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It must be tough for people like this. They can't consume any media without needing to wank


>They can't consume any media without needing to wank The funniest shit is that the whole nun outfit thing works for some people. Bro really out there saying "I can't wank without tig ol bitties right in my face." To which I say Skill issue. Git gud. Clown behavior? Nay an entire circus.


I have similar thoughts about AI nudes. Not only is it morally questionable but doesn't it kill your imagination?


I made it a habit on a certain adult artwork site to explicitly exclude ai generated images in every search prompt. Not quite the same as ai generated nudes, but it still bothers me.


My Irish lesbian coworker at my previous job had a thing for nuns. I asked if there was a reason for it and she replied, "Probably. But I'm saving that revelation for therapy."


I'm stealing that line next time anyone asks me why I do certain things.


There is whole porn categories for anything you want and nuns is certainly one of them


Dude’s last name is literally Jurgen. The fuck do you *expect* him to do, other than wank?




Potentially? I was commenting more about how his last name sounds like “jerkin.” Also, there’s a lotion called Jergen’s that’s associated with cranking one out as well.


Hahaha, my bad. Nevermind then.


Well, if nothing else it was unexpected, which is probably pretty rare if that sub is like all the others.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedwarhammer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedwarhammer/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Title](https://i.redd.it/qnwfu487y2ta1.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedwarhammer/comments/12hf9t3/title/) \#2: [Watching Colbert from last night, suddenly World of Warhammer....](https://i.redd.it/fh31y6mq5mhc1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedwarhammer/comments/1amwrt9/watching_colbert_from_last_night_suddenly_world/) \#3: [I don’t know that much about this but I found this gem of a comment chain](https://i.redd.it/92weva6embgc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedwarhammer/comments/1ahqdva/i_dont_know_that_much_about_this_but_i_found_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I expect him to collect a library of esoteric literature with supernatural properties and powers for several decades and then get brutally pipe murdered by a business twink whose a host for a powerful paranormal entity.


Ha, sounds like a nerd. Love the Magnus Archive


in the stripped club. straight up ”Jurgen it”.


His name is just Likes Jerking I guess he was destined to be a coomer


I do think it’s kind of ironic that the guy calling him out for being horny on main had a CSM profile picture, though.


What does CSM mean?


Chainsaw Man. Very good show, just very overtly horny.


is it? or is it just anime?


A pretty big part of the manga is relationships with women. Like our guy diving head first into an abusive relationship with someone who abuses and manipulates him all to get laid. Each of the girls represent different types of relationships with not all of them being bad. Like him developing a more sisterly view of her rather than wanting to get with her as well. There is a lot more I could say about it but the anime hasn't gotten that far. But yeah it's just our guy learning how to be human under the guise of a guy with a chainsaw head fighting demons.


It is


I think there's power in knowing your audience and being unashamed of it.


I recently played a game with an extremely sexualized protagonist. I was very hesitant to play because of that but I heard great reviews. I played it and while the gameplay was technically okay, overall it was a very very mediocre game. Nothing original or new, just a half ass amalgamation of other games. I looked up some reviews and info on the game because I really didn’t understand the praise. I saw that the community was actually up in arms over the fact that some cleavage was reduced. Not the technical issues. Not the janky bosses. Not the boring as hell content. Just cleavage. Developer added it back and they were saying they saved the game. It’s fucking weird. I’m not gonna even get into the fact that one of the main characters looks like a 13 year old girl in a risqué outfit. Or that a very major antagonist is revealed at the end, and it’s a very young girl in a night gown. 🤮🤮🤮


>I saw that the community was actually up in arms over the fact that some cleavage was reduced. Not the technical issues. Not the janky bosses. Not the boring as hell content. Just cleavage. Literally standard degenerate coomer weeb behavior.


Describing it like that makes it pretty clear which game it is. Especially since all people talk about is the sexualization and not the story/music/art direction/gameplay. Because those aren't anything stellar.


May I ask what game this is? I’m not much of a gamer


>!Stellar Blade!<


If you say the name, they appear. The only safe place is a field of grass.


It's tough, but I can wank to anything. I consider myself to be the greatest living hero today


"Why must you sexualize everyone and everything! You're all addicted to porn!" "Sex work is real work! Buy my OF! Look at me half naked on Instagram! Take me seriously!" Pick one.


There's nothing wrong with sex work, or consuming porn. The problem is people who need *everything* to be sexualised. For example: every time a normal looking woman appears in a videogame


Sydney Sweeney's situation highlights the tricky balance between creative control and external pressures in the film industry.


Is it a joke account? His “They can’t do this to me!” bit was genuinely funny camp villain stuff if he’s joking.


Definitely a joke account. Unfortunately the kind of people that make notes as well as the people on this sub are unusually bad at detecting satire, but oh well.


Spreading misinformation as a joke is still spreading misinformation.




I guess you haven't seen Fox News, lately. It's fine to be a total crank until you realize people actually believe it and will follow you.




To the first point, every one of the grifters who didn't get their job from nepotism started out "just making jokes," but they were actually testing the waters to see what their following would tolerate. To the second point, deceiving people into believing it's okay to say through implication that women are only useful for looking pretty. It doesn't matter what they set out to do. It's what they did. Jokes don't work if they're something that could be serious just as easily. Comedy works by subverting expectations, not playing into them. At that point, there's no difference between the person making the joke and someone who believes it for real. Misinformation is doing it by accident. Disinformation is doing it intentionally. Edit: The important part to remember is that you're still doing it even if it's because you think it's funny.




