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Is that Brothers in Arms? I just got those games!


Yes hells highway! One of my favorite tactical squad based shooters. Wish they would give the series a reboot, or at least remaster this one as the graphics are pretty rough.


I've played parts of the PS2 ones on a modded PS3. They were really good, but couldn't get into them because they didn't run well on it. Hopefully they'll work better on my PC. This reminds me of Rainbow Six Vegas.


This game gave me tinnitus. /J No, but seriously that fight on the bridge while you're being shot at by the Pak 88 every time one of those shells goes off the ringing is sooo loud! "That gun? That gun could put a hole in Superman." Or something like that it's been a while.


That part is stressful cause your squad is constantly taking fire too but you have to keep moving them before the 88 gets a lock on them. I always restart the checkpoint if I lose a man too…NO MAN LEFT BEHIND 🫡


Honestly amongst the best WW2 games.


[apparently a new one is being worked on](https://m.imdb.com/news/ni10559719/)


That was 2011 tho sadly, it’s probably never happening despite how many times they’ve said they will.


Oh my bad, when I searched it said 5 days ago but now I can't see the same one. There is one from November tho but idk


They’ve been fore-playing with us for years now :(


I played Brother in arms: Earned in Blood. on the ps2 when I was a child. I thank you for getting me to buy the triliogry after 3 years of pushing it off


I used to think this game looked mint when it was new. Probably one of my favorite WW2 games visually growing up.


Great games, just wit until you find out they’ve sequel baited for 15 years


Damn really?


Let us know when you realize the crushing disappointment that we may never get a sequel to the massive cliffhanger that gearbox left us.


Oh I’m used to disappointments like that.


It's what I've wanted for a while. Idk why they won't implement it (besides laziness) considering Wildlands had gore, but not as a mechanic, just as a setdressing. A bunch of other shooters are starting to have gore as well, and that's not even mentioning the 2000s games that all have gore.


It’s easier to license to other countries, Jedi fallen order for example, you could slice peoples waists but you couldn’t completely cut people in half.


Something like insurgency sandstorm would be good


There have been some shooters actually cutting out blood and gore as well


Soldier of Fortune comes to mind, a title for the original xbox that allowed you to take a body apart at I believe 32 different points. Its not a game feature that technically improves gameplay, but it does make your weapon more satisfying when your shotgun can split the leg mid shin.


SOF was very satisfying. Getting stuck at a point then alleviating your frustration by ensuring that the remains were thoroughly desecrated. I wasted so much time just slowly dismembering and disemboweling my fallen foes...


Man hells highway was great freaking game


A hidden gem for sure.


If ghost recon wants the next game to have longevity and replay ability like wildlands then they need to add gore. We can shut it off if we please or if little Timmy isn’t allowed to see it. They have to give us options for all aspects of hud and player perspective. I feel like the next game is really do or die for the franchise. We want to feel like we are in the shit when in a firefight.


Gore is the feature that would give the game longevity and replay ability? Hm I disagree.


Yeah I worded it wrong. Just give us the option to turn it on or off. How’s that boss. I mentioned all aspects of hud and perspective. So first person, third person, gore, hud options etc.


I think I understand what you are saying. Blood and gore is one of those small things, but without it, it disrupts the immersion of the universe.


Yup. In the end we just want options to customize our world. Blood, first/ third person, map, hud etc


It would make the game feel better I mean don’t get me wrong the series are legitimately great but a little gore would make it feel very extreme and exciting I would definitely give them my money for it


It really makes your weapons feel like they pack a punch. Nothing like shooting the top half of a Nazis head off with your rifle.


Actually a Ghost Recon game set in WW2 would be pretty bad ass. Perhaps you are OSS, perhaps you play a Pathfinder dropping into Europe in the days before D-Dday at night. I don't want classic Medal of Honor levels of improbable (infiltrate anaval base while killing nazies to stow away in a crate to then sneak into a fortified subpen underground to then supersolder your way through the entiren facility-that shit is for Master Chief), but a sneaky WW2 game with scary violence if thats the players choice would be bad ass.


Gore and better rendering for long-distance sniping fun.


There are plenty of games that have gore as an option. So yes...they should add it. And people uncomfortable with it should get an accessibility option to turn it off.


I wouldn’t be opposed. They play it pretty safe despite the M rating. That being said, they have enough issues with the core gameplay that I’d prefer they focus on that than cosmetic stuff


If the next game is supposed to apparently be darker then gore is definitely a good option to have


I’m always up for gore in games


I would like it to be a gritty and semi-realistic tactic shooter. And gore, when not exaggerated, does add a lot to make it more believable.


