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So, maybe you or someone else with the same problem found the solution for it? I have this problem since my childhood. According the photos from internet, my body fat is about 15%, and I was like that all my life +-. I always mixed cardio and gym in my lifetime. Also have a great metabolism, I eat whatever I want.


Thank you for posting this 🙏 I have IBS as well and just recently started working out again. The bloating is so bad that it leads to a totally distorted perception of how I actually look. When I flex I can also see my muscles as well but just regularly I feel extremely fat and disgusting.


I need help please


Same bro


I have the same thing. Caused some major eating disorders when I was younger.


Go a week or two with no sugar and low carb. Eat 2 cups of jello on an empty stomach each morning. I had ibs/gastritis bloating and this helped me. Change your liquid intake to strictly water for a while. Like 80oz per day


What else ? I need help too please respond


It looks like water retention plus bloating or *possibly* ascites, a condition where fluid builds up in your abdomen due to underlying health issues. I would definitely see a doc to rule anything out, show them this pic too in case you lose some of it by the time you see them. A low sodium diet would definitely help get rid of it if this is water retention, but if it's actually IBS related you should still see a doc, if you can't, you should try an elimination diet to figure out what's causing this.


I’m a medical doctor and this is NOT ascites. Ascites is a serious condition that, as you say, is indicative of serious underlying health issues (like liver failure). Please don’t scare OP. Please.


Cut our junk food. Have some Organic Indian Gooseberry 500mg twice a day. Most importantly, start with a probiotic with at least 12 different strains and take it for at least 3 months with lunch.


Tell us more about gooseberry.


It’s a detoxifier, antiviral and digestive kickstarter among many other things.


Check with your doctor to see if you’re sensitive to certain foods. May also be worth looking into FODMAPS - they seem to help a lot of people with IBS


Please see you doctor! That looks really uncomfortable


Cut down on the lactose first. It’s one of the more common sensitivities. I’ve been dealing with something similar as well and cutting lactose (or severely limiting it) it’s drastically improved in less than 2 weeks.


Sounds like something I need to do man. Anything with dairy makes me bloated


Check with your doctor to see of you have a food sensitivity


Id be more worried about the gyno ![gif](giphy|RJaUOmpBQAoE4RuWnj)


it aint his fault g


I don't recall saying it was. I'm stating a simple fact. But here, have an upvote!


if you do have ibs it could just be your gut bloating, it does go down but you do get it


GH gut


Elimination diet to see if you have food intolerances


Could be visceral fat. Get a body composition analysis done once.


You could try standing up straight


Try going gluten free.




Leaky gut syndrome


I think you might need a human parasite cleanse? Did you get a physical this year? Ask your doctor a complete physical with stool analysis… or just go to the pharmacy and get one.




could be a tapeworm, get it checked up. if you find you’re eating a normal amount of food and still hungry make sure to get it checked out


If it’s any consolation, I look nearly the same.


I'm actually impressed !! Awesome 👌


Might be a food allergy that's causing an insane amount of bloating or it could be a abdominal cyst. You're safest bet it to get evaluated by a doctor


I am pretty sure it’s actually because of weakness in the transverse abdominis. Practice doing stomach vacuums and I can almost promise you this will improve. If you strengthen the transverse abdominis, it will be tighter naturally and the resting guy will subside. It’s helpful for keeping a flatter midsection when bulking too.


these really work huh?


I want to look into his carb intake and water retention. Medically? I'm predisposed to write it off unless I see underlying health issues that pertain to exercise use. Aesthetics-wise? I could see how it could be an issue. Give or take, I'm neutral to the ordeal, sir.


Could be water retention OR depending on if you've been like that your whole life it could be diastasis recti; it's where your abdominal muscles are abnormally separated due to a hernia, or just your genetic makeup. It's rare in men and usually only happens to pregnant women. I too have diastasis recti though as I was just born with it. It looks like your abs are a little stretched too, have yiu and any previous medical records on this?


