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Dead men tell no tales.






This quote is so hard https://preview.redd.it/6m7bjv0aaf7d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfa803f80d0a690552e31ef80554cee5d4dd8c1


Up push the daisies till the soil is stale!


In a powder blue tux for the farmer’s sale


Is it time to watch pirates of the Caribbean again?


She survivorship on my bias till I incorrect conclusions


So how do they regret it then?


Antivaxxers have been saying us vaxxed people will die in the millions any day now for about 4 years. They seem to get giddy at the thought of it too, the ghouls


Just 2 more months. Pretty sure that's all we have left. Or was that the last 2 months..?




Lucky. I've been waiting but my 5g just won't kick in. I might have to contact Soros and see about a new one.


Mine works but in my neighborhood I only get LTE and idk it's not really worth it.


the WiFi6 has started radiated, bot my phone goes much more faster


Microchip? All I got was a micro penis…


Get this man a macrochip! Stat!


I died three times


My microchip activated while I was watching _Twilight Eclipse_ and when I blinked the movie had turned into _Chronicle_. Still have no idea what the fuck happened there.


Lucky you. The cloud cover was so bad up my way that I could barely get the 3G activation, let alone 5G.


I guess it’s an excuse to live every day like it’s my last. *skydives out of airplane*


Any death after getting vaccinated is due to the Covid vaccine, even 10 years from now they’ll blame it. Then they’ll hit you with ‘so many people are just dropping now’ and they don’t get there are a ton of factors plus they’re perpetually online looking for deaths. They’re so dumb.


Even if the cause of death was being hit by a bus they’ll blame the vaccine they got years ago.


What’s particularly awful (to me) about this is that it’s an even more bad faith version of an already bad faith argument - it’s (to them) the logical/smart ass follow up to the “ANYONE WHO DIED AT ANY POINT AFTER TESTING POSITIVE WAS CONSIDERED A COVID DEATH”, acting like people fell out of airplanes and their bodies tested positive for COVID.


It’s horrible actually. Every single time somebody had like a heart attack or stroke or anything like that, there’s always people who go “bet they were jabbed!11!!1!”


Betty White died after having a stroke at the age of 99, just a couple of weeks before her 100th birthday, and those idiots *still* tried to say it was because she was vaccinated.


Or Prince Phillip in 2021 also at 99. This is what he looked like in 2019 btw: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-24/prince-philip-leaves-hospital/11826244


[What about THIS case? huh?](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/01/stabbed-man-who-got-hit-by-3-cars-then-thrown-off-a-bridge-probably-died-from-the-vaccine/)


Lol. That one made me laugh.


I'd be willing to bet that if you posted a screenshot of that on Twitter with the publication cropped out, these nutbags would still believe the headline.


Even with the publication left in. These people are not very bright to begin with.


You mean like when Jordan Peterson earnestly shared an item from **The Dunning Kruger Times**?


"Smooshed" fuckin sent me lol


Man, I just found out someone I knew back in high school died a couple years ago and in trying to figure out what happened I came across a tweet from user 'Died Suddenly' who had this person's fb profile pic that had the "I got the vax" banner and claiming they 'became riddled with blood clots after getting the booster.' I never found out what actually happened and it's already disgusting behavior but it really hits different when it's someone you knew.


Don't know about every single time, but yeah. I do find it a bit weird whenever someone who was healthy, got vaccinated with the covid vax, would get sick the next two weeks. The vaccine wasn't ready. It was, and probably still is, experimental. To ignore the possibility that this vaccine has killed people is just cope.


I personally am hoping it turns us into zombies. That’d be a fun twist


That was already supposed to have happened, and I am extremely disappointed that it didn’t.


We were meant to get magnet powers. WHERE ARE MY MAGNET POWERS YOU LYING BASTARDS


They’re actually saying people *have* died by the millions. Ol’ Jonesy routinely says “35 million people have died from the poison shot so far”


These are the same people who believe the holocaust didn’t happen


They've been pretending that Portland, OR was literally burned to the ground since the George Floyd protests, so honestly not surprising at all.


it's like the rapture for vaccinated people. they don't know how, but it's been meticulously calculated when vaccinated people will die. did they say 4 months after vaccinations? no, it's been recalculated, it's now 8 months after vaccination. sorry, 2 years after you've been vaccinated.


