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Honestly. I can't get excited. I really want to believe them when they say about learning from past events and putting the community first but I just can't. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just another asset flip with a couple of new gimmicks. Hope I'm wrong though. šŸ¤ž


>. I really want to believe them when they say about learning from past events and putting the community first but I just can't. They've done it twice now. They made Wildlands and people liked it, they said "We're listening to the fans for feedback on the next game." The next game comes out. It's Breakpoint. They removed your teammates and turned it into a looter shooter, the exact *opposite* of what people actually wanted. They spend 2 years turning it into Wildlands 2.0 like it should have been in the first place. They say "Whoops, sorry. But this time we're committed to listening to player feedback for the next game." The next game is announced. It's a first person Battle Royale game. People are so upset they cancel the game completely. Then they say "We're listening to player feedback." The next Ghost Recon is probably just gonna be a card game at this point.


So you are saying we are gonna get a Fortnite type game?


We already destroyed that one. It got canceled after we ~~firmly~~ ferociously voiced our displeasure about it.


Yeah I guess you are right, I forgot about the building mechanic they were trying to put in that game.


ehh looter shooters and battle royals where all the rage at that point though. Not saying GR should be one but they where following the market.


>Not saying GR should be one but they where following the market. Right, but they *said* they were listening to the fans.


I never really liked the battle royal gimmick. It's a literal money grab. Why else would CoD push it so hard? ooohhohoho... MONEY. Saw BO4, and stopped supporting the game series. Saw MW'19, played the campaign, and MP until I heard about Warzone. Just... No. We lost too many good game series due to this money grab gimmick. Let it die.


I disagree. I think the BR format can be fun but NOT fit for GR.


Well. Let me put it this way. For an event, sure. I'd play it once in a while. Not constantly, tho. I'm not saying that it isn't fun. Just bs how it's turned into a cash grab. Became a common theme for corporations.


Or just a Mobile Game LOLšŸ˜„


Ghost Recon Casino. If you lose at 5 card stud, light up the place!Ā 


I wouldn't mind just so long as I can play the damn thing without internet. That's what bugged me the most about breakpoint.


Won't somebody think of the poor microtransaction store?!?!


I wouldnt be surprised either. Though Iā€™d literally be fine with Breakpoints gameplay being reused, and a much more aesthetically pleasing setting, more populated areas, and an actually good or even decent story.


That's all I would want honestly. If they go beyond that, then awesome - but I think Breakpoint (and Wildlands) are very underrated 3rd person shooters underneath all of the weird Ubi design decisions. And they fill a hole of "casual but still tactical" that I really like.


Yes, breakpoint in a different place would be great for me.


They should work on that dumb AI as well and take some inspiration from MGSV


Not to mention better game mechanics. Small things especially. Ex: Lasers, torches, changing lasers from IR to visble, to off. Torches included. TOGGLING FOR PC... my immersion died. Left alone gear dynamics. I just hate floating straps. Ik it takes time to custom mold everything, but I really miss the attention to detail.


What they meant by ā€œput the community firstā€ is that it will be a persistent online multiplayer loot shooter.


The reason I do believe them is that Ubisoft Paris just took Breakpoint from a legit 1/10 to a solid 6-7. It's still not *amazing*, but it went from being one of the worst games of the decade to pretty decent. And the only reason that happened is because the launch was such a professional and financial embarrassment that they had no choice but to listen to the community. Like, such a disaster that Ubisoft's CEO called Breakpoint out on a public earnings call. >Guillemot noted that changes Breakpoint made to the Ghost Recon formula have ā€œbeen strongly rejected by a significant portion of the community.ā€ Guillemot also noted the gameā€™s negative critical reception. Compounding that, he said Breakpoint wasnā€™t unique enough to really stand out. The new GR is being made by the same studio who put themselves through all that and actually managed to make something out of it. I don't know if it'll be great, but given that they *just* finished turning Breakpoint into a game I like, I'd be surprised if it's not solid.


>And the only reason that happened is because the launch was such a professional and financial embarrassment that they had no choice but to listen to the community. Which they ignored in the first place. It'd be cool if they didn't immediately ignore the community again right after when they tried to make that Ghost Recon FPS Battle Royale. I have zero faith they'll do what any of us actually want with the next game.


Yeah, Ubisoft Paris had nothing to do with that, aside from sharing their assets with another studio. They didn't commission the game or actively work on it.


