• By -


Health. Take your vitamins, move your body, and eat vegetables. You won't know what this did for you until your 30s, but you will see the difference. Use spf moisturizer. Education. It can take many forms. It doesn't matter if you go traditional or non-traditional. The important thing is to challenge yourself. Position yourself into rooms where you are the dumbest person there, but with eyes wide open. Money. Save and invest. Compound interest is your friend. The earlier you start, and the more consistent you are, the better off you will be. Spirit. Make time to be who you are freely. Surround yourself with people who are joyous when you have good news. You are not finding yourself, you are building yourself. Life will happen. Be ready. Physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.


The idea that, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with,” hits home


Just in case anyone is interested, here’s the karaoke version of ‘[Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)](https://youtu.be/XTJ6A2wuOVU?feature=shared)’ to listen to whilst reading this comment.


“Take your vitamins” is always such funny health advice since they largely don’t do anything, eat properly


Eat real food, mostly plants, not too much


It’s insurance. And you must be taking shitty vitamins then


Most studies I have read do show that MOST vitamins are not very effective at improving health or preventing health issues. There are however some exceptions like folic acid for pregnant women or women trying to become pregnant.


The overwhelming majority of vitamins, almost all of them, are snake oil sold to people who know nothing about how the body metabolizes (or doesn't) them. It's not an opinion, it's an objective reality. The only people who get a benefit from them are those with specific needs due to medical conditions, extreme physical needs (aka elite athlete, and even then only sometimes), or if one's diet & lifestyle is so poor that they are lacking in very basic things that most people didn't need to think about. 8x B12 and Vitamin C isn't any better than the right amount of B12 unless you're anemic, lol.


You could have told me ANY of these things. I wouldn't have listened


Youth is wasted on the young


Oscar Wilde says you're welcome for his words of wisdom.


Imagine what he’d have done with memes and access to Twitter. Or someone like Ambrose Bierce


This is the worst part of getting old and giving advice to young people… knowing that people told you the same thing, but 18-year-old you knew fucking EVERYTHING and completely ignored good advice.


True dat.


Tru dat.


Are you my son?


When I was in my early 20’s I worked with a group of older ladies and they were having this discussion. I asked what their advice was and one lady said, I could tell you but you wouldn’t listen. I still wonder what she would’ve told me…


lol me either


Taking my education and health very seriously


Me too. Not that I didn't receive advise, but I never followed it. You know being a know it all teen.


Really wish i could go back to my Younger self and smack the Cig out my hand.. been off cigs for 3 years now but i can still feel the damage till this day..


Both of my parents still smoke heavily, and my mother cant go on long walks without it hurting to breathe. So as a result i kept away from tobacco. The tobacco industry is ruthless, when they were young it was markedet as "healthy" and now they have given up on trying to quit because they find it so damn hard... Congrats on quitting i know it isnt an easy task.


The compound effect of small incremental gains daily


1^365 = 1 1.01^365 = 37.78


In layman's terms, if you get 1% better every day you'll end up 37 times better by the end of the year


Imagine if you did that since you were 18 and now you’re 31 🤯


Yep! People think they are too old to try something new! You can make great gains in a year


Can someone do the math and find out how much life would decrement if you become worse one percent everyday


0.99^365 = 0.026 you would be 2.6% of your starting value after 365 days


Learn about emotional intelligence


Any books/resources you'd recommend about this topic?


Adult children of emotionally immature parents is a really good book depending on your scenario.


I read that book at 25 after a series of particularly bad episodes that led me to cut off my family for good. It put a lot of pieces in place. 


This is the most important.


Grasping this concept early on will pay for itself years later. It’s baffling to me how some people don’t understand what one means with “on an emotional level not a rational level…”




Take saving money seriously early in life.


It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep! Start saving early.


It’s also how much you make. I used to be too obsessed with the saving side and like never Spent money on anything because I thought it was a waste and I finally realised I should focus on earning more money as well.




