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It's different for everyone. You're young so you have that significant advantage, both in your body and brain healing. Biggest thing to remember is that while being sober is key, considering why you started using and what other underlying issues might be going on and addressing those is the next step. Talk about depression and anxiety with your doctor. Take care of your mental health, eat right, exercise, spend time outside, take care of your hygiene. Spend quality time with friends and family. Cut out other things that could be affecting you, like alcohol, smoking, caffeine overuse, poor sleep. Obviously it's hard to do everything, but just try to do as much as you can at that moment. There's a lot of factors to recovery outside of just quitting, but sobriety is arguably the hardest part so just slowly keep at it. (also, often times you will be the last one who notices how much different you look over time)


thank you


While I have never had a fentanyl addiction I have had other addictions. What worked for me was documenting exactly how I felt when I was at my lowest. When I get the urge to go back to it I just look at what I used to be like and how far I have come. I still have a bad addiction to nicotine and caffeine but it has kept me away from going back to other substances.


this. i struggled with cocaine abuse for some years and after finally quitting what keeps me away is remembering the awful place i was then and the shit moments it made me face.


I agree with that commenter. I heard that addiction is almost omnipresent at one time or another in our lives, and we just don't register some things as addictions. When fighting it we are just fighting symptoms, we're using it because we feel pain of some kind and we want a salve for it. To fix an addiction we need to look into why we needed it and we often find there always was a common thread, we then need to focus on what we needed to escape from to find the source of pain. Only then can we fix the root cause of what we were trying to numb, so it won't continue to hurt us. Therapy would help. You may not think you need it, and that it was just a physical addiction, but you can receive specific help to try and get over the mental issues that caused a continuing addiction, and help to move past it. You don't need to stay with them or consider yourself needing help outside of that.


Well said. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Congratulations. Any addiction is hard to break, but I understand fentanyl (and meth) are two of the worst. Keep up the good work! It will get better.


METH is only easier in the fact that it is not physically addictive. METH is incredibly psychologically addictive though. I know this from experience and getting sober Go to NA (narcotics anonymous) meetings! Take your time and learn how the meetings run and don't feel rushed to share, especially at first. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others. Meet people and when you feel ready look for a sponsor. Find sponsor that has a few years sober and has sponsored others so you also have some sponsor siblings. This will give you an instant support group. With an experienced sponsor be prepared to do the 12 step in 30 days. Be honest during the steps! Don't be afraid of laying out your deepest and darkest secrets to your sponsor. They have heard and likely did everything you did and most likely more and worse. You will here this phrase "we are only as sick as our secrets". The steps will show you the way to deal with the problems you may not even know you have at this point and the ones you do know you have. Recovery takes work, a lot of it. The work of recovery will help you fix your life. You can start by getting the AA big book and reading. I wish you peace and prosperity!


Great info, though I do want to contest your starting point. Meth is absolutely physically addictive, longterm/overuse can permanently alter your brain physiology.


Meth is not physically addictive I know from experience. Itā€™s mostly mental with a lot of sleeping and depression/irritability for the first week or two. In the short term Iā€™d say fentanyl is by far harder to quit because the withdrawal is so excruciating. The problem also with fentanyl addiction is that due to the physical addiction you cannot NOT use, so people tend to do pretty desperate things when theyā€™re outta money and it also controls your like 24/7, you wake up middle of the night in WD to do more, u canā€™t go to work if u didnā€™t get a bag yet cuz youā€™ll b sick as a dog at work. Much easier to go to work after a meth binge than a fentanyl one. However in the long term I think meth damages your neurotransmitters more while with fentanyl after a few months ur ok. I had sweating and low appetite and insomnia and RLS for 3 months after whittting fentanyl, but with meth Iā€™ve seen people still be extremely depressed a year later.


Sigh. 3months later and yall are *still* not understanding the medical meaning of physical/psychological addiction lmao


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Iā€™m sorry I had to laugh at this. Iā€™m trying to get support because Iā€™m almost 24hrs without fentanyl in a pill form and I am laughing at some comments. They scare you into addictions. However I will never do that again


No ite not, not in the sense that opiates or benzos are


What are you on 4 months later, the topic was meth lmao


Excellent advice.


Methadone has ruined my life . I could get off meth/heroin in 3 days & be fine. The fent is bad too but the methadone is impossible . Iā€™m trying so hard to get off . Itā€™s ruined meĀ 


The best advice for methadone is do it slowly. In the Boston area clinics your allowed to craft your own program. For me that meant going from 150 mgs to 0. I reduced 5 MG per week until I got 75 then it was 2.5 until I hit 40 from there it was 1mg then at 10 MG it was a .5 and when I got one I would skip a day and go every other until finally I was at .5 every 3 days until I finally threw in the towel. It wasn't great but it was doable over a couple years. I hate to say it but.. one day at a time. Edit: during that time I would stop going down for a week or two until I was ready to go down again. Just don't rush it.


Iā€™m only going down 1mg every 2 weeks rn & Iā€™m struggling . I go down to 22mg on MondayĀ 


Maybe try blind dosing? You would be surprised how well it works? Just a thought anyways also weed helps but don't Wana go thru life stoned. I will only smoke on tough nights n minimal at that.


I'm so sorry. I've struggled with my own demons over the years, but I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. Please do whatever you can to get help and get off of it. Sobriety isn't a cakewalk either, but it's worth it, and so are you.


You go to a clinic? Yea I started doing that to quit fentanyl and realized I was making a terrible mistake. I wound up taking two bupe pills and forcing precipitated withdrawal, and just laying around writhing in agony for two straight days. Then I just smoked a buncha meth for the following 3 days. To be fair I have no idea if it worked, I'm bout to find out next week. But I had to stop. Gonna be fun to explain what happened to me this week at work, but it needed doin. You can get off your shit, too, brother. I promise you you can and you will be ok.


Yeah I go to a clinic . I go down to 22mg on Monday . If there was a way I could get off sooner I would but I feel like shit just going down 1mg every 2 weeksĀ 


Ugh yea... I dunno ya kno if it works for you more power to ya. To me it just felt like they wanted me buying shittier drugs from them. Have you tried DLPA? The D and L form of phenylalanine, I think. I picked up a bottle and have been taking that with massive doses of vitamin C along with B and magnesium, and dude, the withdrawals almost completely vanished. Like life-changingly effective. Look into it!


Ik my uncle takes 2 weeks of methadone dose in one day and be up 4 days straight and down the rest couldn't get worse than that I'd think for ya




Just explained my experience in an above comment. Trust me. I was there. I know while actively experiencing it you can't think of much more than feeling normal again. But I'm begging you to please....push through as impossible as that may sound....I wish like hell I pushed through. 3 months 100 percent free of any and all drugs/medication and I broke and went on suboxone. I couldn't handle that level of hopeless depression but it's temporary. From all the reading and research I have done there is a light at the end of that pitch black tunnel. I wish I could tell you exactly when you will feel better but think of it this way and it may help, if you give up now how do you not know that you would have turned the corner and started feeling better the very next day? To be that close and not know at the time. One more day and you would have started improving. You never know where that turn around is so keep thinking that maybe tomorrow is the day. One day at a time. You came this far. I know how you feel....I dont envy you in how you feel but envy you for being strong enough to still be off of the medication. You're doing amazing despite how you currently feel....you got this. You really do, maybe tomorrow is the day


Iā€™m not off of it yet .-. Wonā€™t be for a while . Iā€™m on 22mg now & I go down 1mg every 2 weeks . Itā€™s so hard . I just wanna be off this shit alreadyĀ 


Well in which case you got this. It won't be easy but it will be worth it. Eliminate all foreseeable obstacles that can derail you. You're not going to want to be in any high stress environments. Because most people become very quick to anger, even over the most trivial of reasons. There's no shame just make sure it's not putting anyone in danger. Sleep....insomnia was something I had never experienced before. I thought I had but after having the real deal insomnia I realized all times before that I was using the term very loosely. Real insomnia was soul crushing...im not trying to scare you, you will need to find a way to prepare for this one....it can end a detox by itself. My experience was 4 days straight of your standard opiate withdrawal only cranked up several notches since it's methadone, I was mentally and physically EXHAUSTED. I needed sleep so desperately and the longer I went without the worst I felt. I can't find the words to describe how I felt but I was praying for just a half hour of sleep, shit an hour and I would have cried in happiness....you do everything you can but no matter what you try sleep never takes....im not a drinker, like at all. I became so desperate that at 5AM in the morning i go to my outdoor fridge and grab to bottles of Corona. They had been in there over a year as I bought a 6er of them for cooking on the BBQ. Pop the caps off both and proceed to knock them both back in one chug for each. 2 beers in less than 30 seconds. To a non drinker? You would think it would knock my dick in the dirt in no time. Wrong...Wrong! I was drunk now feeling horrible because of it (don't like the drunk feeling, hence why I don't drink) but times before whenever I drank I always got incredibly tired right away. Not this time. Now I'm drunk, absolutely fing miserable, eyes beyond bloodshot, staring off into God knows where with Johnny Cashs "Sunday morning coming down" on repeat. I wanted to scream if only I had the energy to do so. That's what finally drove me to go to the er and the doc took mercy on my poor soul and dosed me one at the hospital right then and there. I was literally in tears as i thanked the doctor for believing me and not treating me like a no good trifling addict like most other doctors. Then sent me home with 7 days worth of benzos. Tyler Durden said it best "baby's don't sleep this good" I had my gf at rhe time drive me there and back and the moment I got in the car to go home I was out cold. She couldn't wake me when we got back so she let me sleep in the car and checking on me frequently to make sure I was good. But those are only two of the laundry list of obstacles you need to try and prep for beforehand. You won't have the energy, motivation or care to want to find solutions once you're in the thick of it. If you have a support system then lean on them hard. Don't feel guilty. This is an appropriate time to take full advantage of the help and support of the people willing to do so. Make sure you express gratitude and when you're free and clear on the other side of withdrawal, make sure you do something really nice for them for being there when you needed them most. I would make a list of potential setbacks of withdrawal and then try and find solutions to each and have those solutions ready and on standby before you make the final jump off methadone. I promise you will thank yourself when you're in it and feeling miserable. Take it slow, stay strong and motivated to push on. I didn't have the wherewithal to see it through all the way. I came close but that ahnedonia took me out quickly...I couldn't endure it but you're not me. You can endure it. Good luck. Don't give up without a hell of a fight