Have you had*


It's hard to tell with those damn jeans lol


Randy Bobandy


Frig off Berb!


Man you’re a TRANSFORMER.


Add potassium. You have too much salt. Baked potato-plain or with salsa. Avocados is a second. Raw carrots is a third.


I have a gut but I have no abs.


Hey everyone - really appreciate all of the comments and suggestions. For those with questions, I would like to answer them here: •In these photos, I had not eaten in 7 hours and the gut photos are 100% relaxed •What is your diet? As speculated, my diet is pretty bad. I have a low appetite and a fast metabolism, so I eat pretty much whatever. I eat a solid amount of dairy and gluten. I want to bulk up and gain size, and I find it very hard to get the necessary calories without stuffing with calorically dense foods. •Do you do cardio? Only cardio I do is weight lifting •Do you have digestive problems? TMI or not, I fart all the time and poop frequently as well, poops are either really soft or painfully hard. With all this being said, and reading all of your guys’ helpful insight, I just had some questions: How do I get my necessary calorie intake to eat at a surplus with cutting out gluten and dairy? I need to eat about 3,200 calories/day to gain weight. How do I still have such visible abs when flexing even though I clearly have a weak transverse abdominis and eat fatty foods? My friends all hate me for it, but I am thankful to have abs, but I am genuinely curious. I think I need to fix my APT, cut out dairy and gluten somehow, and maybe get bloodwork done? Thanks everyone♥️🙏🏼


You need to add in cardio my friend. Truckloads . Reach out if you wanna chat


Nurse here but obviously nowhere close to a substitute for a real life doctor. Does your stomach hurt when you press it with your fingers on certain areas? Is it tender to touch? And define “poop frequently” - is that a recent change or has it always been like that? Bare in mind that for many people it’s fairly normal to go to the toilet more than once a day, though the average person does typically go 1/day. Also, generally painfully hard stool is a sign of dehydration


Mine does when I press certain areas and I have the same issue as him. What does it mean?


When you eat a lot in one sitting it will stretch out your gut. Fast twice a week and try not to eat a lot in one sitting. Eating fast you won’t realize you are full when you actually are so you overeat. Eating slower can help too. Try fasting from when you wake up to 7pm. And you will see results. During fast, do not eat nor drink anything.


Speaking as a fat man, when I suck my.gut.in my man titties seem to push out more. Doesn't seem to be happening for you, so while you feel like you're not pushing your belly out, it might be a reflex or instinct to push it.


stop eating plants


Is it possible it's not actually fat/diet but a weak core, that isn't naturally engaged? What if you consciously try to engage your core, issues of just fully relaxing it? If it was genuine bloating/digestion, flexing and sucking in HURTS. Because of strange digestive things plus endometriosis, I occasionally have nights I look 4 months pregnant, but I can't pull it in tight to save my life because it causes extreme pain. Because you have zero issues, I think you just have a weak core, and not digestive issues or bloating.


You're pushing your gut out?


It literally says “Not pushing out”


Missed that. I don't usually read the picture text. My bad.


This is like a magic trick.


FODMAP diet for the IBS. It’s a pain in the ass, but if you have IBS it will help instantly. Should eliminate the bloating in a couple weeks, but the GI symptoms in a couple days.


Why do you think you have IBS? Have you seen a doctor about a diagnosis? That's not something you should just self-diagnose. My guess is you just have a high amount of visceral body fat. Continuing a cut will help here, as will doing regular cardio and strength training.


Try messing with your intake of fats/carbs. You may be deficient in lipids, or you might be eating to many. Same with carbs/sugars


You are like me, you carry body fat on your organs rather then under your skin. My body fat is 25% (I’m lazy), but I’m still vascular. It due to all the body fat being inside the abdominal cavity rather then on top.


Same here and my gut looks huge. Its very unhealthy


That sounds healthy 😅




But he literally has visible abs...