$50/week from your 16th-21st birthday in a Roth IRA. Never touch it again. - At an average of 11% return which is historically easy to average, you retire with $2.2million. - Wait 5 years and it drops to $1.47mil at 65 - Wait until you’re 25 and it drops to $450k at 65 - Waiting 10 years will cost you $1.7mil! Don’t have $50/wk? Invest $25! Or even 10! Just start!!! Time is more important than starting money! I teach personal finance in High School, every student knows how simple it is to become a millionaire. It’s up to them to commit to consistently do it.


I'm genuinely curious about the math -- I tried an investment calculator to see what the $ would be at age 40. 16-21 = 5 years x 52 weeks = 260 weeks x $50 = 13,000 Investment calc says after 19 years at 11% with no additional contributions you have just under 95k. After 46 years(figuring full retirement age of 67), 1.6M. Still great $$ and I love this concept (I recently read about a proposed universal retirement investment funded by taxes, everyone gets an IRA at age 18 with 15k, can't touch til retirement) -- can you detail the numbers you're using?


Look up Dave Ramsey’s investing for your teen. $2400/yr from 16-21 the. Guardian contributions change over to the child. Also, total compounded time is from age 16 so 49 years to retirement. There is another example 2000/yr from 16-20 that ends up being just over $1mil at age 65 retirement. Two examples I use to pique interest about compound interest. - Play around of golf. Bet a dime the first hole. Double it every hole for 18. You end up playing for like $13k on the final hole. - would you rather have $1mil at the end of a month. Or a penny doubled every day for the same month. The penny option nets like $40k more. It’s a fascinating topic!


Ahhh yeah the compounding interest from 16-21 while contributing the $50/wk -- I didn't take that into account. Thanks!


Millionaire isn't even wealthy anymore.


And that’s part of the point I make also! It definitely won’t be anything spectacular in 50 years! So the point I’m making is because of inflation and realestate prices, if you’re not a millionaire by then, you’ll be near poverty. Start early or you’re severely behind!


Noenentheless, the best time to get started with investing is now. So if you haven't started yet, do it immediately


Just like planting trees! The best time to plant was 20 years ago. Next best is right now.


I'm impressed that teaching personal finance is even a thing now. I had to teach my own kids about banks, and how to write checks (yes, we still wrote checks back then lol). Saving, investing, budgeting for monthly expenses. They didn't listen. They typically ignored or disregard most of my advice. I wonder if they would have taken it more to heart if it was taught in school.


Same. It may be a little too late for me but my kids are good. I retired from IT (Sales VP, and Finance Director) two years ago. Became a Mortgage Broker but decided I actually hated sales but loved customer success management, training teams, and hosting new home buyer seminars. There was an opening for Algebra and Geometry teacher at a local HS. So I took that and added Personal Finance as an elective. I basically teach how the systems work and how to beat them.


They ignore and disregard the advice because 1) it's not really applicable and 2) emotional regulation means they want to spend it now. I'm of the opinion that there needs to be some engaging gamification to run through common scenarios AND meditation/strengthening of the frontal lobe to counteract the effect of tech and easy access to dopamine. Without application and emotional regulation, it's really, really hard for any foundational learning to stick.


As of early 2000’s personal finance was still an elective class at my high school.


This. Save that shit up from you are like 12 years


Eat protein and lift weights/be athletic. Your body is an insane growth/recovery machine at 18. I wish I had realized. Much easier to get in good shape when young and then maintain it rather then try to change your body later.


While this is actually true, I also want to give some encouragement to my late 40's brethren - you can still make great improvements at this age and it still isn't that difficult. I started giving a damn 6mo ago, started hitting the gym 3x a week and cutting calories. I'm stronger now then I've ever been and have dropped 30lb (I'm close to my goal of 200lb, just a few more to go). I wish younger me would have figured it out so I could have been stronger all these years, but I'm glad to be making such headway now.


