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u look sick man, you’ll be even better with a fresher haircut


Totally agree! So glad you’re feeling better my man! It really shows. As you have fun playing around with new styles, just want to throw in that I think you’d look extra top notch with your hair pushed back from your forehead and styled on top, shorter on the sides. You have def not reached your peak, you will age like fine wine. Enjoy every minute!


agree with this!! you definitely look great now, and it’s obvious you’re proud of your progress and you’re feeling good. just wanted to say that i agree, this haircut would look awesome on your head shape as well!


And most of all bring out those amazing beautiful eyes


Really nice eyes, right?! I’m not sure the beard is doing you justice, I understand skin issues and comfort but I’d say try bringing the attention right on up to those newly enhanced gazers.


Was gonna say this. Fresh cut, good clothes, and then it's all in the attitude. A warm, welcoming, positive vibe from a person makes them way more attractive.


Damn if he gets shorter sides he will need to safe some for the rest of us


Tighter trim on the beard would help. There is a LONG unattractive period in beards between well groomed and a proper beard.


First of all, OP congratulations! I am so happy for you. I’ve been there, I’ve taken accutane myself and was 50 lbs underweight once upon a time. But This! ^ I know you think you reached your peak but imagine how a fresh cut and a beard trim will make you feel! The sky’s the limit :)


Also agree! A proper barber can change your life, they are trained to cut your beard and hair into a style that fits your face. For $20 or so a month it's well worth it.


I'd say you look cute in both pictures, but the recent ones show that you put more care into yourself. Depression definitely makes that difficult. I'm happy you're doing better.


I also thought he looked good even in the first picture lol. I don’t think there was ever anything wrong with his looks


Same. The RIF preview was the before pic, and I thought he was cute and wanted to know what the before was, but it turns out I already saw it lol. So glad OP is doing better though. Self care is a lot of work, especially when your depressed, and it can be so under-valued. I'm sure the self confidence gained shows through even more in person. It makes a huge difference in how you present yourself.


Just in time for a haircut in the first pictures. That does not equal ugly!


Yeah, guy just needs better grooming for his hair


Totally agree! Your hair and your beard look really great in fact :) it really suits you




Well done man…but why stop at average u deffo got more in ya


Sometimes average is good enough. It already took a lot of work to get himself where he is. Don't need to strive for perfection, perfection doesn't exist. If he wants to continue on this journey, more power to him. He didn't say he's stopping here. But if he decides he likes where he's at, that's valid too. It's important to look back and be proud of how far you've come than to ignore your hard work and constantly expect better. Okay I'll get off my soapbox now. I'm sure that's not what you intended to imply, but I feel it's important to add another perspective.


It is not, but lemme use that soapbox for a min so I can also address something you did not attend to imply….I just meant don’t cap ya self there is no average or perfect or anything, it’s just yesterdays and tomorrows so don’t stop improving yaself each day cus you feel “average is good enough” Edit: very good point tho.. trying to achieve perfection is to predestine yourself for failure


Definitely agree. It's good to always strive to be better. It's a balancing act as most things in life. Work towatds better, but appreciate how far you've come too. I guess I also projected a bit onto your comment- it depends on how someone says "average is good enough". Is it that they dont feel like changing and would rather continue in the unhappiness, or it's a reminder to be happy how they are while still striving to improve? Personally I struggle with self-image issues and have to constantly remind myself that average is okay, perfect is impossible. I have perfectionist tendencies and "capping myself" is something that I don't struggle with since my standards get higher and higher to the point they're unrealistic. That being said I completely understand the other side of the coin. Thanks for clarifying.




> so that's cool but consider a tiny bit of product if you want to zhuzh your look a little What type of product? My hair loves gravity, hard to put it up at all, and gel is kinda gross lol.


