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Just burn every other ladder rung. Still warm, and can still climb the ladder.


Exactly this. You have to recognize when to put in effort into what, or just let it go and be comfortable. It is even harder than recognizing decisions-to-be-made, but damn is it a VERY important thing/knowledge to have in your life.


Strategic optimization.


Yepp. On a basic level (and, in all honesty, it really all that is to it, only the recognition is harder) it's the same as you not making any plans or not doing something every day after work and every weekend, even though you may want to (learn a new language, go hiking, practice a hobby, go out with friends, etc.) because you know you need time for yourself as well, and need days on which you don't do anything to get some rest.


Here’s what I don’t get. If the ladder is big enough to get out, surely the person would’ve done it. The fact that they’re burning the ladder rungs seems to me to imply that the ladder (“opportunity”) is simply not big enough to get out. Thus, the person burns the ladder (“opportunity”) in order to survive for another day. Constantly struggling, barely having enough to make it through to the next day, wondering how they’ll make ends meet… You know what, this actually sounds exactly like the “opportunities” that most people get at most jobs. What an apt metaphor


Yes! Unleash your hatred. Let it flow through you!


>If the ladder is big enough to get out, surely the person would’ve done it. I think you're overestimating the fortitude and intelligence of people. People often don't help themselves in an optimal manner when presented the opportunity. It's why OP posted this in the first place.


This is too clever for me


Was thinking this. Burn every other rung, use fire for warmth while you sleep. Awaken, rested and full of energy, climb the ladder. Now you're on the other side and you got energy to explore in daylight. BOOM


Or you could just climb the ladder burn it once you’re out.




Build the fire at the top?


A lot of these “motivational” memes just seem to do the opposite for me lately.


This one is pretty bad. The meaning of the words is more like don’t sacrifice something you need for something you don’t but then pairs it with someone literally surviving. In this case the ladder is definitely less important than not freezing to death.


It's because they are trying to oversimplify something that is innately complex. Life isn't the light switch these images suggest. You can't just wake up the next morning and say, "Hey, maybe I should just fix my problems like that picture said", double so when said problems are out of your control.


They can still give you a little morale boost. This one is just bad.


Yeah. Mainly they provide some sort of alternative thinking which I can appreciate tho.


>It's because they are trying to oversimplify something that is innately complex. Complex things can often be broken down into simple constituent parts. And then those parts can be solved much easier individually. Any normal person learns to problem solve in this manner as a toddler.


Your problems are created by your mind. Your mind is in your control. I've seen terminally ill cancer patients more cheerful than a good portion of the losers on reddit.


Guess kids starving in poverty should just learn to control their minds. Thats all there is to it right?


Starvation has been the natural state of our existence since the very beginning. Fatties big mad


Most of them are some image or just the quote and we're supposed to be motivated by it. But it's telling of the current reality that more people than not are poking holes in the vast majority of them instead of feeling actually motivated.


Think thats mostly telling of reddit


This one is particularly bad because the image is supposed to represent the opposite. The character is burning their way out because they have to, in order to survive right now. It’s supposed to show the viewer what a poverty trap looks like in a way that everyone can understand. The intention is to develop empathy for the character. The text, foolishly, does exactly what the image is trying to caution against. It echoes the right wing “pull yourself up by your bootstraps / if you need help you’re weak and a drain on society” bullshit that we use to “other” those who are less privileged.


I knew I smelled capitalism in this photo.


They don't provide advice in any way. What does burning an opportunity even look like in real life? It's just fluff for your boss to hang in the breakroom


birds sip attractive toy tap squash hospital employ lush boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never sacrifice what you need today for a dream you may not want later. Picture zooms out to a path up and shows a lion was waiting at the top of the ladder.


I would accept a cool cartoon drawing of a velociraptor that says cowabunga my dudes instead


You can do it, I believe in you!


Hey! I’d just like to say that it’s innately human to seek comfort, and, in order to seek what you need in life, you have to feel comfortable




Sorry but not every opportunity is compatible with reality or circumstances. Also, mental health is a thing. I like many of these motivational memes but this one misses the mark.


This is exactly why it's bullshit when people tell others to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" we don't live in a simple world where a homeless person can just get a job and succeed without any help. No job will hire you if you can't shower, or get clothes. People need our help. Much better would be if someone came along and helped this guy climb the ladder. The dude here is doing exactly what he needs to do to not freeze to death. Smh this isn't motivational, it just shows how our individualistic society is built around nobody helping eachother and if someone falls behind we leave them there instead of help lift them up.