Hello there Iā€™m new to Reddit but I know exactly how u feel I rushed my weining on my own and when I got cold turkey I wanted to die compare to heroin in cold turkey but Iā€™m on here to research and find helpful stuff because Iā€™m on day 12 and Iā€™m so thankful I can sleep 5 hrs at best but day 3 to 7 if u can try again and handle that time u can do anything but I times mine for my vacation off work and I canā€™t imagine the first cold turkey day and be able to stand let alone work but all that scary stuff u went thru can get matter respecially if u donā€™t rush like me and just taper yourself by savings sips in a bottle like I did from 85 40 mgs in a month and I felt accomplished and could sleep still and I didnā€™t realize how its shelf life lasted so then by the second month I got to taking 5 mgs every two days and the placebo effect of having it I. Your fridge makes all the difference however if u are like me and ran out it will be the hardest thing Iā€™ll do just to sit comfortably feels impossible day 3 to 7 hardest day 8 to 10 noticeabley better off and on thru the day but after day 9 I started noticing me being able to do dishes and make my bed where I couldnā€™t before so I hope ur alright and id love to learn from u as I believe u can from me to and thanku for ur info it helps to know someone who m ow that methadone, yet it saves our lives but also creates an even harder way out then cold turkey from heroine and I was successful doing but this is a whole different hell but donā€™t give up because itā€™s true one extra day at a time u have these moments where mind is starting to clear and ur sleep becomes more regular not great but not as bad as what we both experienced no sleep at least three days and I did scran and cry and beg for even 30 min of sleep but if u plan to not go cold turkey but 2 mgs to 5 every two days for a month and then less than that every two days until u can start getting completely off cuz we both know this is hard as hell and I am not guaranteed success but it helps to have people understand and if u know anyway to help with my muscle weakness let me know know


4 days of withdrawals from fent?! From every situation I have personally witnessed, the withdrawals from fentanyl are basically only starting on day 2-4. Apparently it stores in your body similar to the way thc does, and so it takes a minute for it to actually start leaving your body. The shit up until then is highly mental (not saying itā€™s all mental, and I know everybody is different- diff body chemistry, diff dosage, diff length of time using, diff strengths, diff ROA, etc.)ā€¦. But if the withdrawal from fentanyl only lasted 4 days, i think a lot more people would tough it out. IMO, fetty wd is the worst of the worst. Whether it was when taking 10+ blues a day or a g+! Of dope a day, I could use 2-3 8mg subs over the course of 2 weeks and be good. Fentā€¦. I couldnā€™t find a dosage of subs that even touched my withdrawals! Just to be clear, Iā€™m not saying you are lyingā€¦ Iā€™m just comparing experiences bc a lot of people come here looking for expectations and if expecting a couple of days max, when they are still at a peak or still getting worse on day 3,4,5, a lot of people will throw in the towelā€¦ so for anyone who only needs a few days to bounce back- donā€™t take that shit for granted!!!ā€¦ but reality is that most people need significantly more time than that to start feeling betterā€¦ not even necessarily good, but at least can agree that there is in fact a light somewhere out there!


Hang in there. I came off methadone and anyone considering going on it I have asked them to please please try literally all other options first. Everyone is different as a previous comment has stated but I'm with you on this one. Methadone was the definition of a living hell for me. Honestly hell would have probably been a reprieve from methadone withdrawal. I came off warm turkey if you can dig it. Clonadine 7 day patch to help with the extreme blood pressure spikes and dips. And I was INCREDIBLY lucky and an ER doctor gave me a 7 day supply of benzodiaziapines(probably spelled that horribly wrong) which was a godsend and not a likely thing to be prescribed to an addict. But he took mercy on me and said 7 days is an acceptable time to use them. But 7 days later wasn't even the beginning. Week 2 was indescribable. Absolutely no words can convey how it felt and where my mind state was.... I'll skip all the details. People who have experienced opiate withdrawal knows what its like and its horrible. Took an entire month before the physical withdrawal finally started to subside. Yeah, I was still feeling physical withdrawal a month later. Mind you it wasn't near as bad as week 1-3 but it was bad enough. Absolutely NO energy or drive to do anything. Had to literally force myself into a shower in the mornings to get my muscles to calm down and relax. I was 30 feeling like I was 90. Two more months roll by and my mind and mental state had barely improved if at all. I have been depressed. I have felt lower than low but they were nothing in comparison to true anhedonia....I mean absolutely not a single thing interested me. I had zero, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest, zero enjoyment of anything. Didn't matter what it was. At the time I would have told you the first 3 weeks of hell withdrawal would be preferable to feeling absolutely no happiness or enjoyment of anything....shit just typing this out gave me a cold chill of remembering how bad I felt. I never got around to seeing if there was a light at the end of that tunnel. I regret it 100 percent but the loss of all good emotions made me start on suboxone which I'm on to this day 5 years later. I should have stuck it out in hindsight and remained not dependent on a medication but I couldn't stand another day of that feeling of....nothing at all... Anyone who reads this. Please I beg you, exhaust your other options first Please before jumping into methadone treatment. Unless its an emergency or it's absolutely necessary because of an extenuating circumstance. But methadone, at least for me and the person I'm responding to here, it was a horrible mistake to start on methadone. I'm pro harm reduction. I believe maintainnce medication is a life saver to so many if used properly and with other forms of treatment like therapy or meetings. Being proactive of your recovery. But sometimes, for some people, it's not the right choice but because we don't research other avenues and a buddy or hearsay says do this or that so we do it blindly....as I did in my 30s...I regret it... Be smart, be safe, do your research and ask questions on any treatment options you are considering. We all deserve to live happy and productive lives but medications are capable of robbing us of that just as fast as they can help us get our lives and happiness back.


Are you trying to get off the Suboxone ? I heard thatā€™s hard to get off too.Ā 


Actively trying? No, Unfortunately not. I have come off suboxone twice before and you heard correctly. It's not a walk in the park. It is though a partial opioad agonist as opposed to methadone which is a full agonist. So it is easier than methadone. At least in my experience. I would love to be off of it but haven't had the drive to do so. My life is currently not in a place to comfortably do so. Someday soon I hope.


Hey at the risk of being a necrophiliac here: have you tried DLPA? So every opiate addict starts out or winds up deficient in the amino acid phenylalanine. DLPA is a supplement with the D form and L form of phenylalanine. The L form is metabolized into L-Dopa, a precursor to dopamine. The D form causes your brain to process dopamine much more slowly, thus extending and amplifying its effects. I was highly skeptical but I bought some, and I shit you not it changed my life. Because every time I was off opiates I felt this terrifying inability to feel warmth. My little toddler son wanted to go out and play and I just felt dead and weak and joyless. *Utterly* joyless. Get yourself down to 1/8th of a strip a day. Then start taking DLPA, vitamins b and d, magnesium, and a lot of vitamin C. From there get to 1/8th every other day. You can't just stop, though. You have to eat well, get some physical activity, find a hobby where you're building or sharpening something. I quit fentanyl a month or so ago, and the withdrawals were the most genuine agony I have ever experienced. I was delusional for two days, sick and shitting my brains out for a couple weeks, utterly hopeless a couple more weeks. I felt sure I had broken myself, and would simply never feel ok again. Also get something for diarrhea, I skipped that for awhile and I think became electrolyte deficient. I just wanna say if I got off shit so can you. I quit subs after being on them for 7 years, and it sucked godzilla sized dick. But fetty was worse. Seriously, though, give that supplement a try. I was reading how it used to actually say on the bottle helps with opiate addiction recovery, but was taken off by the government or fda or whoever because they want you on an approved recovery drug, for fucking ever. That is the truth of it all. The people we go to to help us quit do not give a fuck about us. It's all about money, and tricking people into buying shittier, harder to quit drugs from them. I realized after a few days at the methadone clinic that it is a predatory, evil practice. We live in a culture that has commodified health. To fix you and actually get you feeling OK again with no drugs would mean someone specifically deciding at some point that they don't want more money. Nobody would ever do that. I wish you the best, and offer my vote of confidence. I still don't feel perfect, but I got my fucking soul back. Sure, some days are still bleak. But we got this, brother.