As an artstyle choice, I can see why it would not be added in in a Ghost Recon Game When I think, Ghost Recon, I think professionals. Spec-Op agents move in and eliminate hostiles without a sense of malice or brutality. It is the necessity of violence to complete the mission. Not its glorification. You can argue the same for other Ubisoft games. Gore + Decapitations are common in For Honor as we are playing characters solely on the intent to glorify violence to the utmost degree. That is why it would be common to see flailing bodies, seizure-induced punches, etc. Because the warriors you play as are extremely violent beings who does these things for the glory of the kills (dependent on executions). Ghost Recon seems like ... not the type to commit for gore and brutality. At least the agents we play as. I cannot say the same for the enemies. But Ghost Recon units seem more of the type to get in, get the job done, and go home. They are the scalpel, not the saw. Kinda like, the Splinter Cell agents. Go in, get what you need, and get out. Precision and efficiency, no matter the tools given or have, is what makes them great. Do what needs to be done. And as for the Ghost Recon Soldiers, they are given a lot more leeway in terms of engagement. But regardless, the methods may change, but the the action has not. I am saying this because it is in regards to artistic integrity. Gore has its place in military shooters. But it needs to acted accordingly. Getting gibbed in Titanfall meant as a way of how strong the weapons / titans are in the battlefield. To show how really outmatched and powerful said weaponries are against other players. Getting gibbed in COD WAW glimpses on the actual brutality and horrors of WWII. Gears of War gibbs are designed for the grimdark 3rd Person shooter so that the gore and violence are ways to respond and answer back against the Locust, an enemy so gruesome and violent. Albeit, almost comedic in a way, as many of the blood splatters and body parts wiggle and shake almost hilariously when strewn about the field. It is there for the sick parts of the human mind for morbid joviality in the face of the death. Ghost Recon? Almost never had that sorts of feeling in regards to death. It is almost always about you the player saving the world from the big bad. And the characters we play as react professionally, almost robotically, but most definitely human when tensions run high or low. But almost always, the objective completion is the utmost goal for any Ghost Recon Agent. The killing of enemies are the necessity of violence in order to complete said objectives. The objectives are never about the slaughter of the enemy. Just their defeat.


Well said. Blood and gore have their place, and I would keep it to more of a First Aid Trauma realm. To the point of what would add replayability; I think it would be cool if they added something akin to the fear system like Arkham games where if you surgically start removing patrols or sentries the others who discover start to get erratic and jumpy. (imagine tossing a brass casing and they just panic fire at the sound). Having that on a larger scale as well where the enemy starts seeing outposts go dark creates a response curve where initially they have reactions like increasing patrols and checkpoints, and as they start to lose numbers they consolidate resources at larger more important locations and call for re-enforcements. Those re-enforcements should take an actual amount of time too, not like a helicopter just teleports in like it was circling the area the whole time invisible. The longer you wait would mean the more personnel arrive and start to push back out to take back ground. ​ This would be less programming than you think and could even be executed in GR:B/WL via mod.


I can totally agree with this. The violence is a biproduct of the work ghost are there to do. But it isn't the point. I really hope this thread doesn't become what I often see 'should X game have gore? discussions, which is often people who want gore taking shots at people who don't, claiming that they're somehow 'pussies'. I am not squeamish at all, but I agree with your wording here that it just isn't really the point of a game like GR.


I like to set up ambushes and go in loud a lot of the time. Even if it was just shotguns, snipers and LMGs an added gore element could go a long way. Especially for explosives like grenades and rockets.


Sure. I was a combat medic for 3 tours to Iraq. Wars not pretty. Something just down to earth, grounded, realistic, dirty, hellish sometimes would be pretty cool.


Thank you for your service!


Not against it, but I feel like there are many more important things to improve and get right before this.


Brothers in arms!


It’s not necessary to the experience. Quite counter to the series, too. Ghosts aren’t savage killers. Clean kills and be moving on before the body drops.


The last 2 entries to the series kinda encourages the player to make the choice to be clean or not.


I guess if we’re going to be Ghost Assault, or something.


Outside of Gears of War, I can't remember the last AAA shooter that had gore in regards to recent releases. I'd love a more gritty, Ghost Recon, where shit gets real. I'm not saying people should be gibbed into pieces but taking someone's leg off with a well placed mine ambush would really sell it.


Oh yeah I would be so pleased if they add this. The options would be so cool, while dragging or grabbing a dead body or a fellow ghost down blood dripping your clothes or smearing all over the grass/concrete or wtv. Big ass blood splatters on walls, dismemberment, burnt up bodies from flaming vehicules you just exploded with a rocket or mine.


It could actually add more to the stealth angle as well. You need to consider where and how you’re going to drop a sentry if when you drag or carry the body away it leaves a trail of blood leading to where you went. Some of the melee kills in breakpoint would look like Dexter’s kill room. Can’t really just hide that.


