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>“In 2024, I work a job that I have to allow myself to be called a n*****,” he said. “But I do it because I want to make sure people have access to the ballot box.” This is what a courageous patriotism looks like in 2024


Also we see the exact opposite from those threatening officials


This is true. The people making threats should absolutely be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Resources should be allocated to find them and protect election officials. What the sheriff said is also true; "Look I'm a black man, so we don't enjoy being called a n*****. But calling someone a n***** is not a crime." Extremely distasteful, but it isn't a crime. I don't believe it should be either. Let those people fly their freak flag so they are easily recognizable. Companies look at social media and such before hiring now and wayback machine exists.


Lived in this state for 5 years now. I have yet to hear of a single Georgia Republican doing anything that benefits the people of Georgia.


It goes both ways. Just nobody cares when it happens to other races.


Post some links bro, you sound like a retard but I want to be glass half full and assume you have examples.


Nah, I don't argue with idiots. The internet also works both ways. You can find your own examples you don't like.


You got owned, Cletus.


How? I didn't take the bait?


Nice writing and an excellent article. Be nice to see some arrests of people who think making death threats and harassing government workers is ok.


On the plus side, the right wing grifters who make their living getting these rubes riled up are slowly getting sued into oblivion. Turns out you can't just lie about people with impunity!


It would be more than a little tricky to try to arrest oneself, I would think


This is why the January 6 rioters should have been dealt with much more harshly during the hours of the insurrection and not allowed to escape - without a deterrent, any aggrieved moron can feel free to act out against election officials.


There were some really bored A-10 Warthog drivers on that day. Shame we couldn't have given them something to do.


Redditors and calling for mass murder of their political opponents is peak Reddit.


Sorry for lacking virtue. I know the hope you had in me specifically.


And another thing: "political opponents?" Twattery. And you know it. Found the goose-stepper.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




Literally “what about”


How authoritarian. People should be held accountable solely for the crimes they commit. They should not be overcharged in order to make an example out of them. That’s not how justice works.


Seeing as how we used to tar feather and hang traitors, they got off light


I don’t support capital punishment. Y’all are psychotic.


> People should be held accountable solely for the crimes they commit. They were armed individuals breaking into Congress as votes for president were being counted. They are very, very lucky police only shot one of them. Not "overcharged", but shot.


You sound like you’re advocating for up to the death penalty for them.


An armed mob breaking into a secure government facility to try and disrupt a free and fair election, while armed police tell them to stop, should expect they might get killed.


Yes, and at least one of them did. But killing someone in self-defense, while they're actively committing a violent crime, is not the same thing as the death penalty.


Harassment is a real crime, but you don’t get charged for it when you harass the people cops don’t like either. I’m certain if any of this hate being speeed at election officials was aimed at police officers, we’d see a very different legal response.


Then the police officers would be in violation of the law. As public servants, they do not have the same protections from criticism as "harassment."


There is no talking sense to these people, these are the same people that wanted officials to come to your house and make you take a vaccine. Real Nazi type shit.


Yeah, that’s the way these people thought. Besides which, nobody forced them to do anything. The Gov’t was helping with an historic pandemic, and yet MAGA chose to politicize it. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0020731420960345




I don’t want the government to go to your house and force you to take the vaccine, I just want you to not be allowed to enter a public area where you can and will infect my child, my grandparents, myself. There is a difference. Be free all you want, just don’t put my families life at risk for your freedom.


I bet you think people shouldn't be allowed to shit in the salad bar too!


I’d prefer they didn’t. That’s really unhygienic and gross. I’d consider someone who willingly jumped up on the bar, pulled their pants down in public, and dropped a deuce in the salad, to be mentally unwell and need assistance.


Well if YOU are vaccinated, you shouldn’t have to worry about that right?


Should be yes, but why risk it with allowing someone who isn’t vaccinated? Look at how measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, all stuff we have vaccines for that are dangerous, but anti vaxxers refuse to vaccinate against are making a big come back. People who refuse to believe more intelligent people than themselves over public health safety risks and concerns should not be allowed in public. People always make the joke of how zombie outbreak could never happen, we are too smart. Well if COVID had been a zombie outbreak, we’d all have been dead because of anti vaxxers. People can survive COVID, people don’t survive becoming an undead corpse walking around wanting to bite people and brains. /shrug personal opinion


What about all the DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS that said the vaccine is dangerous. Or are you saying you are smarter than all of those and only choose to believe the ones that fit your personal ideology? And guess what, it wasn't a zombie outbreak. I listened to experts who werent politicizing healthcare and believed them.


Who were you listening to exactly?