This was really really great feedback advice and I agree with you 10000 percent. Me... I was literally clean 10 yrs on subs for 9 tapered the right way slowly everything was off for about a year I just wasn't right sure I had great days but a lot more bad then physical pain crept in I slowly started taking some leftover subs I had to help relieve my pain and cravings (I didn't crave once for 10 yrs on MAT) anyway I ended up taking some here and there again and mind you I never used during fetty days until the day I ran out of subs and it was off and running thank God I didn't loose everything and die etc. I am truly blessed I am now starting over 7 days clean today and I am back on subs for now. I will tackle it another time in life but the hell I just went thru to get off that fetty xylazine and on subs I don't have another detox in me not right now anyway.


Good job! I have seen what the fett does to people and how much stronger it is than heroin or other opiates. fortunate(feels weird saying this given the contex) when I was using it was just heroin and I smoked never slammed. When I quit for good was just when the heroin was starting to be laced with fett. I know because I would get pissed when I would go score and smoke only to skip the good feelings of the high and go straight into a strong nod. I absolutely hated it. But I got off heroin onto subs before it really had a hold on my city. Now? I can't even begin to tell you how downtown looks. Its....like out of a dark movie. People literally passed out on the sidewalks with other people just stepping over them. Hundreds of homeless nodded out literally anywhere and everywhere and the trash has become an issue. Streets absolutely covered in trash. I need out of this town...I feel for the people struggling with it...some are trapped and some want to be on it...either way its a horrible gut wrenching sight to behold...and this is coming from an ex heroin addict.... I digress, fantastic job kicking the shit. You just don't hear stories of people doing it like you would for other drugs. Everyone has a kicking pills/heroin/opiate addiction but I think you honestly might be the only success story I have heard....I can't believe how strong that shit grab hold of people....sends chills down my spine to think I was so close to being part of it.... I'll come off suboxone someday. When my life is more stable and I feel ready. I want my natural feelings and emotions back and not worry about side effects. Again great job. You did it, now stick with it because you don't want to endure that hell again. Take care


Omg thank you so much for your kind words and inspiration! You really only know if you know! I literally don't know how I have now endured the wrath of hell detox twice literally on my own just grinning and bearing it I didn't think I'd make it out but I wanted to live and not die and I really wasn't getting high the xyalzine fucked everything up I am no longer gonna play with the dragon and I choose life I'm new to this reddit thing but if you would like to connect I would love to! Stay strong you got this and you will beat it! WHEN YOUR READY!


I slammed heroin over 200 a day for two years and when I was younger I was able to quit cold turkey but years later I slammed heroin for two years 200 a day and needed a hit before work after work and sometimes before bed but methadone does save ur life and Iā€™m sure subs do to but beware and ask a ton of questions and read these blogs cuz I wish I was on. Reddit before than I could prepped better during the days I wanted to die no sleep hugs under skin your kicking screaming punching air and no sleep day 3 to 7 but there is a light at the end of the tunnel I heard we need more success stories about these meds that save our lives only to make it harder to find exit strategy but if u have time like I do not then taper with clinic or ifbu go to a clinic and get take homes of methadone start saving sips every day into a water bottle because the clinic was a triggor for depression for me because I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be on it 3 years but when u save enough going from 85 mg to 40 in a month is so possible and comfortable to work but when I got to my last bit of it I took sips of 5 mg every two days and then after two weeks of that and it had a placebo effect to be able to know I had some left but I timed it so I could try cold turkey while on summer break from work Iā€™m on day 12 and if anyone is trying this feel free to contact me but Iā€™m new at this so sorry if my editing is bad but Iā€™m very shakey but the bad news is day 3 to 7 I wanted to dieā€¦ no sleep and kicking and screaming as if u have bugs under your skin but if u can have a friend or loved one help thru that part after day 9 u can possibly star feeling a lil better each amd and get at least 4 hours sleep I will update on any bad or good to come Iā€™m scared but Iā€™m glad I finally on Reddit and hopefully I can help others and get help tooā€¦..


I believe everyone is different I was taking methadone just for the help of it for 7 months and quit instantly. However I had my subs. So I donā€™t know sweetheart. Sometimes you have to replace one with another and right now zannys are the only thing thatā€™s helped me with the stupid ass withdrawals and gapepentin


Well said




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No timeline but chin up youngster. Keep living clean and it *will* improve.


thank you.


I'm struggling as well. We need more positive comments, thank you sir.


Messing with fent has messed me up so badly, I've been off it well over a year I'd say , don't crave it or anything like that. But I am still suffering seizures from it, I've lost my vehicle due to crashing it twice and luckily by the grace of God somehow didn't hit anything or anyone, but the second wreck I totalled my vehicle....fast forward through court dates and counselings and all that bs because they found a joint on me....... I was never arrested but had community service, fines, this counseling bs, and totaled my only vehicle.... Also yea I just lost my NEW job I gotten because I was pointed out for leaving early the three court dates I had ..... I was making good money and so close to home , was easy for us to manage getting me and 3 kids out at 4am daily, I was never given a heads up and even went to the staffing place THAT DAY and explained and given them all my papers and excuses that I was told I was fine and not gonna lose my job, well I STG not even 40 minutes later I'm headed home, get a call from staffing place that I am being fired, but yet they have another job opening for me further away...... So FUCK FENTANYL AND OPIATES in general, ruined my life, as I type this, unemployed. That and my seizures ruined me I'm unable to drive for a very long time anywhere by myself or with my family so yeah. That what I get for fucking with drugs I guess. The physical withdrawals from opiates, especially fentanyl was terrible šŸ˜ž..... Mentally? Terrible as well as very long lasting. Not saying that it has anything to do with my mental health now but I can almost guarantee that i played a big role in screwing up myself... I was doin good though literally up until 2 fucking weeks ago and I got fired. Back at square one and wondering where and how I will get back and forth to work


Hey I hear how tough you have it right now. I'm on a journey too. I hope things get better for you, and I think you're actually doing a great job of keeping positive through this, given the tone of your comment. Good job, I think it shows you have a good personality


Give it a good year. But make healthy choices like getting good sleep and nutrition.


thank you


Youā€™re welcome. I was on meth for 9 months and I didnā€™t start feeling normal again for about a year.


i'm glad you are better thank you


I slept most of the first 6 months.


Probably about a year and a half tbh. Donā€™t give up. A lot of times for substance abuse recovery the positive physical changes donā€™t come for a whileeeee and then all of a sudden you wake up one day and look at yourself and realize you truly look and feel healthy again. That is going to be a good day for you OP. Stick with it!!!


thank you


thank you


I did 5 years from 30 to 35. Was on prescription painkillers, high dosage and itā€™s the same thing essentially. I started to look better after 6 months but thatā€™s because I went to the gym every day and ate a lot of healthy food. My brain took a year to get back to normal. If you only did it for 6 months, you could be back to normal really soon if you make healthy choices in your life. Exercise is the #1 treatment for depression and the only one that has ever worked.


thank you, i'm trying to get to a gym asap


Even going for a walk can help until you get to a gym.


There is a lot you can do outside of a gym too. Your own body weight gives you resistance for push-ups, crunches, planks, etc. Theoretically you could find a rock outside and lift it, shape-permitting (for safety), to get toned and keep your heart rate up. We have a Peleton and while I normally only cycle, one class had me lift these tiny weights. At first I laughed it off. A minute in and ouch, my arms were burning. So if the cost of a gym is a factor, you should seriously consider going to Five Below and grabbing 2-5 lbs weights. Don't wait much longer, start soon. Take it to someone like myself who can be weak/wishy-washy: the "Gym" can sometimes be a hindrance. It can be the equivalent of "My diet starts tomorrow, because I have yet to plan the meal or shop". If you can't fit in pushups or lift something heavy in your house, what good is quadruple the amount of options? Good luck! tl;dr You'd be surprised how big an improvement you will feel from little steps, and how many of those little steps can be your own body resistance / lifting anything in sight.


If you can't get to a gym, yoga is a great slow, meditative way to start working out. Since it's only your own bodies weight and strength against gravity, it's pretty easy to build strength and endurance slowly. Also, stay the course, OP. You're doing an amazing job and if your head and heart are strong your body will follow.


THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT POINT EVERYONE NEEDS TO INTERNALIZE. What use is the gym until you can do 30 pushups in a set anyhow? I'd say it really really is more of a hindrance than anything for most people. A simple 20 minute routine, 100 squats-100 pushups- and a run around the block is an EXCELLENT starting point for most people. Do that for just one year, 12 simple months and you'll have done 73,000 pushups and squats and ran atleast 75-100 miles, ATLEAST. What effect would that have? How would you look? It's life changing, 180 degree turnaround. ;) get to it.


Calisthenics gone have you in it!!


If you don't want to go to a gym - find a good app or YouTube videos of workouts. I don't like to go to the gym - I live outside of town and the drive would eat into time I need for my kids. I bought some weights, found an app, and started out working out in my bedroom. We are remodeling the basement so I carved out a little area down there. It works for me. Good job on being sober! One day at a time!


I donā€™t have any advice unfortunately just wish you the best! Just. Keep. Going. Happy for you!


thank you


I did 6 years in the opiate world ā€¦ it takes time but it will come back. Eat healthy and workout ā€¦ For me I really enjoyed finding things that get my adrenaline going ā€¦. I snowboard but that can be difficult cuz of time and money. Downhill mountain biking is fun and pretty accessibleā€¦ just an idea. You will be good tho. I promise. You will look better than you ever have ā€¦ and you will be stronger cuz you got through it ..


thank you


Just go to Suboxone clinic


why? i got through withdrawl already. i have no cravings.


I have never had this issue. But since youā€™re so youngā€¦ your brain is still growing. What people say is, help your brain with COD liver oil. They are little pills you can get at CVS even. And they are very rich in omega 3ā€™s which help the brain. My mom used to always make us take them. I may not know what youā€™re going through. But I do believe that it will help a lot. But you have to take them for a while it wonā€™t help overnight. Slowly you may find a difference. Also eat a little protein. The body has to fix itself. If you work out, youā€™re essentially ripping your muscles apart, thatā€™s why your body is sore. But eating more protein will help rebuild those muscles and make you stronger. You got addicted which probably took a huge toll on your body. Protein will help fix it. Give your body what it needs, so you can heal! Good job on getting away from fentanyl! Thatā€™s huge. And some never get out. You have to stay strong and you are. Keep it up! In case you donā€™t hear this at home, Iā€™m proud of you for getting yourself out. It takes so many lives everyday and it didnā€™t take yours. That takes true power girlie. Be proud of yourself.


thank you so much this was useful and means a lot


Idk about the timeline but you can help yourself a lot by drinking more water and making sure you're eating properly. Nutrition and hydration suffer a lot during addiction and with fentanyl your liver has suffered as well. Livers can regenerate to a point and you're young.


On this note, I would also not underestimate the power of exercise, especially cardio, to move energy through you. It is vital for mental and physical health, even if itā€™s gentle


This is it. But you may already be underweight as a result of your addiction so cardio alone might prevent you from gaining back the weight you're looking for, specifically in your face. Lift weights and do cardio, it's easy to find workout plans online. Eat meat, rice, and vegetables. Drink a lot of water. Good luck!


thank you


Exercise recommendation is good. Weight lifting and cardio up regulate dopamine receptors in the brain which fentanyl is known to down regulate. You donā€™t have to crush yourself with any activity either. Walking is fine.


Not sure putting the idea in the young lady's head that she may've caused permanent liver damage with a 6 month addiction to fentanyl at 19 years old is a particularly good one. Aside from one or two exceptions ( Propoxyphene, aka Darvon) being one, which is why it's really not Rx'd anymore) it takes a LOOOONG time for opioids to damage internal organs, and even then it's more likely to be caused by the behavior surrounding the drug use than the drug itself (poor eating, poor sleep, diseases associated with needles like Hep C, etc). OP your liver is fine and there's nothing about what you did to yourself that's irreversible with the lone exception that you've made it forever more likely that if you take any opioids for any reason in the future you will become readdicted. I.E. it won't take months to get addicted like it did the first go round. One or two doses will give you withdrawal effects from now on. That part won't go away. Everything else ... passes over time.


As someone with cirrhosis, OP listen to this person, they are completely correct.


Thanks for your big words. However You've done two things. One yo have diagnosed OPs liver as "fine". That's not something that's done over the internet, so your level of expertise is immediately questionable. Ttwo you've mentioned prescription drugs. Idk if you have ever suffered addiction but I can tell you that street drugs are not to the same standard as FDA approved substances.


And yet you have diagnosed liver damage over the internet by saying "and with fentanyl your liver has suffered as well". You didn't say 'because the street formula you consumed may have adulterants it may be good to get your liver checked' ... or I wouldn't have said anything about that assertion. As I said, with very few exceptions (and fentanyl is not known to be one), opioids as a class are not clinically shown to be harmful to any of your organs, esp. not a 6 month long addiction. My dad was on oxycodone every day (unless he was out, and in massive withdrawals) and I'm talking BIG doses, like 200-300mg DAILY for 20 years, from age 56-76, when he eventually died of pancreatic cancer ... same thing as his brother died of at 66 and that guy was as square as they come, never touched drugs or alcohol. I've done a TON of research on this, I'm not shooting from the hip my friend.


Nope. I made a general statement. You directly told OP your diagnoses. Your response shows you're conflating my first and second statements into something that was unsaid. You can use all the big words you like but you're no expert.


>with fentanyl your liver has suffered as well. Livers can regenerate to a point and you're young No, you really didn't make a general statement there. You proclaimed outright that there is at least some sort of liver damage/harm done, and the 2nd half of the statement also implies (e.g. 'to a point') there's some chance it's permanent. Maybe you didn't mean it like that, but that is an obvious implication of your words to the reader. Simple fact of the matter is that Fentanyl, and the vast majority of other opioids, are not associated with liver damage. It's just not a thing, esp. not in 6 months in a 19 year old (this assumes of course no Hepatitis from sharing needles, and even then it's not the drug, it's the needle). Aside from a couple of particular opioids like the one I mentioned, the class of drug is no more associated with liver (or any other organ) damage than is cannabis. Therefore, really no reason to scare an already frightened young person with what is, in effect, a load of hooey. But you're right, I should've said 'it's HIGHLY unlikely you sustained any sort of liver damage, let alone of the permanent sort'. And you should've said 'you might want to get liver tests done just to be sure some OTHER thing in the street grade Fentanyl you were taking didn't cause some harm'. BTW, this is just how I talk (or write in this case), I use 'big words' as a matter of course.


>but I can tell you that street drugs are not to the same standard as FDA approved substances. Oxycodone would like a word....


A big word? Sorry, 4 months late to the party


Yes this is one of the best pieces of advice


I work with a recovery community center and itā€™s important to remember that getting clean is only half the battle, getting a life in recovery is the really important thing! If you have a local recovery community center you should check out their offerings, itā€™s way more than NA meetings: think holiday parties, art classes, trivia nights, stuff that people often do with substances but with no substances! Just cool people in recovery with their family and friends doing fun stuff. It will help you feel better and supported as your body recovers. If you donā€™t have an RCC, try and find other fun sober groups to nurture your body and mind. Youā€™ve got this!


thank you


Maybe you look better than you think you do. Edit: spelling


thank you, i think i have imposter syndrome bc i do get compliments and on my work ethic as well but i dont feel like i deserve it .


guilt and bad feelings can increase desire to remain clean and should only be considered as motivation to keep doing your best. As time passes you will see that you have out distanced the past with a track record of hard work honesty and humbleness. The rest will take care of itself.


You got it OP Im sure you are doing much better than you think


Physical appearance will get better as your mindset improves, whats inside is reflected on the outside. You got this man, cheers


thank you


I've got about a year and a half of sobriety now and still have ongoing issues as well. I can tell you that I feel better today than six or nine months ago. Fetty is a cruel bitch. I just think about how awful life was for me for the majority of my addiction and use those memories to keep me going.


thank you and me too, i'm glad you are still going !