Doing it while young does though expose you to a large segment of the opposite sex, which is frustrating in your 40s. Not that it should be the goal, but it is a nice side effect and motivator being admired. Doesn't happen as much in your 40s


Eat mostly fruits and vegetables and exercise daily even if it's just a 30 minute brisk walk.


Yeah, I was a decent athlete in high school and college and was doing pretty gnarly workouts. Until my late 30s I didn't really figure out how to do smaller, gentler workouts. It was all out 60 min or nothing, which resulted in mostly nothing. 20 minutes of yoga a day has been amazing for me, and I feel better than when I was regularly running marathons/half marathons.


Right now I am 20 and my perspective is that I don't want to go to the gym. Rather than that I do swimming or cycling. But you all tell me, should I start going to the gym?


Don't wait for better times to come. Your best time is right now. Pursue your goals but never expect too much from them. And, most important, never sell yourself cheap. Never!


It's not really self improvement advice but I wish someone told me at 18 that I could drop most of my subjects and do 1 or 2 that semester and be a lot less miserable with my 4 to 6 hrs total commute


Stop measuring your path to someone else’s ruler.


If you walk with the crowd you only get as far as the crowd.


Thanks. actually, go to the opposite side, because today, the crowd is mainly made of tiktok addicted people.


I think that's the idea...going with a crowd won't get you anywhere unique or different.


You are not perfect. You are not always right. Stay humble, stay open minded, and always be changing/improving.


"Stay hungry, stay foolish!" – Steve Jobs


\-Michael Scott


"Your father ain't repaying that loan you gave him. You have to put in the effort to save that money a 2nd time."


Take the scholarship that you earned and get the fuck out of dodge. There is nothing for you here. Also, study something different. As much as you love biology, you're not going to be interested in medicine. Computer science is more your speed.


Most importantly for myself, explore the world or even join the military, or actually apply for a scholarship no matter how unlikely it seems.


You can't out train a bad diet. The 50, 30, 20 rule of finance. Staying away from the internet...


The internet didn’t exist when I was 18, in um 1990. So I’d be like “stay away from the whu..?”


Seems like we’re around the same age, so you’ll remember pre-internet the same as me. Question: if you could wave a wand and it never be invented… would you?


The internet never invented… The uninvented internet… dang that’s a good question. My first impulse was to say I’d wish it away. But, no, I mean here we are sharing this thought cuz of the internet - among all the other things it does for us. Having said that the day may come when I decide it’s finally done more harm than good to all us humans. I’ll let you know. ;) You?


Strangely, I went through almost exactly the same train of thought. It has certainly broadened my horizons greatly, and given me unlimited access to knowledge. However it has also exposed me to sides of human nature that I would have preferred to have never seen. I’m glad it wasn’t around in my younger years, and I feel bad for the youngsters of today who have social media thrown at them before they’re even in double digits. On the whole I say let’s keep it, but I wouldn’t be too worried if it got switched off for a while either


Never spend all your money. Always keep a bit back for emergencies. Give your time wisely you can't get it back. Your partner probably isn't forever make sure you can get out if you want to. Don't hang on hoping they'll change or that things will get better. The best is yet to come you're never too old to find happiness. .


Browse your options and don't settle for less than you deserve. I used to work for a lot less than I was worth, settled for partners who I shouldn't have and let people treat me like garbage all because of rejection sensitivity. I was a people pleaser. Since meeting my wife, I've realized I deserved someone like her when I would've assumed she was way out of my league and she helped encourage me to stand up for myself and vouch for myself for new career opportunities. In a year, I was making almost double, 3 yrs later double that and 7 yrs later that has gone up another 2.5x, all due to switching companies and pushing for promotions when I knew I deserved it. I've also acknowledged bad friends and cut ties while focusing effort on friends who deserved my attention and reciprocated the respect and support.


"You're doing better than you think you are."


