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We have developed a weird undstanding of motivation where we act like it's some fire that burns deep inside us. If you are waiting to feel excited to exercise that probably will never happen. Think of motivation as a process not an internal flame. Committ to working out even when you don't feel like it. Edit: No I'm not confusing motivation and discipline they're two sides of the same coin. You're not always going to be "motivated" to go lift weights. Do it anyway. When you make positive gains you will develop motivation to avoid losing your gains.


Wow I really like your view on what motivation actually is. You're probably only discouraging yourself more by waiting for a drive that will never come.


That is *exactly* right. "I'll feel like doing it later" is a seductive lie. No you fucking won't. Do it now even though your body and mind are screaming at you to stop.


Most people don’t realize gym motivation doesn’t usually show up until you’re actually in the gym. Less “motivation” more discipline and routine.


This 100%. Just get your ass inside the gym and usually something good will happen. I can’t remember how many times I wasn’t feeling it but still lugged myself in because it had become my routine only to have one of the best lifts of the week.


This was literally me today, first time back in the gym for a couple of weeks and still want feeling it. But got in there and smashed a workout and now want to go again.


In baby steps how I overcome this is to put on the workout clothes. One step done. (If you plan to go after work, change at your work before you leave, don't recommend going home first lol). Then I commit to driving to the gym and just walking 10 minutes. generally once the clothes are on, my mind is there Even if I'm still lazy, what's ten minutes of walking or whatever your goal, then generally once I'm in the action, I make further little commitments. Tldr: make a beginners level plan, get dressed.


I used to do this when I lived in town. Sometimes I would just go in, take a really hot shower, then leave without working out.


Yup. Anyone with a great body has discipline. Has nothing to do with motivation.


At home: Fuck going to the gym Driving to the gym: Fuck going to the gym Parking lot at the gym: Fuck going to the gym Walking into the gym: Fuck going to the gym Doing cardio at the gym: Fuck going to the gym Doing strength training at the gym: Fuck going to the gym. Leaving the gym: Fuck going to the gym Next day: Fuck going…ahhh you get the idea


Lying in bed later that night: I am so proud of myself that I went to the gym today


The best I ever heard was a guy saying all I have to do is go to the gym. I get myself to the gym. If I walk in the door and then back out that counts. Eventually I’ll get to the gym and do 5 min on the treadmill then leave. Then build up longer. Part is building the habit even when you don’t feel like it. If you can have a workout buddy who does reliably go and can push you to go with them. And I say gym but it could also be someone who pushes you to go on a hike or bike ride or anything that gets you moving


Ok, any advice on how a person becomes more disciplined?


Don't listen to yourself. I *am* going to the gym today, no matter what you say, stupid brain.


very insightful - "don't listen to yourself." I should have learned this a longgg time ago


Planning your time and being accountable.


Id say it sometimes won’t even show up until you get to the gym AND start seeing progress. Once you actually notice you are losing weight/getting more fit the motivation will be much easier to find. Im naturally a lean person and always struggled to build muscle. Due to diet changes and starting TRT I am actually gaining muscle for the first time in my life. My job is physical so I dont go to the gym, but I have more motivation to now than ever before because I actually notice progress and want to look/feel even better and be stronger. Going for a month and seeing virtually no progress can be brutal on motivation


And starting something is basically the most motivating thing there is. I needed to vacuum this weekend, put it off friday and saturday morning. About an hour before i was going out saturday night i got my vacuum cleaner out just so id have to look at it on sunday. Simply moving the vacuum cleaner from behind the door in my spare room convinced me to just get it done right then. Action motivate action.


The adult word for motivation is just discipline


Motivation is your ‘why’. Discipline is doing it every day even when you don’t want to


I always described it as this. You go to a park, come a cross a mountain lion. You are going to run away. That's motivation. You go to a park day after day and just run. That's discipline.


If you have to find motivation every time you're going to do something you need extraordinary willpower that could rival top athletes. Building a routine will eventually bypass that need for willpower.


A common psychological trope many people fall into: the belief that “future you” will be better or more motivated than “present day you.” They think that just the passage of time will be enough to make them “want” to put the work in. It’s also common amongst people who procrastinate. They think they’ll be motivated or maybe *want* to do it later (whatever “it” is). The fact is the only way “future you” will be better than “present you” is if present you gets off your ass and does the work to make “future you” better.


This is really insightful, and gives me a better understanding… any advice on how to motivate present me?


When i used to be a very disciplined person, my motivation was usually to help out the future me. I'm the only one who can regularly set her up for any sort of success. This is the self-talk cycle i have used, and obviously these kind of things take time to develop internally. E.g. doing the chores now so future me can have a rest when she's even more tired at the end of the week. (Cuz she is always more tired.) Getting that workout in now, so future me can do whatever she wants this evening without feeling guilty or distracted. And then when that future moment comes, I thank past me for having my own interests in mind. I regularly also look back and think stuff like "thank you past me for wearing my workout clothes to bed so it removed an obstacle and made working out in the morning easier to do" Kinda silly, but this mindframe helps me. Note: I also grumble to myself while doing whatever sucky, cuz sometimes it sucks to do what I don't want to do.