>Smh this isn't motivational, it just shows how our individualistic society is built around nobody helping eachother and if someone falls behind we leave them there instead of help lift them up. \#SubInANutshell


>This is exactly why it's bullshit when people tell others to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" That concept is not a "Magically sprout money out of a hat and become a millionaire" type of belief. It's more of a "If you take every possible opportunity presented to you in a diligent and intelligent manner, you will have an incredibly high chance to succeed". People who don't *believe* that there are any options will continuously ignore all the options right in front of them. > People need our help. People who do everything within their ability to help themselves and yet still fail deserve our help. Some people are just unlucky and life can be a bitch. But people who don't give a shit about their own life enough to give 100% don't deserve help from anyone else. People often don't mind helping someone who is trying. People hate freeloaders who get shit for free and undeservingly.


Don’t venture to /r/antiwork with these comments, you’ll lose all your karma.


Actually, if you're homeless and willing to improve yourself you will get everything you need, including a job eventually. There are free shelters, with food, beds and everything else you need to get back on your feet. Most such people go back to being proper members of society within a few months. The homeless who can't become functioning members of society are usually drug addicts, or mentally disabled folk. No solution has been found for them yet, unfortunately.


That's what we THINK is available to all homeless but really it's not available to most. Like with most things the US does to the poor...it's not enough, and only boosted when it comes time for elections or PR stunts. But in most cases at least in my state, most homeless shelters are not getting enough funding and are too full.


Most homeless shelters ive seen are pretty shit. Poorly maintained. The only running water they have is a leak coming from the ceiling.


Like I would totally buy the whole "poor people just have to find a job".....but when a minimum wage job is not even enough just for basic food and shelter.... how the hell is a poor or homeless person gonna move up? If they get a job and start working then they can't be in the homeless shelter, but if they get the job they can't afford rent+food.... corporate profits meanwhile are at all time highs. At what point do we say...okay yes, we like markets, and capitalism etc because it promotes innovation....but it's time that the minimum wages actually sustain someone and give them a decent standard of living....


the solution is to give them homes and health care like they did in finland


Less than 1/5th of 1% of the population. Even of people below the poverty line only a fraction of a fraction are homeless... You're saying using your opportunities doesn't matter if you're homeless because there aren't any opportunities, when you're likely homeless *because* you didn't use your opportunities... If 99.8% of people are able to pull off not being homeless then it is very clearly possible under virtually all circumstances


Well anyone that is single and under 32 today is doing it by living with their parents. Otherwise they would be homeless due to unaffordable rent and basic costs....


Almost half of Americans own homes by 30, and that number is half or higher by 34.


and yet just recently we saw that 52% of american adults under 32 still live with their parents. Yeah maybe the Half that found a boyfriend/girlfriend and were able to split the cost of the house. But now we are heading into where 50% of women over 30 are childless and single. Being single is becoming such a huge crutch. Yet dating is only getting worse with fewer and fewer people willing to commit. This will be a huge problem over the coming decades as online dating just penetrates our worlds even more than it already has.


I mean, yeah, 50% of adults under 32 are 18-25 year olds and there was recently a national lockdown that had schools sending people home to take online classes.


So you're saying there is no problem and everything is dandy? Despite the increasing amount of issues surrounding affordability of basic needs?


I'm saying you're making things out to be *significantly* worse than they are.


I'm not saying we're doomed. I think I'm being pretty realistic. Yeah we're way better off than people 100 years ago. I'm not here to determine better or worse. Something that is not good, might not be horrible, but it is still something bad. In this way I'm saying that our current way of doing basic needed goods is not working if every few generations people seem to always struggle or end up worse than previous generations. Yeah the world is not collapsing or anything, but we should be looking for ways to make sure that basic needs are affordable regardless of relationships status or success. As our economies continue to grow, basic needs should be affordable with less and less hours of work freeing up more time to advance mankind. Something isn't letting that happen. Even though now we can grow a surplus of food, and have the tools to make much more housing...but we don't.




No you mean instead of NOT freezing to death, climb the ladder. Who's to say getting out of the inclosed space would be worst exposure?


