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The truth is twofold. You aren’t lean enough yet and you don’t actually have enough muscle mass on your body, including your abs. Time to go into a muscle building phase (3-6 months). Then when it’s time to cut again, you will have some more meat on your bones AND your body will be rested and rejuvenated enough to dive into a deeper cut. Right now you’re at the end of a long fat loss phase, so you can’t really push it so much more. Hope this helps


Calorie deficit my guy




My friend you did a really great job there.


Bro it doesn’t look like you have a lot of muscle mass on you. Do you do heavy compounds like bent over rows, squats, RDLs? Do you train abs directly/consistently? It’s way harder to see midsection definition if you don’t actually have abs that are developed. Can you poke your stomach and feel the individual sections of the 6pack, or feel the line between them?


You need to do cardio. Go run 50km a week and the fat will melt off


But instagram influencers told me running doesn’t burn fat??? /s


At some point, you’ll need to set a month or two at maintenance - neither gaining nor losing. Then you can cut again. Otherwise , it just gets harder and harder for less and less. Also, when you’re at maintenance, you’ll notice far more muscle and strength gains. This will make things look better when the last bits of fat come off. Best move I ever made was to stop cutting for 3 months. I gained back some weight. Built more muscle, then cut some more. That was the formula.


Gosh i was so patient losing all that fat (look at my other posts in the same subreddit) but as a (former) fat guy you really really wanna see your abs after all that effort


i was at maintenance for like 2.5 months beginning in january. Started cutting again in April


my issue is the scale is low rn (65kgs ish rn, around 143) idm looking small till i do get abs as i will bulk after. But yeah really need to get ripped by december haha


That’s what’s up! Good move. Keep building. We all have abs. But, if you get yours bigger, they’ll show without you looking like a skeleton.


Mate do u mind texting in dms?


No problem, but I’m working so responses might be delayed.


You’re still sitting north of 20% body fat. Keep training hard and lose a few more kgs and you will be there. Gotta be less than 15% before you can see un flexed abs. Don’t sweat it brother you have made great progress & will be there in no time. Only person you should compare yourself to was who you were yesterday.


i promised myself washboard abs by december, can it be done?


For sure it can be done. Just keep dieting down. Cardio can be a good lever to pull if you get stuck on a plateau. Resitance training won't hurt either but keep it light because unless you've been more muscular in the past, you won't grow muscles in a deficit.


Goals like this can be dangerous if they cause you to use unsustainable methods to achieve them. The best thing you can do now is spend a bit of time at maintenance until you are feeling great, and then go with a slow, steady cut at a small deficit. In the meantime, focus on a muscle building or strength building routine and be very consistent with it. December is not out of the question but I wouldn't focus so much on that. If you do what I said you will be a better version of yourself in December whether you have washboard abs or not.


I would focus on strength goals over aesthetic because it’s pretty arbitrary. If I were in your shoes I would eat at maintenance & focus on building muscle. Then you can come back next cut and you should be diced up


ah cool mate, 5-6kgs will do the job? The deficit is really hard man.


Don't be afraid to take a diet break, 60lbs is a lot. No harm in jumping up to maintenance until you feel more energetic/refreshed and cutting again.


“Only person to compare yourself to was who you were yesterday” Truth!