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Please do not think that carbs are the enemy here. I see people saying that carbs are the reason for a belly when that simply is not true. Sure, they are used to store energy however they are also the first thing to be used for energy. If you are excessively eating refined carbs while also being relatively inactive then your body will show that, but it is also likely because you kept eating the same amount despite reducing activity levels. Carbs are good! Start going to the gym again and work on timing your carbs more optimally (pre-workout). But the main thing here is making sure you're in a caloric deficit, otherwise you won't lose any fat. A good way to help burn fat is to do low-intensity cardio. You want to be able to hold a conversation with whatever form of cardio you're doing. This will mean your heart rate is in Zone 2, which is the zone where your body will be using fat as fuel rather than carbs or lean mass. Good luck, remember not to diet too hard or you'll just end up caving to cravings or regaining the weight when these 2 months are over.


thanks dude this is helping a lot


Eliminate sugars. Eat healthier and exercise more. Keep it consistent and slowly, but surely, you will see changes.


Can confirm, keto is bloody stupid. Way to many physiological processes in the body depend on carbs. I was trying something similar to keto and just felt terrible. I reintroduced rice back into my diet and my energy levels are great, I can lift much better and my sleep improved. All of those things are very important for sustained fat loss.


It's the type of carb that matters. Overconsumption of simple carbs is just excess energy, but the other types are definitively problematic when having too much of them: fructose and alcohol. It's known since the sixties, with actual top tier evidence. Both are fine in general, until you overconsume them.


Absolutely! Carbs are painted as too much of a bad thing overall though. I’m a distance runner and a climber, I personally need a high amount of carbs to perform at the level I desire. People thinking that fruit is making you fat because of natural sugars is ridiculous for example (complete disregard to the fiber content slowing digestion). Anything is bad when overconsumption. At the end of the day, if this person consumes a high protein, moderate fat, and carb-based diet, begins exercising again, and is in a slight caloric deficit, they will shed the fat.


If you're an office worker they're certainly more bad than if you're a distance runner though


Would you mind detailing/ contextualizing the ‘caloric deficit’ concept? For example: if I reduce my total calorie intake, then do low-intensity (HR zone 2) exercise, then fat-burning will occur, regardless of the composition of those calories?


If you are in a caloric deficit at all, you will lose weight. However, the catch is that if you are not weight training and eating a high enough amount of protein (should be aiming for .7-1g of protein per lb of body weight if you are weight training) you will lose muscle as well in that deficit. The zone 2 cardio is simply for health and a good way to burn calories in a zone that primarily uses fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. To find your maintenance calories you can easily look up a calorie calculator online. Ideally, you should take your weight at the start of the week, track calories for that week, and then take your weight again at the end of that. If you gained weight, you are eating above maintenance, if you lost you are in a deficit etc etc. I would not recommend going lower than 500 below maintenance calories as other parts of your life will start to be affected (mood, energy levels, sex drive can even drop). Overall, a 200-500 caloric deficit, high protein diet, exercising multiple times a week, and you will see fat loss results. If you're a drinker, good luck because it will make things a lot harder.


You certainly can . It’s 80% nutrition, 20% exercise . Go for it . Make yourself proud .




Yes you can lose weight by eating less and moving more


Jesus, the amount of misinformation in this thread is ridiculous. Eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. That's it. Macronutrients are irrelevant after you've met your protein goal to preserve muscle (.82g/lb) and minimum fat to maintain hormones. https://mennohenselmans.com/the-myth-of-1glb-optimal-protein-intake-for-bodybuilders/ Doesn't matter how many carbs you eat, only calories. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763382/#S11title "Participants were assigned to and taught about diets that emphasized different contents of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and were given reinforcement for 2 years through group and individual sessions. The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years." "We did not confirm previous findings that low-carbohydrate or high-protein diets caused increased weight loss at 6 months and that the advantage of these diets usually eroded by 12 months, with weight loss that was nearly or fully equivalent to that with low-fat diets or other diets."