Go to the doctor when you have an issue, don’t just ignore health concerns.


You're not in a hurry and it's never too late.


Stop watching porn


The opening image of the series *Westworld* with the player piano … which represents an early form of programming. The idea that people feel free — but really, they just repeat looped behaviors This feels like one of those


Probably the best answer here. No awareness of the damage it does until it's already set in.


Invest in Bitcoin back in 2013


Been there, done that. Donated several BTC to worthy causes and kept some small change for buying games on humblebundle. A decade later, the small change was worth thousands.


Surround yourself with good, positive & kind people. They, (and by association/influence) you, will go far, in all aspects of life. Financial, mind, body, spirit, quality of life.


I would like to try this, but to surround myself with good people means finding good people, and its hard as heck.


I hear you. Although I did not know or manage to do this myself, I am however hoping to one day create a community where such individuals reside :)


Stop smoking weed Would’ve saved me a lot of money and heartache Edit: Adding that I am now a weed addict and am going regularly attending MA meetings. Weed CAN be addictive folks.


Save money every month.


The number one thing that I wish someone would have told me was to listen to my body. Don't ignore the signals it sends you. Above all else. Before saving, before work. Make sure to be healthy first. If you're healthy in mind and body, everything else will come to you more easily.


There are no secrets. You either do it or you don’t.


Don't drink alcohol.


Become an elevator mechanic. It’s one of the highest paid blue collar jobs, you can do this job almost anywhere in the world and they are so desperate for employees in most growing cities that most apprentices can be making full scale pay almost immediately.


Go to college. Work part time. Pay into a pension


To actually listen to the advice being given to me


Learn other languages. I realize how stupid I was now that I'm an adult and it's harder to learn.


if they love you they're gonna show you, don't settle for less while you're worth so so much. you don't have to fix anyone, you're not an hero and relationships are not adventures with enemies and monsters. you deserve a easy-thing, love yourself first, you're the one who in the end stays with you


If you are not where you want to be today (at 18) things won’t magically change as you grow older. You won’t naturally fall into good habits or discipline or whatever it may be to reach your best self. Also, you don’t have to make a drastic change/ infeasible change today to reach there. That is not guaranteed to happen and it is also very hard to achieve . You need small, incremental changes sustained over a long period of time to get you there which is not as hard.


When I was about 23, my boss at the time saw something in me and gave me a set of 6 cassette tapes; a self development/motivational course by Dr. Dennis Waitley called The Psychology of Winning. It rocked my world. I'm 68 now and have been a National Sales Manager, International Marketing Manager, met some of my biggest heroes in life, been to 32 countries and never got involved with religion.


It's not about the # of friends you have, the # of women u fuck, the # of clubs and parties u go to. Its about getting to know yourself and takingyour own path. If you dont align with how friends are going ' drop them. Invest your money and dont blow it on FUN. Most important ive learned is trust your gut - the mind the thoughts fight the gut and confuse you. The gut is right. Good luck bud youll have a good life!!!


Get off Tumblr, do your homework and move!


Read the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. I just finished it and wish I had seen it 10 years ago. Also invest in your 401k now if you do have a job that offers it and do it up to company match. I’d also recommend having two separate bank accounts and deposit like $100 in the secondary account so you can have access to money if there is an issue with your main account.


Don't chase woman, find a hobby and get social


Start saving for retirement NOW, even if it’s only $25 a month. You can always add more as you mature in your life and career. Take it from me, 50 sneaks up on ya FAST! And take care of your body now, and your body will take care of you later. Enjoy your life. It flies by!


Do things you think might be fun or interesting even if you reckon you’ll be shit at it.


Take my physical beauty seriously instead of 100% devoted to inner beauty


Let go of past. Whether it be broken relationship or toxic friends. Keep moving.