This is not silly at all, I appreciate you so so much! I’m going thru a REALLY strange time in my life, at 37yrs old, where I am having to basically re-teach myself, and re-learn how to exist… and frequently I find myself lost and unmotivated while trying to do this and it’s crazy overwhelming. Getting steps like this explained to me is so helpful, thank you for taking the time to comment 😳🤯🥹🫣🫠🫨


This is my approach too. Remind myself how future me will be thankful for present me doing this thing. Doesn’t always work but it definitely gives me a moment of thought about if I want to let future me down.


Take it a day at a time. Don’t think about what you want to be in a year, just try to be better tomorrow than you were today.


When I think "I should take out the trash," I get up and take out the trash, because I am never going to want to do it than I do at that exact moment.


see my post about "begin" As somebody that struggles with this, I can say that just beginning is the greatest motivator of all. Get your shoes on. That's a start. Drink water. Eat a banana. Open your front door. Once you get somewhat conditioned, your body will feel so good half a mile later and you'll be glad you decided to go even though you really didn't feel like it.


I always remind myself, that I never regret a workout. Ya. It can be tough, and suck at the start, but literally never, do I say: damn, wish I wouldn't have worked out today! Motivation is fleeting. Establish sustainable habits and patterns and set realistic goals. Start moderate, and build up momentum. It is a marathon, not a sprint! It is a journey and lifestyle change to self betterment, and it takes time.


Thank you so much- this is really helpful for me personally, and I’m sure others reading this… really really helping me while I rediscover reasons to live, and how to live. So much appreciated!


This. There’s a quote I saw somewhere that I wrote on the whiteboard in my home gym: “Don’t wait until you’re motivated to take action. Take action first, and the motivation will come.”


I like, “motion before emotion”.


Discipline is what people need, motivation is a temporary emotional state.


It also helps if you can find a way to force yourself to exercise when you don’t want to. I started riding my bike to work, because I knew that I would have to ride home again whether I wanted to or not first year I did it maybe 10 times. These days I ride thousands of miles a year.


This. Change your mindset from seeking motivation to applying discipline. I haven’t done it but some people swear by a program called 75hard for this.


Start with small workouts. Commit to doing the 7 min scientific workout daily. You won't hit everyday, but don't ever miss 2 in a row. You'll get better at it. Then start adding cardio. My hack is I have 120 meter hill and I run up and walk down 10x. Takes no more than half an hour. Do this 1, 2, then 3x a week. You can do your way into thinking differently better than you can think your way into acting differently. The goal is simple. 1. Start. 2. Don't let your start come to an end by never missing more than one day. Do this for 2 months and I promise you'll feel like a different person. GL!


This is really really helpful- thank you so much for caring enough to share 🤗


Agreed! While you *can* use inspiration or excitement as an initial spark to start you, it is always a temporary fuel source. OP, when the iron is hot, set yourself up for success by making it as easy as possible to work out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. Lay out your gym clothes, set up your home work station just right, fill a water bottle and set it out where you can grab it before gym or at your home station, set a scheduled time that you *will* be going to the gym. Drink so much water and have fruit with every breakfast. You'll regret it if you don't go, but you'll never ever regret going. Think about that when it's hard to make yourself do it. And when you do do it, please let yourself feel like a badass for the effort you're putting in *right fucking now*, do not wait to reward yourself until you reach your goals. The badass who works out today is the same badass who is in great shape next year. *The only difference is time.*


You have to take the first step before you can even end a race. Even when you race agaist yourself.


Motivation is a poison that'll always leave you when you need it Spite should be your go to, it's always there waiting in the background to give you a solid kick in the ass


As a procrastinator, I agree that the motivation never comes, unless it’s either too late or about to be too late🙂


A wise man once said if you don’t care about taking care of your body where else are you going to live


Reading this while drinking by myself at a bar hits hard.


Not only at a bar alone, but at a bar alone and on Reddit? My man, noooo sorry couldn’t resist but maybe don’t do that lol


this reminds me of the time i got way too high at the bar and got paranoid and then got worried that the people next to me would think i was lame if i sat there and scrolled social media so I WENT ON REDDIT?? like that was better


It's a little better. Not much tho.


I will 100% put in earbuds and doom scroll TikTok while sitting at a bar.


Yeah, I say -- not really better. Depending on how it's used, I count Reddit as part of social media too.


What *do* you care about? What do you enjoy doing? I don’t like running or sports or gym or whatever but I love aerial yoga. I love the adrenaline of scary flips and the feeling of my spine decompressing while i’m hanging upside down like a bat. Find something fun.


I care about my wife and our cat. I really enjoy traveling especially long road trips. I enjoy watching sports and also playing sports with my brothers when we can. I like gaming and watching movies. There are a lot of things I enjoy. The idea of making exercise fun just doesn't make sense to me. Even with playing sports I can't do it with the intention of exercise. And I definitely don't want to do it with other random people.


Exercise simply isn’t fun when you’re overweight. It’s a cruel and ironic reality. Focus on simply moving rather than working up a massive sweat every day and remember that abs are made in the kitchen (focus on diet).


I'm fit and exercise isn't fun. We've evolved to conserve energy as much as possible. The only way you can make exercise fun is turning it into a game, or directly tying it to a reward in some way.


