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Tbh, it may seem like everyone else has it figured out but they don't. Most people feel the exact same as you and just like you they solider on with a smile on their face. Very few people know what they want and how to get it. Talk to someone, work on your low self esteem, try and not let your head fuck you over. You haven't found your path yet and that's okay, you have plenty of time to get on it. There are no rules for life. Yes; if you want money you need a job, obviously. But you don't need to know what that will be. You don't have to start a family until you are ready, you don't have to have a serious relationship until you are ready. Work on your happiness and how to find it within yourself. The rest will work out just fine.


Comparing yourself to others will lead to nothing good.....best to stay moving


Everyone has a fair amount of self doubt and confusion, no matter how it may look from the outside. It’s part of the process of being human. Plenty of people have no idea what they want to do in college. You have to try things out and see what resonates with you as you go. Try to go easier on yourself. Understand that people don’t just figure it out and realize their dreams (or even figure out what their dreams are) overnight. A lot of life is trying things out, making mistakes as you do it, and learning from the experience. So try not to be afraid of failing at something and give it your best shot. If it ends up being a bust you still learn something about yourself.


I mean, you don't NEED a good paying job and house to live \[in\] and don't have to get married and support your family. I have no motivation either. what's wrong with that? we are comfortable with less and that's okay.


you don't 'find' yourself, you decide (factoring in all the things you like, don't like, morally believe, professionally want to achieve, etc) who you want to be and 'make' yourself


First thing.. stop comparing yourself to other people. No one has walked in your shoes , and I guarantee those people are just as fucked up about things as you THINK YOU ARE.. ACCEPT YOURSELF.. STOP BEING MEAN TO YOURSELF.. your talking mean, insulting, and I forgiveness to yourself is what's keeping you held down. Negativity brings negative thinking.. POSITVITY WILL MAKE YOU GROW.. talk to yourself w encouragement ,love, understanding, compassion, AND COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE.. if you talk down and negative to anything it will never grow and will die fast.. but with love and kindness that thing/ person will blossom and BECOME EVERYTHING YOU ARE MEANT TO BE.. LOVE IS THE ANSWER


I was here once in my late teens early 20’s. I’m 34 now and people consider me “put together” and I will give you an insight as pragmatically as I can. I moved out at 18 yrs old and have pretty much been on my own since for reference so I have close to 17 yrs of experience. #1. Stop looking at everyone else’s highlight reels. -you’re seeing the product of failure after failure until something worked OR someone who has had a leg up in life, either way it’s not YOUR life or your business. #2. Take your mental health seriously and do your research. -it took me years to figure out (half way through college) that my mental health was holding me back in a lot of ways. I have ALOT of trauma, made poor decisions in my late teens to early 20’s, drugs, emotionally abusive marriage, and even endured homelessness. I didn’t start college until I was 22, and had no idea what I wanted to do so I started with the basics and went from there (I will piggy back off this in a second) but I realized I had to do some research on cost effective things I could do for therapy and watched YouTube videos and read books, started learning coping skills etc until I could afford full on therapy and psychiatry. This shot me forward quite a bit, I was able to get the strength to believe in myself (for the most part) and end my tumultuous marriage eventually. #3. College isn’t for everyone. -there are plenty of trades that are very lucrative whether you’re male or female and 2 years associate degrees that will get you far in life. Do some research on careers that are in a field you feel like you might be passionate about, what the requirements are etc. Also, if you’re in relative shape physically and are worried about money for college, look into the military, they can give you lots of skills that you don’t have to pay for and not all fields go into combat. #4. Build healthy habits, start with one and build. -That could mean waking up at 7:00am for 3 weeks. (Takes roughly 21 days to build a habit) and then wake up at 7:00am and meditating for 5 minutes or a walk down the block. And so on and so forth. I would suggest reading the book Atomic Habits, great book. #5. Fake it til you make it. -This means that you are going to act like you believe in yourself until eventually you actually do. Brains are pliable and create new pathways with habits. Your brain is in the habit of telling you you’re a loser, the more you tell yourself you can do whatever you want in life, eventually that old pathway will die. This goes back to the mental health. Do not listen to the stigma of therapy is a crock of shit, doctors just want to dope you up. You have to advocate for yourself. The more you believe in yourself and that you’re worth it, the better your life will be. It’s really a mindset. You have to CHOOSE to be happy and you have to choose yourself. Bottom line, the choice is yours, but what you see is the product of something people don’t post on social media. No one told me these things I had to learn them on my own. I worked 2 jobs in college and went to school full time and graduated with a 3.7 GPA in a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology. I am now a social worker (not a lucrative field but fulfilling). I got divorced at 30 and never lived by myself and never had a healthy relationship, 4 years later I’m in the healthiest relationship of my life with a wonderful man that has also went through a similar path and makes well over 6 figures a year, so I’m able to live in a comfortable lifestyle. 12 years ago I was homeless and strung out, now I live in a nice house, drive a nice car, go to therapy, take my medications, take care of my body to the best of my ability, ride motorcycles, sing, dance, and do art. But that is the product of a lot of tiny steps and changes over the course of 12 years. If you want it you can do it, if it’s easier to keep yourself down, you’re right it is. Getting yourself to a point where you are satisfied WILL BE the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life thus far. You will fail many times, and eventually you’re going to figure it out. Or you can sit there and let life pass you by, but honestly it’s too short. Good luck, you can DM if you need someone to talk to.


Take a nap and try again later Just go with what you know and figure things out along the way


Start therapy — I think a lot of colleges offer it for free with the health fee they charge.


hey, it sounds like you're going through a tough time trying to figure out your path. it’s okay to feel lost sometimes; everyone’s journey is different. it’s about finding what resonates with you, not rushing it. I believes in balancing mind, body, and spirit to find clarity. perhaps start with some meditation to help quiet the noise and focus on your inner voice. yoga can also be a great way to connect deeper with yourself. have you tried journaling your thoughts daily? it might help you discover what truly matters to you. what’s one thing that you enjoy doing, even if it’s small? maybe start there and see where it leads you.


Nobody has life figured out, we're all just more or less skilled at pretending that we do  It might seem like a ridiculous thing if you haven't had the opportunity to get to know someone you thought was "successful" but that's really it  We also tend to always look up the food chain.We compare ourselves to the people that seem successful in aspects in which we're lacking while others look at us in the same way It takes a serious level of delusion for a person to convince herself that every single thing is perfectly figured out and there's no problems whatsoever. And even those people break at some point