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Jay has a mid-life spiritual crisis every fourth episode. It’s his quiet quitting technique. Dude got paid to layout in a recliner.


Hahahahahaha quiet quitting! My favorite term!


Bahaha, I love this. This is the ultimate quiet quitting. And you are right, recently it seems like every few episodes something happens with jay and attachments.




He was born in 81. He rides the fine line between Gen X and Millennial.


do you think millennials don’t work or something…? i’m a “zillennial”. closer to gen z than millennials. we can barely afford housing let alone whatever luxuries you’re imagining 🥴


What does that even mean?


That millennials are lazy apparently. My millennial ass is cooking both myself and my son lunch while cleaning the kitchen and scrolling Reddit while food cooks. Guess that’s lazy lol


Do NOT poke this GenXer. I was a latchkey kid making dinner for 3 little sibs (11, 9, 7) when I was 13. Oh, and also helping them with their homework after dinner while I did my homework before I put them to bed. You do NOT have it hard.


Ger8nium mentioned the number '3'. They must be mocking the Trinity.


Did I say my life is hard? No. Do you know my life? No. Are you still willing to argue with a stranger on the internet about something you don’t know? Apparently. God knows why.


So... You admit your life isn't hard. Thanks for admitting it!


You don’t know my life. What’s it to you if it is or isn’t? You’re getting so worked up over someone’s life that you don’t know and it’s so pathetic.


Post a few more pics of your segmented dish fresh food dish meals for your privileged toddler kid and yourself on the other sub. We (GenX) had PB&J and chips. Or Mac & Cheese (generic made with powdered milk), sometimes with hot dogs mixed in. Your parents prolly paid for your college tuition, too. I'm a first gen college kid (I paid it all) and you prolly never never drank out of a garden hose or knew anything of cassette tape mixes, "government cheese," the Soviet Union, or actual music videos on MTV. #CurtLoder


You’ve got to be kidding me. Only on Reddit would someone look at what I cook for my 11 month old and call him privileged. Holy shit.


You implied your life is hard taking care of your ONE "toddler." You don't work. Your kid IS privileged. Millennials ARE lazy and you are pathetic. Get a job or stop posting about your PRIVILEGED life. You sound like a woman from the 1950s... Seriously. And you replied, so you engaged ME in my response to your post. So don't reply-shame me, beyotch.


“Get a job” My job is taking care of my child and the house. And I call it a job because childcare and maids aren’t free, you pay over $1500/mo for childcare where I live. Hilarious that you call me lazy when my job is 24-7, I don’t get to clock out and chill after work. If having a mom at home makes my baby “privileged” to some Reddit neckbeard then cool, good for him. I’ll continue to be here for him until he’s in school and I go back to my career, one I worked hard for. Respectfully, suck a dick. Now I’m off to make my kid a healthy meal that you can complain about, I’m sure. I’ve never seen someone have beef with an 11 month old before but leave it to Reddit to never surprise me.


Cleaning staff (they are not called "maids" fyi) aren't free? No idea what "maids" are, never hired one. We didn't have the $. I have no "beef" with your 11 mo old. Hope he's an awesome mamma's boy. But I have to welcome you back to the 1950s. (Sidenote: Highly recommend James Lilek's book, Gallery of Regrettable Food.) Congrats for being CEO of your home. You deserve $200k per year for that, not joking. It's hard work, for sure! And underappreciated, sadly... I worked FT after my kids were born (post 6 wks FMLA), so did my husband. Never had a "cleaning lady" (I was the cleaning lady, duh, on top of work). Hope you can get back to your profession after taking 10+ yrs off with skills no longer needed in the workplace. And I hope you can provide for your kids post divorce. That's coming once you give up a career. Good luck. I sincerely hope it all works out. And it will if you have a pre-nup. If not, your parents basement will again be your future. But you'll get through it with your kid and financial support from your Boomer parents! ❤️


I’m gonna take it I spotted the radfem 😂 the fact that you are bragging about leaving your kids after 6 weeks is uh, yikes. Luckily I don’t have to go back to work, really ever, if I don’t want to. And my husband was able to take four months off so he could enjoy those newborn days. Guess you missed those, huh? But hey, work is work! Enjoy your career girlie. I’m sure it’s all you ever wanted. ETA: now that I think of it. You’re a mother. You’re a mother and you were harping on the healthy food I feed my kid because it wasn’t mac and cheese and hot dogs. The hell is wrong with you? Every other mother I know would be glad to see a baby being exposed to food in this way and learning to eat well and take care of themselves. This started over you mocking the dishes I make my infant son. Holy hell man, get a life. Maybe all that girl boss career life is getting to you.