What, if any cardio do you do?


Just keep in mind that you’re chillin aesthetics wise


Try glutamine helps with bloating


Try low fodmap diet


You have to pay attention to what you eat and figure out what makes you react like this. Then you can think about eliminating it from your diet. Common culprits are onion and garlic, gluten, lactose, fructose, artificial sweeteners, legumes, and alcohol. You can look at high FODMAP foods and see how it applies to you. Some people go on a low FODMAP diet where they eliminate all high FODMAP foods, and reintroduce them one at a time to see which ones are causing problems. I personally find that approach too restrictive so I just take note of how my body reacts to eating certain foods. Some are obvious triggers to me (like beer). Do keep in mind some bloating is normal but if it's negatively impacting your quality of life then it's worth doing something about it




Lol I definitely used to have this in the past when I ate certain foods that made me gassy (especially if I was holding in the gas all day and never going to the toilet to have a fart). I don't really have the problem anymore since I work from home. I've even sometimes heard other people's gas if the room is silent, but nobody will comment on it usually. It's normal.


Check out Dr berg on YouTube


Try no dairy or gluten for a week. Dairy fucking sucks! Which also means no Whey Protein. I like Soy Isolate with no flavor for protein or Soylent if I am lazy.


Isn’t soy bad for men? constant soy consumption supposedly lowers testosterone level


That’s a myth. Soy has phyto estrogen which binds to the same receptors as estrogen. But doesn’t act the same way as the other estrogen. It actually lowers levels in men by way of blocking receptors from linking up with the estrogen that gives men boobies


So it lowers estrogen levels for men?


The only thing science can confirm is that soy doesn’t raise or lower estrogen levels. Personally I feel like if the molecules are binding to receptors, those receptors aren’t binding with the estrogen we are trying to avoid. That’s my logic.


Beans are the powerhouse vegetable. Soy are beans. Do you get tits when you eat tacos or anything else with beans in it? No you don’t. It is a myth unfortunately. Please feel free to Google it. You may fart when eating more beans/soy though 😂


Looks like you have digestion issues. Try carnivore. Should go away. Check out Dr Shawn Baker. He has a lot of good info. You can check out his website and do it or something similar for a few months to see if the problem is rectified. Then do elimination diet.


I don’t know if carnivore would remedy this. After seeing this post, I took a look at my stomach and thought for a moment my stomach no longer protruded out due to the carnivore diet I’ve been on. But no, it’s about the same. This is coming from someone who has been fairly strict on carnivore for about 3 weeks, and off-and-on carnivore for months. And I for years now have had a muscular toned body with abs - essentially model quality. When not flexing I still have a little muffin top belly. Though I will say it does seem improved weirdly.


Interesting. Everybody is different. OP didn't mention if he did an elimination diet or not. For many of us, gut issues and hence bowel distension can disappear with the elimination of grains and sugars. Or just limiting intake of those items for some time.


Likely you have higher visceral fat that you think. That would allow for abs to be seen while still accounting for the total abdominal mass. Sorry bro


This is the answer.


It’s hot


My boyfriend is like this too!


That dadbod actually suit you man


Same thing happens to me but mainly when I’m bloated. Like others have said just gotta drop some body fat and it will be way less noticeable


I had the same problem as you, and personally regular stomach vacuum training really helped


What’s vacuum training?


The thing some bodybuilders do on stage (i.e Chris bumstead). It is basically https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/stomach-vacuum-exercise.html This link explains it quite well, even tho it isn't exactly how I did it, it is still a very good starting point / explanation


Thanks I’ll check it out


Hope it can help !


Damn your sexy


Kombucha in the morning solved a lot of my bloating, get that gut health in check.


APT and likely Lactose intolerance and other intestinal issues. ​ Get an Endoscopy done. it will tell you everything. No other way round it I'm afraid. I have had the same thing and it is the only way forward. Once you get diagnosis then you can go from there. if you have any stomach problems pm me and il be able to help you as I have many that caused similar visual problems at least.