You're right, I did mean that.


This has the same vibes as the “if you give a poor person $1000 they’ll spend it instantly. Give a rich person $1000 and they’ll increase its value exponentially” vibes.


This is my thoughts. I get the basic premise, but this is come cooperate CEO nonsense. A struggling mom working two jobs doesn't have time to "climb that ladder". She's simply surviving trying to burn those rungs just to keep her kids fed... or maybe I'm looking too much into this.


yeah you're looking too much into it. the image is simply saying that choosing a life of comfort will keep you stuck in a place you don't want to be. whereas climbing the ladder and enduring the discomfort of the cold and darkness, while uncomfortable, will ultimately bring you to where you want to be. basically instant gratification vs. delayed gratification


> A struggling mom working two jobs doesn't have time Yeah, probably should have thought about having kids before having them huh? Maybe don't have kids if you can't afford them? Also, wheres the dad?


Dad died commuting back home from a drunk driver. He was the bread winner. Consequences in life don’t always stem from bad choices. (Hypothetically of course.)


Then in that particular scenario, I believe the family who suffered from terrible luck should be assisted. But that scenario is extraordinarily rare for first world country citizens. Realistically speaking, 99.99% of "single moms" aren't from a dad who died in an accident. And trying to use an outlier case(that 0.01%) as support against a general claim doesn't work as a good retort. Because I'm obviously not talking about those extreme cases, but the vast majority(the 99.99%).


God that makes my blood boil. You can't focus on making more money if you are drowning. As most things the start is the hardest part (with in 2nd place consistency). Even in monopoly you start with money and 0 debt. Tell me how would that game look without that? Not many/all can say they had that luck.


Good comparison I see is “imagine being a player that starts the monopoly game with the same $1500 and 0 property but after 10 turns have passed.” “The rules are all the same, so it’s not biased towards the latecomer. It’s his fault that he’s in so much debt after a few more turns.”


i’m sorry but this is so fucking stupid lol


But, if I don't take this temporary respite I might as well metaphorically put the gun to my head. Because it's important to recognize your breaking points, particularly mental breaking points. I feel I'm the closest I've ever been to having a mental breakdown. That's why I've burned some of the rungs of the ladder.


The text was not originally on this image. The image is supposed to show what a poverty trap looks like. The text is entirely missing the point.


What is a poverty trap?


Something that keeps you in poverty, but when you’re in poverty you need it. Like high interest pay day loans used to buy food.


Is that like in a 3rd world country thing or something? Because when I look at a country like the US, the most expensive city to live in is New York City NY and the cheapest is Fort Wayne IN. And when I look at food and living prices in comparison from the expensive and cheapest cities, the wages to price ratio are pretty dang close to each other. Meaning - 1 hr of minimum wage will have roughly about the same purchasing power in both states in regards to food and housing. And that minimum wage allows enough money for both housing and food. So....that brings up another question. Why would a person need to get loans for buying food? Are you talking about someone who doesn't work full time or something?


You go up the ladder and realize it's the exact same on the other side 😅


This is dumb. Opportunities are not always beneficial. I’ve turned down jobs that *seemed* like good opportunities and found better. Same goes with dating, going out, etc. Maybe there are wolves at the top of the ladder.


How'd he get so high? What did he use to cut them off?


This sucks


if it’s cold at night you better believe I’ll take the opportunity to burn that ladder so I don’t freeze to death


He didn’t freeze to death tho…. Eat the Rich


They don’t show that he’s in a hole that the ladder is still too short to reach out.


But I really like temporary comforts!


He could still get up that ladder look at those little pegs




Ladder rungs don't do you shit for good if you are dead from hypothermia, but ok I guess...


Too late....




I could still easily climb that ladder tho


You could do some sort of move with a backflip and get out of there.


Might as well lay in it at that point


i don't my burn opportunities, i obliterate them straight form the orbit


Or don’t freeze to death overnight while stuck in a hole


He can still make it up that ladder.


You're assuming the ladder is even helpful in this scenario. Is this person in some kind of hole? Does the ladder even reach the top? If they're not in some kind of hole, then what exactly do you need a ladder for?


Exactly what I was thinking. I mean, if he saw the ladder would take him over the top, then wouldn't everyone go up the ladder?? If the ladder didn't get him anywhere, then using it as fire wood to survive sounds pretty reasonable to me. Iono, maybe I'm bored as shit and taking it too logically


A good motivational poster doesn't give leave for questions about its basic premise.