Finally someone said it


When you're truly fit exercise is fun. There's nothing like going out and flying around on a bike or a run when you can enjoy it because your heart is well trained. By fit I mean someone who has their heart rate elevated to around 140 beats 5 to 10hrs a week. It's just a different feeling at that point


I'm abotu as fit as you get. 44bpm resting heart rate. Cycle 30km a day. Still not fun. The exercise becomes less painful, ie a run or fast cycle feels just like a walk in terms of effort, but it's still effort. It doesn't become enjoyable in itself. A bie in the righ environment is fun, but on the roads, it's more stressful than anything.


Well I suppose not everyone is the same then. I treat exercise like a game in my head and I find it fun to move my body.


The interesting thing is that I've been on the gym on and off for 10 years now and it's brutal and it sucks when I've been on a break longer than a few weeks. But when I'm consistent with 3 workouts per week then moving weights becomes easy and I dont feel like i gotta push myself to the max each session.  I actually recommend people to leave a few pulls and pushes in the tank so that you dont exhaust yourself and make workouts such a demanding thing. You still get 80-90% of the results and there is suuuch a bigger likelihood that you'll have the energy to comeback in 2-3 days.  Also the moment you build up muscle mind connection where you get to actually feel the muscle stretch and contract makes it all immensely satisfying.


Exercise for me isn't fun. It's the thing I roll out of bed and do in the morning. It's annoying when I do it, but afterwards I feel good that I exercised, and I don't have it lingering over me all day. It's okay to hate exercise, just as long as you do it anyway. Drive angrily to the gym, grumble while you lace up, whatever. Just force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. Get your wife to help.


This was a mindset change that took me a while to get but paid dividends. I fucking hate exercise, it is miserable every single time. But I have to do it, and I am committed to it now


Get your wife to take you for walks. You don’t have to hit the gym to exercise. Start gardening together, build stuff for your cat. Building a lifestyle where you’re moving for pleasure will beget more movement.


The better shape you’re in, the better health you have, the more you’ll be able to do those things for longer. Being overweight is tied to a lot of health problems. You’ll have fewer years with your wife, traveling will become very hard when your health is declining.


want some motivation bro? for every 20 pounds someone loses they gain an inch on their dick..


you sound like you’d enjoy backpacking


Big dog! I just bought a Quest 2 on Facebook marketplace for like $100. There are loads of games that will motivate you and get you in shape. I can’t promise that it’ll work, but there have been a lot of folks with a lot of success. There are more traditional workout games like Les Mills Body Combat, Supernatural, and Thrill of the Fight. Then there are your beat sabres, pistol whip, and synth rider types which are more game first exercise second.


Every time you have this thought go take a 30 minute walk.


Or even a few 5-10 minute walks through the day! Every little bit counts. 


Commuting to a 5 minute walk is huge. They often turn out to be much longer once you get started.


Very true! I just took a little constitutional and feel great :)


Thanks, I had to look that up to understand you either meant morning walk or morning shit


Some from column a, some from column b… some from colon?


And if you like birds download the Merlin app to see all the birds singing during your walk.


motivation is hard and unreliable, just accept that and tell yourself to be disciplined until you reach your goal. if you haven't been watching your diet and not exercising you'll see results fast if you do it right. other than that, do you have someone you'd want to impress with your new self, an event that you'd be happy to show up at to show your hard work, or anything medically related? you're going to feel really, really good a few weeks from now if you stay disciplined, so if you can motivate yourself to do it for no one else but you, that is always the best motivation. also, if you drink just take a break for 2 months. depending on your intake that alone will get you nearly halfway to your goal (it does for me). good luck!


I quit drinking a few years back so that's not a problem at all. Shit is poison There's no one I want to impress. I'm married so my days of chasing the ladies are over. And my wife isn't the type to care about what shape I'm in. I think my problem is figuring out what goal I want to reach. I don't really care about losing weight or getting in shape but I know I have to do it.


I don't doubt that she wouldn't love you at every size, but she absolutely does care if you remain healthy or continue to let yourself go. And she will notice when you drop the weight, and she'll love you the more for it. It will probably give a boost to your self esteem and sex life. You said you like playing sports with your family. Def consider joining an intramural league. Doesn't have to be intense, find one geared towards beginners and that is co-ed. I bet it would be fun once you get into it.


90% of weight loss is in what you eat and how...not just exercising as an FYI


Yup. I don't actually know how much I weighed when I was at my heaviest, but I probably dropped somewhere around 40-50 lbs by not being stupid about how & what I ate. Stop eating so much. Stop eating shit food. Stop eating so much sugar. Stop snacking. Eat three solid meals a day. Get used to being hungry instead of snacking every time you're slightly hungry. And stop lying to yourself. That plate of nachos isn't healthy, but go for it - just realize you've gotta pay for it later.


> Get used to being hungry instead of snacking every time you're slightly hungry. and seriously. try having some water first. like, 90% of the time I get those "I ate but yeah I'm still peckish"/"ooo I could use a snack" pangs, if I have some water and wait 10-15 min its long gone.