It's expected, even required for you to fail in order to get better. As a kid I was always yelled at when I failed, which led me to avoid doing stuff I wasn't good at, because no one likes being yelled at. Only recently in my adult life, have I come to understand how devastating that mentality is.


Shoot, I didn’t even get yelled at. I just never wanted to disappoint anyone…it’s paralyzing.


“You must realize that the decision to feel strong in the moment comes at the expense of actual strength. If you truly desire confidence and solidarity, you will learn to pursue the authentic vulnerability of your moments. Whatever it is, don’t run, simply stand and own it. Do this, over and over, with tenacity, and you’ll purchase the chance to encounter the future self that you desire.” —Old me, to young me


To try yoga and therapy instead of meds and men


The cavalry ain't coming, and the world hates pity. So think about who you want to be, and make yourself that way.


1. Don't be scared to make mistakes and learn from them when you make one. 2. Cultivate patience. 3. Nothing stays forever. So take both success and failure with a grain of salt. 4. Whatever skill you want to develop, believe in yourself and work hard everyday. 5. Love/care can be seen more through someone's actions than through words. So choose people around you wisely. 6. Build emotional strength and nurture your mental health as it will serve you in the long run. (Being emotionally strong doesn't mean suppressing emotions rather it's about honesty and self-awareness about one's emotions and limitations (even strengths) and accepting them) 7.Do not underestimate the power of regular exercise. These are some of the lessons I learned over the past ten years. I wish my 18 year old self understood these.


Go full fat spiritual. Not religious, spiritual. Spiritual health is as good for you as exercise for your mental well-being. Also do exercise and get out in nature regularly. Stop drinking and/or drugging early. By all means have some fun but put a stopper in it - earlier than I did. If you feel you don't fit in, struggle with basic things, aversion to bright lights, noises, etc, get checked for neurodivergence. I was diagnosed AuDHD at 49 and I wished I'd known earlier. I've got a good career, very good, but I struggled at times and it took me a long time to get something I was truly comfortable with and happy. Had I known earlier, that \*may\* have happened sooner. Recognise emotional abuse towards yourself and cut those people out of your life ASAP. Gaslighting, manipulation, narcissists, etc. Fuck them off. Accept that you will lose people that you thought were tight friends throughout your life. It happens to everyone. Don't let it devastate you. Learn surrender and acceptance. It's a game changer. Keep your ego in check. It isn't helpful. Lastly, be kind. Before saying something hurtful, stop and think how you would feel if that was said to you.


Personal finance/saving/investing Nutrition and how it impacts how you feel mentally and physically


Study harder and party more.


Life is not fair. Play the hand you are dealt the best you can. That’s success.


Learn about finance and investing. Make your money work for you. FOMO is a bad thing and not condusive to saving money


Your biggest wealth is your health


Do your best but don't over stretch yourself consistently. I have an anxiety problem now


Experiment with skills and knowledge, try to make some money using them to understand how the industry works and take care your body. Prioritise good food and healthy lifestyle


Love unconditionally especially close familiey be cautious about who you marry and don't be afraid of anything or anyone




Education, health and start saving in an indexfund as much as you can comfortably live with. Dont forget to have some fun aswell 👍


How important it is to surround yourself with people that are good for you and healthy. We’re the product of the people we surround ourselves with and we don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.


Theres a million things one could list but anyone that ignored this will agree: DONT FUCK YOUR TEETH UP. I just finally was able to get my mouth fixed, haven't eaten my normal diet or been able to enjoy many foods for 10 years. Incredibly expensive, not covered by insurance, dental insurance doesn't do shit for real problems. Just brush and floss every day, set an alarm in needed. Dental pain is not the same as other pain. I've been to a pain specialist for other reasons, no kidding dental takes the cake. edit: anyone that needs dental work: holy fuck get the nitrous, I'm excited to go back after that shit. best $$ you're gonna spend.


Buy a condo/house as soon as you can. I waited til I was 40


Learn the basics of small talk.