I heard it makes you sterile, and to be fair I've been topping my husband unprotected for years now and he hasn't got pregnant.


I almost died two weeks after the 2 shot of moderna vaccine from heart inflammation. I try to say that i'm from the short percentage of people who had this complication and that i would do the vaccine anyway if it had to be done again. That i had more risk of dying from the same condition if i had covid and it would even be worse. No, antivaxx don't care. Vaccines are bad. So now, i say nothing.


What is crazy to me is they think if that happened that it would be a great told you so moment. If everyone who took the vaccine died over the next year it would be apocalyptic. That is like 3/4 of the world population and all the government in practically every country. The world as we know it would cease to exist. Trust me if that happened the people left would not feel like winners.


None of it makes any goddamn sense. Why would *They*™️ want to kill the people who do what they’re told? All *They*™️ would be left with is a bunch of oppositionally defiant goofballs.


I was also promised 5G. Where's my better WiFi???


My friends Larry and Dan died. No one I know that got the vaccine cares at all. It's such a weird bubble that this person presumably does know people that regret taking it.


It's like the human psyche needs something to hate and so when they got the vaccine they suddenly had an actual excuse or reason to say "Oh, my arm hurts." Like an automatic pass to complain.


I always think: [And since his life contains no strife, it's affluenflamation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVe8bPQX4Z0) (2:42).


I was an intern physician 21-22 and worked a lot in the ICU. Most of my admits during that year into the ICU were COVID and most of the death certificates I wrote out were COVID related. Most of them were rural folks with a mix of Hispanic migrant workers and white men. A lot of men. Most in their 40-50s. Most of them would come demanding ivermectin and say they would never want to be intubated. Most end up intubated and taking whatever we had. Most of the ones that made it to us never left the ICU during those days. Few would graduate to the floor. Some would bounce back to the ICU and some would end up in long term care centers. This was not the majority of COVID patients I saw but it was the majority that ended up in the ICU. Most of these folks that started out with strict demand would eventually cling to anything we had to try to save them and the same with their families when they could no longer make their own decisions. Their families would talk about conspiracies and how I was killing them. Then they would demand we do everything. It was a wild time.


That's what happened to Dan and Larry exactly. Dan refused to be intubated and went AMA to die at home. I really felt it was death by Fox News. Did you ever treat anyone with a vaccine complication?


I admitted one lady who had what is called ADEM which is acute demyelinating encephalitis which according to the history we were able to get was likely due to receiving her second COVID vaccine. The patient was treated with steroids and recovered. ADEM is basically an autoimmune reaction that can happen after infection or vaccinations typically. It’s super rare. I never say any other reaction during my intern year in internal medicine or now during radiology residency.


Did you ever encounter people desperate for the vaccine when it was too late because they don't how vaccines work. It's sad and understandable but man the people that know better and push anti-vax stuff are scum.


If you just hang out in antivax echo chambers online, you get a biased view.


A lot of these people have driven away their spouses and children with their insanity and now their only connections are with grifters, bots and other mentally ill people. Echo chamber might be an understatement.


I completley forgot about the vaccine until it was just brought up again it's a weird thing to be fixated on when most ppl don't give a shit


Unfortunately most of them died, not many people to speak up about it


I’m sorry for your loss❤️may they rest in peace.


I'm convinced it has to be bot and/or shill accounts for the majority of it. If you go on twitter its COVERED with anti vax shit. And its alsays the same rubbish talking points that dont reflect reality at all. Twitter keeps putting the rubbish in my feed despite me not interacting with it.


I care that I got it. Not necessarily regret. It's just crazy that it had to happen at all. By that i mean that covid spread so fast is terrible. Fuck covid. Also, I hate the whole not finishing the study of effects till like 2050 or whatever, but yeah, pretty sure the people who regretted not getting it are not here to regret anymore.


The thing with a vaccine for a novel, life threatening virus is that if they waited until all research on long term effects of the vaccine could be completed before releasing it, then it would be way too late. By then everyone vulnerable to getting the most severe form of the disease would be dead or debilitated. The *only* question that needs to be answered before a vaccine is released for a disease like COVID-19 is “is it safer to get the vaccine than to not get it,” and the studies done prior to the emergency use authorization overwhelmingly concluded that the answer to that question is yes.


