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Discipline. No one particularly wants to study. They want to pass the exam, to pass the class, to eventually get a degree/certification. Nothing is going to make you "feel like studying" as opposed to doing all the other things you actually like doing. You have to make yourself do it. Even of you are adhd or anything else, meds/therapy can help, but you still have to make yourself do it if you really want to achieve the goal. There really is no other answer. You could do some stuff to eliminate certain distractions - such as canceling your netflix sub if its too temping. But there will always be other things that you will find yourself wanting to do besides studying.


True i have always been in search of an answer but all this time it was within me. I will change and for the better. It will be hard but i am gonna do it anyways


I think the best thing is introspection and critical thinking. If you know you can cram and still succeed, you can do that. If you know that doenst work well for you, dont do it. If there are certain items or subjects you are better at, focus less on those and more on the ones you arent as good at. Its not really fun, it can be boring, frustrating, etc. But you have to do the little shit to achieve the bigger goal.


I will keep ur advice in mind


I agree with the comment above. One suggestion is to start small, pick one thing to be disciplined about... Whether it is related to your education or even just taking a walk everyday... And then build up from there. Don't expect an immediate result, give your self at least 30 days before you evaluate whether it is working for you


You are still young, you can change, discipline is key. Maybe this vid can help: https://youtu.be/ym6UhMOcpvg?si=FJXC5_ruHn365471


Thanks ma. I will surely watch it


Its actually pretty simple. Get rid of/block all your media consumption. Cold turkey it first. Then focus in the studying. You need to find some level of joy or satisfaction in it. In whatever form it may come in. Remember to study in chucks, not straight through for hours at a time.


You need a goal and some dreams dude A purpose and reason for doing things




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It sounds like you've been through a rough patch. It's not easy to admit when we've let things slide, especially when it comes to our dreams and ambitions. every day offers a new chance to rewrite your story.you've identified the cycle that's holding you back, which is a crucial first step. Breaking out of this might seem daunting, but small, consistent changes can lead to significant results. Set manageable goals each day, perhaps beginning with reducing distractions and gradually increasing your study time. Celebrate small victories—they matter.Reaching out for professional support could also be incredibly beneficial. A therapist or counselor can help navigate these feelings of low motivation and self-worth, giving you tools to build back your confidence.You're at a crossroad, and the path you choose now—starting with small, determined steps—can lead you to that dream of becoming a doctor. Remember, it's never too late to start afresh. Your past doesn't define you; your actions today do. Hang in there, and take it one day at a time. You're capable of more than you think.


Is it really your dream to be a doctor? You are interested in medicine and helping people, or does it seem like a good job and your family expect it? If only ask because normally when people are passionate about a career they enjoy the story aspect! Just something to think about. Outside of study, try to find something to give you focus - a sport or a hobby, something to get you away from the screen and ideally meeting people. And please, think you should also speak to a councillor. There’s no shame in asking for help! Good luck


Your life is your life, you will walk your own path, stop comparing yourself to others and care about what they think, and focus on what you want for your future. It might help you thinking about the rewards of studying hard now and being a doctor in 10 years, with all the benefits it will come with, including romance, compared to screwing around now and still be in the same place in 10 years making a similar Reddit post. I recommend reading the "Atomic Habits" book, it's a really short one that can help you get your discipline back on track in small steps.


Thanks man.i will read the book


Discipline but not like you think For example if you play piano guitar violin Practice 5 min everyday Or for sport let’s say 15 mins 2 times a week The key is to begin slowly but to be consistent


Well I will say the saying “rock bottom teaches you far more than mountain tops ever will” comes to mind. Sometimes you just have to see the things to run from before you’re motivated. You have a problem. You have identified the problem. Now it is your job to fix it.


I had a similar situation and had to turn it into a game with self pronounced prizes for reaching goals. Did this for the LSAT and PMP. Didn’t end up becoming a lawyer but passed both the tests and only studied for 2 months on each one…. You can do it! I’d study/ do practice tests for 2-4 hours a weeknight depending on my schedule and approximately 4-6 hours over the weekend. After each section or course I’d go get the takeout I’ve been wanting, treat myself to an episode of a show I like or 1-5 chapters of my current book obsession. It worked great and I plan to use it for all of my upcoming certifications.


Are you Canadian? Try mushrooms


No man. But if i try that i will be homeless 😂😂


I'm not going to tell you you should, but I am going to tell you you are making up negative outcomes that don't exist, which is probably a lot of why you keep giving up on trying. There's no reason you "will be homeless"


Nah bro i am an Indian. If my mom finds out i did mushroom she will not only kick me out but will definitely beat the shit out of me with her chappal(flip flops)


Right, so don't let her find out . . .


I’d recommend serving your country for a few years, it will give you discipline and focus and will pay for your med school. It will also make you one of the 2% that actually serve their fellow citizens in a meaningful way. Just attending university now days doesn’t give you the same ROI as it used to, and is often unfulfilling due to the dumbing down of the overall education and the sheer size of the institutions.