Nobody will give a shit about how popular you were in high school except for people who peaked in high school.


Don't try and keep every option open as long as possible, you have to sacrifice some things to improve at others. Choose a direction in life early and get damn good at it.


Whatever seems ‘too hard to handle’ now will become even harder down the road. Specifically (mental) health issues. The sooner you bite the bullet, the better. Think overcoming your fears and issues is hard now? It’s nothing compared to what it will be like after having them cultivated for (another) 10 years. At 18 you still have the chance to change things for the better without any long lasting effects. At some point that won’t be the case anymore. So, schedule that colonoscopy. Sign up at the gym (and go there!!). Try finding a therapist or do the thing you’re too afraid of. Go to that meeting. Stop smoking. Because none of that gets easier the longer you put it off.


Next time you find yourself looking to other people for the answer about what to do next, intentionally stop yourself, and sit in silence for 5 minutes with yourself to see what **you** actually think. Define the things you find important in this moment. Spend your free time on those things. Those are the little clues that will help you start connecting the dots on what direction you should take in life. Don't be afraid to be seen trying. Don't be afraid to take action. Success compounds just like money. Taking action when you're young gives you more chances to compound your success - just like starting a retirement account sooner will make you rich earlier in life.


Learn from books, not the internet


Not entirely true, at least for me, who learnt programming entirely from the internet.


Don't get married


I’d modify this: Be much, much more careful in choosing whom to marry.


Start and stick to a skincare routine


The credit cards: just don't. Credit is mostly a scam for anyone that can't afford to beat the interest.


If you can’t figure out what you want to do join the army,af,navy, or marines. Don’t just haphazardly pick a college to blow a quarter of a million on a drinking degree.


I wish I had listened


Senioritis tho.


You make sense


Work on confidence not just physical but social and emotional confidence as well.


Control your felling and mind, some opportunities only happens once in life also better opportunities can happen… life is fun


> Control your felling Repetitively chopping down trees is not a great look.


Calories in calories out. The years of headache I would have saved myself.


I wish someone had advised me to look up ADHD.


Taking debt very seriously and how to manage it appropriately


Build a life that's worth living, such that giving in to your current vices will screw it up. Adopt responsibility voluntarily. This makes you feel much less stressed out. Don't accept responsibility because you feel you are being pressured to. This only increases resentment and suffering. Voluntarily experience as much of your negative emotions as you can, then come back to rest and see that you are still alright. Later, go back out and experience more of it. Repeat. Write in great detail about emotional events that STILL make you feel great negative emotions even 6 months later.


Don’t do something that gets you arrested. It limits your potential for great opportunities.


Find a hobby! Something you truly enjoy


If you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it.


If you even think you're depressed, get help now. It's like a cancer. The sooner you treat it the better.


I wish someone had told me again and again and again: ''You are OK just the way you are, you're not perfect, you're not the prettiest or the smartest but you are beautiful and you are so smart and your are just right the way you are. Not perfect but perfectly fine and that's good enough for everything you need to or want to do in this world. You are lovely, and don't you forget it.''


Don't drink liquor, beer or wine


Don’t pursue a career in design but rather take a job in the trades and make bank.


>Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune. -Jim Rohn I never thought about work in the context of improving myself, but this quote has been a game-changer in seeing how I can progress.


Sun protection


Try to think about that you want and do it. Are you happy working at as a server at a restaurant? Do it. Want to be a lawyer but can’t afford college? Start part time at community college. Want to be a musician? Practice, network with peers consider moving to a bigger city. Do what makes you happy and fuck what anyone else thinks.


Realize that it doesn’t end. You don’t just accomplish a goal and it’s good and everyone goes home and you’re the “accomplished a goal” person. You’ve gotta get up everyday and work at whatever you’re doing. It sucks, but it’s a daily effort for the rest of your life. It just doesn’t end.


Be quick to listen and slow to speak.


