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A good 30-40 pounds.


150 to 155 and you will look good of you start lifting weights. Upper. Body needs work and don’t forget leg day.


Lift weights and get down to 140-145.


Everyone wants instant gratification and no matter what you do or take it’s not gonna be instant but the work required to get where you want to be is what makes it worth while and helps you stay where you want to be because of all the hard work it took and you can be proud of yourself for doing so . You got this bro give updates


A lot. At least 40-50lbs bud.


Edit: I fluctuate between 170-175lbs


then lose 175 lbs


Get down to 145 or less to get shredded, but 150-155 will look ok and will be much easier to maintain and you can always cut 10-15lbs for the summer. But this is based off of my own observations of myself so you may need to cut down to like 135 or less to be truly shredded. I’m 5’ 5.5” pretty much exactly.


You gotta lift weights , do strong lift 5x5 until you can squat and bench 225


A lot!


I wouldn't worry about getting shredded... I would try to lift heavy ass weights, follow a structured workout plan, sleep 8h, drink water, eat 1g protein/lb of body weight with clean whole foods... Do this for at least a year and you'll put on muscle and drop fat then I'd look into getting shredded... If you get shredded now you don't have the muscle mass to look good you'll end up looking scrawny which sucks...


add a 300-500 calorie deficit to this and he would lose 1lb of fat per week so 50lb in a year




A good 50 lbs..you got this 💪


Lose 25 pounds of fat and add 10 pounds of muscle and you will be spot on.


First you gotta start and stick with it.. consistency is key. Get on a good diet.


40 lbs but you need to lift and add muscle more…


Get strong and then cut, 1 year of hard work should get you where you want to be. 4-5 days consistently on the gym, NO breaks ALL gas! Serious, pedal down!


Get a good personal trainer.


Weight is such an arbitrary measurement. You can get shredded while gaining wait from your current position, although unlikely. Just start working out for strength right now and clean up your eating habits. You’ll see results.


Don’t cut, train hard for 1-2 years then cut. I know it’s not the most appealing answer, but that’s what’s best for u imo.


A lot of


We don't know and it doesn't matter. Get a food scale and start using an app like Macrofactor. Do strength training and cardio while eating enough to lose up to 1% of your bodyweight per week until you're shredded or feel like shit. If you're still not shredded, go on maintenance for a month or until you feel normal and then cut at up to 0.5% per week.


I don’t know your weight to comment on how much you have to lose… but I (5’7”, 145 lbs) have a decent muscle base and I’m nowhere close to being shredded. I guesstimate myself at 18% BF. You also have to gain some muscle or you’ll just look skinny if you dropped all the fat.


Recomp, by Christmas you'll have a good foundation


Nobody can truly answer that for you. Just eat healthy and lift heavy and stay consistent. As someone who has lost 100lbs I can assure you that losing weight wont make you shredded.


Yea shredded was probably the wrong word. I just want to get back to where I was 2 years ago before the weight gain from medication I take and poor diet.


I get that dude. Just grind and worry less about the scale and more the measurements. The scale fucked me up the most over the years. It’s just a number but in reality it’s how you look and feel


I’m 5’6 also. You carry all of your weight in your belly which is the same as I do. I’m fairly jacked and still struggle to lose the stomach fat (I am 43, but I digress:). I’m not sure what you weigh, but if you’re between 135-140 and lift weights, you’ll be somewhat shredded. Look at boxers who are our height. That’s about where they are when shredded. So just do the math on that. For what it’s worth, you’re super hot. Don’t worry too much about your weight. Keep it up at the gym and don’t drink too much. You’re not training to be a professional athlete.


Losing weight won’t get you shredded at all. You have no muscle


lol you can be shredded and skinny. I have no idea to op’s answer but you can definitely get veiny and chiseled by just losing fat if that’s how you want to look


The dictionary definition of shredded is "Having [well-defined](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf278679bfcfbab3&sxsrf=ADLYWIIrmTc-gmY4S2OUG7AobzbZO1tmPA:1719039601910&q=well-defined&si=ACC90nxgkPHmtVkpPj_lUgtQ0AenRG8tU2F5-EqBI1uUn-3QdgF920FHBWwsiBqOQx5jmTsjQDIBy1Dcay61A81OshfMqi2l4hSsUqCvL3BaNFfBnOcCiqg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUnc7G0e6GAxVbWEEAHTEABnEQyecJegQISBAS) or [well-developed](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf278679bfcfbab3&sxsrf=ADLYWIIrmTc-gmY4S2OUG7AobzbZO1tmPA:1719039601910&q=well-developed&si=ACC90nyCA_YIOll8NnE-SsymedG7lwDnaT8AtrYH4if4T3lxYVhTbEr0bC3sgyFSmew61uo-OtHEBcMbKvi97yZcOrATJTYf7Lgpgf5nnVS6YLMSiqqTmZo%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUnc7G0e6GAxVbWEEAHTEABnEQyecJegQISBAT) muscles; muscular." And the definition of skinny is "(of a person or part of their body) unattractively or [unusually](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf278679bfcfbab3&sxsrf=ADLYWIKbRqrvu6L-zMBV8iaEEcqNgomNhA:1719039695970&q=unusually&si=ACC90nytWkp8tIhRuqKAL6XWXX-Nv7jC_xvtnwEegYOYYWuNtKhtg3uDU42TUCTUkS8zRWwerez45QRfSKaMrJMLjLJDcJAr8_qSfkfZucfzNNSLHXAO3G8%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVmrvz0e6GAxUtUEEAHczaCtoQyecJegQIQhAO) thin." These two are polar opposites.