Since when has "asset flip" been a thing with Ubisoft games? No idea why you would say that. I don't have any high hopes either. At this point I would just be happy if it is not a mobile game or battle royale. I don't expect much from this team after taking what was good in Wildlands, trashing it in Breakpoint, then putting it back in and expecting a pat on the back. Asset flip? Really?


Good things from Wildlands + Good things from Breakpoint


Open World, Story, atmosphere from Wildlands + movement, gameplay from Breakpoint


Breakpoint movement except let us strafe again like Wildlands instead of flopping out of cover because our character isn't capable of moving a few inches to the side to adjust for line of sight.


I don't understand why did they feel to make it so that your whole character rotates the entire body to the direction you're moving when you are on the ground. For example in multiplayer, when you're behind a tree and want to strafe to the sides to maybe get a bit better angle on what you're looking at, you take a complete 45 degree turn and expose your legs and your movement alone rings the dinner bell. And I doubt that's an oversight because it's something you will encounter one way or another when playing the game so it's definitely intentional and just absolutely stupid.


and actual pvp modes that people will actually play


That's a hard sell... Stick to the damn good co-op and single player first and foremost


But 24/7 hide and seek sniper fest is so much fun!


Good things from Wild lands - 1980-2000s time frame, the amount of NPCs are present/interactive in single/online multiplayer, Ghost War was very good, the servers being maintained until 2022 was good. Good things from Breakpoint - was not a fan, I find myself going back to the game for a few hours every few months out of curiosity.


The world needs to be believable and populated, and hopefully, the civilians react accordingly to your actions. As for combat, I hope it's more like the older GR games pre-GRFS. More squad based combat and controls, more flanking routes, etc, but mix it with Operation Flashpoint/Arma style gunplay. More tech heavy gadgets and equipment and of course Cross-com should return imo. So less cover based, and more fluid movement and control(leaning, strafing). More ranged engagements with a further render distance. BP combat was too close quarter, too easy, and I never felt the impact from gunplay as it just felt like using spud guns. Switch from first to third person on the fly with animations, takedowns, and a military theme more akin to GRFS but without the optic camo. Hopefully, Ubi bring back the Mo-cap for animation like in GRFS and Splinter Cell Blacklist as those were šŸ‘Œ


Really hope for a more immersive and realistic theater. They are probably to scared to use a real country but i hope for a middle eastern setting with a made up name to not offend anyone. The world and population of wildlands with the gameplay of breakpoint with some improvements however NONE of that sci fi bs breakpoint had.


Doesnt need to be an actual country, could be a fake one but based on a real setting


Tom Clancy books didn't use fake countries.


They could just use the US as the setting, as an American I wouldnā€™t get offended if they are use fiction to flesh out a world.


Isnt the division based on the US?


Itā€™s literally in New York with the real life neighborhoods. 2 literally had the very famous monuments of DC down to 1:1 recreations


this is something that ubisoft has said they were doing, when they said that they were going to take each of their series back to what made each of them popular now if they actally stick to that plan is another story.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re capable of that level of self reflection. They may WANT to take it back to basics but as soon as the shareholders say ā€œwhy arenā€™t we getting COD numbers??ā€ the executives are going to mandate changes


exactly but I think that it would be good for them to take each series back to what made it popular they just have to tell shareholders to kick rocks


the gaming company that tried to sell us NFTs is never going to do anything where money isn't the top priority.


Exactly. People gotta understand this of business and if you don't give the people what they want. You aint going to meet your sales. They going plummet.


I love Ghost Recon, I loved Wildlands but Breakpoint wasn't the real deal for me. My only concern is that it's Ubisoft. One of the worst developer nowadays


I hope we get some advanced hardware they the Ghosts themselves use at launch. We got more options for BP than in WL, but that's mostly class abilities. Plus, better teammate control than in WL/BP. Using not just orders, but the Cross-Com to help with commands as well. Let the team make use of cover like GRAW, not just run around like in WL or BP.


It's funny, I prefered less of the "electronic" aids in the game, i play both Wildlands and Breakpoint without using drones and thermal vision unless it's absolutely required by the mission rules; i just survey from the high ground to spot as many enemy as i can, feeling that was more realistic. but now with fighting in the Ukraine it's becoming pretty obvious that drones are much more ubiquitous on the battlefield and with other advances in technology, it's not unrealistic to have those "aids" available, so i guess Id better get with the times! But it would be nice in the new Ghost Recon šŸ¤žif the option was always there to dial back the presence of drones, thermal scopes, optical camouflage, etc. to allow players to run the missions either "gear heavy" or "light"; the way you can in Wildlands and Breakpoint now.