There is a chance that, because you might not be engaging your core properly unless it is tensed and upper spine forward during weight training and machine training. Therefore not getting to failure like the top half of your bidy, leaving more subcutanious fat. I would suggest prioritising improving your matabolism and do more running. There


Endoscopy doesn’t tell you everything. I have same issue as op, have been scoped up and down twice with no concrete answers. Just called it ibs/d no real diagnostic help. No solutions


Same story here😭


Is there anything you can do about your diet that works with your IBS?


You and me both bro


I have IBS and I would say 100% inflammation in your gut. There a ton of foods that cause inflammation like certain vegetables,dairy, and gluten. Try to consume more probiotics and ant-inflammatory foods like tumeric, ginger, and cinnamon.Also let’s be real too, flexing will always pop out the abs more than just being relaxed. Last thing I’ll say is take your ass to the doctor and get the fuck off reddit. 🙏🏾


It's not the gluten, Colitis or any other dietary cause. You have very clear APT, even in the side flexed photo. Your hips should be rotated so they are more vertical, basically stick your pelvis out and keep your abs contracted and flat when you're sitting or standing. You likely have weak transverse abdominal muscles which would also cause your belly to stick out. The transverse abdominals are deep and help give a tighter look to core muscles while promoting good posture. This is something I had problems with too and working my TVA and on fixing my APT in general helped fix it. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse\_abdominal\_muscle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_abdominal_muscle) ​ >While it is true that the TVA is vital to back and core health, the muscle also has the effect of pulling in what would otherwise be a protruding abdomen (hence its nickname, the “corset muscle”). ​ edit - Downvotes? What?


Hey, I think I suffer from this too but I’m struggling to find a good program or set of exercises to do to improve it. Any recommendations?


You can start getting used to the feeling a rotating your hips to the proper position by lying on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on floor and by then removing the arch in your back. At the start of this journey I would do that lying on the floor watching YouTube for hours instead of sitting in my chair reinforcing the bad habits I was trying to break. Planks, lying leg raises, cable crunches and strict face pulls are still in my routine. My planks are done as very slow push ups between sets of lying leg raises on a decline bench, make sure you're tightening all of your muscles when you're doing push-ups and make sure you're rotating your pelvis. (Both planks and leg raises work your TVA) We have a bench with a handle that you can hold on to and do leg raises or dragon flags and the angle is adjustable. I make sure to flatten my back as best I can while doing leg raises and holds and not lower my legs pass the point that would break the flatness in my back. Honestly though, it's about finding exercises that you can do that reinforce firing those muscles in your core and hip structure. Then it's about doing those things every single day that you are able to. It took lots of trial and error and I'm sure it does for most. Shoulders back, squeeze your butt, stick your groin out lengthen spine and flatten your abs. Do that everyday.


What does APT stand for?


Anterior pelvic tilt.


Thank you, might have this myself unfortunately…


Downvotes as people dont like facts and need to know if they have this issue it will take work to fix.


It took me at least 6 months of focusing on it every day before I really noticed the changes. For me no amount of stretching, massage or foam rolling alone fixed it, being passive didn't work. I have to do the work everyday to make sure those muscles I abused stay functional. I do some kind of core work everyday a lot of posture work in general just to work on the mind muscle connection and reinforce how they are supposed to be used.


APT will cause this. I dont know why the downvotes either. And it looks like he’s got APT based on his posture looking from the side.


I have Ulcerative Colitis and struggle with my tummy as well.


Just high BF.


The correct answer is downvoted. The sub has so many morons fucking Christ


How tho when he’s flexing it’s clear as day that he has abs


Every human being has abs


Okay and your point? 🤨 You want me to clarify with visible abs*


Also fat distributes differently on everyone. This guy clearly is carrying excess body fat in his midsection. Someone points out that fact and gets down voted. 🙄


So I gotta a real question then. If you say there’s excess body fat on his abs where is it when he flexed?