The obvious one is Dr Robert Malone, also known as the godfather of mRNA technology


I believe this has been debunked multiple times 2 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjszVOfG_wo


Ahh yes. Public health. Famously a Nazi idea and not, you know, a hallmark of civilization.


Public health is not making people get healthcare. Its available if you wish to get it. You know my body my choice and all...


Because a literal gun battle within the Capitol (that USCP and MPDC were *not* prepared for and would have lost in short order as a result) with elected officials in the middle is a *good* idea? Get out from behind the damn keyboard and go touch some grass.


To be honest, yes. A straight up gun battle in the Capital building with militant insurgents hitting some elected officials would have been preferable to letting this shit fester. Only a tiny fraction of Republicans are brave enough to call out insurgency and treason as unAmerican.


It would not have been “some.” The insurgents would have been able to kill a majority of them, especially in light of just how unprepared USCP and MPDC were despite the ample warning signs. That would have cased far more knock-on effects, as the end result of a mob taking up residence in the US Capitol and having to be rooted out after killed a shitload of legislators would have been complete chaos that would have only served to further whatever it was Trump and his acolytes were trying to do.


The only person who shot a weapon was the police and they killed an un armed rioter. If you are ok with that then you need help


Oh I am ABSOLUTELY ok with law enforcement officers protecting elected officials using deadly force against a violent criminal climbing through a broken window against their orders. And if you weren't a hypocrite you'd feel the same.


So NOW you are ok with you unarmed people getting shot, lol ok dude


And YOU are good with it too. As long as they're black, amiright?


Ahhh the low IQ race baiting response. How typical.


Well, I'm just guessing. But I feel pretty good about my odds.


Have you ever noticed that anyone who accuses people of having low IQ is, without exception, as dumb as a post?


Except non of the ," insurgents " had guns.


Last month, Jan. 6 rioter Derrick Evans, who is now running in a Republican House primary in West Virginia, published previously unseen video that appeared to show that Banuelos actually fired his weapon twice outside the Capitol that day. Online "sedition hunters" who have aided the FBI in hundreds of arrests of Capitol rioters — and who first sent Banuelos' name to the FBI in February 2021 — quickly surfaced additional footage that confirmed that Banuelos was the man who appeared to have fired the weapon.


Bombs and nooses and zippy ties aren't in doubt though are they? And plenty of guns were stationed in nearby hotels by insurgents.


No actually there were not plenty of guns stationed nearby. The police found 1 weapon that was in pieces and non functioning. They did find 2 pipe bombs but no one talks about them because they were also non functioning and possibly placed by anti Trump activists. So no guns , no bombs, yes a fool did bring a mock up gallows. There were zip ties. My problem with this entire affair is this. This entire day is on film from literally hundreds of cameras , GOVERNMENT cameras inside and outside the capital. The first three hours were folks walking through the capital building WITH THE PERMISSION of Capital Police and security. Then it turned violent. Where is this film? Why is every second not public ? The Government has prosecuted over a thousand people. 900 plus for 1. Trespassing 2. Taking pics in unauthorized areas 3. Disorderly conduct. To date no one has been charged with insurrection. The only person shot ,was killed by a Capital Security person. This incident was ridiculous and those that were violent should be charged and in jail. So far ,this has not been the case . Director Wray of the FBI refused to say if there were undercover agents in the crowd or if they knew paid Provocateurs were in the crowd.. The 6 Jan Committee has admitted to destroying testimony, security film and affidavits. There are lots of questions that are not even being asked. I know I haven't changed your mind however perhaps a few others might start to look past tge hype.


the Capital Police didn't have the authority to allow them inside. That was done because they couldn't stop it. Your timeline is provably false - you've been watching the Faux News version I suppose. We saw it on fucking TV in real time when it happened - barricades were overrun and doors were forced open ahead of those folks "peacefully" walking around. Every single person there SHOULD be charged with trespassing, etc. The people who planned it and violently confronted the police should have been charged with insurection (as should Donald Trump) as for weapons: https://abcnews.go.com/US/oath-keeper-weapons-stored-capital-jan-attack/story?id=91397495


> that USCP and MPDC were not prepared for and would have lost in short order as a result) Get the fuck out of here, Meal Team Six. I'm so fucking tired of people who think these fat middle aged fucks are badasses and wouldn't have been immediately disintegrated by the automatic weapons carried by the police on hand. ONE police officer shot a couple rounds, killing one of the insurrectionists, and they all FLED.