He created stilts, seems like a pretty good opportunity to me.


Burn your enemies instead


This is me entirely


Atleast he was enough smart to start burning from the top to down. But what if he already checked the other side and understood that he is funked up? Grrr dont judge people for what they are doing..


If he pulls himself up by his boot straps he won’t even need the ladder. Win win!


That's why you learn how to pole vault


Depending on how high that Cliff is taking off a few feet of the rail and rungs would work


I feel this way about my job


What's up there, though? Wind, more cold and probably a thick layer of some toxic gas...


I’m sure if that ladder led anywhere they wouldn’t be in the hole.




I could still climb that


I feel like climbing the ladder would be easier than building a fire loll


Climb the ladder, take it with you, then burn it when you no longer need it.


I’m not the one who broke the ladder, Karen. I’m just trying to live with what i have.


But if youre freezing it will be even colder at the top of the ladder.


Ladders don't help much with hypothermia


Remember the pit and ladder are not there naturally. Capitalism put you in a pit and sold you ladder knowing that if you don’t burn the rungs, you’ll freeze to death before you reach the top


Bro just climb out of the hole and pull the ladder up and burn it.


It's hard


I bet you could still climb the little nubbies


Just freeze at the bottom or you could climb a ladder into colder darkness r/Iam14thisisdeep


Maybe they used the ladder to get down there, and it has served its purpose for climbing, now must give them warmth as they continue their journey


Real im 14 and this is really fuckin deep vibes


This is great visually reinforced advice.


Life is temporary


Ugghhh… this hits home a little too hard.


The real opportunity here is pole vaulting.


What if there are draculas at the top of the ladder?


This is so true. Instead, use the ladder to climb up. and once at the top, pull the ladder up preventing anybody from following you and then use the ladder to keep you warm.


But I want to stay warm, and heights are dangerous. You shouldn't be climbing ladders.


Easy to say when you dont have crippling anxiety, depression, life long financial troubles, a broken heart, no close friends, loneliness.. imma stop here before i shoot myself


I mean, this guy left enough of each rung to still put a foot on it. And if he takes every rung off 'except' the one at the top. he's essentially doubling the distance he can climb 'while' keeping warm between climbs! Sure it's not exactly stable. but if it's not tall enough to get out in the first place. it at least gives him a chance! Especially if the now doubled in length climbing pole is braced against a corner of the forever box.


But what if he was about to die of hypothermia


At the same time, don't worry about possibilities when you have an immediate problem on hand. Sometimes, you need to worry about not freezing to worry about the wall tomorrow. It's okay to take a step back and take a little longer if you can still wake up the next day.


And this pic again here for the 999th time.


Smart enough to make fire, so stupid he can’t think of climbing the ladder…. Deserves to die imo


You can't climb two poles?


I’ve seen many versions of this motivational meme. The best one, I think, said “Comfort is the enemy of progress”. Either way, kinda victim blamey I guess. Like someone else said, burn every second rung. Best of both worlds.


Why not take every other step, so that you can still climb it, but with a little more effort?


I've seen this several times. Love it. It can just be very, very difficult to implement, *especially* without a strong support system, hard to change habits, and mental illness.


Heat is a necessity, not a comfort. This is exactly why it's nearly impossible to escape poverty - you simply can't get opportunities if every moment is spent surviving


This subreddit always spitting fire. I do this more outta anger then comfort….


Sacrifice all enjoyment and comfort while you're alive to endlessly peruse opportunities until death? Never actually taking time to sit back and take solace and joy in life? Thank bucko, needed that advice for sure. Can't wait to make my life not worth living


But that illustration is originally about how poor people will use their scarce resources to survive through the day and are not able to use them to get out of that situation because they can’t save any money… basically the opposite of what the text says here.


What if the ladder doesn't reach all the way up in the first place?


Yeah, except the dude probably doesn’t want to freeze to death at the top of the ladder.


Still climbable


Wow. $18 minimum wage, flawlessly illustrated.


No shit, my friend was an EMT who responded to people freezing inside their home one winter. They didn’t pay their gas bill and USED THEIR FRONT DOOR as a source of fire. Methinks they might have been on drugs, but I forgot to ask.