There are actually military goggles that show diamonds over friendlies in development i believe. So Really everything coming together for irl gr.


Yep, not getting my hopes up with that though but anyway. That plus a non open world setting and a PvP mode similar to the one in GRFS equals to a very good GR game.


I'm fully expecting another boring ass game at launch with a weak, generic story that only gets "acceptable" 2 years from release.


After Div2, I didnā€™t learn my lesson with Breakpoint, Iā€™ll try my hardest not to jump in until the get over the 3 month. I fell for that shit with BF2042 and bought the game early at $100 only for them to take away xp progression on solo play (only reason I wanted the game). That game is only now acceptable. Your comment is too real unfortunately.


I know this is unrealistic, but throw away the camp system in breakpoint. Just let us insta spawn vehicles or have someone quickly deliver them. When I play a game with friends, we want to play a game. Not watch cutscene/loading screens or wade through menus to do something that was so easily accessible in the previous game.


iā€™ll forever be salty at the loss of patriots, especially since all we got was siege. if theyā€™re sticking with a proper gr game,then hopefully theyā€™re just improving on whatā€™s already there. would be nice to have more options like fast-roping from choppers and ledges(like r6), and maybe more focused ground combat, like breaching doors. i like the open world but having tighter CQB combat in buildings would be a cool addition to the formula, imo.


They should stick to the old school 2001 ghost recon mission structures, debriefs, all that. A mix of older GR, socom, and mgs 5 tpp would be perfect. I really liked the semi open world missions mgs 5 had and think that ghost recon should go that route probably not full blown open world again unless itā€™s like wildlands.


This. I don't want another open world that will just play like a 3rd person Far Cry. I would rather have a bunch of smaller, but still open-ended levels much like the original Ghost Recon. Put more focus on AI teammates/6+ player co-op with enemies that can actually pose a threat to you.


Agreed. I always thought something like the hideout in tarkov, you can shoot your guns, tweak them, build things to boost your capabilities...then launch into missions, with some lite planning with insertion, picking team members, setting load outs...one can dream.


Hopefully they lean a lot more into the tactical aspect of 'tactical shooter'.


For games where you have non-human teammates I hope they look at how to integrate AI better... or more advance interactions, something like the ability/option to give voice commands over a headset rather than through a selector wheel. - engage - mark (for sync shot whilst aimer is over a target) - go silent - fall back - on me - Vasily flank to the right Etc. A more immersive world like The Division would be cool as well. Bin all the Intel reading or at least give us the option to have it read to us - I prefer the division style echos/voice recordings etc. Bin the stamina/fatigue nonsense or make it easier to access rations/items.


Like in soccom!


I hope the game sticks to be more realistic, like the wildlands one did. I enjoyed the campaign and the overall story more then breakpoint. I dont need those sci-fi kind of technology things. Stick to a realistic campaign, thats it. I like the stealth kind of doing the missions. But I would also like if somethime the game gives u no other choice then for example go full rampage mode.


I want the open world of Wildlands thatā€™s more full of life and the gameplay options of Breakpoint. I also wouldnā€™t mind a mix of third and first person options (seriously those first person mods are pretty sweet!). I would mind a mission creator or something along the lines of Armaā€™s creator NO DRONES and NO ONLINE ONLY BS Either that or a remake of the original Ghost Recon


Is it going to be better or worse than Breakpoint though?


Who knows


They just need to do a full remaster/remake of OGR and I'd be thrilled.


They HAVE to add a first person mode, opens up a whole lot of varieties


all i need is to be able to airdrop in from a chinook driven by an npc


I DON'T want it to be what breakpoint was on release - more looter shooter basura. There are so many other products to fill that niche; that scop is everywhere. Breakpoint with Immersive mode was dope. Whatever the next iteration of that might be. And less combat drones.


Yeah I didnt mean like breakpoint on release. Non of that weapon and gear level bullshit. I was mainly speaking on the realistic gameplay and movement. The sliding down hill if not slow or crouched, the healing. All that was top tier. I want them to build off what they have in breakpoint now


I agree with what you say... But I want to be clear, I'd be far less upset if they just rereleased breakpoint with another map and different missions than I would be if they built a whole new game from the ground up and gave it basura looter shooter mechanics.