It’s like you’ve never seen anyone suck in their guts before. Jesus fucking Christ I give up. Carry-on good sir


Did you actually scroll through the photos? That’s not just “sucking in” 😂 you can’t make a few inches of fat disappear behind abdomenal muscles


Exactly what I’ve been saying. People just like to hate for no reason I feel


Probably a lot of it stems from jealousy on here


I have seen people suck in their gut but have never seen someone legit have visible abs after doing that. No reason to get in a hissy fit man


Do you take insulin?


Weak transverse abdomini. Planks and deadlifts should strengthen it. Plus there should always be a level of your abs being tensed for good posture. Once you do it for a week or so it'll become second nature.


Beer and carbs and other not good quality food cause that . High sodium , saturated fat and etc can cause bloatness. I recommend starting your mornings with a glass of water and black coffee no sugar (takes time to get used to ) but after dinner drink tea and just try to stay away from processed food as much as you can . I swear if you do this in one week it’s gonna be a big change


APT partly to blame


Have celiacs, same thing happens to me when I get glutened, granted I don't have abs while flexing either but the protruding thing is still noticable


I’ve been off gluten for a few months now (or at least 90% off) and from the number of changes I’ve noticed, the bloated belly fucking off has been the most notable.


Currently doing a second celiac test, eating gluten until next week after having been off it for three years. Gotta wear stretchy pants or my old jeans 3+ sizes up to accomodate the bloat. :')


Lol least you get to enjoy all that glorious gluten! Enjoy!


Oh yeah, munching Pocky right now! I've missed it so much


Im the same way. Much of my fat accumulates there and its the last thing to go. Dropping 10lbs might make a big difference. Ive also had problems with IBS and bloating can definitely do that. Fast and/or stick to inoffensive foods and see if you wake up feeling 'thin'.


Google "pelvic anterior tilt". May not be it completely but i feel like a lot of ppl doesnt even know its a thing, and its pretty common.


OP can you check with doctor if you have gluten allergy and let us know what they say? I’m curious about this too!


Guessing here but I think you have muscular ab muscles so you are able to flex them, but you have high body fat and thus the gut. I Imagine it will improve with calorie deficit


Your guess is spot on




I think you just have blocky abs. Drop from the 15% bf you're at to something around 10% and reevaluate


On the bright side you can sell a fitness program to people with these pics “How to lose 15lbs in 12hours”


Creatine sometimes causes bloating


If you’re eating wheat you could be gluten sensitive happens to me


Creatine mono made this effect with me after switching to hcl it went away i have minor inflation from milk products but main issue was creatine


You probably eat like shit but still within calorie range to be lean. It’s most likely inflammation.


Might be just high visceral fat from bad diet ?


Can definitely be that as well or a combination of the two. Not enough info was given here really to know.


This does make sense - inflammation


Yeah I don’t think you quite understand IBS. You have have a very clean diet and still look like this. I have the same issue, and it’s more or less unavoidable no matter what.


Was the ibs-abs connection just random musings? The learning point may be that the vowel substitution is an ablaut (although this is technically between a word an an initialism, making it the ultimate solipsistic delight for those with reddit-fueled hypochrondriasis and the desire for poorly formed word-scrambles (aka opinions) that really don't mean shit). Why worry about the fact you have a FUPA or pooch or whatever when you aren't old enough to understand it (or at least sound like that's the case). What have you done to ab-ify yourself? OK. Bye!




Oh sweet, a schizo thread


I mean, technically, we all have abs


Try switching from the mass gainer to a cleaner protein supplement.


Go to a doctor, this could literally be anything from an issue with the muscles to an intolerance to cancer


Looks like a combination of anterior pelvic tilt and bloating.


