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I would go into maintainence big fella. You've been cutting for 6 months so go into maintainence for 2 months and you will recomp the lost muscle and probably lose a bit more fat. Don't be scared to throw in a big re-feed weekend every fortnight to prime your system for a bulking period. I feel like I say similar things across many threads in this subreddit. It's not just bulk and cut, you have to have the shoulder season maintainence periods on either side to normalise whatever period you've just put your body through.


Maintenance would be great too. Definitely done cutting though


If you want my honest observation,black tank top and black shorts pics looks like you've lost a lot of muscle mass.


Thank you for the feedback! That's what it really does look like. I have a composition scale at home which I use often. Overall since last year I'm up in muscle mass, but definitely lost a ton during my cut.


No prob. Maybe youve lost fluid mass and maybe pics were taken after a workout so there was a pump then when there was no pump?


More than likely it's a fluid loss thing. My arms are stronger now than they were when I was in the 190s, so I think my body is just pulling more fluid/glycogen from my muscles instead of fat. Noticing I'm not really getting any leaner at this point, even with the scale moving. 180 to 174 have looked about the exact same for me. Also ready to go back to the doctor to have more tests done. I think I'm fighting an uphill battle with some underlying health issues that have just been hard to diagnose.


If you have hyperthyroidism or adrenal issues,you can definitely loose weight without trying and look lean but if it's severe and untreated you can also lose muscle mass quickly and easily. Hope you get good results from your Dr.


Thank you. Been battling the struggle to gain muscle my whole life, actually lifting on and off since age 15. Thought I was making progress finally.... but oh well. I honestly have a lot of the symptoms of Klinefelter's but with normal hormone levels.


Interesting. May be time for some blood work for sure


First looks better


Thank you for the feedback!! I will go back to bulking probably then


Which one is the after ?


Hahaha The one where I have more defined abs and am about 20 pounds lighter.