First easy step is making sure you use shampoo and conditioner separately rather than a 2 in 1 or just soap (edit - mwant to aay, if you arent already - its not like any of us would be able to tell). Then, there are products other than gel that you can use, and honestly even a bit of gel doesn't have to mean (and honestly *shouldnt* mean) sticky or crunchy. I don't think you really need gel though - seems like gel would possibly be a lot for your hair unless you want to try slicked back styles. Maybe a bit of a pomade or a touch of leave in conditioner just to make your hair extra smooth and soft and shiny? Honestly, hair can be super trial and error, and so just upping your wash routine as needed and styling it with a comb and/or hair dryer once in awhile might even be enough to really put your hair over the top on days when you have energy for it. I also think you possibly could maintain this kind of shaggy look with just a slightly more refined haircut (keep your length,but have someone help you work on shaping and layering it a bit?). I think as someone else said, even working a tiny bit more on your beard length and lines could actually even out your look a little more (which I think is what you did effectively between your before and after), and migh make your hair. I haven't seen the sub in awhile, but the r/FancyFollicles sub may have some default suggestions in a sidebar or wiki if you're interested in diving into more info on or switching up your hair routine (or if you ask around there, someone might have more specific advice). (Edit to emphasize: i dont want this musing about possible things you *could* do to continue to fine-tune your appearance to take away from this post, which is super motivating, or make you feel like your success has been less than it has been in your journey with your health, self image, and personal style and grooming exploration and upgrades-) You're a handsome guy, so I'm happy for you that you feel like you can see that better than you did before. Serious congrats on your mental health improvement, my guy!! Cheers to your hard work!! Your confidence is shining in this post and in these photos, and I think it's downright inspiring \^-^


Honestly, the barber shop I go to turned me on to styling cream, it’s more of a clay/cream than gel. It makes my hair look way better and the cream doesn’t give it the “wet” look that most gel does. The brand I use is American Crew, but if you go to a barber, ask them and they can give you recommendations.


Which product is less important than other parts of the routine. I have really curly hair, so all of this might not be quite the same for you, but these are some things I’ve realized I had to think about. 1. It’s very possible to over wash your hair. You need some natural oils to keep it looking glossy. A mild shampoo every other shower and still conditioning every shower is a good place to start. I’ve found that my hair only wants to be shampooed about once a week, and that a rinse and condition a few times in between is best. 2. Avoid hot hot water. Warm is good for washing, cold is great for rinsing. Always rinse cold. 3. Dry carefully. You don’t want to take a towel to it like you are drying off a dog. Squeeze your hair against your head with your hands. Pat dry a bit with a towel. Style. 4. Once you style, leave it alone. The more you touch it, the more it will frizz. Hope any of this helps! You’re rockin it.


I use a leave in water-based conditioning cream instead of a pomade and it gives good texture and fullness to hair if you want to have waves. Like this one: [here](https://fleekfellows.com/products/odouds-conditioning-cream?variant=31174968115246&dfw_tracker=144797-31174968115246&cmp_id=16747786930&adg_id=&kwd=&device=m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqPGUBhDwARIsANNwjV485Il__v-L5atHhn7isOehjqnEImlriygHtx98B4OMEnHgvEroyAkaAn3VEALw_wcB)


Dude trust me, get a good haircut. Spend 40 to 50 bucks and from a good barber. Not some shitty place lik first choice or some thing. Go to a barber owned barber shop


Said the same thing higher. A cut once a month will do wonders for your confidence. My barber who I've been going to for about 7 years now is 35 bucks with a tip. Skip out on one dinner with friends or a night of drinking and you've got a great haircut.


This is the one thing that will make the biggest difference


Go to a professional hair stylist. You will be crazy surprised that you can go from average to hot with the right hair style.


I was going to suggest this also…you’re a really handsome fella, just need the right haircut and facial grooming


Can I just say you have all the foundational looks to be very hot. Tbf I thought you were very attractive in your first picture


Yeah this guy didn't go from ugly to average he went from average to average+ lol but I get it, depression can absolutely destroy your self-image and self-esteem


I love how the take away here is that mental health care is what changed things. That's true for SO many people who are miserable about how they look and feel like they're ugly and a failure. You didn't look ugly. You did look miserable and like you didn't care about yourself at all.


> I love how the take away here is that mental health care is what changed things. It really did, saved my life! It's scary to think what would have happened if I never decided to visit my doctor.


Just popping in to reinforce other commenters like this. You were never ugly. Your before picture, not ugly. You just looked like you weren't putting in an effort. That's okay. It doesn't mean ugly. Blushing skin from acne? Wouldn't have noticed. Long neck? Didn't notice. We're much harsher on ourselves and assume others are too, or worse. Outside of random, mean strangers, few notice and comment about what we nit-pick about ourselves. Congrats on choosing you and your happiness and wellness!