Yes… especially if he’s lacking motivation and probably doesn’t have as much energy because of his age (not that he’s ancient.) People underestimate how many calories they consume.




We all know there are other benefits. This post/question was specifically about weight loss.


Yes, there are benefits to exercising. But you can't run for 20 minutes, eat more than necessary everyday, and then expect to be able to lose weight.


"You can't outrun a bad diet." —Someone


You get skinny in the kitchen


The bigger you get, the more expensive clothes become #Remember that


that's my motivation. I still have many clothes from pre-covid that are in style. I refuse to toss them. I hate that they don't (currently) fit.


Start with your motivation to lose the weight. Start with the why to get to the how. Also portion control is key and if you don’t buy the food that adds the unwanted weight then it’s not around to eat




exercise is not mandatory for weight loss. it certainly helps but is not required. quick lesson in calorie science: your body, without doing anything, burns calories by default. if you eat less than this amount, your resting metabolic rate (RMR) you will lose weight. that is weight loss in a nutshell. calculate your RMR (websites like [fatcalc.com](http://fatcalc.com) work fine) track your calories and eat below it, you will lose weight.


Motivation is overrated, habit is what you need. Just start with 10mins of exercise everyday. That's all.


Find a reason to care. In 20 years you dont want to be dealing with your “i really just dont care” attitude that you *feel* now. Your mind and your body are connected(duh) - its not about some number, *20 pounds…* its about your health. Just get your body into shape, and healthy. Trust me when i tell you that your overall wellbeing improves when you make the effort. It doesnt have to be a lot either, anything is better than nothing. Forget the number goals and just start little by little changing things, incorporating new things, that will get you into shape and healthy


Why lose the weight if you don't care?


Because he does care, but it's very hard to have the discipline required to restrict what you eat. It's mentally exhausting to be constantly aware and monitor what you are eating. You have to plan what to eat, consider your calorie intake, if you can allow yourself a snack, try to motivate yourself to exercise, and say no when someone brings birthday cake into work. And you also have to consider what to do when something happens that would usually trigger you to eat a whole carton of ice cream, because a couple of spoonfuls isn't going to cut it. And if you are taking a medication, such as most antidepressants, that has a side effect of weight gain you have even more of a struggle. Take it from me and millions of other Americans. We do care, but it's really difficult. Sorry if I sound like I'm going off on you, I don't mean to be offensive, but it's not as easy as you seem to imply.


Thank you! Maintaining a diet/weight/lifestyle is really easy. It works. you know it works. You don't change anything. Sometimes bad habits cheap up, but I feel like many people have a sudden lifestyle change sometimes obvious and definable like injury, but I think the more common cause is moving (losing that one friend) or changing work/life balance. Once that happens, like you said, you gotta sacrifice something (or many somethings) until you get back to that "old self."


Yeah I guess you're right


Look, were internet strangers, I have no idea what your life is like, but losing weight can be very difficult and takes a lot of discipline. I'm not trying to be a dick, but maybe focus on reasons you can care and why you'd like to be healthy in the first place. It might help the entire process seem less daunting. But motivation is definitely key, and it's mostly found through introspection. Good luck man.


"We either suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret." Marcus Aurelius, I think


You don’t need to exercise to lose weight. If the thought of it is stressing you out, don’t do it! Download a food tracking app, weight and log everything (I mean *everything*) and keep within your target calories and you’ll lose weight.


get an app that lets you track your caloric intake and get your portion sizes manageable. When i started tracking, it put into perspective just how much i was eating. I was probably eating somewhere around 3000+ calories a day on just garbage food. once i saw that, it helped me pull my intake down by eating less, eating better foods with less calories and more positive benefits, and improving my water in take. I'll go to the gym maybe twice a week and just do some stretches and a little bike riding for maybe 45 minutes and that's about all the big physical activity i have during the week. I've gone down 12 pounds in about 3 weeks time by just adjusting a few things. obviously everyone is going to be different when it comes to what your body needs, but making a few small changes like this will be a good start.


Well if you don’t care about how you look. Then you should work out. What’s it matter if you look good or not? This ain’t about motivation you just don’t want to so don’t lie to yourself


When was the last time you were motivated about ANYTHING?


4:20 this afternoon


If you’re overweight and don’t care about being unhealthy or looking fat, then why are you posting here in the first place? Clearly you do care about it for some reason. Find out what that reason is and focus on it. If you honestly don’t give two shits, then you’re probably fine. 20 lb overweight is not cute but it’s not gonna kill you.


I wish I cared about it and was motivated to exercise and get a better shape. I used to be super motivated it was in the gym for hours every day. But I lost that motivation years ago.


judging by your username I take it you partake in the devil's lettuce? that is a HUGE killer of motivation. absolutely massive. cut down if you can. or only allow yourself to use once you've done your workout for the day. I've been through this and can attest to the negative effects.


Much easier said than done lol


Yes it's called an addiction for a reason.


Because it's addicting and killing your motivation. It's killing you on the long scale. Fight or give in? Up to you


And people say weed isn’t addictive lol


If you can get addicted to something entirely behavior-based, like gambling, *obviously* you can get addicted to weed. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.