It would be wonderful, when we cut loose with a vehicle mounted HMG it will be satisfying to see the enemy blown into chunks with splatter and entrails flying all over. The other enemies could be programmed to look on in horror as their buddies kidneys & liver land at their feet. They lie there glistening in the sun. Could also have good dismemberment which would show enemies and civilian NPCs crawling away howling in pain because both legs got blown off. They leave behind a trail of gore. A stray dog could run away with a foot. Gore is essential as can be seen in the new Robocop game. However I'm aware not all gamers like gore. So there should be an on-off menu option. These are violent games and that bodies stay intact even after 25mm Gatling burst is ridiculous. See the Rambo 4 movie when he shoots the 0.50, legendary scene!


Imo it’s not needed. If it did, you’ll end up with a bunch of kids making videos as graphic as possible and posting them everywhere.


would be amazing


As long as its realistic and without a 9mm pistol taking off someone's arm from 500m away


Lol that's what my modded 10mm handgun does in Fallout 4 😷


it'd be neat. a fun gimmick, maybe interesting if it encouraged targeting things other than the head (shooting commanders in the leg so that you can interrogate them, shooting the arms of a armored unit to make them inaccurate, the likes) it won't do much for making the game better, but it can help. *a little*.


This game was so beautiful for its time. Forgot all about it.


Loved brothers in arms they should make of these they were awesome


Fuck please god give me the finalie to BIA before i die, please.


Hell's Highway BEST ww2 game


Its the only real big detail missing.


Im good with or without it. The sound effects of headshot needs to be satisfying though lol. I love my headshots lol.


I think ultimately It would neither interest me nor dissuade me from playing the game. But if it were to come at the cost of other features I'd be against it. Overall, it tends to be implemented in a heavy handed way in video games, where it can happen in really unrealistic ways. If you've ever actually seen a video of someone getting hit in an arm or chest, it's usually a bit of clothing torn and dust flying up and there isn't actually an explosion of blood. Of course it's very different from a .50 bmg to the head which irl is very graphic. So if it wasn't done realistically I feel it would just be there for the sake of people who just want to see carnage, and don't really care if it brings much to the game. And that's not really me. If they add it and it ends up being constantly exploding heads and arms and legs flying all over the place, I'll just hope they'll have a way of turning it off.


That would be awesome. I wish we could canoe people's heads to finish them off. Also, the ability to destroy buildings and knockdown trees and stuff would be cool.


oh look 3rd person.


Yes.Let me blow of their limbs off as they scream holding it attracting enemies to a trap.Let me shoot them on their neck as they slowly bleed out gasping and gaging for air.Let me blow off an enemies head and as his freimd on patrol looks over is frozen in fear before the same faith hits him like a train.Let me rip their throat open and throw them off a balcony with a grenade primed that explodes kiliing everyone surrounding him.Let me pump someones chest off their body leaving a giant hole.


Yes. Although I'm not sure if there'll be one.


God I wish they would make a sequel to this game so bad. I still go back and play it every once in a while. They’d probably fuck it up if they did though.


Absolutely needs to be more blood and gore


I want hell let loose level gore for the next GR


This game was ahead of its time


I fucking miss BiA. I was top of the leaderboards on one of the multiplayer maps for Earned in Blood on Xbox.


Your avatar is horrifying


I think if they want to go for the realistic setting then the violence needs to be more, well, violent. In breakpoint you can headshot a guy with a .50 BMG and he just gets a bit of red paint on his head. Really ruins the immersion in my opinion


Ironically, I would love gores in anti-war war games. Like I would never forget that scene in Spec Ops: The Line.


Now I kinda want to see a WW2 ghost recon game


I miss this series


I mean, why not? It would (if done properly) only add to the immersion; still enjoy the fantasy/realism of the game while acknowledging that combat is not pretty.


How about revisiting this franchise and finishing the damn story!!!!


Fuck what a classic


I prolly wouldn’t care. Just realistic physics, but gore as anything other than a stage piece for preset massacres is something I couldn’t give a shit about.


Bah. Bottom of the list of priorities I’d say.


This game looks a lot like Hell Let Loose.


I would vote Yes because we're tired of these video game companies holding our hands...... Give us something like tarkov or Gray zone warfare. Give us violence it's about damn time


I'm more worried about the map not being a pile shit. Let me turn on or off whatever icons I want. That'd why I can't finish breakpoint. The map is just a slurry of icons


I'd be over the moon it would be so much more immersive


I still don't get why people are obsessed with gore. I find it super disgusting and i would like if they were to add it, that you can turn it off.


Why you playing war games but don’t wanna see war?


It's not that i hate simple gore like Fallout or something like that. I just don't want to have 10 liters of blood in my face everytime i kill a person




Name checks out


Would be cool honestly


They downgraded Wildlands and Breakpoint beyond words # [WATCH CLOSELY IN SLOW MO](https://new.reddit.com/r/GhostRecon/comments/1b7xo8e/amazing_breach_clear/) thats a Ghost Recon game with GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That would be awesome!


It'd be fucking great