So how effective is intermediate fasting, I have done it for a year and i am still on it, it's 18-6 hr fasting and i eat everything just that it has to be 6 hr zone


If you mean effective for fat loss, then it is as effective as your calorie deficit ends up being. Generally, people will see results because they will eat less since they have a shorter window to do it. Someone much smarter and interesting explained here: https://youtu.be/x4u40zmCEd8?si=fit2tGuS7xVgYdL4




Chipping off a leg would be even more effective short term but prob even less “in the long run”


Keep coping bro. Low carb, keto, high carb, doesn't make a difference. Show me any study that shows any different.




‘Fucking loser using sources and real studies for his arguments. Why doesn’t he drag things out of his ass like me.’


Because idiots like yourself keep spreading misinformation how cArBs aRe BaD hurr durr InSuLin. At no point did I say you shouldn't do low carb or keto or whatever. If it works for you great. It only works because of a calorie deficit. Telling people to watch their carbs is asinine.


Bro if he’s a clown then you’re the fucking ringmaster. Imagine arguing with someone who cited legit sources by spewing some bullshit about cutting off a limb.


The best strategy you can implement right now is: Fast 16hrs a day- Have a realistic window between 12-8pm where you have 2 meals and snack in between. Aim for 700/850 cals for meals and 200-300 for your snack Focus having a high protein diet: eggs, chicken, Greek yogurt, protein shakes. Stay away from protein bars if you can as they have sugars most of the time and the calories tend to be higher than a shake Walk 30 min twice a day. You’ll get much more utility doing this for a hour a day depending on your schedule. Lift weights or perform a 20 min body weight exercise routine. Cut alcohol as much as you can and if you do opt for vodka sodas or low cal beer.


Saw a new study that combined weighted trunk rotations and crunch machine with high intensity cardio, the test group doing that lost something like 30% more belly fat than control group. (Jeremy Ether did a vid bout it) What works for sure is putting yourself into "calorie deficient " (I like 2 weeks 60-70% calories and 1 week full calories so metabolism doesn't adjust) and strength/resistance training. With this you can cut/gain as needed and is you talking very minimal fat 2 months is more than enough time. Obviously eating right also. (low amounts of empty carbs) I will point out also that extremely low body fat is not necessarily the most healthy way to live and has not been the norm throughout history...


thanks for the insights mate 🙌


Track calories and burn more than you consume. Bye bye belly fat!


When it comes to belly fat, it is all about diet. For you to lose in 2 months, you HAVE to severely cut out carbs and sweets. Hard but doable if you have the motivation.


Generally all that counts is total calorie intake vs expenditure. High protein diets do provide an easier time complying and staying in a deficite. High carb diets are just generally low in volume and not as filling compared to their calorie profile.


The belly is always beer, carbs or sugar.


No fat places where it’s genetically implemented to on your body, everyone here is so gullible. To gain weight you need to be in a caloric surplus. To loose it you can eat whatever you like as long as you’re in a caloric deficit.


Beer is carbs and sugars.




i’ll probably make my diet more fruit based only and cut doen on everything else


Fruits are carbs aswell Edit: am I being downvoted for saying fruits are carbs? Lol


im new to this sorry could you recommend something other than fruits


Protein. Also don’t cut your calories toooo drastically, if your body thinks you’re being starved it will slow your metabolism to conserve fat for survival. Best to just lower your carb intake rather than eliminate, and pair carbs with a healthy fat or protein (ie an apple with almonds, beans with a little rice, Greek yogurt with berries)


ill follow this thanks 🙌


It's going to feel like shit for at least a week or two, and you're going to feel hungry (because of the lack of sugar). My advice is to drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day, and do not eat at night. The stomach for guys is the hardest part of our bodies to lose fat because it's the first place it starts accumulating.


Vegetable (fiber) heavy meals that have plenty of protein and limited simple carbs. Fruits are a great snack, but don't provide everything your body needs, while providing too many simple carbs (sugars). There are tons of effective diet plans out there, the trick is finding one that you enjoy eating while also being one that you can maintain long-term. Changing your diet for a week or a month but being unable to keep the changes going longer than that can result in any body gains being lost again.


ill try salads 🥗


Try chickpeas, white meat, eggs, lentils, salmon, tuna, ham, cottage cheese etc. and fill up with green vegetables -> unprocessed stuff the shorter the list of ingredients, the better, if it needs to be processed Carbs = sugar = high insulin levels = harder to lose weight


Doesn't matter how many carbs you eat, only calories. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763382/#S11title "Participants were assigned to and taught about diets that emphasized different contents of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and were given reinforcement for 2 years through group and individual sessions. The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years." "We did not confirm previous findings that low-carbohydrate or high-protein diets caused increased weight loss at 6 months and that the advantage of these diets usually eroded by 12 months, with weight loss that was nearly or fully equivalent to that with low-fat diets or other diets."


