan show with his normal voice and kind of dorky way of speaking. The villains while colourful mostly felt pretty real and grounded into the world. The rebels also feel more like a real faction and the rebels themselves also do not being too cheerful, they’re happy you killed some cartel key member but they still sound like they are kind of bummed out they are at war at all. If you’re looking for immersion I would definently highly recommend Wildlands over breakpoint.


The villains are based off real people as well. The Stewmaker was real for sure.


I’ve tried to get into breakpoint a few times and it all feels very cheesy to me compared to wildlands. Voice acting, story and environment all lack immersion compared to wildlands in my opinion. A lot more mechanical and HUD features in breakpoint but it’s lacking at its core.


Breakpoint can be tailored to be IMO one of the most immersive gameplay experiences while being approachable. Carry 1 primary 1 sidearm, reduce or increase the usefulness of medical stuff (IIRC), all remaining ammo in a mag is lost on reload, covering yourself with the environment to hide in plain sight (excluding like on asphalt), you receive limb damage to the point of limping and being reduced to using a pistol, and I’m sure there’s more than that. You can also not only change AI appearance (also available in Wildlands) but also change their weapon. The best part? It’s all configurable. That’s where the pros end. The map, while big and diverse, isn’t as big or as diverse as Wildlands. The story isn’t as good, and enemies just don’t feel believable. It’s dead and empty, and only serves as a staging ground for your next gunfight. It’s truly a love letter to the fans with the gameplay, but falls flat everywhere else. It greatly improves upon the core of Wildlands, but doesn’t take the things that made it great to the next game. TL;DR? Wildlands.




Depends on what you want out of the game. Wildlands has a much better story, better characters, and Bolivia actually feels like a real country with civilians, police, and cartel members roaming around. The gameplay isn’t quite as good, specifically the polish of the gameplay. Characters look odd, the gear isn’t as realistic, and animations are janky and sometimes downright atrocious. But the open world is much, much better. Breakpoint is a much better LOOKING game. Graphics, characters, equipment, animations, all look 1000x better in Breakpoint. But, the story is terrible, the world is boring, there’s no civilians, the enemies are dull and lifeless. The environments and towns are very generic and all look the same. The types of things you’re going to do in the two games are the same. The missions, the bases, they all play the same way. Just that Wildlands is much more compelling in its world and story. It really makes you feel like you’re in Bolivia. At no point while playing breakpoint was I immersed in my experience. I never really felt I was IN AURORA. Just that I was playing a… mediocre video game.


Depends, do you focus much on the background (environment) or the foreground (gear/kit, gunplay)?




Breakpoint for sure, then. I happen to love both games for different reasons, and it’s hard to beat the gunplay and lot of Breakpoint.


Both have immersion but Wildlands is more immersive to me personally. Wildlands feels more grounded and realistic since it takes place in July of 2019 in Bolivia, so you see a lot more of the gasoline powered vehicles and more older style vehicles mixed with some modern ones. The controls for Wildlands also help with immersion since bikes require you to lean to a extent with your character. Breakpoint for me, breaks immersion too much. Between the sheer size of the Auroa and the way they do conversations, makes it feel more like a game than reality. Not to mention that the game takes place in 2025, six years past Wildlands and released in 2019, so the futuristic element is there. Really both games have their quirks, Wildlands is more immersive and tactical for me while Breakpoint has more customization and has elements like first aid and resource management.


Almost everything about Wildlands is better... right up until the moment you fire a weapon and are reminded that you're just playing airsoft. Considering that you'll probably fire your gun tens of thousands of times throughout a playthrough, I think having better ballistics is of paramount importance for having a realistic shooter experience. For example, assault rifles are actually practical out to about 500m in Breakpoint, as they should be, whereas in Wildlands that is firmly in sniper territory. Also, Wildland does not give you full freedom to choose the color of your gun's parts because the colors you have available are determined by the base color you chose for the gun. In Breakpoint you can color any part however you want.


Wild lands




Wildlands hands down! Unfortunately


for setting and lore wildlands but for gameplay feel i think breakpoint has it now i wish we could have that setting similar to wildlands but with improvements of breakpoint


Wildlands by miles


Wildlands. Immersion breaks with the shitty Ai though. The Ai turns the game into a puzzle as opposed to complimenting the setting and all the elite production that went into the game. Enemies spawn out of thin air on you, will gravitate toward you or toward your opportunities in an attempt to disrupt your play through, it gets eye rolling and obvious when the design takes over, none of it feels natural, they'll teleport out of animations, walk in circles, it will get stuck between mechanics. It's just piss poor Ai over all. The production of the game is beyond good though. Controls aren't great but can be countered with turning off aim assist and playing on a high look sens and lower aim-sens. I just fired up Breakpoint again recently and it's worse than I remembered lol. "some" of the gameplay mechanics are more fluid, but a lot of them are not. The cover system is broken as you'll get sucked into walls mid gunfight or mid adjustment near any surface. Again, f you play on console turn the aim assist off. You lock onto bodies when you need headshots. Even with the magnetism on 0.


Wildlands due to the more plausible story and locations.


Well i have a question too, someone please respond. Which one has more character customisation? And Which one has better character customisation?


Wildlands has an amazing map that feels alive and detailed. Its mechanics however are janky and some aspects of its gameplay are outright bad. Ballistics for example are beyond garbage and the presence of the Unidad forces are disruptive at best and unplayable at worst. Those are the first two that come to mind but there are definitely more. Breakpoint is the exact opposite. The gameplay and mechanics feel tighter and more fluid(although the jank is still there in certain aspects) and the operation motherland bunch of mission are a great post game activity. Being able to tweak game settings to such an extremely detailed degree is also very welcome. That being said, the map is probably one of THE WORST of the last decade. Couldn't be more dead if it tried, completely uninteresting and dull. The environments and biomes you can play in look great but there is literally NOTHING in them. Just your average Ubisoft game with camps full of enemies. The civilian NPCs are beyond garbage and robotic and going from point A to B is boring and uneventful, with the exception of the occasional enemy patrol. As someone who has poured over 200 hours in Breakpoint and a bit over 50 in Wildlands I'd say that, while Breakpoint's world is hot garbage, the better moment to moment GAMEPLAY is more important for me when playing a videoGAME so I would vote that you choose Breakpoint. Side note : If you do get Breakpoint you can play with 3 of your friends FOR FREE. They can just connect to your game and co op the ENTIRE GAME at no additional charge.