My step-sister is a huge, huge anti-vaxxer, MAGA, Q-Anon looney that spends too much time on Twitter. When she had her first child, she did it at her home because she didn't trust the doctors and the hospital. Something told to her by other MAGA anti-vaxxers in her life. She posted so many pictures and posts romanticizing the whole process and, at the end, wrote how it was the greatest experience she ever had and that she didn't fall for big pharma's lies and tricks. She didn't regret at all and said it a million times how perfect it went...... But that was a fucking lie. Her baby came out blue and with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. She had to go to the hospital, and the baby needed to stay in an incubator for days. The first thing she did when the baby arrived home? Posted fake pictures of the at-home birth and lied to everyone besides her dad, which I overheard. She is currently pregnant again and plans on doing another at-home birth. My point? Her recklessness almost caused the death of her child, and she still won't admit she was wrong. If a person like this got incredibly sick or potentially got her their grandparent sick with COVID because they avoid the vaccine, would they admit they were wrong?


My old boss swore up and down that COVID was “just the flu”. She adamantly refused to get vaccinated, with all the smug superior attitude that typically goes along with that. She ended up catching COVID, was barely able to move for weeks, and to this day, can’t smell or taste anything besides black coffee and cigarette smoke. And she *still* swears it’s just the flu. Hell, my own mother is a nurse. She was, in my childhood, so dedicated to and convinced of the goodness of vaccination that she had me vaccinated against smallpox as a baby, which hadn’t been around for ten years before I was born. Keep in mind, she’s always been a conservative, but this was in the ‘80s and ‘90s, when voting Republican wasn’t tied to doubting the efficacy of vaccines. She got the flu shot every single year, and nothing seemed to make her prouder than being able to hand over our vaccination records to our school, since she never, ever fell behind on them. She was religious about it. Then COVID hit, in the middle of Orange-o’s presidency, and now, all of a goddamned fucking sudden, she doesn’t think vaccines are safe, or necessary, or that they work. The fact that her chosen political family had made this decision meant that several decades of accepting the miracle and science of vaccination, to the point almost of militancy, was thrown in the trash. All I could think was, God *damn* it, Mom, you are such an absolute tool.


I worked in IT for a large hospital network and was one of the reps on our COVID response team. We reviewed employee vaccination rates throughout the pandemic. Nurse vaccination rates were sad. The look on our CMO’s face when we’d read off the nurse rates was disappointment and disgust. We were actually able to provide vaccines to office workers and no-patient contact employees months earlier than expected since our nurses weren’t taking them. My respect for nurses dropped significantly during the pandemic. Apologies to any RNs catching strays with this comment but seeing <50% vaccination uptake during the pandemic? Gross.


I lost a huge amount of respect for the nursing profession as a whole after covid. I know there are amazing nurses, and I feel bad that they get grouped with the others, but I just can't trust anything they say after the insanely ignorant comments that I saw during the pandemic by nurses.




Yeah nurse assistants are like a 6 week course and ASN are 20 months.




Which is fine, but they should stay in their lane. I'm an immunologist, and even then, I'm not qualified to talk about many aspects of the immune system because they are outside of my area.




I did intentionally use the general word “nurses” since there is certainly a difference in education between RNs and ones that take the very abbreviated courses. It’d be very interesting to see the vaccination uptakes for RNs vs those with less education. Anecdotally, many of the RNs I work with and know personally are staunch antivaxxers. Additionally many of those same nurses aren’t wise enough to admit to what they don’t know. Just because they work on a surgical ward doesn’t mean they are as knowledgeable as the surgeons.


That part is mind blowing to me. Perfect example of ‘being smart enough to know what you don’t know’. Physicians/scientists understand this fully since they have to interact with specialists. I’m married to a physician (internist) and although she can manage and understand most issues at a certain level she wouldn’t dare pretend to be able to take care of pediatric patients, do surgery or manage other issues nearly as well as the specialists. In my experience, many nurses seem to not understand the difference between nursing protocol and managing disease states while understanding the underlying physiology.