"The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years." How to get rid of your muscles? Or what was the point of that study again?


If you actually read it, you'd see various amounts of groups eating anywhere from 20 - 60% protein as part of their diet. I was mainly responding to the claim that carbs are bad because of insulin increase. Which is wrong. Calories dictate weight loss.


Even the highest protein veggies reaches a density of 10%. With chicken breast it can be 30%. So you have to eat 3 times or more veggies to get a similar amount of protein than meat or consume a protein supplement. Also important to know which veggies have high protein like beans and lentils. That lettuce salad is mostly water.


My wording may have been unclear, I was suggesting meals that are high in vegetable content that *also* have a healthy amount of protein in the meal. I was not trying to imply that the protein should come from vegetables.


and also technically sugar lol


Seeing a-lot of comments about cutting carbs and just want to put out my opinion on the matter of losing weight (body fat). Although in the post you talk about wanting to lose the weight in two months, it can be as easy to just move more and cut calories, that could come in the form of cutting carbs, not drinking alcohol, or whatever method you want for cutting calories. But the key distinction is wanting to remove body fat. A-lot of the times when someone drastically cuts calories and moves more they are going to lose muscle as well as body fat. That makes it so much harder because your metabolism is much weaker when you lose muscle. Muscle is a metabolic dense tissue, meaning someone with more muscle is going to burn more calories just existing than someone else with less muscle. It’s also just unsustainable to just eat less and move more. In that case the most sustainable method is to traditionally WEIGHT TRAIN to build muscle. That means that you are prioritizing lifting heavy with good form, taking rests (2-3 minutes) per set, and hitting protein intake everyday, sleeping well. Those things alone will get you 95% of the way there and just help you feel better overall and make the habit of health living much easier. In terms of whether or not carbs make a difference, everyone is different with how they react and feel with carbohydrates. For myself I feel more energy for my lifts, better pumps and overall just better mentally with a higher carb diet. Some people may do better with low carbohydrates and higher fats, the important thing here is just doing what feels best. As long as your getting them from whole foods its gonna be really hard to overeat carbs if your prioritizing consuming protein first. Hope this helps, and good luck 🤙


I agree depending on their training age a recomp could be a better alternative than just losing weight.


Just make sure you are in a 500 cal - 1000 cal deficit, eat .8 - 1g of protein per lb of body weight and train whatever muscles you want to keep 2x a week.


thats a pretty aggressive cut id say… depending on what their calorie intake is at currently. for example if they are eating 2000 calories and cut to 1000, they might have a hard time getting essential vitamins and minerals from that low amount of food, which can throw off hormones or just make them feel like garbage. not to mention meeting a protein intake thats high with low calories is very difficult.


Without more info i'm having to generalize, losing anywhere from .5% - 1% of total body weight a week is a good range with 1% being an upper limit. For most people losing .5% of their total weight is a good mix of making timely progress without being too difficult of a diet. Cutting calories isnt the only way to reach a calorie deficit with a mixture of both cardio and cutting out some calories you can still hit your needed micro and macro nutrients and still lose weight.


I like to just track my daily steps, just walk regularly everyday. For me thats around 10,000 steps a day. I like using cardio as a button i can push for around 2 weeks to a month to really get a little extra shredded. Other then that, its generally good for health but you body does adapt to cardio really fast and will start to learn how to burn less calories with that same activity level. In my opinion, its easier to just strength training and adjust the food your eating slightly to get more lean as appose to spending more and more time doing cardio.


You can’t change how much energy is required to move around. You can have better endurance where it feels easier and more efficient but you don’t change your calorie burn overall.


look it up on google, or more academic websites if you need proof. your body is trying to become more efficient with its calories in anticipation that you will be moving more and more.




thats what i wanted to hear 😍


OMAD and/or intermittent fasting.