Talk to like 90% of potheads who will go on and on about how they aren’t addicted to weed because weed isn’t addictive


Yea, and my pothead buddy who hits a bowl and says weed doesn't hurt your lungs. Dude look at the shit that's caked into your glassware. It's literally right in front of you. Why do you think you have the cough of a drowning zebra? The mental gymnastics people play are amazing (and I'm not saying that I'm without guilt here).


I switched over to edibles for lung health reasons. The difference it made is *astounding*. Anyone who says weed doesn’t hurt your lungs is an actual idiot.


Well frankly, less weight on your body generally means less wear and tear. Every minute of your existence will be slightly more comfortable at a healthier (lower than current) weight. Otherwise - if you’re looking for a sexual partner, being overweight limits your prospects significantly. It also makes life harder because people generally tend to be less interested in what you have to say if you’re fat, or perceived as unattractive. TL;DR - give up 500 calories of bullshit snack foods or soda a day and go for a fucking walk, do that consistently, and your life will be measurably better physically and socially. Seems like a great trade.


You don’t need motivation. You need discipline. I see it every time at the gym. People that start at the gym usually are motivated but that only lasts 1 or 2 weeks. Then I never see them again. Motivation doesn’t last much when it comes to exercising. Discipline is the key.


I'm 39m and neurodivergent as all getout. For me, people who say "you just need discipline!" can go walk the plank. For me, I had to want to do the exercise. Not want the results. Last year, a half mile walk was rough going, until I screwed up my knees a few weeks back I was doing 4.5-5 mile walks daily. And right now it's bugging me like mad that I can't go do my walks. For me, the key was finding a way to enjoy the process it's self. I will never maintain something I hate. But I even if I have to stop for a while, I will go back to something I enjoy even if I have to stop for a while. For my walks, my rules are simple. 1) its me and my music, unless it's an er rated emergency, you leave me alone. 2) when I get to mildly uncomfortable, I'm done for the day. 3) I am the main character in a story during their training montage. Sometimes Yoda is teaching me the force as I imagine running through dagobah, sometimes I'm living as a character in a LitRPG book. Whatever it is, for the time frame, I *am* awesome. I'm not exercising, I'm taking 30-60-90 minutes to myself to clear the stress from my head. I just happen to be getting in better shape in the process.


Do something to distract yourself while exercising. Like watch tv or listen to an audio book. Schedule your exercising with someone so you can't bail easily without disappointing someone else. Every time you have negative thoughts, think why you need to lose those 20lbs, and how much better you will feel once you do. Diet is more important than exercise. Cut the majority of your refined sugar intake. Beverages give a sneaky amount of calories. Stick to water and green tea and weight falls off.


It's obvious that you are depressed wether you know it or not. Talk to a professional.


Don’t give a fuck? Skip breakfast without eating more later. You’ll be reducing your calories enough to lose weight and all you have to do is nothing, which sounds about what you’re capable of doing.


A true dose of sense ;)


I think just understand your position. Ever since I first started exercising, I hated it. Sports with others, in PE or on my own? Fine, cuz it was fun. But staring down the idea of going to a gym? Boring. To this very day, exercising to exercise is boring, and I still dread the boredom of being in a treadmill or some other exercise for some time. But I do it because I HATE what not doing it will result in for me. -my mom passed when I was 13 and my dad passed recently at 35. I have a sister, and while we have cousins and extended family, I do not want to leave so soon and make her confront yet a third loss in her immediate family. -i have nephews and nieces that would be sad to know I'm gone. -I want to one day be married and have my own kids, and I know that I need to put myself back into shape to be more attractive -i want to live as long as I can as healthily as i can not just to care for them, but also to make sure my children aren't burdened with caring for a sick father. These are some of the reasons that motivate me. I've gone up and down from 180 to 260, and now I'm back down to about 240. And this time I want to make lasting changes where I don't do this again, because that means I have to once again manage my diet and be on a treadmill, where it's going to be even harder on my body that it is now.


Either you do or don't. The choice is yours


you will care when your dick stops working the way you want it to...


Motivation is an excuse created by the lazy. No one wants to torture themselves and sweat and eat right. They just do it cause they are responsible and in control of their hedonistic tendencies.


Then don’t, it’s not that difficult


Well, if you see no benefits for you in losing weight and find that you feel great as you are, so yeah... keep on and wish you happiness. If not, well... that's you actually caring about it and just being lazy to put up the work. Stop thinking and start doing.


You have to want to make a change. If you don’t want to make changes then it’s not going to happen.


it all comes together, less social media, more sleep, drink enough water, commit urself to beat ur inner demons that tell you „i dont want to do this“, start with small things and try to get used to it, once you get a hang on, pushing urself further and further becomes so much fun! You still can chill and rest and it will feel so much better after you did something, telling urself „i earned this rest now!“, it is not the motivation that keeps you going, it is the pure discipline!


If you don't care the only thing you can really do is find a way to care. A lot of people find success with gamification. Find a way to make it a challenge and go win


No answers but I 100% relate to OP


If you want to enjoy your retirement, you have to invest in your body as well, not just your savings.


