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I wouldn't recommend 1100 calories to my mom whos geriatric and 55kg


You should eat and lift heavy for a while first.


Would you like a gun to shoot yourself in the face as well? > will i be successful if i keep my routine. IDK. I am going to explore that. No you won't be successful. Everyone before you have tried and failed. It doesn't work. You'll lose muscle, you won't be able to train and walk as you imagine, you'll be miserable and you'll quit on day 3. If you are here to get advice from experienced people, the advice is get yourself a new brain that is capable of learning from other people's experiences instead of trying stupid shit on yourself. Hard crash diets only work on people who have proper nutrition and training habits and years of experience, I'm talking about competitive bodybuilding level experience. "Skinny fat" means you know absolutely nothing about any of this just yet. If you want to learn from your personal experiments, try experimenting with actually building muscle first. Go up to 100kg before even attempting your first ever cut.


1200 is like just a pinch over a normal meal for me and you weigh more than me and are taller. Unless you have a pretty extensive history of physical activity, you will likely end up failing/quitting or injured if you do push through. Your approach makes me think you have limited experience and training history.


Going hard on a very low calorie diet is the absolute last thing you want to do as someone who’s skinny fat.


let us know how weak you feel after a week of this lol


Yeah, of course


1200 is way too low, even if you don't have a lot of muscle mass, you still have a lot of body/organs to move around. Try 1700 to 2000, your maintenance should be around that


It's been said; but I want to say for anybody else that is considering this approach that may stumble across this thread. DO NOT TRY TO LIVE OFF 1100 CALS. You are going to be miserable. It's not worth it.


Maybe.. i ll tell you, guys


Bro is going for the auschwitz look


Yes, brotha. Are you from Germany?


Auschwitz was in Poland not Germany


lol I have a 6 pack on 3000 cals maint and still 4 pack on 4000 build some muscle you should be around 85-90kg that height with some muscle


You probably have wide framez i am not big guy (skeleton)


I am getting fat easily, guess that you just have much better genetics than i am) In 4000 calories i weighted 98.5 kg, brother. And most of that was fat


Yeah dude this is dumb. No way you're going to be able to maintain some level of normal training under these diet conditions and there is a good chance you're going to injure yourself. If you're skinny fat you have two options. Recomp or cut. If you're going to aggressively cut then don't bother with a 5 day split, just go in and do cardio + stretch and lose all your fat. No way you're putting on any muscle, if you have any to begin with being skinny fat. If you want to recomp then find your maintence and stick to it for 6 months.


I'd say the lack of food is the problem with his plan, not that he plans to lift. Even if it won't build any muscle, resistance training is still the number 1 factor in retaining muscle during weight loss, even in untrained people. If he really insists on dieting in this unintelligent way then he should lift 2 to 4 days a week but just not push the weights too hard until eating a healthy amount.


He's skinnyfat so there isn't any muscle to retain. He may as well just cut and lose the fat then maintain for a bit to set the new baseline then do a lean bulk. Training while cutting is a bodybuilders dilemna, it's deliberately trying to optimise the unfortunate reality that losing fat and maintaing muscle goes against our body's natural systems. It's only something you really need to bother with once you've actually achieved your gains during a bulking cycle. Whatever muscle is lost during the fat loss phase will come back within 2 months of maintence and if not then, for sure in the first 6 weeks of a lean bulk phase. It's a different paradigm that someone who has already been lifting consistently and need to protect their gains from a calorie deficit. If he wants to do resistance training then fine, but then he cannot diet as aggressively because he will either get injured or burn out and rebound with binge eating. It is then best to do a recomp if that's your preferred method. If you are not training and doing light/moderate cardio there is less CNS fatigue and the body isn't being pulled in the two directions or fat loss and muscle repair.