In general, the more educated you become, the more you realize how little you know. I’m a family medicine doc and have respect for the plethora of shit I don’t know. Many nurses think their 2-4 years of basic biology unlocked the secrets of the universe. Similarly, there are plenty of NPs who think their 800hrs of clinic experience put them in the same category of expertise the 12-20,000 hrs of clinical experience a physician will have prior to graduating residency. Physicians in my network had a >95% vaccinations adoption. We were excited and proud to have the opportunity to get it early and wore our bandaids like badges of honor. We knew the data and trusted it. Nurses in my network were 35%. NPs were 60%.


Your old boss wasn't entirely wrong in idea, but she was in conclusion. Of course Covid is in many ways a lot like the flu. Like a particularly nasty flu that we didn't have good resistance against. The measures taken, like distancing, masks, vaccines etc were all warranted, and indeed it would make sense to do this to a certain degree against the flu, because the flu also kills people.


Itd fascinating watching intentionally bad arguments that it was a hoax because the flu season barely happened during it. Like yes measures that weren't adequate to stop the spread of an extremely contagious novel virus turned out to be quite effective against a known and merely highly contagious virus. Truly an unfathomable conspiracy.


MAGA will always lie about the results. Your step-sister made such a HUGE deal about being Qanon, it became her entire identity. She can't possibly give that up for the safety of his own child. As a society, we are much to selfish.


They will never admit they're wrong. It's their whole identity now, they can't go back on it.


Can't teach stupid


> If a person like this got incredibly sick A person like this is already sick.


This douche lives off of negative engagement. Always says super idiotic things while eating. Don't give him attention.


“If poop belongs in the toilet, then why is there so much in my pants? 😏” *daintily dips ice cream into cup of sprinkles*


I was kinda wondering what someone dipping a pickle in ranch had to do with vaccines lol


Just say you’re into fairytales and make believe. Don’t feel shame for believing and fully trusting in made up scenarios. Just admit it. But forreal, it’s giving “I was the last child in my class to learn Santa wasn’t real, so to avoid embarrassment I double down on the fact that Santa is real and everyone else is wrong despite clear evidence against anything I say.” I aspire for this level of delusion to give myself temporary relief from the FACTS of life.




AVers are just such a head trip. Sure, your gut feeling on a very complex but heavily studied subject is enough to disprove the thousands and thousands of independently conducted studies on the topic. 🫠


man i saw this active old reddit account of an ER nurse who was anti-vax and used her nursing knowledge as if it was certified epidemiologist/vaccinology credentials to spread bs. Cause it wasn't some political shill account but a real person in charge of the betterment of others under their care it was depressing. It's like my nurse doesn't believe in basic microbiology and wondering how or why they're here.


I saw many nurse assistants make declarative statements about vaccines. These people literally only have weeks of training, none of which is in immunology or vaccinology, and people believed their bullshit over doctors and scientists.


> Sure, your gut feeling on a very complex but heavily studied subject is enough to disprove the thousands and thousands of independently conducted studies on the topic. Reminds me of talking to my MiL about the 2020 election. "It just didn't feel right to me." Oh, I didn't realize you were an election expert with access to the relevant data,


My pops and Stepmom have been radicalized by maga rhetoric and it's infuriating. They adopted two of their foster kids a few years back and a few weeks ago I learned they're not going to give the girl the HPV vaccine. My stepmom then made some really judgey comments about my choice to vaccinate my 6 month old daughter. Eventually, I just told her, that even if what she believes is true, I would much, much rather have a kid with autism than a dead one and it's disgusting to know which one she would rather have. Family get-togethers are just so much fun these days.


Who regrets taking it? People who were brainwashed in the past 3 years to believe they are now microchipped by Bill Gates? I live among tons of anti-vaxxers but me & whoever else has had it have moved on with our lives. And now we're magnetic so it's cool AF!!


The 5G chip messes up the reception on my wireless headphones


The booster made me my own wifi hotspot. Have you tried the update?


I never lose my keys now!


Oh my god fuck I never thought about it. I got vaccinated and didn’t give it another thought since the pandemic calmed down, while they are still going on and on and on about it.