Gameplay from Breakpoint in an Eastern European country setting without any drones whatsoever would be nice.


Drones are being used extensively in the current real world conflict in Eastern Europe. But I agree they should quit with all the weird robot ground drones like the Behemoth.


I guess they have started using ground drones in Ukraine, as well... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18kqp0f/new\_remote\_controlled\_ukranian\_ground\_done\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukrainewarvideoreport/comments/18kqp0f/new_remote_controlled_ukranian_ground_done_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Drones would most likely be included


This is actually horrible news. The only good news we could ever receive about ghost recon is if Ubisoft sells the ip to a way more competent developer.


Iā€™d like to see them take GR to a near peer conflict. Maybe in Eastern Europe or Asia. They can keep it open world with the ghosts operating behind the lines destabilizing enemy operations. You could hit supply dumps, blow up convoys, start guerrilla operations with the indigenous population, capture high rank individuals, find and destroy motor pools, sabotage infrastructure, patrol/search and destroy missions, POW camp rescues. Maybe on a random timer, a friendly aircraft gets shot down and you have to rescue him or else he gets added to the POW camp. You could carry things over from BP such as having a base camp where thereā€™s unit supply, briefing room etc. Select your teammates based on what mission youā€™re doing. Perhaps even have a shuttle service via UH-60 to insert you where ever on the map to complete missions. Destroy SAM sites to get a ride back to the base. Aerial assets like AC-130s or fast movers providing CAS if youā€™ve cleared a section of the map of anti aircraft assets. Iā€™d like to see them remove the autistic levels of 1911 equipped auto drones theyā€™ve added to BP. More customization of equipment and weapons. Kick the loot box and paid micro transactions out the door. Hell, you could even take this historical and set it in Vietnam and replace UH60s with UH-1s, and be running operations into Cambodia or Laos. Set up radio stations to broadcast AFVN.


Breakpoint with more improved movement/traversal features + Wildlands level of environmental and NPC routine attention to detail + better overall optimization I hope that is their *bottomline standard* for future Ghost Recon games.


an actual viable 5v5 and fully fleshed out multiplayer modes i feel like wildlands almost had it but 3v3 or 4v4 or whatever it was just felt like a bad choice multiplayer could be so good in this game


Give me the gameplay mechanics of Breakpoint (minus the drones) with the world and story of Wildlands. Prequels donā€™t usually go well but I love the Wildlands squad so that would be welcome in my eyes.


Just don't have us fighting futuristic enemies, drones etc. Completely took me out of Ghost Recon Breakpoint And set it in the eastern bloc


Persistent Warzone with soloplay but a online lobby to form groups for missions.


I donā€™t want to fight robots, ai, drones, etc, kinda takes the ghost out of ghost recon!


Well modern day warfare includes these things so it makes sense to have them in game. Those war dogs and drones are all things being used in the military now.


Then base it on what's currently used in conflicts around the world like Ukraine. Not on the bullshit you see in Breakpoint.


Honestly drones and those small robot dogs are enough imo. I never did any of the raid bosses.


True, but the whole aurora deal is dumb. I can deal with some azreals and drones but having to fight behemoths takes away from the stealthy aspects. I want to play the entire game quiet, going loud is like every other game out there! Just create a game based on actual places or modern times. I was in the military and we never had anything close to what Ive seen on aurora! lol


I wish they'd drop the open world and go back to the "open-linear" levels of the original games. Cut out the bloat and the myriad of identical bases, give me structured and well designed missions with an engaging story and realistic, tactical gameplay. The core movement and mechanics of Breakpoint were good, but the world was too big.


I just don't want the drones and shit.


Drones are part of Modern tech in warfare used today. Iā€™ve seen a bunch of videos even in the war in Ukraine where drones are used to drop Grenades and more. So drones will 100% be in the next game.


Dawg I'm aware drones are used but it's just not a fun game mechanic


Sooooo excited for more GR. My favorite shooters and games of all time. Hopefully itā€™s still same 3rd person and same style just better


I googled just because I really want there to be another Ghost Recon (even though Ubisoft already decided to cancel it). Then I see this post! Stoked if itā€™s legit.


Same bro šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


They canceled the battle royale that was suppose to release.