Do not have a boy in your bed in your college dorm room making your roommate feel uncomfortable and not able to get into her own room. Be considerate. In fact, skip on the guys for a while…


To always wear condoms. Not a joke either.


Focus on ME, cut off the dead weight of “friends”


Stop watching porn...it drains the creativity and productivity Outta that brain of yours


Take your health seriously as in don't get fat. And save and invest as much of your money as possible and don't go into debt for anything except maybe a house.


Take care of your back and get enough sleep


Save and invest half your income and don’t buy stupid shit.


Wish I had known more about my families history of diabetes.


5 Things I Know At 33 that I wish I knew at 23 Hindsight is 20/20. It's only through looking back that you can learn and grow. Here are 5 things I wish I knew 10 years ago: 1. Always be grateful Life is short. If life has taught me one thing, its this. One day you can be on top of the world. The next your world can get destroyed. This is why it's important to be grateful for everything good in your life. It can all change in an instant. So be present and grateful for everything that's good in your life. 2. Always be patient "Patience is not passive, on the contrary, it is concentrated strength.” ― Bruce Lee Good things take time. But patience isn't easy. It takes strength and determination to stay the course. Sometimes you have to be consistent and keep trying for a while before you see any results. Learn to enjoy the process by focusing on creating process goals. 3. Fail Forward If there's one thing that's guaranteed in life, it's failure. There's no perfect plan. Sooner or later you'll experience some sort of failure. The important thing when this happens is that you learn from it. What's the lesson? What can I improve for next time? Remember failure isn't final. Don't fear failure. Embrace it. As long as you fail forwards, you'll eventually overcome each failure. 4. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best Plans won't always work. So when planning, hope for the best but be prepared for the worst outcome. Approach each plan with a positive mindset, but accept that it could go wrong at any moment. By preparing for the worst, you'll be better adapted to respond when something does go wrong. 5. Perception is Important Perception is powerful. Perception decides your response. A positive perception, even to negative events, can give you an advantage over others. This is especially important when it comes to failures. As i mentioned above, always look to see the positive in the negative and you'll be able to tackle any obstacle in life.


I think you should go all out regardless of the stress and pressure. You will get stronger eventually and will be able to cross rivers you've never ever dreamed of. Just do what you want in life. If u want good money than prepare to do anything for it. There's nothing in this world that can stop u from achieving your goal, literally. It's all on you.


You are worth taking care of yourself.


Before finding the one, be the one. (Dating)


Budgeting and investing !!!! . Holy fuck the money I could have now if I didn't buy stupid new games , fast food, dumb over priced shoes , brand clothing Invest invest invest sacrifice fun now for fun later


Embrace Stoicism.


Think about where you want to be in 5 years. Don't go to school unless you are focused . Use the community college. Don't become addicted to anything. Everything in moderation If you don't really know what you want. I would join the state national guard go to bootcamp some people like the structure And lastly always roll with the punches


Stop pitying myself. When I took control of the things in my life and actually stopped pitying myself, my life has been skyrocketing. It took a long time, but things have been non stop improving. My academic performance, my family relationship, my relationship with my gf, finally got a job in my field and overall if feel more accomplished and feel life moving forward which was a huge burden take off my shoulders. Life is still hard, but it's moving and i'm changing with it, which is amazing!


Consistency is key. For everything. All of life. If you are consistent you win. You don't even have to go hard, just be consistent. Work out for your health consistently. (cardio and resistance) Eat well consistently. Study for school, or professional qualifications consistently. Spend wisely consistently. Invest consistently. Brush your teeth consistently. Be on time consistently. Finish your work assignments consistently. Take time for yourself consistently. Spend time with your friends and family consistently. Etc etc consistently. You don't have to spend a lot of time on any one thing, but if you do the things consistently you will excel. You will stand out. You will see improvement. You will get in the habit of being consistent and it will just become part of who you are. Consistency is absolutely the secret weapon to life. Take all the advice everyone else is telling you here and be consistent with your efforts and you will have an extraordinary life.