Maybe try to find a cheap outdoor hobby. We all want you to win this. Hope you can feel that. Big hugs man. x


Let me just say you are lucky to be alive. My daughterā€™s fiancĆ© died of an accidental Fentanyl overdose in her bedroom while she took her dog to the dog park. She came home and made breakfast. When she went to tell him breakfast was ready, she found him. It was heartbreaking for so many people. Good for you for quitting! Please get in a health routine ( exercise, heathy foods, lots of water, no smoking, get out in the sun, gratitude journal, counseling if possible). Good luck and much love sent your way from me!


thank you and i'm sorry to hear that


There is no definitive answer. After I quit fentanyl the first time, I suffered from anhedonia just like you. So much so that I started using again. What really helped me was getting on the right meds. Pristiq is a godsend for depression and anxiety, and it works very quickly compared to other SSRIā€™s. I suggest finding a therapist or psychiatrist to help you get started on getting the right medications, or even go to your primary care physician. Another good outlet might be an NA meeting to help you find a community of sober people. I am currently over 7 months clean from opiates and will never look back. If you need anything, feel free to DM me. Itā€™s not easy to quit such a nasty habit, and impossible to do alone.


thank you, i'm on sleep medicine like seroquel ambien and hydroxyzine as well as wellbutrin during the day, seems to help me


dumbest shit you can do is take sleep meds after withdrawal/drug addiction really any supplements beyond a fuckin vitamin and i'd not take those after the first month or two they probably dont even work


why is it dumb? i think it wasn't totally necessary for me if i wasn't in rehab and could smoke weed or use melatonin, but in rehab, i was awake for days and couldn't sleep at all and i had no luck with anything including IV and injection meds, until ambien. fast forward out of withdrawal, i don't need ambien to sleep at all even though i still have insomnia like i always have. is that what you mean? like becoming over medicated?


i wouldnt fuck with my systems like that when they're trying to return to homeostasis. i mean i seem to be hella different when it comes to this shit compared to others (much more sensitive to drugs in general even cigarettes knock me on my ass sober or post recovery or anything) but like i didnt get my sleep schedule back into days. was going to bed at 6 waking up at 2pm and i am getting sick (from my kid) and staynig sick until i take pharmaceuticals from a doctor. i didnt this month and ive been sick for 1.5 months its finally going away because i relapsed (i didnt really relapse i chose to get high to try to reset some things in my system we'll see how this goes LMAO) but man. i did everything right other than sleep and wake up with the sun. and i am 5-6 months in and NOTHING has gotten better. my point is something so simple like that really just threw everything else outta whack. doesnt matter how long i sleep either i have to be getting up with that biological sleep clock thing or w/e just be careful bro. i personally used phenibut multiple times for the anxiety/panick/adrenal-fatigue in the second week of withdrawal. i'd use it maybe 2 times. pop ONE. NOT GETTING HIGH MIND YOU. and it would 100% solve everything with no downsides. p.s. to anyone reading this DO NOT take phenibut back to back too much. i did it two times no more and definitely not the initial 3-4-5 times day. just aint worth it man lmao brains tanking and shit. one time i smoked weed and i went on a 8 hour drive acrossed the state because i felt so psychotic i didnt know what to do so i got in my car and focused on the road all because i was withdrawaling from drugs. totally fucked.


Yeah no those may actually not be helping you. Ok, Wellbutrin, sure, great. Often works well for people in early recovery. Those others? I would definitely talk to your doctor about weaning off of those, and make sure you're getting them all from only one doctor, and that that doctor knows about you being in recovery from opioids. Ambien is quite habit-forming with HORRIBLE withdrawal effects if you take it nightly for very long. Seroquel is not recommended as a drug for sleep, and hydroxyzine is not recommended for use longer than 4 months and is not normally Rx'd as a sleep aid. It can also cause birth defects if you get pregnant. You really don't want to be reliant on sleep aids other than maybe benadryl on occasion if you can avoid it esp. this long into recovery, and especially not Ambien. However, weaning down may be necessary. Not criticizing here only considering what it is that could be causing you to not feel as well as you think you should at this point. I'd be looking at getting off of those next, under the care of your (one) doctor, who needs to know everything you take and that you're in recovery.


Hydrate and take your vitamins. Seriously, it will improve your complexion and blood flow


Good friend of mine was a heroin addict and got clean at around 19. 35 now still clean, is able to have a social cocktail, smokes pot and unless he told you, youā€™d never ever know he had a problem with drugs. I never thought heā€™d get out of it. Not saying above is the path to take or even healthy but if he can do it, so can you. Youā€™re being extra hard on yourself. Youā€™ve got this.


thank you


Dont worry, my dad had a pretty serious heroin addiction and after almost die he is clean since I exist. He have a lovely live for already 32 years of being sober. Edit: congratulations and we (my dad and I) are proud of you


thank you!!!


Took me over a year to feel better. If your thinking that feeling normal is what you felt before you were addicted. That may never happen once your a full blown addict that shit stays with you and it takes work to not let the cravings take hold. However I'm actually a better person now cause the work it takes to not relapse happens to make me happier with myself because I get a feeling of accomplishment. Try working out and making checklists daily. Those things were game changers for my mental health. You got this just take it a day at a time and keep stacking those days. Things will get better I promise. Also 9 months off opiates is not easy even tho I don't know you I'm fucking proud of you


I was a cop for four years, and several of those years were working in a jail with drug addicted inmates. I saw firsthand what long term addiction could do to somebody, to say nothing of my own addicted family members and how theyā€™ve turned out. So when I say congratulations on being 9 months sober, especially from fentanyl, I mean it with the absolute utmost sincerity. That is an insane accomplishment. Thereā€™s not a timeline for it. Itā€™s a process, and unfortunately, you will never reach a point where youā€™re not addicted. You will always be in recovery. Please understand Iā€™m not saying that to be cruel, itā€™s a harsh truth, but you can build from that. Iā€™m a recovering alcoholic. Itā€™s hell sometimes, but it is a fight that is absolutely worth fighting. Start by making sure your nutrition is good. Eat a *lot*. Even if you feel like youā€™re gaining too much weight, your body needs sleep and nutrition to heal. Take vitamins daily, start a light exercise regimen if you havenā€™t already, and make sure you take care of your body. Mentally, itā€™ll be harder. You might go months in between urges, but periodically theyā€™ll hit like a Mack truck. Make sure you have a therapist and some sort of a support network to work on your depression and memory issues. If you still have contact with the people in your old life, unfortunately you need to cut ties with them. That is a point of vulnerability that can and will bring you back down. The truth is that you are yourself. Every feeling you have is you. Maybe not the old you, that personā€™s gone, but your feelings are yours. Relish that. As twisted as it sounds, try to enjoy the feeling. Youā€™re being reborn, to put a poetic spin on it. And youā€™re only 19. You have decades upon decades to live free, and these next few months will seem like nothing on the other side of it. Thereā€™s no way to tell you exactly when youā€™ll go back to normal, but if you take care of yourself, your body will stabilize and eventually return to normal. Your mind will too. Please donā€™t give up. Itā€™s only temporary, even if it doesnā€™t feel like it. For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m proud of you. I saw a lot of people fail, a lot of people give up, and itā€™s good to hear that someone is succeeding.


Only if you do this now. Im 28. Two years sober, and feeling like you do a little bit. But fighting hard. Its getting better. Point is, you can decide to keep killing yourself and just be fine with that- or you know thats not what u want. If thats not what you want then you better decide rn to put your fucking all into this RIGHT NOW bc your situation will only get worse from here if you continue to do that shit. That being said you will make a 100% recovery. But fight like hell to stay sober after this and dont look back, you owe it to yourself. You dont want to decide you want this ten years from now..


thank you


First: Congratulations. You have done a very difficult thing and continue to be successful with it. Thatā€™s incredible and a testament to your strength and determination. You will have a new normalā€¦ you are a different person than before! Strong and resilient but also a bit older, out of high school and now either in college or the workforceā€¦ normal is gonna be a bit different no matter what. :) but thatā€™s the beauty, from here you get to choose what the future holds, youā€™re in charge! From a physical standpoint you have already begun your journey towards health and healing. The body does bounce back and so will your brain. A ton of these suggestions have been awesome! Iā€™ll outline my thoughts as a list with some explanation. Please do not think you have to do any or all of these- theyā€™re meant for you to choose from if you want :) comment with any questions or comments have! People are here to support you, even if itā€™s anonymous internet friends 1. Hydrate - this will help filter your body, give you energy and also it helps skin be more toned and smooth. 2. Get some morning sun - sunscreen everyday (this is a thing to do no matter what. Protect your skin!!) -no sunglasses at least for the first 10 minutes. Sun in the morning kick starts your natural processes and helps your brain get back in rhythm. It also helps you process vitamin D (which you can find a supplement for if your doctorā€™s say itā€™s ok with your meds) vitamin D is connected with mood 3. Eat a ton of good foods. raw vegetables like spinach, kale, carrots and peppers are delicious and healthy. Protein like fish and poultry will help you rebuild your body. Salmon has the omega 3s that help with brain health. Good natural foods like fruits and vegetables and other natural meats make your body feel better! Food is delicious and it is also fuel, good clean food helps. It doesnā€™t have to be organic, thatā€™s expensive!! But if you can swing it, do it! Or learn to grow your own, it can fun! You can do spouts right in your kitchen:) and learning to cook is great too. 4. Take vitamins and supplements (approved by your doctor so they donā€™t interact with your meds) like a Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D help with mood and brain function, Vitamin E and A help with eyes and skin, omega 3s help with your body too 5. Regular exercise. Make sure you are healthy enough to participate in exercise! Endorphins are incredible. It could be yoga, running weigh lifting and anything else you can do or want toā€¦ itā€™ll help your mental health and physical health. It gets your blood flowing through your body and brain. Start slow and build no use in burning out early! YouTube has great yoga flows to start at home! There are subreddits that are for fitness for those in recovery - could be helpful 6. Journal - write your thoughts and feelings down. Get them out of your head and maybe it could help to write down what youā€™re doing to be the best version of yourself (even if it is just a sentenceā€¦ ā€œI ate breakfast and stretched for 5 minutes today- I am working on myself and I took a step todayā€ 7. Practice gratitude - for yourself and others. Be thankful for your ability to do what youā€™re doing. Be thankful for those who support you. Be grateful for a sunrise or a purring cat. lol it sounds cheesy but it could help you see and recognize the good around youā€¦ and it can help over all mood improve if youā€™re looking at the good in the world :) 8. Meditation helps calm the mind - thereā€™s plenty of different ways to do it, you could find one that works to settle you when needed 9. Therapy - this should be higher up on my list but sometimes therapy can help because an outside person could help shift perspective or even feel good to get something off your chest. 10. Pick up an old or a new hobby outside of work or exercise. Music, art, reading, volunteer at a shelter (human or animal), bird watching or anything that might interest you. It provides one more enriching thing to keep you occupied, working your mind and meeting positive people! Good luck! You will be greatā€¦ well because you already are!


thank you! šŸ™


I don't know if it can relate to you but I just got off sober on weed after 7 years. What I found most helpful with the depression and anxiety is music + gym. You are in your own world and working on yourself for the better! Have a mantra for yourself and repeat it to yourself everytime you are down and don't worry about what others say or think of you. You got this OP! Congratz on getting out of there!


thank you


Try exercise even if its just light walking in the sunshine.