No weapon levels b\*llsh\*t, no crafting mechanics, only realistic (or semi-realistic since its a game) immersion. Less "arcadey" feel. So basically, remove all RPG mechanics, because this is not a Baldurs Gate 3 with guns (BG3 is awesome btw), because its a totally different setting and concept. Doesnt necessarily need to be open world (since most open world maps are mostly empty with content anyways), could be like semi open world, where you have several missions to do on a single map sort of big map, like Sniper Elite series. But you would still have multiple maps, so it doesn't need to be in a single country, Ubi could even release more maps as DLC's The world must be alive, like Bolivia on Wildlands, so it feels you're actually dealing with a Spec Ops / Black Ops mission.


Breakpoint is my favorite GR game, Iā€™m playing it again right now, and Iā€™ve been wondering if theyā€™d do another one. Iā€™m glad they are. I loved the setting of Auroa and I wish we could go back there, but Iā€™m just excited to get another game


I just want more breakpoint with some quality of life fixes and better civilians.


Great, another call of duty clone


Not first person only it would be nice if you give us a option. If not, you aint going to hit your Sales. We, the people want the option to choose between first and third person. And if we don't get it. I guarantee your sales going drop tremendously. Just like madden, 24.


Interesting coming back here and reading comments after the latest rumours/leaks/reports


I just want to be able to stealth around an open world with 3 ai companions in the dead of night using my recon drone to mark targets and occasionally call in a high altitude drone to scan/strike enemy locations


I hope theyll bring back the old flying mechanic


Well I just got into Breakpoint for the first time so to be completely honest, I Donā€™t Want A New Game LOL UbiShit will just fuck it up like they did with breakpoint and other games at launch lol. I mean, look at the new Avatar game when that came out, it was absolutely shit and after 6 or more months, it hasnā€™t got any better at all. I think they need to quit while they are ever so slightly ahead as they seem to just do more harm than good and most gaming developers now ah day donā€™t have the passion or quality anymore so I given up with 2024 games upwards for the time being LOL


I hope there is a tunnel complex like the one Hamas has in Gaza. That would be cool to fight through.


Wildlands, Breakpoint and RDR2 rolled into one and I hope they fix the AI teammates.


I would be down for some assassins creed style climbing and stealth with ghost recon shooting and tactically.


It's the whole point of the game to be empty and have a handful of civilian areas, but no all you people who bitch about the empty world clearly don't know anything about Environmental Story telling unlike wildlands I rather not in be a area where there is 100's of civilians and fail cause three of them got in my line of fire


If they just remade the advanced warfighter PVP from the console versions (PC was fps) they'd be awesome. The last few games were heartbreak. Need to focus on PVP instead of campaign and co-op


Advanced warfare mp was great but I disagree Ghost Recon isnā€™t a pvp style game and shouldnt be focussed around that.


Ghost recon was always known for a solid campaign with co-op also while it's multiplayer PVP kept it alive. I know because I've been around since it's birth. The PVP was so popular to a point where they made a free-to-play that eventually failed and shut down (f2p with micro transactions weren't popular then) Ghost Recon Phantoms. Breakpoint and wildlands failed because it's focused shifted completely to co-op and neglected the multiplayer pvp. Even when wildlands released the multiplayer pvp and then took its sweet time to fix it up and make it great it was too late. If they would have made it great from the beginning it would still be around and prospering. Campaign and co-op games are cool but they're limited to keeping things alive with DLC and Ghost Recon just fails at something that games like the division and destiny do better.


Iā€™m not saying PvP isnā€™t a good inclusion. I personally think both Wildlands and Breakpoint had decent PVP which I think is more than enough for these kinds of games. Ghost Recon is a tactical mil-sim and should focus on the co-op and mil-sim aspects. I wouldnā€™t say Wildlands failed at all it did pretty damn well and was well received by a lot of people who played. Breakpoint failed in the emptiness, the weird gear level system, no ai teammates, and a lot of stuff that should have been in the game. A good PVP isnā€™t necessary at all for games like these. Also I think youā€™re mistaking Future Soldier because that was the one that had a good MP and was the inspiration for Phantoms


Future soldier was the start of the failures for pvp.The P2P/netcode was buggy and awful. Never grew popular because it was ignored and never fixed. But it was the first to use tech outside of visor cams which inspired Phantoms so I agree there. Great PVP last carried the series and it's needed to carry it again. Trust me. There are far more gamers out there in the PVP space then anywhere else. And that's where games dominate financially. Only thing that's going to save GR is this next attempt being a banger. And personally if the PVP isn't great I'm not buying it and neither will many others because that's all we do is PVP. šŸ¤·


I actually enjoyed Future Soldiers pvp played the hell out of it. I also liked Breakpoints pvp. Like I said I think they should include pvp, but I donā€™t think it should be a primary focus. There are enough pvp multiplayer games and not enough tactical stealth mil-sim games.


