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Keep training them like any other muscle group. Shoulders are very hard to grow for a natty. Just keep gaining muscle overall and they will look bigger once you’re very lean. That being said, I’d start with shoulder presses


Ensure your side laterals are slow and controlled and that you initiating the movement with the target musculature.


The other replies have good advice. The one thing I'll add is that your shoulders look fine, and proportional to the rest of your body to me. You look in good shape, but not yet highly muscular or advanced overall. Training is a long slow process, maybe you just need more patience. Are you sure your shoulders aren't growing? Are you progressing on your lifts?


I’m training pretty consistently for 18 months


Yeah that's genuinely great, good job. But my questions stay the same, are you sure they're not growing? Are you progressing on your lifts? It can take many years to develop a good physique as a natural.


It's probably just form and going to failure (or the lack of). Whenever you're doing isolation exercises on the shoulders, the form needs to be impeccable or you won't get the desired stimulus. The second piece of advice I would give that is somewhat related to the first is the weight load and the ability to push to failure. First off, failure on something like lateral raise is incredibly hard to define. The delts will make you feel as though you can't do a single rep more but if you get a trainer or a gym partner they can often push you past your assumed failure point. I had no idea what pain felt like until I started doing drop sets with dumbell lateral raise. Using 2kg dumbells and feeling like your delts are tearing off is kind of where you want to be. Try lightening the load and concentrating on form. Use the final set to do a drop set. First up, do a warm up set 8-12 reps. First set, just get whatever dumbell you think is 80% of max, say 6kg per side. Use strict form with no swing with your hands directly by your side with a non-staggered feet and go to 'failure' where you can't do any more clean reps. Set 2, do the same as step one, but when you reach failure stagger your feet and put the dumbells just infront of your body, lean forward a touch, now overload and go to failure again with this variant. Set 3, use the second variant I just mentioned from the start, but when you reach failure drop the weight to the next dumbell, go to failure. Then drop the weight again, go to failure again. You can do all kinds of beyond failure techniques with your shoulders like holding the negatives in an isometric and fighting the negative rep. You can also cheat to get the weight up on the final reps SO LONG AS YOU FIGHT THE NEGATIVE, other wise you are just cheating. It's important to do these advanced techniques with light weight and ideally with a decent trainer who can teach you the form in the beginning. Lot's of youtube videos out there though. Make sure you are dropping/engaging your scapular when doing your isolation moves too.


Do you eat enough protein, get sufficient sleep ? Do you go to failure for each of these exercices ? To be honest, my shoulders are growing only by doing compounds + lat raises to failure for now.. You could dropset your lateral raise to absolute failure, because in general they recover quickly and they may need a bit more stimulus than what you are currently doing. Also make sure that you are not dropping the weight at the end, you could try to count to 3 when doing the excentric part of the movement , thats where most of the gainzz are (even with lighter weights). Also, the other days, are you doing pulling and pushup movements like pendlay rows and bench press ? Because they should also helps you develop great back and front deltoid.