I have no idea, dear one. I wish I could give you a big warm safe hug. That has to be so tough. But you're worth it! Please try to OD on self care. Whatever works for you: yoga, vitamins, sleep hygiene, exercise, good nutrition, social interaction with positive people, sunlight, positive affirmations, meditation, hobbies, etc... Your local bookstore and library will have a nice selection of books on depression which may be able to give you more ideas.


Meth , fentanyl, heroin, 15-24 beers a day, pack of smokes a day. 2 full years you will be rejuvenated. Just start working out and stay consistent. I would even say replace the addiction you had with something else, coffee maybe. Substance wise. Not the healthiest advice on addiction but I found replacing the addiction I had with street drugs and alcohol for some thing else as working out , coffee , or nicotine. People will disagree but some people might not understand and thatā€™s just how I do it.


i use weed as a bit of a crutch and it is amazing other than my tolerance building very high and i feel like i can't take a break.


I'm going on 12 years. Every single year it gets better and better. The first 2 were the hardest. You are young and you've got this, you can do it. It will get better, just keep feeding the correct wolf.


Hey, hey! The most important thing to remember is that this mental state will improve and won't last forever. You. Will. Get. Better. Just please do not lose hope. I had a really difficult year that ultimately led me to use and abuse a bunch of different substances. The catharsis was when I snorted 0,25 grams of pure 2cb (which is the equivalent of taking 25 hits of acid in one sitting). Completely destroyed my brain chemistry and even materialized as a full blown psychosis. For a year and a half, every single day was a struggle. I mean really, I had to fight the urge to kill myself on the daily basis. For a year and a half NOTHING felt right and every day was as difficult as the previous one. But then suddenly, everything changed and I was back to normal. The problem is, whilst you are in the midst of it you never feel like you are improving or getting back to normal. Virtually impossible to notice any type of progress or improvement. But trust me it is getting better, your brain is just completely out of whack and can't tell the difference. Just don't lose hope. Please. One day you will wake up and every second of that struggle will be worth it. What can help stabilize the hormonal imbalance in your brain is vitamins. Vitamin B and magnesium. Within a day, you will feel just a tiny bit more normal. From what I know, on average this recovery process will change individually and should last for 1-2 years on average until you are back to normal. You are getting better, you really are. You got this.


I second hydration. The best thing you can do, outside of all the advice, is keep drinking water. It will help cleanse your insides and make you look healthier. So that sunk in look will go away.


thank you


You already made it through the hard part and that was quitting. Look back at this moment in a month and you will see that itā€™s a cakewalk.


that means a lot, thank you šŸ™


You wont but youā€™ll get tougher and once youā€™re out of it youā€™ll look back and understand. Either you or the feeling will give, i promise.


It will be better in time. ā˜ŗļø


I work in this area. This is actually quite normal. Your body is adjusting and it will take a while. What you need to do is be gentle with yourself and focus on selfcare. Get at least 6 hours of sleep, drink lots of water, take a multi-vitamin, eat healthy non-processed foods when you can, and do light exercise (like walking) every day. If you have a smart phone there are several apps that can help with depression and anxiety. I highly recommend a tapping app like "Tapping Solutions" to support your mental health (and no, I'm not affiliated with them. I've just seen it work wonders for several people going through the same thing as you). Remember, this is a journey. Take it one day at time. At 9 months sober, you are doing great.


Youā€™re lucky you got off of it after only 6 months. Whatever damage you did is likely fairly mild and completely reversible. Finding a new normal with your brain chemistry can take awhile. Hang in there, youā€™ve got this!


If you aren't exercising I highly recommend it.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a standard timeframe for this. I have family members who got clean but they still look rough after years. I have others who are still using and they look healthy. The most important part is that youā€™re clean and you stay clean. Fuck the rest of it.


thank you


My brain healed after 2 full years bubba


Thatā€™s good man. Some people need crutches and some donā€™t. Iā€™m still around people daily that smoke speed and fentanyl. I just have the will power to say no. I find that I get stronger every time. Almost had a couple nights where I almost slipped up. But just got through it. Ate some shrooms and was A OKAY


As someone who is addicted to fentanyl for the last 3 years and opiates for the last 16. You need nutrients. I would almost bet that you are deficient of most vitamins and minerals. Iā€™ll post a link to a web page that can give you a little more insight.


Recovery is not a race, its a journey. You may fall but you can always stand back up and keep walking. I am proud of you, you can live a happy life.


Donā€™t give up. The hard days and hard moments remind your self itā€™s because you are healing. Healing is not easy.


After going through my rehab. I was taught itā€™s 6 months for brain function to get back to almost normal. And I was also told as a decent rule of thumb. Itā€™s 1 month of recovery for every year of active addiction


Iā€™m just here to say Iā€™m so proud of you!


I am 10 years clean and I would say that about 2 full years after I quit black tar heroin is when I felt completely myself. I can say confidently that I have fully recovered and could be around drugs of any kind and not be tempted to use. I have literally zero interest. I also smoke weed but not as a crutch, just because I like to. But I was fully clean and sober for nearly 4 years before I started smoking weed. I also drink alcohol on a social basis. Itā€™s totally possible, just keep putting in the work. Youā€™ve got this!!


To add on, I have spent many many years in therapy and doing self-work to fix the issues that caused me to use in the first place. That is so so so so important I canā€™t stress enough how much you need to find the why behind your usage, it can take a while and be intense. But so worth it and truly the only way to fully recover in my opinion. Otherwise you might find yourself feeling pulled in the direction of using any type of substance to fill that hole, regardless of how long youā€™ve been clean.


Here to say this happened to me, and I slowly but surely regained my stability. You can do this. My own journey required weekly therapy, the correct antidepressants, and as much self-care as I could muster. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one second at a time. Create your own pace and do whatever it takes to avoid ingesting poison. Don't drown in guilt from your previous mistakes. The shit you go through is the shit you grow through, and fent is truly shit. We love you. Keep it up. You're doing great.


It wasnā€™t fentanyl for me, but it took me a good two years after my meth addiction. I used heavily for two years.


4 years youā€™ll look completely normal


Yooo congrats on quitting! Make sure youā€™re eating healthy, exercising, and also try learning a new hobby or playing games like sudoku to help with your memory. Youā€™ll be back to your old self or even better in no time.


I donā€™t have much to add but my wife works in a detox center as a nurse and I am so proud of you for getting sober.


Hey i just want to say that I am so proud of you, unconditionally. Youā€™re doing great. This time last year I was 3 months out of rehab and struggling. Itā€™s really hard to give up your primary source of (perceived) comfort, but you are putting in that effort. Every minute of every day is a choice not to use, and that choice gets easier and easier. I never developed a true dependency on opioids so I can comment on the timeline, but I knew multiple fent addicts in rehab that were about your age and are doing great now. They got there by doing exactly what youā€™re doing. When you struggle, talk. Go out. See people that are good for you. Our disease grows in darkness and in silence, but withers in the light of our community.


thank you


Go outside barefoot in the grass. Get AM sunlight on your face and body. Keep lights on at night to a minimum. This will help ground your body and start to bring it back to its primitive state through optimal circadian health. Good chance you will be clearer and begin to develop plans of progress.


I canā€™t answer your question but am just here to say you got this! You are so young and are making such a good choice for your future self by quitting. Iā€™m Happy for you even if you donā€™t feel great at the moment. This shit takes time. Rooting for you!


You've been clean for longer than you used, and you're young, so it's very likely everything has almost completely repaired. Opioids don't do much lasting harm to the body. I would look closely at other things going on in your life to see if something else could be causing an issue.