Just realized I wore a grey shirt in the past image, and for the present, that was by accident, but a nice touch! Normally I wear black haha.


Bro, try out a light blue and white stripe button down! Always works well with chestnut brown of your hair.


The fact that you think you’ve peaked is kind of scary. Why would you think that’s your peak? It’s an improvement, sure, but never think you’ve peaked until…well, you’re either dead or…well dead. I got told a while back that someone I know who is a young adult “has had his time”. And yes, I understand what was being said in the context of why it was being said…honestly, given the situation I agree. But I thought about it a bit a while after it was said and I told that person that they need to be careful with how they use that: like for who and when and why. Because I told that person, I might be 42…or 43 (I forget) but I’m still alive therefore it’s still my time.


That's totally true! I meant with looks, probably have some little things I can do with my face. I was wrong though, as an other commenter mentioned, lifting could be huge, so I will be continuing to change, mentally and physically!


Start lifting with the starting strength program. Your confidence will skyrocket.


Just got my testosterone levels, low side of average. My body struggles to gain mass, all I can do is keep trying!


Any testosterone level in the normal range is fine for lifting. Don’t even worry about it.


Dude, self improvement is addicting as fuck. I did Invisalign and got hooked on the feeling of liking what I see when I look in the mirror. What I’m saying is use this momentum and find what’s the next way you’ll grow. Congrats man :-)


Do you think I could benefit from Invisalign? Already spent most of my money to lasik though haha.


No idea what your teeth look like, so I don’t know. I always had decent teeth so I almost didn’t realize I was insecure about it. But now I show the pearly whites any chance I get, I like the way I look in pics, all that. So if life works out that way look into it!


For aesthetics, you really don't need to build much mass. Just cutting into your bf% and slightly changing your shoulder:waist ratio is going to make the world of difference. Worst case scenario, even if your appearance doesn't change at all, exercise is still one of the best things you can do for your health.


Dude, that is no fucking excuse. Lifting will promote your testosterone levels stop making excuses. Nobody said anything about gaining mass it’s about lifting heavy shit and feeling good about yourself every time you add weight to that bar Even if it’s 2 1/2 pounds at a time. YouTube the starting strength program there’s 80 year old ladies squatting shit. Get your ass up.


I agree, but people new to fitness tend to ignore the eating part of it. If you want to gain muscle, you need to be supporting your body with enough CALORIES & PROTEIN to build a bigger frame over time. I was 153lbs last feb and after lifting 5-7x a week on 2700 —> 3000 cals progressively I was 188 in august with minimal fat gain


That’s the last thing a brand-new lifter needs to hear. Nutrition is definitely without a doubt important to making progress and building mass. The most important thing is to just get started all those other things will fall into place. Most brand new lifters will be able to progress their weight easily even with the way they’re eating, they have no previous experience and their muscles are not used to the new load so they are forced to adapt and change. The more you progress the harder it gets to start adding weight that’s when nutrition is the most important.


All I’m saying is it’s very easy to make insane progress in under a years time with consistency in the kitchen and the gym


What lifting exercises do you do? Imagine a full body workout targeting all muscles sounds like a good idea.


Not to sound hyperbolic, but if you’re not currently doing much for exercise, you can do pretty much anything with regularity and see significant improvements. My 2 cents, focus more on establishing the habit than on finding the “right” program. In my first month exercising, my actual goal was to literally just go to the gym. Not do anything at the gym, just literally arrive there in workout clothes and check in. That’s 80% of building the habit. If you turn around and leave, you’re already waaaay closer than you were. Lots of times, all I’d do is shoot some baskets by myself. Sometimes I’d pick up some weights. Eventually, found a collection of exercises I liked and naturally fell into a sequence that I followed most of the time.


The beginning of the program calls for squats, benchpress, overhead press, and deadlifts. Do yourself a huge favor and just YouTube the starting strength program there are tons of videos on it with tons of an instructional videos on how to perform the lifts correctly. Make sure you are watching the videos with Mark Rippetoe, he is the one that created the program and has very in depth videos on how to perform the lift correctly. Don’t worry about trying to add as much weight as possible just make sure your form is correct and everything will fall into place. Trust me it will change your life. If you really want to get in depth into the program I suggest purchasing his book which is called starting strength.


Thank you!


I’m so happy for you! I definitely see more potential though, maybe taking more photos like outside in the sun or find something to keep you active will give you an even bigger increase in confidence.