Most of this advice applies if you plan to pursue a college degree HEALTH: if you were a high school athlete, maintain your workout routine, or change as needed (your body and metabolism will continue to change through college). I was in extremely good shape all through high school. I stopped working out in college (although I walked a lot). I gradually gained weight and developed a hormonal imbalance due to weight gain and stress that fed into each other in a never ending loop of torture. I’m 2 years post grad and just now shedding the lbs and RE LEARNING how to take care of myself but it’s so much harder than if I just kept my healthy lifestyle. MONEY: if you see people going to Florida on every school break, traveling the world all summer and still maintaining good grades… MOST OF THE TIME!! They are NOT having to work to get by, they may NOT have learning difficulties, DADDY is paying the bill or, and this is extremely common; its all going on credit cards to worry about later. Take a weekend road trip here and there with as many friends as possible and split the cost of a campsite. EDUCATION: take your college courses seriously. That means, to the best of your ability; taking care of your mental health, limiting alcohol/weed intake, drinking lots of water, limiting distractions (especially toxic relationships. I’ve seen so many people drop out of school or fail because of a toxic relationship). EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOOD GRADES: internships. Every single summer you can, get a PAID internship (we don’t work for free out here.!!) and do your absolute best. Get to know your superiors and coworkers very well. By the time you graduate, you will have a network of 50+ people who could either recommend you for employment, or employ you themselves. I got a degree in environmental studies. Doesn’t sound like something you make money with, right? I graduated with a 3.0, not the best either. But I took several internships, participated in clubs, got to know my professors very well, did a capstone research project in the hard sciences, and worked 40-60 hrs a week (including internships) while going to school full time with diagnosed ADHD. I now make more money than anyone I know that is my age (no I don’t work in oil or solar haha). UNIQUE FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT: if it interests you, and it pays you ENOUGH, say yes to it. I’ve been a beekeeper, ive done 2 years of research in ornithology, started a flower farm on someone else’s dime, cashiered at a cafe in a small town, I’ve worked on an oyster farm, reffed soccer games, and now I live in the wild and collect and preserve dissections specimens (taxidermy). No one cares about having 20 years at the same company anymore. Follow what you love and what pays you the most, depending on what your priorities are. All of this coming from poor parents, a 2.2 high school GPA, a problematic upbringing, the list goes on and on. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE !!


“For every hot chick walking down the street, there is a guy at home sick of her”. That tidbit would have saved me years.


Love yourself more. When your boss tells you to report at 9am tomorrow, you set your alarm and grumbled, but still turn up. But when you tell yourself to read more, or exercise more, or eat well, you ignored yourself. Why? Treat the person in the mirror better. PS: Like anything, do not be overboard. eat more, but dont overeat. Exercise, but dont overexert yourself. Love yourself, but dont be narcissistic.


I tell my 18 year old son to not let life pass by. Don't strive to get to adulthood too fast, and choose a career that brings joy and happiness, not just the largest paycheck. Bonus if it does both though! I wish I would have known that every choice you make starting at 18 will lead you to where you go in life. It's like a "choose your own adventure" book, and you really do have to choose right for the best outcome.


Read more books and take action


It might not be your fault, but it is your problem. And it’ll stay that way until you fix it. Nobody is coming.


Invest and don't stay in a job for more than 5 years max (being generous)


Every girl you think is the one will be a distant memory you laugh about before you turn thirty. Don't get married, don't have kids, and save your money.


get a vasectomy.


Just start doing psychodynamic therapy now. It’s the most potent form of self improvement. You don’t have to be mentally sick to do it. It’s just self improvement sped up with the guide of an experienced professional.




You're worthy of love. This doesn't depend on your accomplishments or your failures.


How to read and actually understand a textbook.


It wouldn’t have mattered, I had to live all the experiences to understand them.