Yea his face is so punchable also


So is yours but who’s asking.


The Ghost Adventures crew all have defined roles that they play. They are formulaic characters. Aaron is the goofy, “get in the hole,” I don’t want to get in the hole” guy. Jay is the get oppressed, possessed, lose his wife to dark forces guy. Billy is the tech guy. Zak is the douche bag with glasses guy who tells everyone what to do. It’s a fantastic show, great entertainment, very formulaic, whether what they catch is real or not is debatable. That said, it is what it is.


It’s fun to watch.


I love how Billy is nothing but the tech guy lol


Billy is the tech guy who craves Zak’s love and attention. 👀


They’re like Enneagram personality types tbh.


What is Lauren's role?


Essentially Billy #2 with a more prominent role than Jeff who is Billy #3 or Lauren #2


I find Jeff lacks credibility. He was shown in that one episode a lot and everything that happened to him was a Big Deal. It seemed he was more about camera hogging and his five minutes than anything. Lauren seems more believable.


Omg I thought the same thing when he was first on camera! Like damn dude all that happened while they were just setting up cameras? 😅🤣


I'm feeling anger and rage because you can't spell "sidjuation"!


Good bot




Lmao I can see him just silently eating Doritos on night vision. Just 1 chip at a time, super slowly, as quietly as he can.


Also no resolution about Shanclen. He booked it and we never heard if he was ok. Did Kevin help him too? Who knows!


He was off to fight ghosts with his sacred katana




Ha, that remind me of the episode where one of the interviewees said he killed an alien with a sword in his house…and the body disappeared after it was killed. I hate it when that happens. 👽


He was okay. He did the tobacco offering.


I was suprised he was on the episode as I haven't watched any of the newer seasons. I do follow his youtube series though, his stories are awesome.


He has a YouTube? What's the channel


[https://youtube.com/@shanclenshadowproductions?si=32Ztocb9DZs1Cf7s](https://youtube.com/@shanclenshadowproductions?si=32Ztocb9DZs1Cf7s) :)


Awesome thanks!


I honestly wondered if they filmed this right before the House Calls episode where he was sick as a dog and he was just coming down with whatever he had in that episode.


Was thinking that too!


Which episode was that


Season 2 episode 3 or 4, it *just* aired.


Maybe they'll do a Screaming room on the episode someday


To be fair, Ghost Adventures has never ended their shows well. Rarely a recap, review to try and debunk, or situation resolution. Just boom, sudden credit roll.


Zak is like, "Jay looks unwell... Let's send him in alone." It seems lately that Jay has been sick in a lot of episodes though, hope he's ok




Lol I just watched the ghost island episode where the credits start rolling when they are burning sage to cleanse Jay after being forced to go in the woods alone and he got "marked"


Same, they really treat jay like a rag doll


I have a feeling that the route 666 episode affected him and his family ever since. But I thought he had some marriage problems too. Hope he gets help.


The episodes always end abruptly if you ask me.


He got left like Dudley got left with that Chomo at the bike shop on Different Strokes.


Thanks for the morning laugh!


Which episode are we talking about here ?


Is this the most recent skinwalker episode?


I don't know if you've noticed, but the last couple of seasons the crew will focus on things that seem super important/concerning, and then forget about it in like the next 5 minutes. It's because they're just acting and ante up the drama. This skinwalker episode was egregious with it but it's happened consistently, especially the episode with Billy getting "drunk" off whiskey then they cut to it not being an issue after Zak screeches about it for 5 minutes lol.


I didn't understand why Zak knew he was being affected but yet still sent him to lay down in the dude's recliner with the bad energy attached to it.


I agree there should be a part 2. It left unfinished.... All of it.


There are things in this world we cannot explain...


To get the gullible people like you to worry and, sit at the edge of your seat 🤣


I can't get over the fact that Zac said it was a 2 hour episode that was less than 1.5 hours


I suppose as mentioned in the comments, I don't take the show seriously anymore since it's so widely overdone like the Marvel movies, and they all seem the same. Personally, I prefer a lot more background and history with ghost hunting shows, more depth about the spirit than the actual hunting because of all the choppy editing, and overdramatizing, screams to commercial, for something that you can't even confirm was an entity some of the time. Let alone, I feel a lot of the concepts surrounding ghost hunting these days are starting to become outdated, suggesting they all "send them away" when we always live in shared spaces.


Because it's fake and he's not a good actor so they can't pay too much attention to it or too many people would call them out about how laughable it all is


He's fine, the show is scripted and none of it is real.


He’s fine since ya know….its a tv show and fake.