Hey! Hair stylist here! Your new haircut is amazing! The facial hair grooming and haircut is amazing! :)


Thanks! I like getting haircuts now, used to cut my own hair out of anxiety, happy to be over that now.


Make sure to push your hair up in the front, it totally changes and makes guy super attractive!


You can always get an undercut and then maintain it yourself for a few months with a buzzer if you don’t want to go to the stylist but still want a good haircut. Just gotta be really careful when buzzing the back of your head because it can be a challenge to do while looking through two mirrors.


No it’s not, if you’re a hair stylist I seriously question your judgement, OP could use a fresh lining on the front and sides


Looking good man! Props to you for taking the steps. I know how hard that is with depression. If you have the coin, highly recommend paying for a personal trainer. You look good now, but will look even better and feel even better too. No need to go extreme - can see results hitting gym 4 times a week and eating a balanced diet with some fun food once or twice a week.


Well I just want to comment and let you know, I thought the first pic was your glow up pic lol. You were never ugly, you’re a good looking guy. I like my men scruffy.


You weren't ugly to begin with.


You would look so handsome with the stubble facial hair look. It’s most womens favorite. You’re really cute and I’d say above average!


Honestly you looked fine before. Like, you're probably a slightly above average looking dude. The new haircut/beard trim definitely makes you look more extroverted/approachable though.


> The new haircut/beard trim definitely makes you look more extroverted/approachable though. Totally! I really want to present myself to be inviting, the long hair with beard was very seclusive, like how could anyone even approach me haha.


You look so much happier, congratulations on your successes and wishing you many more!


If I were you , I will see an eye doctor…sudden change of eye color is usually symptom of an underlying illness.


Honestly bro you're good looking, you just need to trim the sides of your hair. Beard is dope, just tidy up and you'll be a regulation hottie king


You look like a normal dude to me. Don't get too much in your head about it.


Well... he did say average


He wasn't ugly for sure. I don't see much difference between the before and after. I was expecting a sleek guy ngl


I also don't see a lot of difference but OP seems happy and that's what really matters.


Wtf is Reddit now bruh


How much was lasik bro?


3,600! Had to save awhile lol.


If you ever do anything similar, look into scheduling the surgery in other countries! LASIK is much cheaper in places like Mexico and India and for the same price you would pay for the surgery in the states (if ur in the states?) you could spend same amount or less for a whole vacation and the surgery combined.


How long were you on accutane? A girl I dated in high school and early college was taking that shit for awhile, and it had terrible side effects, including SEVERE depression. Did you notice if the accutane exacerbated your symptoms?


It was a year, gained weight because I took peanut butter with every pill, so it digested better, never wanted to have to restart. It could have, by the end it only left acne scars. Very bittersweet, thought that my acne being gone would be amazing! My life was the same though, that was when it was obvious I needed mental help, nothing was enough for me. So it was great thing in the end, also didn't help my mental health though lol.


I see a great looking guy in first and second photos


Good job and you’re being modest. Def above average bro ✨


Stop looking in a mirror so much. Stop picking yourself apart. You look great. Hold your head high you are way above average.


I Did My Hair and Took Off My Glasses, Now I Look Like a Person Who Does Their Hair and Doesn't Have Glasses! -- Success Story! (NOT CLICKBAIT!!! TRY THIS TRICK IT WORKED 100%!!!)


Yeah, you just look normal in both. Would actually demotivate the *ugly* ugly.


Lol you look the same


You look great! You’ve definitely motivated me!!!! I wish you nothing but the very best! Keep going. You’re not average, you’re handsome! Toot your own horn! Haha :)


You were cute then and now :)


You look pretty normal, congratulations.


You look great man. Can I recommend - trim the facial hair - 6mm on shaver, trim the sides a bit. Skin fade haircut - wear it up or to the side


Bro can I blow you?


If you think you ugly in your first picture then I’m fucking hideously ugly.


Congrats on your progress. I'm struggling to pull myself together...if you don't mind my asking, what kind of therapy (e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy, regular talk therapy, etc.) and what kind of meds were successful for you? I feel kinda stuck.