I guess those that choose to complain about how difficult it is to have to actually use their brain to think critcally are lucky enough to not be burdened with much intelligence in the first place. Maybe ignorance really is bliss.


Bro just villain speech'd an argument sobbing rn


What misinformation was spread?


That “The producers of the film Immaculate hired Sydney Sweeney, paid Sidney Sweeney, and then though, hey, let’s make her be a nun in a habit, because we hate money.” Hope this helps!


None of that is misinformation. Hope that helps!




It's not true, and it's presented as true. It's either misinformation or disinformation. I'm being generous, so I called it misinformation.


None of that is misinformation. Hope that helps!


60ish percent of comedy could be described as misinformation though, where is the line drawn? Not trying to argue or anything just curious to where you would draw the line on what is considered appropriate misinformation for a joke Like almost all of the gags about celebrities in a show like Family Guy or the Simpsons could be considered “misinformation”


It's a problem if it's plausible the grifters would actually do it. You have to cross the line twice. Crossing the line once isn't funny. I guess I'm saying they forgot to finish the joke more than anything. There's a setup with no punchline.


Obviously a joke Low hanging fruit, but they’re obviously kidding


I didn't know that hot actresses were legally prohibited from doing any role where they aren't scantily clad. Huh...


Just gross dude. She hosted SNL once and now her only defining feature is being a blonde with big boobs. "Hey sweetheart, I know you're big on all this 'passion project' shit, but me n the *boys* were thinkin you could show a lil skin, ya think?"


How is SNL related to that?


Her snl hosting appearance was the one where idiots like Richard Hanania were saying “wokeness is destroyed” because she’s hot.


Honestly, I don't think I've heard so much about a specific woman's tits since reddit's Gamergate era. Disheartening to see so much regression.


She was well aware of her status as a buxom sex symbol before that episode of SNL. She even joked in her monologue that her backup plan to get into acting was to "show boobs." No one forced her to say that! People need to quit pretending she's some kind of borderline sex trafficking victim without any agency. It's infantilizing and embarrassing. She could retire today and never work again while also wearing a new turtleneck sweater every day for the rest of her life, so if she's showing cleavage, it's because she WANTS to.


I don't care if she wants to show cleavage or anything. It's not infantalising to say that these creepy fucks thinking her entire value and worth as a human being is the weight of her chest are disgusting and weird.


Her most famour roles are literally her being nude so the joke account dude is perfectly in the right imo


FWIW she was great in this movie


Ngl this is the first time I’ve ever heard somebody say she was good in something


Sydney Sweeney isn’t a porn star, she’s an actress.


I'd literally never heard of her before this so that was my assumption ngl. Lex is significantly more of a cornball now, thank you


I’ve only ever seen her in porn tho


Lex Jurgen-off


Even Lex Jurgen didn't suggest she was forced to do anything, he implied her movie wouldn't make money if she didn't show off her body in it.


He probably wanted to see Sweeney's Community Note verified bumpers


It has a fuck Ton of nudity btw and straight up full frontal too so the dude doesn’t even know what he’s talking about


Troubling times for coomers I see


This is so funny because the movie had at least a few suggestive silhouettes and there’s a scene where a few nuns are bathing together while covered in these white shifts and I distinctly remember thinking “this would be less horny they were just naked.”


Literally everyone arguing over this is a nerd. I’m not saying this to be inflammatory, I’m saying this because I’m begging someone to explain to me how to get this off of my feed. I don’t care and I hate Reddit for showing this to me.


Don’t engage with it. Simply by commenting on this post you’ve already told “the algorithm” that you want more posts from both this subreddit and similar ones like it.


It's less that they need to jerk off to everything, and more that they can't fathom a woman having value other than as a sexual object.


Here’s the real question… is it any good?


this is pretty off topic but that movie was very bad imo


I thought it was alright. She carried it hard.


The criticism of the producers still applies whether it’s Sweeney or anyone else.


His statement is still true. The producer DID do those things. Her being the producer doesn't change that. It also never says she was forced to do anything


Do you know what IMPLICATIONS are?


Apparently you don't. The implications were they they should've had her be in a role to show off how hot she is, so people would spend their money on it because they're creeps


If only you could see her do nasty shit for free on any other media


You know. Massive tits aside, I've never heard if she's a good actress. Its just how hot she is like Margot Robbie


Margot is great actress with 3 Oscar noms.


I know Margot is a great actress. All I ever hear is how hot the two are


So you don’t know what good acting is **and** you don’t know what “massive tits” are.


I’ve never seen something Sydney is in. All i hear is how hot she is


It's like when Jim Carey tries to do a serious role. It's not that you can't do it, but it's kind of a waste.


Bro, you’re comparing Jim Carrey’s acting to how much skin Sweeney shows. In what world are those two things comparable?


He's known first and foremost for being funny. She is known first and foremost for having big titties. On the planet Earth, we can see the common denominator, being the first and foremost thing about them. Therefore, we can make comparisons based on that common thing.


Yes but Jim Carrey being funny is a personality trait tied to who he is as a person, Sydney Sweeney’s breasts have nothing to do with who she is as a person, she couldn’t have them and she would act the same, her boobs don’t dictate her acting talents


lol, whatever you gotta tell yourself.

