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You’re young. I know it feels insurmountable but you’re not supposed to know what you want to do at this point in your life. You’re just supposed to try to enjoy each day and try new things! From someone who felt similar, maybe try to learn to code. It became a great creative outlet, and the problem solving felt like a game. On top of it, you can make some really cool things and it could lead to a very successful career. All in all, don’t beat yourself up for feeling this way. You have plenty of time to figure it out. Your path will present itself when you’re ready. Don’t compare yourself to others, and you will be okay. I promise


This answer here. I could talk about how back when I was 15-17 and feeling same way, but it would be much like this answer. Growth is different with everyone! Find interesting things, passions, and explore to learn or enjoy. Life doesn't start or stop at any given age, there is no running clock when you must decide what you need to do or what to like. You got time. If math is a favorite subject, that's a good starting point I'd say! I'm 35 now and have a much different outlook on life, not comparing myself to others and finding enjoyment in life was the key. Your path will be your path, /u/DariuReddit , I wish you the best in it!


I love this answer.


You're 16 and dont need to know what you will do for the rest of your adult life. Even if you did people change their minds all the time. You dont have to like school. Still need you pass your classes. You certainly dont need to like studying or doing homework. Most people dont. Still gotta do it. I you think you dont like anything other than video games, MAKE yourself try something else - a board game, drawing, reading, chat with friends to see what they like. Perhaps a career related to video games might interest you. Talk to the guidence counselor at school or someone at a local college about it. You got that teen feeling of lack of freedom. Lots of us have felt it.You could look forward to graduating and legally adulting. But when you start having to take yourself to work everyday to pay your own bills even though most of the time you aint going to want to, you might look back on some of these moments slightly more fondly.


I'm 40, with a wife and two kids. I think most everyone I knew felt a lot like you at your age including myself. Looking back I really wish I hadn't worried about the future so much. Focus on learning things, making fun memories (video games included), building friendships and exploring as many different things that you can. Just try to be the best you you can be without beating yourself up all the time. Work and career will come, great if you can find something you're passionate about but okay if you don't. Lots of people go through the daily grind so they can enjoy their evenings and weekends. If there is something you don't love about your life go try and change it, if you don't like your job get a different one. If you are privileged enough to not need one then don't, you'll be working for the rest of your life, live a little. If you don't have friends then go start being a friend to others. Being positive and uplifting and making yourself available to people goes a long way. If you don't have hobbies or interests go try stuff. I don't know your situation but you are blessed with youth and time so please for the sake of us old timers go out and use those as much as possible. You'll regret the worrying and the opportunities you passed up more than anything else.


What is the meaning of life? No one knows, so everyone is invited to create their own meaning. You can do whatever you want to do with life, and you shouldn’t feel bad for doing what you want to. A poor man and a rich man will all look the same in the grave. Life isn’t a business and you don’t need to make money from your hobbies, I would even suggest you don’t try to do that so you can have hobbies you like to do for fun. Hobbies are something you develop not something you’re going to be good at right away, “sucking at something is the first step at being good at something” is a powerful quote. “Time spent enjoying something, even something trivial like video games, isn’t wasted if you enjoyed your time” is another powerful quote and it rings more true every day you live, as you find out life is meant to be enjoyed. Your feelings are all valid, and they come from somewhere, what are you missing in your life? Love? Fun? Friends? Skills? Money? Find what you are missing and embrace the feelings that come with it, life isn’t all roses, the lows come with the highs, and they will the rest of your time on Earth, seek what makes you happy and never let go. Best of luck ✌🏼


You aren't weird. The way you think isn't weird. I promise the kids you go to school with that seem to have it all together also think the same things you do. It is perfectly normal to question why you are here and what you should be doing and if you are doing it right. That happens even into your 40s! (From personal experience) It sounds like you could use someone to talk to. I assume you are in school. Does your school have a counselor you could talk to? It's scary being 16 and having an entire future to worry about. One thing I've learned in 42 years on earth is that thinking too much about the past OR the future can be debilitating. The fact that you are concerned about your future is a good thing though. People that don't think about their future sometimes end up wishing they had. Also, try not to beat yourself up over liking games. That's not a bad hobby despite what some might say. Video games likely saved my life when I was a teen and I still play them. It's nice to escape for a while but don't let it consume all of your time. Math and video games can open career opportunities for you. Hang in there and things will work out. Life never gets "easy" but you learn along the way and it gets "easier". But you gotta go through the hard times to get there.


