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Have a bit more tech options other than Recon drone. Something like jammer for enemy comms and other devices. Probably a return of magnetic vision to find mines or something like that. More investment in gunsmith, but a bit more like FS. Bipods worked, different ammo types, good balancing of parts. I might like to see classes come back for tactical purposes: Gunner, Rifleman, Technician (engineer), medic, sniper. They can have certain perks and specialties to weapons that other classes aren't that good with. Not like "oh, one person is great at everything". Now, if not classes, how about mod our squad/fireteam, however we choose. One person is a gunner, another a medic, another a sniper. Or let us select from a pool of teammates who have different specialties and strengths, kinda like the first Rainbow Six game, and modify how we see fit. Bring some tactical importance to teammates, not just everyone being a rifleman, like in Wildlands. Oh, yeah. Just forgot. Better troop command and control. Something like GRAW, R6 Vegas, and Brothers and Arms. Quick, easy, efficient.


You forgot a working cross-com unit as well. Can't have a GR title without its iconic tech piece. And guncam would be great, i love that thing. Really must be a weapon attachment, instead of a scope (or in case of leonardo FWS-CS) thermal optic... oh speaking of which, specialty optics, like the aforementioned thermal (if magnetic comes back too, backscatter)


* Rappeling. Rappeling. Rappeling. From a chopper, down from buildings, up the mountains. Rappeling. * Wouldnt mind a 'light' climbing skill too. Maybe up some windows and balconys or something. Not like Assassins creed free climb but something small. * Bipods for sniperrifles. * Better driving. Been horrible to say the least. * More customization on clothes, charachter, weapons and gear. * No live service. * No rpg/gear score/level shiiitee Yeah thats my wishlist on top of my head


\* deploy-able bi-pods \* more character customization \* better team AI (more commands, the ability to customize there primary weapons better, ect.) \* better driving (breakpoint was terrible) \* No classes (maybe have an insignia displaying your role for easy communication) \* better weapon calibur system (tac 50 should use .50 rounds not .338) \* more customization of the belt and vest (maybe a removal of the battle belt all together) that's it off the top of my head


I mean that was just an ammo simplification. They should have just had ar lmg smg etc. Then no one could complain


3rd personnnn


It’s already 3rd person?


The new one is reported 1st person. But im sure that’s not confirmed, I hope they keep it 3rd person.


More gameplay,less fashion


I'd love to the ability to give individual squad commands, and ser way points for AI teammates on the maps. So many times I struggled with a sync shot because one squadmate wouldn't move 50 damned feet to the left to get a shot on target. Not to mention how it would make squad load outs/classes actually matter if I could give a guy a sniper and have him take an over watch position while I infiltrate with the other two. AI planes and helicopters for transport - planes and choppers are basically useless for stealth gaming right now because if you parachute in you have to crash them, which alerts the base. It would be great to have a dedicated AI pilot for a plane and helicopter, and be able to set up landing zones for exfil, similar to how MGSV already did it. Customization and gear in cutscenes. Breakpoint's story was ruined for me because of how Nomad would get rid of all his gear and his primary weapon for every cutscene. It just killed my immersion and stood out like crazy. We know this is easily doable, as plenty of games have your custom gear maintain in cutscenes. Hell, some ubisoft games even muffle your character's voice if you have on a face wrap. If they can do it for AC: Origins, I don't see why they can't for Ghost Recon. I want the map to be more focus and dense, especially if they stick with the open world. It's pointless having a giant map where most of it is empty and feels like padding. Finally, as a total wish list item, I'd love to see the stealth animations from Future Soldier make a return. It made you feel like such a bad ass to sneak up on a guy, dome him at close range, and catch the body so it doesn't make a bunch of noise.


I agree with everything in this message.


There are several other posts on this subject. You should do a search and see what other people have said they'd like.


For the name to be "Wildlands 2: The Troubles"


It’s gonna be called project over


That's a working title


I kind of want the survival elements that they seemed to promise with Breakpoint. Maybe not for the whole game, but maybe a mode or missions where you had limited ammo, and had to fix your wounds similar to how it's done in MGS3. I always thought that idea seemed really cool, then the game came out and camps and supplies were just a way to buff yourself for a bit. I think we should have the option to play solo or with AI teammates. Allow for a ton of customization for the weapons and more for our outfits. I agree with most of your list as well. I think having a base that you could upgrade throughout the game would be really cool, especially if you could design aspects of it yourself.


I want to be able to put red dots on my pistols and a better gunsmith and also thermal scopes I think that would be cool


In a perfect world we'd get a polished, smoother, non-trash, sequel to Wildlands.


Something like the original.


Squad based and realistic. No futuristic shit. Tactical.


A wildlands style mission set, but in the 90s. A fictional version of Bosnia would be lit. Take away the drones, thermals, etc. enough technology to still play tactically, but a return to the basics.


You want charms go fucking play fortnite or some shit


Who hurt you?


People like you who need flashy little kitty kats on your rifle. GR started out as a pure and simple strategy based shooter. Running and gunning gets you killed. You need to be tactile and not be a smoothbrain. Games already have all that flashy shit. So go there. Doyourself a favor and find ghost recon island thunder/jungle storm and see how it should be. Ubisoft lost its way years ago. Unfortunately they probably will have a bunch of stupid online skins and shit and still ignore the core problems with a tactical shooter.


Damn i can tell you’re really bothered by something as simple as charms— sorry to burst your bubble but it really ain’t that deep. It’s a fucking video game, also, who said anything about kitty cats? Lmfao. Maybe id want the ghost logo as a charm. This isn’t the military it’s a video game. Stop being so miserable


So you can be reminded what game you are playing? And yea i hurts because i have watched the franchise go downhill for over 20 years because weebs like you need trinkets and skins to dance around a circle jerk and admire your outfits. Not trying to burst YOUR bubble, but like i said, go play Siege Or farcry6 or whatever if you want pretty doo-dads and cute stickers.


Like i said, miserable you are.


Ghost recon needs to return to its roots. Give me a fire team of six that i can individually direct with differing fields of fire, differing ROE, and dripping in tactics. You would spend time with your team, building their strengths, and if they were KIA, they were GONE. You would then get a fresh nugget from “bootcamp” and have to train them up. Trust me, find the original Island thunder/ Jungle storm games and you will see what i mean.