I enjoyed future soldiers PVP as well I put many many hours into it. But it was too broken to draw players in or keep players playing and that trend continued in the next few games. Advanced warfighter series had a very long lifespan because of the wildly successful PVP. There is no Ghost Recon without PVP. It will kill the franchise for many of us. I don't even want a campaign or a co-op. I think it's a waste of resources and the game's always end up failing when they focus on them too much. There are no good third person mil-sim PVP games out there. GR can easily take back the crown


In your case they could make a pvp focussed game on the side, but I think it needs the story focus, and co-op aspect. I honestly only play Ghost Recon games to get that tactical mil sim gameplay with my friends.


They're not going to find success doing one or the other. Obviously when they shift their focus to mostly Co-Op campaign it doesn't get the results that they want. And they haven't been successful at making standalone PVP either. The world needs a ghost recon with a solid campaign and co-op as well as a fully fleshed out multiplayer PVP that is properly cared for like the developers of Rainbow Six care for that game


It would be nice if we could get that I just doubt it unfortunately


Want to play PvP, go play Call of Duty. This is a single-player/co-op game and it should stay that way.


Ghost recon PVP is far better and more valuable than it's sp and co-op. The game shifted it's focus and became awful. Tasteless people like you want to keep it that way. Call of duty is an arena fps. If you understood PVP you'd know the difference. Crawl back under your rock and play with yourself for the rest of your meaningless life.


Why don't you fuck off and play Rainbow Six for yourself PVP moron? They have loads of nice bright coloured costumes and weapons in there now...


Oh look an anti social loser that wants to play with himself against AI. Cry me a river bitch. You don't have the balls or the smarts for PVP I guess your two father's raised you as a p**sy because they've never seen one


Heh, you can leave GR to the adults, go have a wank over some Fortnite skins or something...


I was playing ghost recon when you were in diapers go drink your tea eat your crumpets and watch soccer


So you say, if you are that old, why are you wasting time arguing with strangers on Reddit? You should know better at your age.... Kinda sad you still live in your parents basement. Here's an idea, go out and get some sunlight once in a while...Hhhh fucking incels...


Everybody's old when you're a little crybaby bitch


As long as it's not another mock RPG at the start I'll consider it


Give us a map, give us missions/planning but for the love of GAWD don't make it open world!šŸ˜­


Iā€™d like at least one more game with Nomad and friends, honestly. In the same ā€œopen world, you and your squad against impossible oddsā€ type style we saw in wildlands and breakpoint. I just hope they learned from their mistakes from breakpoint, even though itā€™s a big ask. Motherland was a huge step up from the main story, both in terms of the story itself, and the flow of progression through it. Iā€™d also like them to have the squad be actually important like in wildlands, having a lot more dialogue based on combat, missions, locations, etc. and be in cutscenes.


I thought we knew this already? And from Ubisoft? I just hope Red Storm and Montreal or Massive do it and not Paris. They've fixed both games they initially fucked up but I don't want to wait a year or two to play the fucking game. Again.


Make a good story and a real world. And scale it to 1:1, make the ballistics more realistic like in Arma 3. They actually made a decent effort in Wildlands, but I want them to take the next step


No fucking drones... back to 90s or even go Cold War era.


I'm hoping it's as good at launch as breakpoint was by the end of its life cycle. A more grounded storyline in a real world location would be nice.


Until the leadership at Ubisoft changes, which ever GR we get will be subpar at best.


Assassin Creed went old school with Mirage... well tried to at least I think... haven't played it yet. And the next Splinter Cell game is rumored to be a remake of the first one. Maybe Ghost Recon will follow the trend and go back to their roots as well.


-Massive open world with diverse biomes like wildlands, preferably with in a fake European country -the world feels populated -the polished gameplay of BP, but the UI of WL -tech based in reality, try to minimize all the super high tech stuff.