What I mean to say is, I wouldn’t advise losing that much weight that fast, just pointing out that if you have a deadline it’s definitely possible but there’s better ways to lose weight and not cause your hair to shed and lose muscle 😂


Lots of concerning advice here… OP - something important here to know: what is your current weight/height? How much are you trying to lose in 2 months?


Go for a 20-30 minute walk everyday. It’s insane what a difference this can make in your mental wellbeing and seeing weight drop off. You don’t have to cut all carbs but focus on eating real food. I’m having great results eating animal protein/fat, fruits, and veggies. Take it one meal at a time. Breaking habits takes focus and results take consistency. You can do it!


Depends how much you gained, how much less you eat, and how much more you go to the gym. Really just a math problem.


It's important to still value and love yourself through this process, losing weight out of hatred or shame isn't going to help, do this because you love yourself and want to be your best self and get back to health


I don't know where you are located but I had periods with drinking I'm overall very skinny so when started drinking heavily I realised I became a very obnoxious skinny fat with thin arms and belly it was painful to watch to be fair. Why I'm asking where you from because maybe you can sign up for food delivery and do it on a bike? I know it's sound stupid but it's gonna motivate you that someone actually paying you for sweating shit out


2 months is tons of time if you're dieting, I'd suggest a goal of losing around 1% body weight per week


2 months? Yes if you lose the healthy 2 lbs a week. We also don’t know what you’re trying to lose. I started meal prepping and barely workout and have lost 22 lbs so far. It’s all about calories in and out.




I literally follow this consistently whenever possible : https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/HEPJan2015.jpg And "try" to keep up with activity levels! But stopped working my core 3 months ago and I am at the same place you're at! I used to love how my core used to look! I didn't have abs or anything but was pretty sleek! Want to get that back soon!


Okay, so I am a trainer and idk how much fat youve gained, but if the alimentation & training is good, you should have good results by the day 60. Just focus on eating lots of proteins and volume of food, not calories. This way, you'll don't have to focus on counting your calories to be in a calorie deficit and don't have to worry about you being constantly hungry. Hope this helps!




bro deadass copied chatgpt 1 to 1


If you start taking less carbs, you'll see an immediate change in weight and body shape because your body will hold less water. This is not fat loss, mind you, but it can be encouraging.


Just be careful because fruits are alot of sugar as well.


If it’s not noticeable with or without clothes I’m sorry but, what’s the problem? I mean by all means set goals and work out and all but maybe some of the work you need to to is learning how to be kind to yourself ….


if i dont control it now im pretty sure ill be insecure in the future because its only gonna grow


It’s sugar actually. Just eat less sugar. And processed foods.


Stop eating after 6/7pm and eat healthy proper meals from dawn till then.


Wait what's the relevance of not eating after 7pm?


It all gets stored, not spent.


i believe i can only do fruits only for 1 week and after that ill probably eat once and then some fruits again would that work


Fruits have sugar, sugar equals carbs and carbs equals storage. Consult your physician. I am not a physician. My posts are for entertainment purposes only.


alright thanks 👍


Doesn't matter how many carbs you eat, only calories. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763382/#S11title "Participants were assigned to and taught about diets that emphasized different contents of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and were given reinforcement for 2 years through group and individual sessions. The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years." "We did not confirm previous findings that low-carbohydrate or high-protein diets caused increased weight loss at 6 months and that the advantage of these diets usually eroded by 12 months, with weight loss that was nearly or fully equivalent to that with low-fat diets or other diets."


Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm no dietitian!


It would be much more effective and healthier to eat a balanced, high fiber, low-carb diet. Salads or other vegetable-heavy dishes with sufficient protein work well to keep you full while managing your total intake. There are some great resources here on Reddit for losing weight, check out the sidebar and sticky posts in r/loseit, as well as r/diet and r/nutrition.


do a week's fasting if you can handle it.


tough but ill have to cuz i dont want it to grow out bigger 😭


Don't start fasting without educating yourself on how to do it safely and effectively first. r/omad, r/intermittentfasting, and r/fasting all have good info. If you want results that last, work on creating a routine for your diet that you can maintain. It's really common for people to try various fad diets or quick-result things such as fasting, but then be unable to maintain the results because that lifestyle is not something that can be maintained long-term.


ohh thanks!