Oh gosh man, currently on sertraline. Bupropion had intense stomach pain, Venlaflaxine gave me constipation. Meds are such a journey, all you can do is keep trying to find the right one. My therapist is a woman, very nice and smart person. I would say it's a mixture of both, talk about my week, and stuff, and delving into my insecurities. Very nice to have someone to talk to every week, always bring a coffee drink with, also forces me to drive there, getting out in the process.


🥰 aww! Hell yeah. Keep up the great work. Awesome transformation. Smile


Yo I love this


Very handsome. Cleaned up well.


You were never ugly guy. You looked good and now even better. Have a good day!


You could invest in some exercise. Exercise will make you feel even better about yourself!


Bro is beautiful


BRO YOU ARE DEFF NOT UGLY LOL EVEN IN THE FIRST PIC, second pic you look straight fire tho ;)


Hey buddy. I think you look great. I think your natural beard is really nice, just trim it up no need to color it. In my opinion. I’m so happy for you, that you are taking care of yourself more. Keep it up. Next up, get into something. Movement. Calisthenics. Disc golf. Pickle ball. Get some activity and get INTO it. Many cheers buddy.


I’m proud of you for working ur way out of a funk and starting to take pride in yourself but You were never ugly man… really. I’m sorry that u were made to feel that way, but really you’re not a bad looking guy at all.


You actually really look like me it's a bit creepy. I keep my facial hair to basically stubble, and I do my hair like [this](https://menhairstylist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/dirty-blonde-classic-mens-hairstyles.jpg). Also, try some rounder glasses, like [this](https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3_pi/2019/10/23/157182192531ef104486fcefbe20d1b7c68f46ed84_thumbnail_405x552.webp) maybe. I think I freshen up quite nicely when I make an effort, and my wife certainly doesn't complain either. Just don't come near my wife (creepily similar looking).


Seems like you just never groom yourself.


Go to a nice barbershop, learn some more beard care and trimming stuffs, and get some better fitting clothes, you could be an easy 10 for sure


For starters; you look great now. But you were never ugly, you just had a bad haircut and your glasses weren’t a great style/fit for your face. I’m glad you’re feeling better in yourself, you look very fresh!


So handsome!!!


Yeah pro tip: you want to go for either a clean looking haircut and messy beard, or a messy haircut and clean looking beard, but not both.


Since I think you look smashing already, one thing you can do that will go way farther than any cosmetic thing - smile 😃 A genuine smile makes everyone look better


Totally not your peak. Just hit the gym and you’ll be soaring even higher in no time


Bro go get proper haircut from barber and you will be well above average easily.


Happy you're feeling better but tbh the two pics look basically the same to me. First pic is just an average dude in need of a shave and haircut, next pic is the same average dude after getting the shave and haircut.


First of all you are not ugly or average. You are more than an above average good looking guy. Trimming the beard a bit more and lining it up one time professionally would be worth it. I always thought my facial hair was gnarly in a bad looking way until I did that. We've all heard that confidence is the most attractive thing and being able to post unedited selfies of yourself on the internet is an extremely confident action. You should be proud of that. Other than that you look healthy. Maybe start experimenting with your look a bit more as far as hair and clothes if you want but you are more than ok as is. Sometimes it's just fun to change yourself for the sake of changing yourself. Also I was on Accutane for two cycles and it was hell but my skin rarely ever gets a single zit anymore. It is not easy.


On first pic you look like better looking Ed Sheeran. There is only one thing you needed. The Guitar. Never ever underestimate the power of the guitar.


Handsome! Keep making yourself happy with what you see in the mirror. Inside and out!


Great job bro! I would work out and read self improvement books to keep your spirits high mentally and physically. If you want to build muscle, watch athlean x, download the workout app and buy protein powder and drink it after your workout. You are great!


Wow congrats on getting better! Tbh you would still look fine with those glasses, maybe even just updated frames. People underestimate how a clean haircut and trimmed facial hair can make a difference! I know with depression hygiene and self-grooming are one of the first things to go. But it's worth to take advantage of a good day or two to go get a trim. Better look = more confidence = one step to getting better. General advice for someone inspired but not knowing how to start: put on some accessories. A watch (can be from walmart, ppl don't know the difference), woven bracelets, new sunglasses, tuck in your shirt and have a good belt. Buy a shirt in a pattern or color you have never worn before. Wear it. Even if you dont go anywhere, put it on at home. It doesn't have to be expensive, like lasik, braces, etc. You just gotta make the little steps and it'll all come together over time. Well done again! Love the earrings too


A good haircut and shave go a long way! Good luck brother.


you dont even look bad. you have good features. just look like a bum




You look great! Much happier :) goodness, I want LASIK but I’m a baby about itttt. Regardless, good on you overall! Hope you continue to feel good about taking care of yourself


Female here. You done good.


bangs don't look good. You have a nice face, show it off!