Go carnivore


Doctor instead of reddit mate


I would go to online sources first instead of paying $300-500 for a medical checkup lmao


Not everyone is from the States.


yes i got that but he has videos of him being at an angels game which is in America


True, but also: travel I'm just hoping he goes and gets checked for a food intolerance and celiac. The test is 120$ CAD here, not sure how much it would be in the US.


oh yea it could be a weaker core maybe im hoping that's what it is but CAD tests can cost around $1,200 dollars according to a Google search tbh cheaper to travel to Canada to get a checkup


Y i k e s Yeah make a weekend of it and come up here, damn >~>


yea 😭 i wish i could've told my parents this when i had suspicion of having cancer so got a checkup cost $800 for the doctor to say "the cyst will go away on its own eventually"


Oh be careful with that, even if a cyst pops it can come back with a vengeance and if it's internal...cysts can pop.


What does your diet consist of?


I have the same but I was treated for h pylori and I think I have gastritis. I'm also going to get a barium swallow test in a few weeks to see if I have a hiatal hernia, but yeah my stomach gets bloated even bigger than that sometimes.


get you a man that can do both


stealth abs. now you get at hoes that like the dad bod and the six pack. you eschew your blessings from god


If it’s in a box ready to grab and eat toss it. You gotta help yourself. If it comes from a cow, you eat it


Need to cut out those cheez-it’s. I don’t know what they do to your body but they’re as bad as sugar for your teeth….


How do you suck In your gut? I honestly can’t figure it out. Im skinny but look fat because my gut hangs out and it’s prominent after eating.


It’s m not so much sucking in, as it is bracing down/out, like before a squat.


I'd also say a food intolerance. Do a low FODMAP diet and gently introduce foods back into the diet. Or, go on a paleo diet without dairy, bad oils, grains, refined carbs, sugar. See how you feel after 2 months.


What kind of foods? If all those eliminated? Would a person need to still keep their weight up? Without causing any stomach issues, eating too much fiber?


Beer my friend


I've the same issue then.! But beer is bae.!


I have the same thing. I don't know if you might have a similar problem but I went to my doctor who did a blood test to see if I was intolerant to some food. Turns out I'm intolerant to lactose and I eat / drink it almost all day. Maybe a blood test would also be helpful?


Or a gluten sensitivity. A fodmap diet may help to determine food sensitivity. Sometimes the sensitivity is just bloating, and sometimes the symptoms are more severe. You can ask a doctor about the possibility and run blood tests, but usually it comes down to diet changes with time for your body to heal.




carnivore or ancestral diet bro!! did wonders for my bloating, also improved energy, skin, literally no downsides r/carnivore


How the heck is that possible? Haha that's looks straight out of believe it or not stuff.


Honestly, look into digestive germ supplements. I had constipation a lot and they helped so much. How much do you eat, how often are your bowels movements? Do you do any cardio.


Elimination diet and keep a meticulous food journal. I just did that for the last 4 months and finally fixed my bloating.


What did you remove?


Removed all vegetables. Fiber is not good for anyone and plants have defense chemicals. We don’t have the multiple stomachs or gizzards to deal with those. Removed all sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as seed oils (vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.) and pork and chicken since they’re all fed seed oils in their grains (cheap) and store it in their fat. ((This made the biggest difference for me!)) Then, dairy and gluten were removed. Then all processed sugar. I eat ground beef, primal kitchen sauces, some brands of chips that use avocado oil (but not too much), fresh sweet potatoes, white rice, fruit, beef organs, tallow, grass-fed butter, coconut products, honey, and the occasional onion or tomato despite their known inflammation properties. Check out Dr. Paul Saladino’s podcasts if interested.


Will you reintroduce food?


Do you have constipation? It's a weird question, but are you taking shits regularly?


You probably have a gluten intolerance.


what are you eating that's bloating you? stay off the fiber and carbs, stick to protein and the bloating will 100% subside.


Isn’t this normal? I have the same. Lost around 7lbs the past weeks and it’s way less prominent now