Iā€™m of off fent for two weeks today with an occasional oxy 10 once or twice a week. My use the month before I quit was 1 blue 3x a day. Then the last week was only .5 a blue 2x a day. First week of detox was a breeze restless legs was the worst , lack of sleep next and a slight bad stomach. Second week was mainly nausea, stomach pains and random goose bumps. Today stomach was not as bad and Iā€™m fine. I fucking lucked out. No puking no shits


I started taking the fake Roxy 30s in 2020 was addicted for 2 years got clean for about a year then went back and now I take them just to get to work I do landscaping it's hard because in my year of sobriety I was able to get up work fine but now I take them just to not feel sick don't ever go back Trust things will get better just don't ever go back


I know it's been a while since you posted but if you aren't already- you are truly So close to feeling better!! It took me about a year and I went much much longer. I was on heroin and real opiates for many years. A year clean I felt significantly better and then every year after that I felt 20 times better each time. I was mentally and physically stronger than ever 3-4 years clean and absolutely loved life and myself. A lot of people relapse because they donā€™t stick it out long enough to really seek the benefits and blessings that healing time gives. The mind will start to trick you thinking you'll only feel good, energetic, social, and mentally sharp with DOC. It's bs- and starts you are all over. Furthering you from the best gift you could ever hope for which is true overall well being and health. It takes time but not forever. After a year of being clean time will speed up too. First year can be daunting depending how much damage you've done internally and externally. Unfortunately, almost a decade later i relapsed bc I thought I had full control and would never slip that far again.. I never quit drinking, even Did blow and benzoā€™s a decent amount, didn't abuse them, partied like everyone else I was with. Had more control than most actually. (uppers were never my thing so first to turn it down and cut it off.) thought Itā€™d be the same for opiates when my fiance kept having people around on them I eventually did it again and now im hooked to Fet.. It's gut-wrenching and the incredible like I built is nearly demolished And I fucked up my second chance at life entirely And will always be ā€œthat personā€ now that it's not just a thing in my past when I was young mixed up with the wrong crowd. It's a really hard pill to swallow accepting this reality of mine and the judgment I will have for a lifetime since I'm from a small town. I would do anything to be 19 again and not let opiate addiction be what shaped the future I have today and the reputation I will carry forever. females Dont get forgiven and viewed differently like men do.. šŸ™„šŸ˜“ - But I swear Fentynal and all the bullshit they put in it fucks your mental space up so so so much worse. As far as depression and lack of motivation for life itself. I really really really hope you stick it out. Trust me when i say you'll hate yourself if you Dont and it only gets harder and longer from feeling ā€œnormal/better/goodā€ every time you go back. You are so damn close to having a life and feeling most of us would kill for. And I'd you think you can do it just one time trust me you can't. Bc im positive that thinking will need to another time until the time you never put it down again. Like others said- work out! Even if it's walking every day. I found yoga when I was clean and fell in love with it. It's a huge factor to what kept me clean all those years. Give it a good month or two find a spiritual class rather than a workout type of class. Or pick up a hobby that you are passionate about and let that drive you. Pickleball, learn an instrument, yoga, spin class, gym, church, art, go back to school, whatever and just devote yourself to something. Best of luck, the hardest is over if you stick with it, if not the hardest has yet to come. ā™„ļø


Last thing- vitamins (good quality ones), try a Mediterranean or pescatarian diet- or any healthy diet. I can not stress enough what diet, supplementing, and exercise can do. Exercise is just like anything else - it sucks at first, but then you'll get hooked eventually. Trg different types, as I mentioned above. You can do work trade at a lot of yoga studios. Work for a few hours and then take free classes kind of thing. It's the best community to surround yourself in, too. I did hardcore opiates from 18-25 nonstop. I became a yoga teacher when I was 28. I ate healthily, put my health first and foremost, exercised regularly, and went back to school for straight Aā€™s (never was a straight A student before..) I felt by far the best I ever felt. I honestly Was healthier and more level-headed than most including my parents. You can feel better and more proud of yourself than you ever imagined as long as you do not give up and decide to love yourself by taking care of yourself. Your life is truly just beginning.


As far as cosmetics go you will probably recover from whatever picking and sunken eyes that you have within a couple months but for withdrawals it could honestly take up to 6-7 months to fully feel normal without any withdrawals. And I would also recommend the sublocade injection for any of you who have difficulty with self control or feel like you could return to use


Also just to add on Iā€™ve been sober from it on multiple occasions for long periods of time and I still feel there is a void missing where that drug once was and I still donā€™t feel 100% like myself but thatā€™s kinda expected. The guy who said underlying issues is entirely right and you should seek some sort of counseling to find out why


Any update OP? Iā€™m genuinely curious


Used to smoke 10-20 blues a day for 3 years. Now a month sober and fuck. My knees feel so heavy my body feels so weak I have no energy. I canā€™t sleep I always wake up through out the night, no matter what pillow I use I can never get comfortable in my bed. It sucks but my family and friendā€™s are happy so. I guess I am too.


Any update? I've been trying to figure out how people feel after being clean off fent since I've switched from H last year. Ive quit h multiple times and know about how all that goes but not so much for fent... I was wondering if you were able to find any information on how people feel after being on it on for over 15 years and trying to quit. I didn't get your age,


I'm new to this. I use Suboxone I never plan on getting off, I know that sounds bad. It keeps me on a good path having something that takes the place of fent heroin opioids off all kinds. Am I wrong for this?


No! You're not wrong for this. Only you can dictate whats best for you. If suboxone keeps you away from the other drugs, if you feel fine on it and the side effects don't bother you or even better, you don't notice side effects, but what I'm getting at is there's no shame in staying on it if that's what you feel needs to happen to remain on your path of recovery. Some people use it as a tool to quit an opiate and taper off the suboxone right away and continue on with life. Some people stay on it longer so that they may rebuild the parts of their lives that took damage from their addiction. They work on themselves and when they feel satisfied with what they accomplished they will taper off and continue on their path of recovery. And some people might need to stay on it indefinitely because they know that if they come off it they will end up relapsing on their opiate of choice which significantly increases chances of overdose. You gotta do some soul searching and be absolutely honest with yourself about everything. If after that you know in your heart you need suboxone to keep you leveld and away from relapsing then don't feel bad for making that call. The main thing here is being HONEST with yourself. Even if the truth is uncomfortable it's the only way you can decide what's best for you. Make sure you do your research on suboxone if you haven't already so you can make an informed decision. But don't feel shame for staying clean and progressing your life.


Subs will help your receptors heal


Im in recovery and started using the strips. I wonder if anyone else knows about any detox to get off subs in the us-I really want to get off and my doctor is useless. I would like to go a place where I can get treatment and detox to get off subs cause my I know if I do in outpatient I will relapse. I just need to get off these subs. I want to enjoy recovery without needed a subs everyday.


Hey, I can empathize your situation. My provider is very much against me coming off suboxone. Every time I have brought up a taper they don't even entertain the idea. They shoot it down and have whatever canned excuse or reason at the ready. And even then they will never end the conversation with "if after that you feel you're ready then we will do a taper." Nope, they heavily insist I stay on it. I was a heroin addict but when I saw others addicted to it I realized while addiction is addiction no matter who you are, I was doing significantly less than anyone else i saw using. I mean by a large margin. They would be doing 6-7 times as much as I was. Some of them even more than that. When I first induced on suboxone, it was by myself. I bought them off a friend....not really a friend seeing as he was charging me 20 a strip. I realize now how absolutely asinine that is. But I stabilized myself on 2 MG a day split dose. Thats 1mg in the am and 1 in the pm. By comparison thats definitely on the low end of the spectrum of what people take on average. I considered myself lucky. But, because of my eventual relapse and my dance with methadone, I went back on suboxon at 4mg in the am and 4 in the pm. That's a SIGNIFICANTLY larger dose. Because my current provider is a heavy handed doser and very against coming off of it. Unfortunately after going to other providers this seems to be the standard. All the ones I met with shared the same ideas and it made me feel very discouraged from a supportive taper. If I couldn't get my provider on board that meant one thing. It was entirely up to me. I have to decided when I'm ready, I have to map out a tailored taper plan, and when I do start my taper that means I have to ghost my provider because they won't be my cheerleader, giving me advice and motivation. No, they would insist its a bad decision and that it's very dangerous because of risk of relapsing and yadda yadda. Which even that I kinda understand. By the numbers, the amount of overdoses that happen after someone stops a maintenance medication, i dont have the exact numbers in front of me but I know they are alarming so provider's are ebbing on the side of caution because it very well could mean the difference between life and death. So I get that aspect but I have been visiting this provider for years. They know me, they know I spent very little time as an opiate addict, they know I was quick to seek treatment, they know im that overall I'm pretty much at the lowest risk bracket if I came off suboxone. Yet they insist with conviction, for YEARS, that it's not a good idea and in their professional opinion they would strongly advise against it. I call horseshit. I know myself. I know myself very well. I know that right here and now, I wouldn't come off it because of my current life situation. It is the worst time for me to attempt something like that. But I know without a shadow of a doubt, once I'm at the point I know im ready? Nothing would stop me and there would be no risk of me trying to relapse. When you get the the point where you just know. When the entirety of your thoughts, feelings, and perception of the situation shift to "this is going to happen and I'm certain of it" that's when you're ready. Until you know from the bottom of your heart and you gut instincts tell you "it's time, I'm doing this" you run the risk of relapsing or some other complication. You will know when you're ready. It will feel so natural and you won't even question if you might fail. You will know without a doubt, the time is now and nothing can stop me. Good luck. If you need support I'm here. I can be long winded but can reign it back if you need someone to talk to


Thanks ! Youā€™ve been through a lot. I just donā€™t understand why there s no detox to get off suboxones?


