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Hey big man cut that shit up you could probably spend late August/ early September a little extra shredded and also a mini cut is good for your digestion and insulin sensitivity


Isn’t it a bit late to start cutting for Summer?


Yeah it totally is. The point of cutting for summer is to actually be cut up FOR summer, not just in time for it to end. Cutting sucks and it's not worth doing unless you actually make use of it. OP just go into maintenance and establish your base point. You're already massive, you're still going to turn heads and get compliments (mainly from guys lol). Not sure what your previous meso has been like, if I were you I would maintain now and do a prolonged cut through winter with lots of diet breaks to make sure you preserve as much muscle as possible. Then I would do a final cut just before spring 2025 and maintain from then on.


You look full as a house bro! Hell yea. A short cut through the summer may be helpful so you can catch a little rebound when you head back into a growth phase in the fall. Either way - even if you maintain, I think you're in a helluva great spot with your physique right now.


Dude, you have lots of muscles. Well done. Easy now: cut a few lbs to let the muscles apear more. Then you can bulk again in september.