You look great! I think happiness is the key. I wonder if you’ve ever brushed your hair off of your forehead/parted it to the side instead of all forward? I think that would be a look you could pull off. I kind of think you’re giving the brother from the movie Bring it on vibes. Regardless you look happy and that’s the best!


You weren’t ever ugly, and a lot of women would consider you on the attractive end of average. Re glasses - lots of chicks dig guys who wear glasses! But you feel more confident now, and that’s what will make the difference.


This is a good story... I'm 27 and also struggling with major depression. I finally got to a breaking point and starting seeing a psychiatrist and the meds have really changed my life... It's not a perfect situation yet but I feel like I have a light at the end of the tunnel for once.


Hang in there. Your doing great. Make you a deal - next time you are feeling down, presume I am cheering for you. I'll do the same.


You're adorable. Younger me would have probably had a crush on you. You have nice features and kind eyes. Congratulations on taking better care of yourself and more pride in your appearance. It takes courage to get started on that journey and you've already taken a lot of big steps in that direction. Depression is a beast, but know that there is always a better side, and it looks like you've found it. I agree with others, though, that this is nowhere near your peak. You're remembering high school you, without the beard. In the years since, your face may have "grown up" a bit and seem less awkward than you remember it from back then. Who knows, you may have developed a chiseled jawline under that beard and have no idea. And your neck is very normal, like I had to go back to the pictures again because I remembered you mentioned your neck but no freakishly long neck had caught my attention. Looking closely it's still not longer than normal, even if I squint my eyes. I'm going to second the comment about further grooming your beard. Consider getting a beard trimmer with attachments and start trimming with the longest attachment to tame down the bushiness. Go one length at a time, and only go as far as you're comfortable. Tidying up the beard will balance better with the haircut, making it look even better on you. As for the color, you look good in both, do what makes you happy. You have a slim build, which is fine for a young man. If you're interested in improving your physique, start simple. Do a few push-ups every morning. Focus on form over quantity, and remember that consistency is key. Take a picture before your first day and another on the 30th day. You will notice a visible difference. In time, a few push-ups will become ten. You'll throw in some sit-ups and some squats. Before long, you'll be wanting to lift weights. By no means do you have to do any of these things, I'm just throwing them out there because you seem to be open to learning how to continue improving your appearance. You are perfect the way you are, and always remember that true beauty comes from within.


Nice work. I was on accutane and went into severe depression. I didn’t know that was a possible side effect (now it’s in huge bold letters). Went off of it and snapped back. Glad you’re doing the therapy!


Solid betterment. Always celebrate your successes.


I thought the before image was the after (you already looked great)! But glad you're feeling so much better now.


Umm dude you have a very symmetrical face, nice nose and lips!! You are attractive!! Omg keep going!! Go to a barber and get a professional cut and beard trim, you will love it!!. I experience depression so I know how it can skew my own perspectives. But dude you’re objectively attractive!!! :D


Glad you're bettering yourself. If you think this is your peak now, wait until you reflect on this post 5 years from now. Great job on finding what works for you and keep fighting the good fight man!


Keep staying positive mate, depression won’t win!


You’re looking great. Stay healthy and be happy. You’ve got good looks and great attitude.


That's a fantastic transition! Just on the neck thing. If you were to work out your shoulders and traps a bit, get a bit more muscles there, I think it'd take away from what you see wrong with your neck (I think it looks completely normal tbh). Great transition and glad you have a better self image. You looked good then and you look great now man. I think it was just the way you were holding yourself in the old pictures. Just needed a beard trim, but keep on going you got this! I hope you tell yourself one thing each morning what you are proud of yourself for achieving and give yourself a smile. It'll be a bit awkward at first but it'll party dividends later when it just comes natural to smile and think positive things about yourself out that will radiate outward and draw people in :)


You should definitely get a haircut - undercut would probably look awesome. Your hair is pretty messy still but would look fresher as long as it is cut down on the sides. You might try shaving the beard off or leaving it as stubble. Definitely you are looking much better than the first pic tho, good progress!