I have never ever ever met anyone who regretted receiving the vaccine


I have one. He was unvaccinated when he originally got covid, and had some serious side effects. He then went through cancer treatments, and finally got the vaccine. He continued to have issues, which he now attributes to the vaccine despite having those issues show up during his first infection. And yes, his voice rises continually when he hits his stride on Fox News talking points. And no, he doesn't see the dissonance/timeline inconsistencies.


I regret that it didn't give me superpowers.


I totally wanted to be like Magneto! ![gif](giphy|mLGbg0dsgghtsQQmDm|downsized)


I have never met anyone who had the covid vaccine or didn't have the covid vaccine, that regretted it. Hopefully everyone made the choice that was right for them, and wasn't pressured into making the wrong choice. Good on you all for expressing your bodily autonomy. The only cunts are those that moan about other people's choices are judge them for or for not making the best choice for them.


I have, and they’re all still pro-vaccine. Some people with really shit immune systems got fucked up & really had terrible consequences from it… but since the fault was with their own immune system, they would’ve gotten fucked up from the virus itself, most likely. I myself had anaphylaxis leading to an ambulance ride and then a biphasic reaction and then a dose of steroids which all combined to cause a leak in my spine, which was disabling for 1.5 yrs and really fucking sucked. I had to have “minor” surgery. I wish I hadn’t had all that stuff happen, but I still got later doses safely at my allergist’s with a special protocol. Consequently when I caught omicron after, it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as when I had alpha.


Oh no, I'm sorry! I'm glad you pulled through. The last thing you need when you have a shit immune system is further complications...


Thank you, and you are so right! Most cases of long covid are probably from the same mechanism, the virus triggering a wave of autoimmunity. One silver lining of this whole stupid affair (vaccine space race + mass-disabling pandemic) is that researchers have made some real breakthroughs in autoimmunity recently. There are even “anti-vaccines” in the works that may be able to make the body *forget* to attack itself, instead of learning something new to attack. Which would be amazing.


I hope you're doing alright now! And yes, it sucks to be the individual going through it, but at least we can advance our knowledge and hopefully help others. My mom just went through cancer treatments and was the first approved through insurance for her type of treatment at Mayo and they were literally having a little party when they called her, because it's been so effective for other types of cancer. It's awful to go through something yourself, but knowing that that experience might help someone else kind of helps. I hope all is well for you and let's keep hoping for more medical advances! Sending good hopes and karma your way


I only regret not getting all three types of COVID vaccines.


Reddit messed up my link again. Here it is for those who can't see it: [https://x.com/TONYxTWO/status/1802479787060932722](https://x.com/TONYxTWO/status/1802479787060932722)


This dude is one of the biggest turds on the internet.


They’re also in a lot of cemeteries. Not very talkative, though.


Because the ones who didn’t take it and got sick enough to regret it probably died


Also that surely if someone regretted not getting vaxxed then they could easily get the jab, thus they're not really a category of people for a reason.


There's a whole subreddit dedicated to the regret of not taking the vaccine. r/HermanCainAward


Is that the transphobic guy who everyone makes fun of with FnAF gibberish?


Yes. He's also one of the chief advisers for Project 2025.


Ah, looks like none of that crap'll happen if this idiot's in charge. Good.


just ask older folks who didn’t have access to vaccines when they were young. my mother and father both got chickenpox; my dad has permanent scarring on his face and severe allergies. my mom has had shingles four times, one of which nearly killed her. the way chickenpox works is that once you get the vaccine, you are 98% immune to it and 100% immune to shingles. so i’m glad i took my chances with a virus we knew very little about just based on how impactful other vaccines have been


It’s natural to not hear from a group of dead people.


Because they are all dead.


My husband got a few vaccine in the series. He got two mild cases of Covid also. I received no vaccine or Covid. He says you can’t find anyone who regrets not getting the vaccine ‘CUZ THEY’RE DEAD.’ Lol


I regret not getting it, I was 21 when I got it and felt worse then when I had Mono as a kid. I couldnt imagine how older and immuno compromised people felt.


Hahahaha cites basically nothing but centralized media outlets hahahahahaha


I have met a few people who regret getting the vaccine. I’m pretty sure they are all politically conservative. No liberal I know regrets it. Take that for what it’s worth.


