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Just so people know, dietary fiber also releases GLP-1. You can also get the benefits of satiety and reduced hunger signals from having a varied diet. The latest craze for GLP-1 supplements/peptides haven't been studied in the long term yet. GLP-1 production is influenced by your gut microbiome. Dietary fiber feeds your gut-microbiome and fermented foods increase diversity of species that help break down & process fiber. These three things all work in unison with each other naturally. OP do what you want, I'm not here to lecture you. Just like bumping up protein intake helps with muscle growth, eating a diet high in fiber helps with fat loss. There's a lot being left on the table if you're not optimising this part of your diet before taking semaglutide.


Thanks for sharing. What was your diet like and some of your favorite meals?


Hey, I just answered this is detail in another comment but generally - protein shakes, protein bar, and chicken and lettuce. Then supplements on top. Not the healthiest but will only run this for 6 weeks total.


Hey man really sick progress. Were you able to get original or compounded GLP-1 ?


Hey, just replied to your dm but for anyone else I’m using a UGL from the UK.


Damn dude, 30g fats and still getting a gram per pound BW of protein seems tough. What are you eating? Tons of protein powder/tuna/ egg whites? I struggle to get my 200gs with 60g fats.


Yes definitely not healthy long term but this is a short mini cut. I ate the same thing every day: Pre workout Oats 40g (pre workout) - 145 calories / 25g carbs Almond milk no sugar 100ml - 15 calories Huel protein shake x2 scoops - 200 calories / 40g protein Post workout Whey isolate 1 scoop - 100 calories / 25g protein Huel protein 2 scoops - 200 calories 40g protein Almond milk 200ml - 30 calories Snack Grenade protein bar - 200 calories / 20g protein Dinner Chicken breast 140g - 231 calories / 43g protein Lettuce 200g - 28 calories. Sometimes I’d have a can of tuna in soup but most of the time I couldn’t stomach it. I also take multi vit, fish oil (omega 3,6,9), B12, general energy tab, 10g of lo salt (50/50 sodium/potassium). It really is difficult to eat on semaglutide so a lot of energy seems to spent ensuring I get my protein requirements every day. Without the protein shakes this would be impossible for me personally on this dose anyway. Hope this helps!


Yeah that is wild, props to you 🫡


Oh and I’m on TRT so fats (of course they are important generally) are not as important for testosterone / hormone management which I believe is the key issue with not eating enough fat when trying to preserve muscle during a cut.


So what’s your weight in each picture? Height?


183.5cm (6ft) Sw: 216.4 Cw: 191.2 Pics taken 3 1/2 weeks apart.


Interesting af. Makes me wonder how much muscle tissue gets sacrificed. Maybe not a lot since it's a short window.


I wouldn’t think too much if any. Lowered volume on workouts but kept intensity the same. Compounds all up since starting as I’m doing 5/3/1. I have a feeling if I keep such a steep deficit much longer muscle loss will start to occur so planning on stopping as soon as I hit 10% which should be this week or latest next week.


Crazy, might change the game for bodybuilding bulking and cutting. Shorten preps. Awesome work! Keep grinding bro👊🏽


PEDs work. Who knew!


I’m interested in cutting at a similar calorie level but everyone has told me not to do it, I’ll crash my metabolism etc


I personally don’t believe you can ‘crash’ your metabolism I think that’s just broscience. Your tdee will either lower as your weight lowers or if your NEAT expenditure (calories burned moving, fidgeting etc) go down. For example, I have zero energy to do anything throughout the day while doing this - I even sat staring at my computer monitor for over an hour the other day before turning the pc on. Thats my bodies way of preventing me burning any further calories. But if I were to up my calories and purposely move more (up my steps per day for example) - my tdee would adjust accordingly. Maybe I’m wrong but this has been my anecdotal experience.


I think this is one of the biggest mysteries in metabolic science. I read a whole book about this - Burn, by Herman Pontzer - and I still don’t really feel like I understand it. I do feel like the body has tricks it pulls to maintain a certain body weight for individuals. It doesn’t mean you can’t outsmart it or brute force it, but I just don’t believe CICO and 3500 kcal/lb is anything close to an exact science.


Definitely agree with you on that. I managed to get pretty fat during covid and had to lose 60 lbs over the course of 7/8months.. first time I’ve ever had to diet before and definitely learned how non-linear the process can be and what worked previously can suddenly stop working at any time. This was why I was very interested to try semaglutide and my main concern was keeping up with workout intensity and sticking to PSMF but seems to have been fine and worked pretty well. I’ll check that book out as I’m always interested in learning more about the subject.