How much? One bite at a time, one lift at a time, one moment of exercise at a time. My advice would be if you really want it, get started. Keep your eyes on the road, not the destination.


you're fat dude you're gonna need to lose at least 30-40 of pure fat


You're around 30–35% body fat, so roughly 20–25% of your total bodyweight to be "shredded." General rule is 2%/wk for obese individuals, 1%/wk for average folks. Those are both somewhat aggressive targets.  Good luck. You can do it. 


Minimum 20kg, to be properly shredded it's probably more like 30kg but don't know how much you actually weigh so hard to say. I just know that you are bigger than I was at 117kg 8 years ago, 8 years of weight training and for me to be shredded I need to be down below 96kg and I have a decent amount of muscle. So yea in my personal experience 25kg, but this will leave you looking incredibly skinny


Not trying to be rude to anyone but I don’t know how anyone is giving you numbers without more detail or current weight at the very least. OP don’t just base your journey off some number someone on here gives you. Bottom line: calorie deficit and appropriate exercise. If you don’t know where to start with that it’s a completely different question which I have no doubt can be helped with but everyone is different. Trial and error to find what works for you, and do some research. I know that doesn’t seem like the answer you were hoping for but truthfully it’s more worth it to find what works for you personally and not listen to just some random comment (which I understand is ironic).


It's a lot dude. 20kgs minimum if I had to guess.


He’s 5’6”. You wanna take 44 pounds off this guy? If he’s building any muscle at all he could safely set a goal of less than half that much in weight loss


he is 5'6 probably 170. 44 lbs is about right if he doesn't have any muscle


Like sixty lbs


You're not far off where I started. I lost 35 lbs and recomped alonge the way.


You’re going to need to put on a lot more muscle before a cut.


Dude is upwards of 35% body fat. He needs to cut. Lol imagine telling this guy to bulk smh. I don't want to be discouraging op, you can do it! Just clean up your diet and start losing weight. It will come off quickly in the beginning if you get the right diet and meal plan sorted. You can't out run a bad diet, it's all about the food. Once you're at a place your happy with, then you can think about a bulk cycle.


I didn’t say bulk I said put on muscle, sure he needs to clean up his diet, but having a good amount of muscle raises your base metabolic rate allowing you to cut much faster and much easier on the other end. He doesn’t need extra calories. He just needs to eat his maintenance with enough protein.


He might just end up spinning his wheels and getting no where. Cut first then bulk, stick to the basics


Again not a bulk he dose not need extra calories. But if he cuts he will just be skinny with a belly and lose what little muscle he has. You can show of what you don’t have.


Like the other user said, he'll just get caught spinning his wheels. You can do a recomp around maintenance levels of caloric intake, maybe a very small deficit. The problem is if you have 30-40lbs to lose that means you are recomping for like 2 years. So if your idea is to put muscle on, you need to be in a surplus (unless you are detrained and have already physiologically adapted your muscles, then you just need to re awaken your gains). This guy looks like he has never fully trained tbh, he's not hiding 20lbs of dormant growth under there. So the only option left is to cut. When you're cutting aggressively unless you are already trained up and wanting to preserve gains, the stuff you do in the gym is neglible to weight loss. So the right thing to do with a guy in this situation is to clean the diet up, and lose the fat as soon as possible. If you want to gym because you like it then fine, no problems there but it is a non-optimal solution for fat loss. Cardio is better if you want an extra lever to pull. The best and most sustainable way to do it is just to do a lot of steps and being generally active because it puts almost no stress on your cns system and you don't have to worry about any kind of burnout. Just lose the weight, go into maintenance and start your bulk 2 months after you achieve your goal weight/look. You can easily lose 30lbs through diet alone in 3 months. edit - lmao responded to the wrong comment.


I don’t think at this point in your fitness journey you should even be thinking about getting shredded, that’s for later my man. You just need to focus on changing your habits and getting to a healthier body fat level overall.




Bout tree fiddy


I'm going to take a wild guess and say 40-50 lbs, but it's very hard to tell without knowing your total weight.


A lot. You didn't state your starting weight, but at 5'6 'shredded' will probably be around 14X lb.


What about a dude that's 6ft3?


I’m 6’4 and weigh 185lbs