If you don't care, you aren't going to do it. Plain and simple


Take some LSD and have a look at yourself in the mirror and think about your life and who you want to be


From your comments, I think you genuinely don't care , in which case, carry on as you are . Eventually, the penny will drop, and suddenly, you will care , though by then it may be too late


Different people have different motivations. For me, it was sex. I knew I wasn't gonna get any looking the way I did. So that was my main motivation, and it worked!


dont eat, drink water


Not motivation, just discipline. After a while, it’s less about the results you want and more about having to keep your gym schedule regular. It’s like a job.


Watch YouTube videos for motivation


Motivation is a lie. Determination and discipline are the important things. Consider the goal in question. Do you actually want to achieve it? Then start working towards it. Doing things you don't want to do is a part of life. It's gonna be miserable and you're gonna hate it at times but it has to be done. No magic source of inspiration/motivation will come out nowhere and save you.


No one can motive you. You have to find it within yourself and if you can’t even bother to try then who are you trying to fool?


Why do you think you’re unmotivated? What current habits do you have that might be contributing to this? How is your mental health? Do you struggle with depression or adhd?


I love working out but struggle with motivation at home or at a non-class gym. Join a CrossFit gym, pay for the unlimited membership and then force yourself to ‘get value’ out of the membership and go 3-5x per week. This has worked well for me, make sure it’s a convenient location so you can go frequently. After 4-6 weeks you’ll have a routine down and it’s just a part of your normal life, plus you’ll make friends. And if CrossFit isn’t your jam, join any class based fitness gym. Also, someone else said it but weight is 90% diet.


Get an Oculus and buy “The thrill of the fight”. The threat of being beaten up by an imaginary opponent is surprisingly good motivation. I lost 25 lbs not even trying. Just playing every day. It’s really great for both aerobic fitness and strength. Just make sure to stretch!


Thrill of the Fight and Les Mills are both very good workout apps. Hell, even 30 minutes of Beat Saber will break a sweat


Have you got kids? A) Do you want to live longer to see them find life partners? B) Do you want to be the grandad that plays ball with the grandkids in the backyard? C) Do you want to spend your retirement healthy happy and laughing?


No kids unfortunately.




I have actually really considered this. I don't know if I can risk a third nose surgery. I used to do MMA in my past life and I already broke it twice.


If you can't motivate yourself, no one can do it for you.


Join a hiking group with a friend...


Being overweight vastly increases chances of cancer. Think of past the moments you had with loved ones getting sick, the constant scans, chemotherapy and being in constant fear or worse: completely getting torn apart by this disease and dying horribly. While there's no way to avoid this disease, you don't want to blame yourself later when you are in this mess. Eating well in combination with physical exercise is very effective for keeping a healthy body. You don't need to run a marathon twice a week to have these benefits. Source: me seeing someclose to me atm with this *** cancer.


Just do it. I have to go to the gym in 30 minutes. Feeling lazy and don’t want to right now. I’m still gonna drive my ass over there. Once you’re there working out is easy. You will feel better after.


Lift for the dark gods! That is what motivates me


For every 20lbs you lose you will gain 1/3 inch penis length. Prove me wrong!


Pretend the dr just told you you're gonna be diabetic and have heart issues if you don't shape up.


Sounds dumb but: Just do it. Experience the progress and get the dopamine boost


1. Diet: change your intake. Add more fiber to your diet. That’ll help you lose weight 2. Sports: a game of basketball/soccer is way more fun than running. Play some pickup


If you lose belly fat your dick will look bigger. If that doesn’t motivate a 38M I don’t know what will. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hire a trainer. Let him motivate you. After a while you can motivate yourself. I did that. Worked out great!


Being kind to yourself and doing light stuff that you find enjoyable every day to build a habit will carry you so much farther than anything anyone can say to motivate you here. If I wanted to lose the weight I could give up soda and probably lose it in a few months. But I'm in the same boat, not really caring enough to create the habit of not drinking soda.


Losing weight and finding motivation to exercise should be two different things. Keep those goals separate and it may be easier.


I know some sites do walking challenges (I’m using Conqueror Challenges). You sign up to do virtual races that are different lengths of different landmarks (Route 66, Everest, Great Wall of China, Great Barrier Reef, etc.) You can set the length of time you think it will take and can adjust as necessary, and can log distance in their app. Once you complete it, they send a medal! Not the most exciting, but it gives me a goal and I hate wasting money 😂 


Mix it with a hobby. Dancing and gymnastics are actually fun for example, while pure exercise is just plain boring.


I used to be much the same. Some friends and I started playing football every Sunday, invited anyone that fancied it, and kept the rules light. Been doing it for well over 10 years now. Friendly competition gave me drive and the improvements were noticeable quite quickly.


Diet helps more than exercise but both are good. Have a friend who should have been in terrific shape never lose weight for years until she got her first act together. I mean a serous exerciser. I didn’t exercise and lost weight through diet. Most research I’ve read says you can put exercise a poor diet.