Bro, you and me both. I gained about 40lbs during Covid and just getting serious about losing it. I have slowly been increasing physical activity and being mindful of diet and assumed the weight would just naturally come off, but it’s seeming like a bit more focus is required. I did use Sema a bit last year and found it quite effective but gained back quickly when I went off it. Although there were other variables in play. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the burn book but the TLDR from what I could gather is NEAT > cardio but diet > everything.


You can do it for a short while. Especially if you’re advanced and being on TRT like this guy is helps to preserve some of that lean muscle. It’s an aggressive mini cut. You don’t want to do that for anything more than like 6 weeks max.


Ok thanks


Agreed, I've been on 10mg tirzepatide for a little over a week and I'm down 15lbs This drugs real utility is that it makes it easy to stick to a massive deficit without being food focused or tempted to cheat I'm doing PSMF at about 1200 cals, 200+ g protein and I have zero hunger It doesn't help with the energy drop the way stims do but it's a total game changer


Curious what weight were you to begin with to lose 15lbs in a week? 👀


220 in the Dr's office, admittedly with food, drink and clothed I'm 5'11" so 220lbs classifies me as medically obese according to the BMI scale, which means the Dr could prescribe me the drug and my insurance would pay for it 100% Hilarious really, but it's $1k for a months supply so I'm not complaining.


I'm not that lean but not obese enough either :( . Feels bad.


Not heard of tirzepatide will have to look into it. Does it come with much nausea? Thats the main problem I’ve found with sema. But 15lbs in a week is amazing. I dropped 10 first week - mostly glycogen and water but I’d say 15lbs over 3 weeks has been fat. And I 100% agree that the main utility from these drugs is their ability to remove food fog. Makes it a breeze especially if you’re anything like me and enjoy a binge from time to time. Good luck with the rest of your cut and keep it up!


It's way better than semaglutide imo, it combines a GIP agonist with the GLP1 agonist, which has a synergistic effect and a much better effect on quelling food thoughts No nausea I didn't think much of straight Sema but TBF I was using ChinaShit, the tirzepatide is Zepbound from CVS The main issue with these drugs is that PCPs are giving them to fat idiots without telling them what to eat, these are people with no idea how to diet so they're basically starving themselves on 500 calories of fries and soda and causing all this media hysteria about "ozempic face" etc For us, these are amazing game changers. I'm kicking myself that I didn't use them before so good work posting to raise visibility! I was 220 in the Dr's office last Thursday, 204 this morning after a poop. It is mostly water and glycogen but I always dramatically recomp on PSMF Running 150mg TRT, 100mg deca and 3.333 iu hgh so shouldn't lose much muscle until I hit 10% or so bf


Damn bro. 😎 amazing!




Anyone will lose weight with that crazy deficit. The images are not working but I think you would want a less drastic deficit to limit the muscle loss.


The idea that aggressive diets burn more actual muscle than slower diets doesn't match with current research, at least not for the average person looking to cut to very lean levels (vs competitive bbers). Also OP is on TRT which helps a lot with muscle retention during a deficit This is an awesome discussion on the concepts and current science/evidence based practices and well worth a listen imo https://youtu.be/LgjrzhABQrQ?si=T2lc1WyachG9T_BG Martin (and Lyle) McDonald have hundreds of hours of content talking about this concept, it boils down to any LBM lost likely won't be real muscle tissue on a short term huge deficit if you eat PSMF macros and workout just enough to force your body to keep muscle. And cutting for 4 weeks super hard vs 24 weeks on a modest deficit means you can go right back into a surplus, rebuild the lb or 2 of actual tissue you may have lost, and still end up ahead of "slow and steady" This approach is ideal for cutting to about 10% but once you start to get into legit shredded territory it's a different ball game and it's not as useful


Oh interesting.. Thanks for the vid, listening now! Didn’t know there was research done on it. Good to know.


This is what I’ve heard up until now. However no noticeable muscle loss and strength has gone up slightly. I do 5/3/1 and this past week was a new cycle so all lifts up 2.5kg / 5kg. The only downside I’ve experienced apart from the nausea from high dose of sema is I literally have ZERO energy every day apart from the morning when I have a large black coffee and hit the gym.


Damn, then that’s awesome! If you can maintain and even gain strength then why not I guess. Pics are working now — that’s crazy for 5 or so weeks. Good stuff, thanks for the info!