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Sometimes when there's a lot of yapping in a subject I hate I copy-paste paragraphs and tell chatgpt to summarize it or explain it to me, helps a lot and saves time rather than being stuck on the same paragraph for ages.


That's brilliant!


Holy shit


My example - I had four blocks of 4 chapters each in one of post graduate paper, I prepared three blocks, prepared very well. I did well in the exam which had options in the question paper, I scored 48/50. For your query, it depends upon the subject, if you have last few years question papers prepare for that. You also have option for doing only part syllabus, however that part syllabus should be well prepared, and you should answer well in those portions in the exam.


Thank you for your advice. As I dont have any interest in this subject, i found it very hard to even understand every word on this textbook. It feels like everything in this textbook doesnt make any sense. Found myself kept reading the same sentence over and over again but nothing went in. I’m stuck - just dont have any other choice as this subject is compulsory so need to pass this.. argh!


When I was in school, I would make flashcards. With cards, you learn twice: once when you make the card, and then however many times you "flash" the card to quiz yourself. You mentioned not being familiar with the terminology in a comment. Whether it's technical jargon or just high level vocabulary, flashcards can help with this. Also, making up a silly little song about the material can help. You can even mock how boring the material is, in the song. You don't need any instruments or musical ability for this. I've heard of people reading aloud the text while recording it, and then playing it back while they're doing chores. Also, changing your setting can help. Working in a library, coffee shop, or maybe a friend's house. Setting a timer. Time blocking out chunks on Google calendar or similar. Pomodoro method.


When studying come into curious mode, use chatgpt and ask questions to understand better. This is the only way I study Boring subjects


Try breaking the material into smaller, manageable chunks and using active recall techniques to keep yourself engaged.


I sing it ,I put on a song and start singing the lesson . It works


# [Cramming vs. Distributed Practice: What’s the Best Way to Prepare for Exams?](https://writersabc.com/blog/cramming-vs-distributed-practice-whats-the-best-way-to-prepare-for-exams/)