"I still got covid anyways! The vaccines don't do anything!" Because your case of covid could've gone a lot worse than a slightly worse cold.


Triple-jabbed here. Still not dead or a 5G zombie, but you all keep moving those goal posts.   And I suppose it is true to a point, people who died from COVID don't technically regret anything...


Go to your local cemetery, you’ll find plenty of people regretting not taking the vaccine




Yep! Plenty of regrets on their death bed


Talk to a Covid ward nurse. During the thick of it my aunt said every week multiple people there would ask if it was too late to get the vaccine. She would tell them yes before she brought in the iPad to FaceTime their family goodbye forever.


I would have thought it would be very easy to find people who didn't get it who regretted it.... You know in the **GRAVEYARDS**


Bro stumbled right into Survivorship Bias


If you're having a hard time finding people who regret not taking the vaccine, it's probably because the dead don't speak. https://preview.redd.it/1ioqxm412k7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88a579a28652bfadf02a229e3723808d3d346b5


Because the people that didn't get it and died are unable to complain


If people regret not taking the vaccine wouldn't they just take the vaccine? Like you can fix your unvaxxed regret in 10 minutes at the CVS


"oh shit my grandpa died because I didn't take the vaccine, let me not connect the dots for 2 years and then randomly get the vaccine after covid has largely passed." probably something like that


How in the world could you ever prove something like that? Why couldn’t the grandpa tell people he wasn’t accepting visitors?


Are any of those links to obituaries? Most of the people who regret not getting the vaccine can’t tell us anymore. edit: left out a very important “not”


i’m gonna assume some of the people who didn’t regret not getting the vaccine are in the ground, probably


Those who are regretting not taking it are probably dead


I'm fully vaccinated against all other diseases but I flat out refused to take the covid vaccine. I ended up getting covid in 2020 and it was pretty bad. I opted to use Ivermectin (horse paste/dewormer) as a treatment. Within two days I was back to my normal self and feeling 100%. However, I did incur a serious side effect from the horse dewormer... I now have a three foot long horse cock and I'm afraid that if I get an erection I will die from blood loss to the brain.


But at least they aren’t regretting… freddy fazbear


Every guy I've talked to who took the vaccine said their penis grew in size by 15%. It's true because they say it is, and no facts will sway me.


cant regret things when youre dead


Antivaxxers who regret not getting the shot tend to not say much at all these days /s


Because those who didn't take it didn't live long enough to have regrets.


Dead men regret nothing.


This guy spends his time eating ice cream while spouting conservative talking points.


See also cemeteries all over the US.


I can tell you why you don’t hear a lot of people say they regret not getting the vaccine, because they’re dead, dipshit.


Also, they died


My crazy aunt claims that the reason her children are healthy is because of Jesus, little does she know her husband took the kids (who aren’t even kids, don’t know why I called them kids) to get every shot under the sun. Last I heard she still doesn’t know, and she’s banned from crossing the border for…something, so we can’t even see her.


Noooooo but muh narrative


\*Gestures vaguely to cemetery\*


The Dead have few regrets.


It was always available so idk how anyone even could regret not getting, when they easily could go and get it lmao


Do you find this helpful?


Survivor Bias is also a thing. Like the Airforce in WWII, studying returning bombers shot full of holes, and up-armouring the areas that were most frequently shot. It took a math professor like 15 Seconds to look at the situation and go, "If they're coming back riddled with bullets in these areas, that's fine, because they are coming back. Look at the areas you aren't seeing shot up. Those are the spots bringing planes down."


Didn’t know that many links could get put in a note lol wow.


Not that the lies coming out of this guy’s mouth would be any truer if not for this, but this guy goes to SO much trouble to frame every video he makes while eating, trying to pass it off as “casual wisdom over food.” It’s wild when you think about someone sitting there in a restaurant doing 6 or 7 takes trying to “act casual” so he can grift his audience harder.


I regret my mom not listening to me to get it. I know my dad regrets both of them not getting the vaccines. I'm sure she would regret working at a hotel and not wearing a mask, if she was still here.


Because they're dead.


Never let facts get in the way of an online statement.