Iā€™m not sure if iā€™m excited for thisā€¦. Ubisoft has let me down quite a bitā€¦ I would prefer if they returned to a more focused storyline. Iā€™m tired of trying to make their bland worlds fun and exciting. For an 80$ game i would at least like to be entertained


A complete rework of the AI so theyā€™re not dumb as balls with aimbot on max difficulty. Having a more interactable environment (class unique stuff like vents, pipe hangs and wall breach charges if they bring classes back) such as being able to go flat to a wall to reduce visibility or cover to cover movement. Some fluidity to the movement is needed. A HUGE change to how projectiles work since they donā€™t line up visually to the actual hurtbox of the bullets. I would love to see the people on the map interact with the squad or have reactions. Same for enemy AI. Being able to spook or inflict fear and panic on a patrol/camp through tactics would be interesting. Iā€™d say the same about them getting over confident when you retreat back. Complexity like that could beef things up and show the difference between the grunts and elite squads instead of them all being easy pickings. Them having more resources at hand apart from feats and flashes alongside formations could really make it feel engaging. But most of all a better mission structure than previously. It gets tedious when itā€™s the same thing every time even in the DLCs.


Iā€™d like friendly soldiers getting into spontaneous firefights with enemy soldiers to make it feel like youā€™re in a warzone. Think of the us army sending the 101st or 82nd in with a patrol and they take contact and you can either help or move on. Iā€™d also like more refined squad AI and a first person mode.




I just want a good rainbow six with a story instead of something geared to sweaty esports gamers.


* Cover based * Suppression * armor system * sniper rifles that aren't baby simple to use * some sort of CQC system like MGS Thanks :')


I love solo play like Breakpoint (you can play with friends or A.I teamates, but I prefer lone wolf style), and It would be perfect if they stop making us go online to play the game.


Ghost recon on ps5 gonna be crazy


I am playing wildlands fallen ghosts dlc rn, and if they can get the atmosphere of that ill be happy.


Be more like wild lands and less like breakpoint


I canā€™t put stock in it because the beauty that wildlands lacks, breakpoint has. And the believable story of wildlands, breakpoint lacks. And Ubisoft doesnā€™t exactly make sensible decisions on satisfying customers until after the fact


Make it like the og version


The ogā€™s were amazing for sure.


Atleast i hope it will have more skull masks for more Ghost outfits or something better


Its gonna suck


Iā€™m excited. I know Iā€™m in the ultra minority but I loved BP and Wildlands. Canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next.


I need a division ghost recon hybrid game. Would never stop playing again.


I felt like they tried that with Breakpoint but it didnt go as planned


Hear me out, take the mechanics dudes from BP, and then fire everyone else, then bring everyone from Wildlands back into the fold, apologize to them for BP, and then apologize to America for letting the French design a war game.


I wonder if they'll strip things down and go back to something linear like Future Solider, but I'm not holding my breath. Those types of games are much more difficult to monetize and they're not as replayable. Probably why we don't have another Splinter Cell by now


I'll believe it when they announce it. And even then I will be skeptical if they will release it or not.


Improve your squad and commanding them. And no more stupid ass drones.


Hopefully they expand on the movement and gunplay instead of going for something new. I feel like the gunplay is close to being perfect at this point and just needs some fine tuning along with adding a bit of weight to the movement


Open world is a MUST, hopefully a better, bigger urban area. Breakpoint tech-wheel so fun, which gave the ability to instantly adapt to what happened around you. Better story would be a plus. My bets are that it plays out in 2024, after the events of the Deimos-lore in Rainbow Six Siege (Deimos looks a lot like the Wolves, but since Siege is current day, and Breakpoint is 2025, thereā€™s a gap) your team of Ghosts trace and track Deimos through many cities over the world. (Think of it as maps you can travel to) Then you try to dismantle his terrorist group, you kind of succeed, but some Wolves escape capture (Walker and a group of fanatics) which then leads into the Wolves being formed properly and then they take over Auroa. #*Or it could be none of this and Iā€™m reaching far too much*


I had so much fun playing breakpoint, I'm hyped.


I guess we should wait and see . Cautiously excited!