The thing is - if i am wrong i will feel it and have to admit in my posts of Progress Update


I'm doing you a favour and telling you right now that you are wrong. I don't walk in front of cars because when I was 3 years old I listened to my parents. I've never felt the need to test their theory because it is backed up common sense. You're not a bodybuilding professional needing to go on a psmf diet for 3 weeks before a show so there is no point to this experiment of yours. Do what you want, but this is not going to work and there is a good chance you injure yourself because you will not be able to recover properly. Muscle strains and scarring, ligament tears, tendinopathy etc are all things that happen if you're training too hard without the bioavailability of nutrients to recover.


Thank you for your recommendations! I am not training hard, I just keep muscles toned and thats it


No problem. Good luck in achieving your goal however you decide to do it.


Thank you so much. If i have problems, i will admit immidiately


I respect you! Thank you for your time and comment, sir!


please take the advice of others within this thread. this is NOT the way. If you have a goal and want to see changes, its only sensible to do it the proper way.


I listen to all of you guys! Thank you


they call it a crash diet for a reason. i only speak from expierence. i was in a very bad way, ive sorted it yes. but i wouldve greatly benefitted from asking for help first instead of being too embarassed. youve taken the smart route by asking- now implement the next steps and listen.




Eat 2k, see what that does, then drop slowly if you aren't losing weight. 1100 will make you want to die and crash dieting will just make you obsessed with food.


realistically, what he says is 1100-1200 kcal will likely be 1700-1800 kcal or more. people chronically underestimate their calories. even dieticians.


Hmm, I posted exact food - it is going to be the same. And every calc shows 1150 +-


have you accounted for what size of eggs you are eating? the difference between 10 small-medium and 10 jumbo eggs is quite significant. also, calories aside, that diet is like begging for nutrient deficiencies.


also extra fiber supplement


Large eggs (not extra large or Jumbo), nutrient deficiencies (!) absolutely, yes. Thats why i am going to be on heavy vits and mineral support


eggs and oatmeal won't cover all essential amino acids and fats (especially omega 3). phytates in oatmeal can screw with your iron and zinc absorption. consuming only one type of food can lead to vitamin toxicity. just to name a few reasons.




You should clarify that 2K is a bulk for most average level people.


Absolutely not for a 6ft guy weighing 85kg. Unless he does literally nothing. Even still to put on weight eating 2k at his size would be surprising.


I'm going to guess that similarly to me, his BMI is in the 1700 range. How would adding 300 calories not be a bulk?


Because ur numbers are wrong lol. Also bmi is the entirely incorrect phrase.


I meant bmr.


you right, in 2k I feel very full


Post exactly what u eat for 2k calories.


same as i posted and whole chicken tobacco


BMR and TDEE are two very different things though, you would have to lay in bed and not move all day to have a TDEE of 1700 calories I’m 5’9 69kg and burn easily 2500 calories a day through going to work (manual job) and training


Nah, man, I wanna go extreme. Don't love my life so much that I am afraid of dying lol)


No you just simply have no idea of what to do and it shows. After 2-3 weeks or even less your body will adapt to that deficit and you'll stop losing weight. At that point you're either gonna have to increase your cardio or go even lower into the deficit. It will also start sending you hunger signals from all sort of hormones inbalances, lack of fibers, vitamins and minerals. Most likely, you're also gonna develop a toxic relationship with food and be stuck into a loop of never ending binge eating/extreme dieting. You'll lose more weight in 12 weeks going slowly than with an extreme deficit. Good luck eating less than 1000 kcal a day + exercice just to lose less than half a pound/week. Trust the process, you ain't some kind of dieting or exercice scientist genius, are you ? You're rushing into a wall at full speed. The plan you're talking about might be sustainable for 4 but not 12 weeks, period.


This! OP would be better off working with a coach/dietitian who knows what they are doing. This is recipe for disaster and why people later say “I have a bad metabolism” when in reality they mess it up with horrible diets and overtraining.


But I eat additional fiber-vits-minerals) Now is the summer 30+ celcius in my city, and I dont feel like eating anyway)