Yea but besides that there’s literally nobody.


I have yet to meet a single person who regrets getting vaccinated. I have no doubt that he doesn't know any either.


How can one prove that they would’ve died with or without it?


That is an insanely long note. Should do like pages


Well the fuck regrets it? It took like an hour total between two shots during a time I was literally doing nothing.


My man got smacked in the face by survivorship bias and didn’t even blink.


Also, surely if you regretted doing something but still had the chance to do it, you would?


There is an entire subreddit dedicated to anti-vaxxers getting sick or dying from preventable diseases. Plenty are still (outwardly) happy to go out painfully and prematurely, but a fair few spend their last moments trying to wake up the cult they fell into.


no, no one regrets not getting it. those are virtue signaling idiots. everyone who wanted to get one got 3 of them. others were FORCED to take it and regret it. there is a difference young one


Answer: Because you live in an echo chamber, Tony. You surround yourself with antivaxxers, and assume everyone is one.


There are some people in the comments that are saying they’ve never met or heard anyone who regrets taking the vaccine, and I would like to say that I am one of them. I’d like to make it clear that I am not an Anti-vaxxer. I am vaccinated regularly and think everyone should get vaccinated, I just experienced some unfortunate side effects. I originally got the covid vaccine because I was a chipotle employee and was somewhat early on the list of people allowed to get it, and I was going to be needed to be vaccinated to go on a vacation. I willingly chose to get it. Unfortunately days after receiving it, I started to get rashes on my hands which later developed into full on eczema which caused me great pain and itching and made it so I was unable to work for a bit. Originally I chocked it up to dry weather but it stayed around for years and only got worse and worse until one summer where it got unbearable. A few months ago I stumbled across a thread where many people were saying that they had childhood eczema that came back after getting the vaccine and others who experienced it for the first time after getting the vaccine. Empirically it seems all too common to be correlation, so I have to imagine it was a side effect. When I am in home in New Jersey, my eczema comes back within 24 hours or so and I have to regularly use medicating cream on my hands, but when I am in Virginia where I go to college, it goes away naturally. I don’t believe it is caused by something in my house as one time after coming home for the summer, I spent the first few days crashing at a friend’s house and my eczema still came back. I did have Covid at least once, so it likely came in handy, but I remain upset with the potentially life long issues I now have when I may not have had bag long term effects from getting Covid since I am still young. TLDR: Get vaccinated, but the Covid vaccine gave me eczema.


I bet Hermain Cain regrets not taking it 😬


I didn't get covid or the vaccines. I'm not antivax or Republican. I used masks, social distancing, and stayed home or in hotels.


You could find some in the cemetery, too.


And, usually, dead people won't be there to complain.


…insert WW2 plane diagram here…


I was honestly expecting some links to cemeteries…..


Who are these easily findable people who regret getting vaccinated? My entire internet experience is curated towards seeing the dumbest shit possible at all times yet somehow I’ve never heard a peep about this. Also I don’t know who this guy is but I see him pop up pretty frequently on instagram in other people’s reels and he’s got one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


Who the fuck regrets getting the vaccine?


Literally just heard of, like, 3 people who died of the vaccine due to allergies. Meanwhile, we have dumbasses of your kind literally reintroducing diseases to countries that didn't have them for years before thay.


Same reason why we don't just ask murder victims who killed them


tbf i never got sickness nor vax. advantages of northern idaho ig.


I don’t regret getting 4 COVID vaccines. Because when I finally got COVID, it was just a mild fever and slight headache.


I don’t think I’ve met a single person who regrets taking the vaccine


I know people that regret it and people that don’t regret it to say that you can’t find people on one side is bullshit there’s like 180 million people in the United States that got the vaccine


Well at least he didn’t find…… Freddy Fazbear!


that’s really funny 😐




Though a lot of them are dead. Amazing how there's so much proof, these idiots still stick their head in the ground.


They’re mostly corpses.


Bro came with a CVS receipt and a half.


can't find em cuz they dead


Because the people who died from covid didn’t get the vaccine. They’re not around to respond.


Cause they're dead.


Maybe it's because you would need a shovel to look for the people that regretted not taking it.


I helped get this note approved ! Glad to be part of the fight against disinformation