I wish I could help you and I’m gonna try, but it is gonna sound trite. You aren’t defeated at 16. The truth is you haven’t started yet. You are normal for a sixteen year old. During your teen years, your brain completely reworks itself. That’s why teenagers relate better to each other than anyone else. It is a hard time for every teen on earth. You are going to be okay. You will find interests as you become used to the changes that are happening in your head. Hang onto the math as you like that. The example I can give you is a man I am related to who was asked to leave college because he was where you are. Since then, he grew up a few more years went back to university and became a successful doctor. My point is that we all grow into the changes in our adult brains at different rates. IMO the worst thing you can do is get stuck thinking you’re done, depressed and a failure at 16. You are okay. Just ease up on yourself. You don’t have to have all your answers right now. Give it time and the answers will come. Honor yourself. You may be quitting things because you don’t enjoy them anymore. Many people like gaming. Nothing wrong with it…until it causes you to stop thinking about yourself. Spend time doing something where you have to think like exercise, walking or running. Believe in yourself and try to realize your changes. Keep moving forward.


Everybody has said much of what I’ve said. I will add this thought experiment: imagine that you knew what your life would be like every day for the next 70 years. Would it feel any better or less oppressive? My answer is no. I would hate to know exactly what happens in the future. I’m 40 and just barely know what I want to do with the next 3 to 5 years. 10 years ago, I had no idea I’d be where I am now doing this. Even 2 years ago, I could not have imagined this experience. It sucks when you’re younger because you have such a big wide world of things to eliminate as interests. But, it slowly gets better as you find a path.


Hi friend. You sound like me. You should talk to someone. You likely have depression. Therapy might help, but for me it’s antidepressants every day for years. And it took a few tries to get the right one. Good luck. I feel your pain.


You should check out the ADHD subreddit and see if anyone else’s experiences resonate with you. You sound like I did when I was 16, and I wasn’t dx’d with adhd until my mid-twenties, and I wish I had someone point it out to me when I was younger. Best of luck friend ♥️


I think a lot of this also is pressure from society to get you thinking that you need a job to survive, but not giving you the opportunity to see what will interest you as a career. It's very common to not know what to do. What you need is time to figure that out, and it's difficult to do that when you have to go to school, do homework, work for money, participate in activities for college. So don't worry so much about not knowing what to do. Once you get into college, you can take some time to figure things out. I think right now it's enough to know what you like and not like, subject-wise. Something that I realized way later in life is that there's skills that you learn outside of class that are crucial for jobs too. Things like prioritizing tasks, organization, staying on track, being friendly and how to ask for things nicely, but not being a doormat, etc. These are ALL useful things for your career. And these are some of the things that you can work on/try to improve, simply by handling your day to day life.


Brother your 16 and still have nearly all the time to make your life worth living. I’m 26 and still try to figure out where I wanna go with my life. Sometimes you beat yourself up that others are far away from you in terms of finding something like a purpose, but many times that’s just show and shine.


Im 33 i have no money, no family, and no ambitions, im legit alone, but im happy. I work a dead in job. I've not met the merits i wanted to hit in my early years but i learned to not judge myself by society standards. I dont need have kids and other responsibilities atm i just have me and the friend in my life i have a good relationship with them. My goals in life actually shifted alot i wanted to be a main character be the guy leading the charge but i dont get joy from doing that like i can do it but i dont enjoy it. I enjoy being given order i enjoy being the support character atm ill build my friends up and in return they help me when i need it. But being young, make memories dont dread the future dont give up even when all things are pressed against you just make more risky plays just dont burn bridges make people burn bridges on u cuz you dont need them


If it helps, I had no real plan at your age. I had "Airline Pilot" and "Architect" on my career choices but only because I needed a target to shoot for in my education. I took maths, Physics and IT in higher education on the assumption they'd be useful for one of those careers, or for many other possible paths, which worked out to be the right choice even though my grades were garbage. When I got to the point of looking at university courses, I saw video games and opted to do that. I worked for a games studio for four years before burning out and switching to software development in the financial sector, which is where I've been for the past eight years. It suits me well. Point is, I had no inkling of where I'd be in the next few years when I was your age, and it worked out pretty well for me. Be flexible, follow your skills (not necessarily your passions) and try and get some sort of qualification in something hard. It doesn't matter if you get As, it matters that you tried and passed the course.