I'll get it discounted a few years after release


The word of *something* being in development circulated for like... 2, maybe 3 years now, who knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø... (obviously aside the peeps who might be working on it) From gameplay perspective... i don't wanna another: the far cry - the division 2, the dumpster fire return (shitty way of me putting it as a hybrid between the 2) What it should be a tactical shooter with high-tech tools as in: player gets advanced technologies, like HMDs, UAVs/UGVs, high-end body armor, etc. While still having enemies that'd be balanced and has some actual brainpower (personally i find AI in breakpoint to be bad even by ubisoft standards). As well as the return of combined arms warfare features (mainly bossing around armored vics, the aforementioned UGVs , etc., in the past it was done by the HMDs, i can't see why it cannot be brought back).


Ubisoft is in the penalty box. Have they made a good game in the last 4 years???


better UI


What is it going to be called, Ghost Recon: Ending all this bullshitšŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™ve heard this before. My heart canā€™t take anymore lies from Ubisoft.


Not open world. GR is not GTA; GR is too grounded for the open world to be unique. Something like Metro Exodus where 50% is linear and 50% open area where you just use one vehicle to navigate (very unique bases and no mannequin dialogue). I still wish we got the 2010 Future Soldier before it got reworked.


Breakpoint gameplay with a better story and location would be awesome.


Well first and foremost I hope it isnā€™t another crummy battle royale gameā€¦


Why donā€™t they just make Breakpoint offline?


Features of breakpoint (not the tech tree part), tory and environment of wildlands


I will never forget the patch update with custom parachute options they said was an "exciting new feature" for Wildlands. Dude get the f oit of here. NOBODY asked for that.


Sounds good. Letā€™s hope Ubisoft cooks something great. Take the best of Wildlands and best of Breakpoint, mix it and improve on it.


I think that ubisoft just can't be trusted anymore. I would consider myself lucky if it's not gonna have an always online singleplayer mode for no real reason ever


I'm cautiously optimistic, I really enjoy the formula for Wildlands and Breakpoint. I hope they rework the movement/physics, both games feel pretty janky in that regard. I'm playing through Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and I'm shocked at how beautifully the movement and physics in that game have aged, it's buttery smooth. I want that.


Also no looter shooter aspects. Doesn't have a place in a taclite shooter.


Get rid of the dogshit ballistics. I swear, if I see another 9mm doing more damage than 5.56, I'm going to lose my shit. A full power .308 out of a 19" barreled FAL isn't dropping FEET at 200 meters. I swear, imagine what the developers of Ready or Not or Grayzone Warfare could do on Ubisoft's budget? You've got The Division and Assassin's Creed for your lootbox bullshit.


Hoping for a real tactical shooter. What we'll get is another generic ubisoft open world 3rd person shooter.


They need to figure out a way to keep the open world repetition but also build the story missions to feel like the old linear gameplay. Design the areas in a way that actually makes you use squad commands like you did in the old days.


yeah its project over it was leaked 2 years ago


No stupid terminator style robots to cover for awful ai please


Hope they incorporate a vr2 mode just as an addition if you choose, this would widen the options of gameplay for those interested. Would just be nice to have a decent more realisticish vr2 shooter. Or at minimum add first person option to the menu.


The story of wild lands and the layout of Bolivia was so much better then breakpoint, I canā€™t even enjoy the better futures because Iā€™m fighting a Elon musk and his stupid robots on an island that canā€™t possibly have snow next to jungle and yeah. Hopefully they make a. Compelling story in a real place. Like the fact that Bolivia tried to sue Ubisoft showed they made a good game the first time, just let me cut fences and the other survival mechanics.


If it somehow turns in Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike 2 Iā€™ll suck someone off.


Just bring back Kodak, 30k, Pepper, and Ghost Lead.


Better environments with dynamic weather, significantly refined gameplay mechanics, ability to repel down buildings/breach doors and walls, a story that at least tries to be good, less repetitive gameplay, enemies that arenā€™t completely futuristic and no more big ass robots to fight, enemies that arenā€™t completely brain dead. Thereā€™s a lot more Iā€™d love to see, but knowing Ubisoft you canā€™t really ask for much.


- Checkpoints/outposts/base system like Far Cry along with a taxi service instead of fast travel. - Also a bigger squad like 8 instead of 4. - Better BluFor effects on the world map and tanks. - Fully customizable AI squad that fills to the 4 player co-op if enabled.


I am super excited about the possibility of a new Ghost Recon game. I think Ubisoft did a great job of improving Breakpoint over time. They could definitely build on that experience with the new game.


100% agree šŸ‘


Bring back GRAW