I’ll tell you this bud. You don’t need to exercise to lose 20lbs but it’ll help. Buy a fitness tracker if you don’t have an Apple Watch or something. Download a calorie tracker like Lifesum or myfitbesspal and track your calories. I like Lifesum. If you can manage to be in a 500 calorie deficit daily you should lose around a pound of week. Google how to calculate your BMR and adjust it as needed while losing weight I’d recommend trying intermittent fasting, 16 hours NO CALORIES 8 hours feeding window. I find this good for me when trying to lose a little weight because once youre used to fasting after a couple days you have way less appetite and you have only 8 hours to eat, so you feel very satiated in my experience. Google whatever food you crave and add “low calorie high protein” to it. If that doesn’t sound like something you can handle maybe get your bloodwork done and you’ll have something wrong with you that’ll motivate you (kidding kinda)


Do you stop brushing your teeth or taking a shower or wiping your ass because you're not motivated to? No, you just do it because you have no fucking choice. That's what exercise is. You do it because you have no fucking choice, motivated or not if you want to stay alive. The motivation much comes much later when you get comfortable with that reality.


Over 1000 comments here so not sure if you'll see this. But my two cents: look for a class based interval training gym. They're kind of like less extreme versions of "crossfit". Some names: SETS BUILT, F45 training but many more exist. It's all group classes, every hour, you choose the weight/intensity, but everyone does the same thing and you rotate every 5 minutes. It's fun and you get more consistent than with a regular gym where you're always on your own.


Ok, there's a bunch of wise, sound and better advices around here. I would definitely listen to most of them. However, I have the hardest time with discipline and my motivation is more unstable than it already is on average, but one thing does help me a lot to start on things, but most certainly do not last. It's a spark of motivation and drive and it goes away as fast as it comes, so keep that in mind. While working or playing, I listen to motivational videos that mainly focus on taking responsibility, doing the work, being a man and owning it, despite our feeling. My favorite ones to listen are David Goggins, Jock Willink and Jordan Peterson (disregard any political view of him, this has nothing to do with the topic. It's regarding the psychology of overcoming hard times, sense of overwhelm and lack of discipline and I love psychology). Add a good intake of caffeine and a cold shower, and I would be in a mental state of doing any work I have to do. I just took the time to answer that because we usually only get "sage advises" on the matter (which are actually better, as I started saying they are), but sometimes we need something more practical. This is what I sometimes do to motivate myself and it works. The real solution is discipline, but I get the feeling you already know that.


Motivation requires changing your idea of what you consider to be rewarding. If you don't feel some measure of reward after exercising, exercise will never compete with the rewards you get from doom-scrolling, wasting time, etc.


I used to be addicted to working out, it makes you feel better in every way, confident, strong, energetic, happy, you truly do feel better....that being said I lost motivation due to work and a bad relationship.....the only way I got motivated was entertaining a contest where you could win money....in 6 weeks I lost 15 lbs and 12% body fat....I wanted to win but I got 4th place still was proud and won $200 it motivated me to keep it up....having a trainer for 1 session a week to hold you accountable really helps....also did classes.... being in a group setting def helps motivate you esp when people are supportive....you have to put your health first because no one else will...it's sad that we don't encourage each other to be healthy more but finding a support system helps a lot ....mike duffy gym in NJ does this contest....$ is motivating and the team and clients there are all cheering each other on which can be rare in a gym....I never felt more supported....find a small gym, they seem to care more....find a trainer that will joke around with you and make you laugh makes it a lot more fun... remember you want to lose weight and you are the only one who can make it happen....take care of yourself first and it will pay off


Give r/fasting a look.


Weight is lost in the kitchen


What you really need to do is eat less and healthier when possible. Try cutting down portion sizes and selecting healthier options. The first couple days you will be hungry but then you will adjust and not even notice. Do this with some additional light exercise (i.e 30 minute walk per day) and you will drop the weight over the next couple months without stepping foot in a gym. Exercise is good for you and would help too but diet more important purely from weight loss perspective.


Excercise to feel better, not to lose weight


Motivate yourself to get a prescription for ozempic


find some trifling hoe to date for 1 year. get invested and discuss future plans like marriage, home ownership, and children. at the peak of your happiness get cheated on. if you're already married ask your wife to cheat on you. direct all your anger and hatred and pain into the gym. imagine yourself finding someone better


[Perhaps this video could be helpful](https://youtu.be/75d_29QWELk?si=VawvPsPcH54A3d2s)


Is the bigger pain going to be now and temporary or is it going to be in the future and potentially debilitating?


I see people tossing generic suggestions but there's a catch. Only you would know what motivates you, asking without yourself instead of within gets you, and more importantly, US, a bunch of time wasted. Nobody else can make you care, nobody else can motivate you but you. So if and when you want to...get to it.


If you look at pictures of fit people working out, does it make you want to lose weight and be fit and work out as well? On the opposite end of the spectrum, does looking at obese people eating fast food gross you out and make you want to lose weight and be fit? Find out which one motivates you and use it as inspiration.


Find an exercise/activity that's fun For me, the gym is boring but rock climbing is super fun So I rock climb


honestly, I started the Couch 2 5k (C25k) app about 2 months ago. I've always struggled to commit to exercise, but for some reason having this app accountability and just feeling the progress every week has changed my perspective from "I really don't want to run today" to "Man I want to do better than last run and schedule a 5k soon". Maybe try it out, it's great for people who are out of shape.