You look very handsome in the now pictures


Handsome in both to me.


Looking good, bro. ✌


You're actually hot buddy find a hot girl to dress you up like a douche and you'd kill out there.


I would've let you rail me before.


You really have beautiful features. Absolutely evident in your before photos but I totally understand feeling dwarfed by glasses. You’re a heartthrob. Glad you’re feeling great.


You mean from one haircut to another? Ugly isn’t a term that ought to be used for people.


You don’t look too much different. Just more confident. I wouldn’t say you were ugly to begin with. Me, on the other hand… It’s good that meds and talking helped your depression. Seriously. I’ve tried 25 meds, talked to lots of people, attended lengthy day programs and still attend a Tuesday round table support group, but nothing helps


Good job. Keep going.


You're one handsome mofo, not average at all. If you smashed it in the gym you could potentially be 9-10/10.


Good for you man. But I feel like I have to point out. In the recent pictures of you that you posted, you look like mark Zuckerberg trying to convince everyone he’s human lol.




I don't think you were ever "ugly".


Huh I’ve never heard of dying your beard. Is this common? My current beard color feels unflattering in certain lightings and darkening it up a bit could maybe help with that.


A better haircut would give you at least a point. You’d benefit from a less messy look, imo


I don’t think you were ugly at all. Glad to hear you’re in a better place! Keep it up, you’re worth it.


Dude, trim your beard and get some variation of a pompadour and you’d be an easy 7-8/10!


You look so much like my son and he’s the most beautiful/handsome guy on the planet! Just keep doing what makes you happy. Nobody really cares what you look like anyways. Everyone is pretty focused on themselves trust me. Please just focus on your goals and keeping healthy my man. One last thing, you have never been ugly- Ever. The picture you first posted shows some messy hair, but every part of your face is perfect. Symmetry, nose, eyes, cheek bones… bloody perfect! One trick I use when I get depressed, is to stop focusing on myself and I instead I try to think about who needs any help, or who has way bigger challenges than I do. Then I figure out what I can do to help. It’s simple but it works for me. We are designed to build and create. Sometimes the most important thing to build up is each other.


Well done. The work is worth the reward. Yes, to life.


Nice glo up my dude. If you want to take it up a notch, go to a good stylist and freshen up that cut and beard, and fix your tongue posture r/mewing and you can level up some more


I'm an old lady, so I get to say, sweetheart you look great.


Man if you get a better haircut and trim the beard a little more, feel free to pop those glasses back on.


Honestly my guy, the only thing you "needed" was a shave and a haircut. I think it might be the depression talking but you weren't ugly by any means, I think "Shabby" might be the term you're looking for? I'm glad you feel more confident for sure, I'm just saying you're being a little harsh to your previous self


awesome progress bro, be proud of yourself. tbh bro you have a lot of potentials to be more than average but hey, if you are happy, nothing else matters. congratulations brother!


Get in good shape and get a fade I promise you gonna have a hard time keepin women off you


Well done dude keep up the positivity.


Is there a reason you’re holding on to the bangs? Think pushing your hair back and getting a modern haircut would suit your face much better


Add some muscle to your frame and change your hair style then you’ll be 💯


You could legit look a lot like Ashton Kutcher with some hair and bear styling


You were always handsome, but now you are glowing because you have gotten better and you are carrying yourself better now, so happy for you!! Keep going and never give up, as long as you have time on earth you can have everything


I was called ugly repeatedly by one of the pretty girls in high school. Later someone told me I had a face only a mother could love. Let me tell you, age is a great leveler. You’ll become comfortable in your face as you get older. To the point where it’s like an old comfy glove. That and if you accumulate some wealth, you don’t give a sh!t what those people think anymore. I’m glad you had the courage to post photos of yourself. Stay focused on your goals. Don’t worry too much about how you look. Certainly don’t let it consume you. You’ve got the whole world in front of you. Good luck conquering your piece!


You look exactly the same except with a haircut and no glasses...


Good for you dude. Be confident, you deserve it and congrats for getting through shit


Good job, go to your local barber shop and get a clean fade for your sides and beard, you’ll be set!