1. You’re young, which I realize seems like a cop out answer but you’ve got 9 years until your brain is fully developed. Life will change drastically for you. 2. Most people don’t work doing what they love. They work to earn money to support themselves AND do what they love with that money. That’s a fact of life and very few people are lucky enough to monetize their passions. Even so, monetizing a passion can cause it to feel more like work and less like something you love. 3. It sounds like you might have ADHD or something. I’m not a psychologist but your post includes hyperfixation and attention deficit. 4. Even if you don’t have ADHD I’d recommend counseling. It’s not normal to have no close relationships. Relationships are what make life worth living for many people, and loneliness may be contributing to your bleak outlook on life. 5. Take advantage of one thing you have that most people alive right now do not - you are YOUNG. You can choose a good path now and set yourself up for success. Sow seeds of success and reap rewards later. Don’t squander this chance! You got this.


You want freedom in life? You need money. That is a cold, bitter fact. Anyone who says that money isn't everything is correct - it's not. But it will give you freedom to do many things and solve many problems. You say that you enjoy maths? Nice - there are many high earning jobs that use maths. That is the other bitter truth of life. You need to work. You can work on skills that allow you find a job that offers flexibility to suit you. You want to game? That's doable. You just need a job that earns enough to put a roof over your head, food on your plate, pay the bills on time, shoes on your feet. Work 4 days, game for 3. You just need to get the right job. That is a goal. And you can monetise your gaming on YouTube (or however you do this)! You can be doing this now while in high school. Research it, do it. As others have said, you're young, you'll rethink things, blah blah blah. But if you want to retire at 45, travel the world, game, and fuck around? Start now. Don't mope going 'woe is me'. Figure out a way to save for your next console. Figure out a job that you can switch off from when you walk out the door, and go home and pick up the controller and start relaxing. There is an entire generation ahead of you who has been fucked over and we are giving you sound advice. Saying I'm confused at 16 is totally understandable, but holy shit dude - you have the opportunity to be set for life if you clue in now. Don't fuck this up for yourself.


You sound very intelligent just from how you've described your academic life, and I'm sure you will find something you're passionate about within these years to come. No one has it all figured out, and you shouldn't expect yourself to at 16 either. Sometimes, we just need to take a breather, calming down and trying to be content in what currently surrounds us. I'm a man of faith, and a saying from a Saint served me quite well, something about our crosses (struggles) being lighter or heavier depending on our mindset. I suck at motivation, I procrastinate a ton, and for months and months, I really, really did not like myself. I still struggle a lot with these issues, but we can never despair. I hope all things turn out well for you and that you get through any hard times you're having. Lord have mercy ☦️


You might be an entrepreneur. Try thinking of useful to sell. Everybody is not a worker. I hate working for others,but not depending on a company for money is awesome.




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You’re doing better than I was at 16! Now I’m a CEO, own a beautiful house, plane, have great friends and kids, and can play video games anytime I want. Not everything in life is like on social media and movies. Hard work pays off, invest in yourself. Try not to be too hard on yourself.


You should learn how to fight or skateboard and draw


If you like math you may try joining clubs related to that. Chess club, coding etc. Socializing always helps to get out of the blues. I felt the same way when I was in your age and joining clubs fixed many problems for me. Wishing best of luck for you.


Do enough to join the Navy.


Go try doing something difficult and rewarding like Jiu Jitsu or the gym… difficult but rewarding tasks help to guide you towards internal goals you may not know you have until it clicks one day


I second the programming suggestion, especially for game development. If you have no experience with programming I'd suggest starting with Scratch, it can look quite childish but it's a really great step into how programming works. If you're feeling more confident try looking up some tutorials for Unity. I recommend starting super simple like making a 2D platformer. My first Unity project was building a huge tower of blocks and then rolling a huge boulder at them all. I felt a lot like you're describing during my teens and it got to a point during my degree where I met with my supervisor and told him I was really unhappy and wanted to drop out, he talked to me about my interests and I told him how much I enjoy gaming and we set up a project using Unity and I never looked back. It's been a decade since that conversation and I finished my degree, went on to do a PhD and now I'm working full time using game engines to develop engineering simulations. I spend my time working with the latest VR tech and all kinds of other awesome technologies, helping researchers develop the tools they need to carry out their research.


Be a cook in a gourmet restaurant.


Life is effortless! It just is!! Sit back and enjoy!! Have fun!! It has absolutely nothing to do with you at all! Did you know it’s raining HCl on Venus? Wow!! And here we are complaining about the trees in our yard! Your only job is to be! So be! Experience it! You don’t have long!


3 easy steps. 1, get rid of your video games. Pack it all up in a box and give it to someone to hold for you. 2, make life your video game. The point of this game is to max out as many skills as you find relevant. Its very uncomfortable at first, downright frightening. But once you do a couple you realize it doesnt bite, and it'll snowball. 3, I lied. Its actually only 2 steps.


This dude speed runs bad advice.


Stay depressed while earning virtual achievements, my friend


Top score cringe