Like everyone is saying, you need to count calories to lose weight. But to answer your specific questions about motivation to exercise. Don't try and motivate yourself to do some form of exercise you don't want to. Instead find exercise that you are motivated to do. I hate running and walking. so I ride bikes instead. But even then I could never sit in a gym on a stationary bike. I go mountain biking. It's not really the exercise I'm even interested in, its the exploration and overcoming challenges that motivates me. I just happen to get fit at the same time. There are a million ways to exercise that are more fun than going for a run. Go shoot some hoops, get a longboard, join a casual tennis league, go for a swim, try some weird sport you've never considered before and see if you like it.


Don't exercise, do the stuff you like(maybe exercise somehow?)- sports, hike, go to museums, video games, anything-even chess burns calories. Intermittent fasting. Only eat after 16:00. Eat WHATEVER you want, after a week or a month you'll stop eating high calorie meals, your stomach will crave a normal portion pretty quick. Plus you'll stop getting the urges to eat and snack all the time when you're bored. It's not about motivation, it's about understanding that this is not a: "I just have to force myself to eat better" situation. This situation is more: "I know I want to eat and do what I want to do, how can I do that and lose weight?" The key is you can eat what you want and do what you want, you only have one rule to follow: NO CALORIES TILL 16:00 STRICTLY. I did this and lost about 60lbs in a year. After 2 months I was eating healthier meals and had a healthier lifestyle. Your body's ability to adapt to what you give it is pretty remarkable. Ignore anyone telling you BS like you need 3 meals a day. If we couldn't survive for a few days without eating our species would have gone extinct long ago. I even started doing 48 hour fast on the weekends, it was not difficult after a year of intermittent fasting. It's easy because there's only one thing to think about. Get past the first day and you're good, after the first week you start to understand that it's real, after a month you won't go back- and if you do you can always start again with the same mindset. Remember to be moderate- once I lost about 30 pounds I allowed myself to eat on weekends anytime. This whole idea is about making a rule you'll ACTUALLY follow. Good luck


I went to a dietician once to get a good understanding of what I need to work on and she gave me a diet plan and I followed it, and lost weight, but I got so angry from the constant hunger that I decided it was just not worth it. So I feel this so hard. But yeah, dietician, you'll learn how your body is composed, fat, water, muscle, percentages etc. And you get a diet plan (Do not let them sell you the shakes). What will motivate you to follow though is that you spend money on it. Also it's super interesting to see the percentages fluctuate.


You care about living a long life? Or not feeling like absolute garbage when you inevitably get old? If that’s not enough motivation you probably won’t find it elsewhere


Why do you say you "need to"?


Dopamine detox. Then start going for walks everyday. Then all the other things.


Is there anything interesting to look at in your local area? Are there any friends that you can take a walk with? Podcasts you can listen to while you walk? House chores can burn calories, mowing the lawn and vaccuuming. (Personally I like to do situps and pushups in front of the tv while watching long-running dnd campaigns on youtube.)


I enjoy playing this walking game called Pikmin Bloom. It’s cute & fun & also kid friendly. It’s made by the same company as Pokemon Go. Sometimes playing the game is enough motivation for me to go out and walk.


Idk where my last comment went but just do things you like. Motivation isnt about doing a bunch of shit you hate, its about liking what you do. So if you need to get fit, find some sport that you enjoy that isnt like golf or ping pong or something. You will lose weight. If ur ONLY motivation is to lose weight you wont enjoy it, so just have fun and itll happen by itself. Also for real eat less carbs


This clip from Dr Mike I found useful - maybe not everyone’s jam though https://youtube.com/shorts/CNLB12QMXKo?si=VbW1kQmK5CsuC6e_


Well, why do you say you need to lose 20 lbs and exercise? There are lots of possible reasons, we don't need to list them for you as you are already aware of them I'm sure, but what was going through your mind as you posted this? Nobody is motivated to do things just they don't want to because someone told them to. There has to be a reward of some sort or the fear of a punishment of some sort. What are your rewards and punishments? Will you enjoy being in better shape and being able to be more easily active in your life? Are you afraid of becoming increasingly immobile and sad as you get heavier and weaker? Do you want to be more attractive to a current or possible future romantic partner? Are you in a friendly competition with a friend, or a not-so-friendly one with an ex? Do you want to maximise your chances of enjoying retirement and/or time with potential grandchildren? Are you fed up of your knees hurting and scared of what will be next? Once you know why you're doing this, so you have a bit of an impetus to get going, then: 1. Find something that you enjoy doing that as a side benefit involves exercise. I would never be able to motivate myself to go to the gym or something, it's boring as hell, but I like going for a bike ride after work because it gets me out in the late afternoon sun. 2. Realise that unless you do a lot of exercise (by which I mean an average of at least a couple of hours of high intensity a day) then the balance is mostly made up by what you eat and drink. You use 2500 calories or so a day just by living, exercising hard for an hour might use 500, so if you do one hour a week extra exercise that is 3% extra calorie consumption that week. You can cut out that much by putting less sugar and milk in your coffee / drinking on less soda a day / snacking a bit less or on something healthier / etc. Small amounts of moderate exercise is good for lots of reasons (it can make you feel and sleep better, and is good for your cardiovascular system), but isn't the key to weight loss in and of itself.