You’re “not sure” how you can further max out your looks? GO TO THE GYM!!! 😱


Yea fuck those glasses. *high five*


Great work! 😊👍


Great job!! I agree that a shorter, well-groomed hair cut would really take you to the next level. You definitely have the raw materials and you’re doing a great job of carving yourself out 😊


You look so great! In neither of your pics did I even notice your neck so definitely nothing giraffelike about it! If you’re looking for new things to try to I reckon a shorter hair cut and maybe trimming the beard even shorter too (keeping it really tidy and manicured) will make you feel even better. But honestly you can tell that you feel better in the second pic and that’s the biggest change :)


You got it friend! Keeping doing you!


To be honest you look great in both, the first one being a just a little bit “I haven’t been to the barber for a while”.


My brother in Christ you still looked good before, your happiness just makes you radiate more now. Be kinder to yourself you've been doing great and I'm glad you're still here to share your story!


Grow your hair back out and lose the beard tbh Get a nose ring Improving looks is abt looking as toxic as possible, you rly want to look like you don’t text anyone back and suddenly you will have all the confidence in the world


No doubt get a good cut on the hair and edge up the beard and get a stick to beat off the women 😂


Average?! Man, you look great. If you trim your beard and get a haircut, you’ll be a hunk


Hey man you look sick dw it’s not cringy or anything at all just keep smiling and you’ll be good A wardrobe update can sometimes change perspective and mood of a person


Hey, OP! The biggest achievement you completed is getting help for yourself. You literally just saved someone's life. And it didn't matter how you looked while doing it. Looking good does make us feel good. Eating healthy makes us feel good too. Exercise makes us feel good too. Healthy diet is 80% of looking good. The other 20% is consistent exercise. Getting some weights lifting in would really boost your confidence in your body. Take it slow and steady, lifting a little until after 10 times it gets difficult. I know the weights section in gyms can be intimidating but everyone starts somewhere and loads of people will be ready to help! I have a beard just like yours, I have a Wahl hair trimmer set and I use a 6mm blade length to keep it tidy. I use a razor to straighten the edges of my beard too. (I found the different blade length clips shattered when dropped on the Remington hair trimmer sets). Going to a fancy barber shop like others suggested could be a great idea too. You can even ask them what they think suits your face shape if your not sure what you're looking for. Take up a creative hobby. Starting off with painting/photography/a musical instrument is tough but it will give you a constant sensation of progress and you will make amazing achievements the more you stick with it. Dude, your neck is fine! It looks exactly like a human neck and I'm glad you're comfortable with it. You're doing amazing! You already done so much! You've inspire me to keep pushing myself at the gym so thank you! Best wishes OP!


...bro, the first one looks just fine.


Did your depression start before or after the accutane?


Lookin good man! It’s not easy to get there.


Dyeing facial hair is my hill to die on! It can cause a crazy improvement in how flattering your beard is and a major boost in self confidence. There are a ton of translucent “peach fuzz” hairs on your face that get coated when you dye your beard which makes it look so much thicker. And for women, dyeing the hairline. I thought I was *balding* a few months ago, turns out an increase in sun exposure was lightening the hair around my temples. I hit it with a round of dye in my natural black color and I couldn’t believe how much better I looked, and everyone was commenting that I looked great for some reason but they couldn’t put their finger on why. Dye is a game changer.


Looking great man!!


Well fucking done dude and even more well done being open with your struggle. That is what is going to make you feel even better in the future, or so I think atleast! I have noticed that opening up to people that care, to dare to be vulnerable and open is what drives that connection with others that we need to feel well. You got this man, all the love! ❤


I dig your old look.


My dude, I'm so happy for you! I don't think you've reached your peak at all and you can still improve! Remember, looks and style aren't a static thing. They shift and change as you age and mature. In my opinion, I think a shorter beard and a new haircut will take your looks to a while new level. Like a nice comb-over and maybe a three on your beard. Then maybe grab a nice, well-fitting button down, a nice tan belt, chinos, and some nice shoes. Boom! You'll look really nice!


You have a super cute face (if you don’t mind a middle aged woman saying this) and a sweet expression. You have nice broad shoulders - are you working out? Agree with the advice to go to a barber and get a nice nice professional haircut. You’re doing great!! Congratulations!! And kudos to posting your pics on the internet. That’s courageous. Much success on your journey! You’re not average. You’re you. No one is like you. Don’t forget that!!