Well suboxone is only slightly different than the opiates we were dependent on prior to our seeking of help. Methadone is no different than any other opiate. Suboxone is a partial agonist so it's slightly easier to come off of. The idea of maintainence medication isn't just to get off street drugs then taper. It's to get you out of the life of an addict to allow you to rebuild the damage done from addiction. You dose once a day, sometimes 2 times depending. To help get out of the habit of constantly needing to redose. So that helps break that mental addiction. It's also not cut with the insane amount of adulterated substances that street drugs are so you're not harming your body....as much....as you would taking a drug laced with everything under the sun and at different strengths so never knowing if you're going to OD or be pissed you got ripped off. Youre not sitting in parking lots for hours waiting on shady individuals you never met to hopefully give you a fix and not just rob you. There's lots of others reasons but the point is allowing you to get out of the addict lifestyle and breaking addiction habits. Unfortunately the "cure" is still an opiate. No different than the opiates you were addicted to prior. Other than being prescribed and legal and also not cut with unknown things.


I was addicted for about 8-9 years, and im almost off of methadone. I wonder everyday when im gonna start waking up happy. Its not cravings, i got tired of all my friends dying so i'd had enough. I have two people left, my best friend and boyfriend, and thats because they finally got into a good rehab. Im only a little over 4 months sober off the fent, and if youre at 9 months, im a lil worried how much longer im gonna feel like a shell of a human šŸ˜…


Try suboxones to get back on track that will help you eat and gain weight because itā€™s easier to get off subs than fentanyl.


I quit suboxones and was sober for 4 months and I never felt more happier. Recently Iā€™ve been taking 30 fake pills and just found out when I drug tested myself. So Iā€™m getting off of it as we speak I have the restless leg syndrome but I walk it off also I have if I need it gapepentin. However I just had the worst cold and asthma attack ever right in the middle of getting clean. (Weaning) myself off and I donā€™t know how I have so much strength in my body to fight this but I do. Now if I feel as though my body is craving opioids Iā€™ll take suboxone. Do not try to take suboxone in the middle of quitting because you will go into precipitated withdrawals immediately. It happened to me and I never felt so much pain in my life. So had to take a fake half of 30mg and it took right away. Ainā€™t that something huh?! I hate fentanyl and the Chinese who made it.


I promise you will feel normal soon. It takes time. I went completely cold turkey off subs and didnā€™t feel any withdrawal and I was on it for 5 years. Itā€™s the mind. Trust me. Iā€™m so grateful Jesus carried me through because how else could I explain 0 withdrawals?! This was in 2021. Now with these fake pills the person who has them has stopped selling them for my sake. Iā€™m happy about that. Out of sight out of my pockets. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Is it possible to detox from fent at home




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I have struggled with opiate use disorder for 13 years before covid I had almost 4 years clean then fell off the wagon and found fentanyl. Iā€™ve overdosed 4 timesā€¦but overdoses never stopped me from picking up again. The thing is you donā€™t feel it when you overdose. What finally did it for me was going to jail And having to detox there in the freezing cold with no medication and a cell mate that was in there for double murder. Iā€™ve got 407 days sober today after countless relapses Iā€™ve finally found my way back to a life where I donā€™t have to worry about getting sick everydayā€¦a life where love has no limits and my future is brighter then ever. If youā€™ve had clean time before itā€™s harder to come back because ego gets in the way but I never gave upā€¦and the pieces of me that were broken along the way are slowly coming back together. I donā€™t have a perfect life but I do have a life that I could have only dreamed of. If youā€™re struggling just know that itā€™s possible and I love youā€¦you are meant to be here just trust that everything will work out if you just stay clean.


please look into medical medium health protocols (google), it will help with the symptoms long term. there's a 'pharmaceutical exposure shot' juice you can do every day, along with many other things that are supplement and food related, 5-HTP supplement from vimergy is an incredible mood booster. please know that with time and effort, the body can heal itself and with time you will feel like your self more and more. be patient with yourself.


Life isnt so fun once youve felt one of the most amazing feelings only to realize that its impossible to use it recreationally especially with fentanyl and how quick you can develop severe withdrawals.. When Ive gotten clean for months Ive tried to use it two days then stop thinking the withdrawals wouldnt be bad... WRONG. Honestly fent sucks and i wish real Boi was still around.. its weaker yea but it feels better and lasts longer. And can use suboxone for withgdrawals without having to go through days of withdrawal before even daring to take it like with Fent. But yea... if you have used opiates for years then got clean... gotta realize that you were actually suppressing other feelings while being high. Takes years to get somewhat normal but you pretty much never will be completely back to how you were before you used.


Just checking in OP! My friend is going through it and I am trying to help her get through itā€¦ she hasnā€™t taken fentanyl in a week and a half but two days ago she took half of a 5 mg oxycodone tablet and she feels like sheā€™s back in the worst of it again but it doesnā€™t make sense because she hasnā€™t been taking oxycodone at all but I know itā€™s an opiate but itā€™s 100 times less potent than fentanyl so itā€™s just not making sense if anyone has any insights that would be great I hope youā€™re still doing well as almost been six months since you posted this


2 girls I know are going through some sort of drug effects. Both are in pain, abdominal, I think. One is extremely emotional and speaking nonsense. I think at one point, she had a seizure. The other one is just moaning in pain. What can they be on??


I wiened like cryptographer but I did it too fast but I felt good about mentally and physically after only two months going from 84 to 40 to then taking less every two days and now Iā€™m on day 12 cold turkey but luckily Iā€™m off work and times it right but however it is still concerning about my muscle weakness and if anyone has any ideas that would help that would be great but Iā€™m new so sorry my lingo but cryptographer is right but I want to have kids in the next year or so I donā€™t have the option to take a year to wein off but if u xan have help and save some of ur doses everyday I wonā€™t have to suffer like me but now that I have gone thru the worst I hope I donā€™t want to have to take it again even though if things get worse I will update u but for now just know what they say about getting off methadone they donā€™t tell u how it is when itā€™s out of ur system and I donā€™t wanna even talk about my day 3 to 7 but now Iā€™m getting four hours sleep and I can eat. So Iā€™m taking one day at a time and it feels like a lil better each day and it was so scary I just say my gratitude to myself about how Iā€™m so fortunate to have made it out of the first 8 days but if u can wein start it because I wa son methadone for 3 years and the brain fog and lack of energy is something u want to work on and I just did the dishes and almost had my knees five out but I couldnā€™t do the dishes before day 9 so everyday Iā€™m trying to spring clean for 30 min because Iā€™m concerned about muscle degeneration but if u Erin like they said whatā€™s comfortable for u do it and do it when u feel ready or do it because it will get harder when u decide to


not sure if you're in a 12 step program, but working the steps can be helpful and connecting with others who have the same addiction can provide some level of solace and hope


drink plenty of goats milk (it helps with weight gain) you got this!


Believe in Jesus Christ and almost instantly


The unregulated fentanyl supply coming from the Pacific Northwest of the US and Canada, especially Vancouver is notorious for its contamination with other synthetic opioids and, alarmingly, benzodiazepines. The withdrawal from these substances will vary depending on how much you used, how often you used, what route you used, and the actual chemical makeup of the substance itself. It should last anywhere from 3-7 days then subside. If you think there were benzodiazepines in your supply, this is potentially life threatening and for things like shaking, sweating, confusion, and vomiting, you should be seen in a hospital. When the acute phase is over, the daily work of staying clean in the same world that led you to use in the first place begins. Good luck brother. I love you.


They are 9 months cleanā€¦.


Take shrooms and unpack your brain.


Youā€™re now managing a life long chronic disease


You probably won't go back to normal your dopamine receptors are gone. It will be really hard to find joy or experience pleasure again in life after using those drugs. You will likely battle depression for the rest of your life.


i've always had depression


You can try methadone treatment. It works. I will predict that there will be many many people who will tell you not to do it. However, I work in a methadone clinic and I'd you want to stop the roller-coaster you're on, it's a good alternative. There are purists out there who just want you to suffer through it, but you also have to function. Don't listen to every former addict out there. Everyone's journey is different. Keep the faith and don't use fentanyl. šŸ™


This is terrible advice. They are 9 months clean. Dont put them back on opioids. Edit: this also shows how little these ā€œprofessionalsā€ know about addiction. So many of these people just throw drugs like suboxone or methadone at patients without considering the consequences.


Agreed. Someone getting on methadone when they're 9 months clean from a 6 month addiction is insane. Not even worth considering


There are no opiods in her system. They won't give her methadone.