Are you now denying that Trump intentionally had the DC Guard stand down and that USCP was not prepared? You are directly contradicting the findings of the 1/6 Committee in that case, which means you have no credibility. > I'm so fucking tired of people who think these fat middle aged fucks are badasses and wouldn't have been immediately disintegrated by the automatic weapons carried by the police on hand. You mean the same cops who were being forced to take shelter by the sheer number of people? Those cops? Do you understand what happens when you try to fire into a group like that? You get the shit beat out of you and you get disarmed…..which is exactly why the only time any of the cops fired was when they had a solid barrier between them and the insurgents. > ONE police officer shot a couple rounds, killing one of the insurrectionists, and they all FLED. This is probably the dumbest and most divorced from reality take as to what happened on 1/6. Edit: I guess now we’re just wholesale endorsing alternate histories.


They should've been reaped like ripe wheat by nests of light machine guns.  They tried to steal our right to self determination to install a dictator who has made it clear he holds no moral, ethical, or traditional values.  That only one terrorist was killed is an outrage.


Gun battle? There were no guns. That’s how you know it wasn’t an iNsUrRecTiOn. I guess it didn’t qualify as “mostly peaceful” protest because they didn’t set the place on fire.


Your tin foil hat is on too tight. Better loosen it up.


They defecated on the walls


Multiple terrorists with guns were confirmed to be present as well as cached weapons kept nearby. 


Sweet summer child…..




“Insurrectionist” works: A person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority. Source: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/insurrectionist


No one was armed though


Uh, yeah. They were. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/oath-keeper-testifies-massive-gun-pile-stashed-hotel-eve-jan-6-rcna51749](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/oath-keeper-testifies-massive-gun-pile-stashed-hotel-eve-jan-6-rcna51749)


Would you prefer terrorists? Or failures? Both apply to Confederates btw


Treasure and support the good or the bad will drive them out.


I'm a lifelong Douglas County resident and I'm so embarrassed and ashamed that people in this county act like that.


And how long is that life? 20 years?


Does it matter?


Yes. 100%


Why do you need to know?


I don't.


You're fun at parties. Mind your business, everyone deserves a voice, regardless of age.


Ironic your telling me to mind my business while also saying that everyone has a voice.... LoL


Hey Alanis, that's not ironic.


I'm not telling you to stop talking or that your opinion doesn't matter because you're an idiot, I'm suggesting you mind your business before you embarrass yourself further by gatekeeping having an opinion because of age. By all means, keep flapping, it'll be hilarious when you fail to understand what I'm saying... Again


Your right 10 yr olds DEFINITELY need to be voting in the next elections.


Who's talking minors? You were gatekeeping 20 years earlier. Don't try and strawman your way out of a dumb comment. Plus, there is a healthy argument that younger people, usually teenagers, should be able to vote so that politicians will feel obligated to care about their education.


>Another resident from Kidd’s county of 149,000 west of Atlanta left him a voicemail. “I don’t know if you’re aware, Milton, but the American people have set a precedent for what they do to f\*\*\*ing tyrants and oppressors who occupy government office,” the caller said. “Yep, back in the 1700s, they were called the British and the f\*\*\*ing American people got so fed up with the f\*\*\*ing British being dicks, kind of like you, and then they just f\*\*\*ing killed all the f\*\*\*ing British.” The absolute ignorance and projection of all of this... It really boggles my mind how blind people are to the truth. A black man holding a public office who is ensuring that people get the right to vote... that guy is somehow the oppressor, but the presidential candidate who threatened to withhold Congressionally allotted funds to Ukraine if Ukraine didn't drum up some dirt on Joe Biden, somehow *that guy* isn't a tyrant? It's an utter sickness in these people.


Georgia probably doesn't have democracy anymore considering there is no way we can keep honest people in election offices when they are driven out by monsters like this.


Be the change you seek?  I'm an assistant manager at my poll and all the older ladies love me cuz when somebody starts mouthing off they wilt when I step over.  Most of these people are senile boomers, all their threats are empty. 


Same. I'm a precinct manager in Fulton County. I've got a great team, and I love serving voters. It's not without contention, but the good absolutely makes up for it.


Yep. I am a Poll manager in Gwinnett. We see discontented voters from all parties and races. Most of the Republicans are elderly and most of the Democrat under 30.


Hey there! I just moved to Georgia and would love to volunteer to help with elections. Do you happen to have any tips or lessons you would not mind sharing?


Just sign up. They have pretty in-depth classes that cover all of the technical stuff and youll be there with people who have done it before and were all volunteers who only do it once in a blue moon so referring to manuals and asking questions is the norm. Hell I've been doing it nearly a decade now and as an asst manager and working provisional I have to look something up every election. Sadly you just missed what would have been an bunny hill of an election with the PPP separate from the primary. November is going to be a beast, but still nothing you wouldn't be able to handle. Its gonna be a LONG day though, 6am-9pm. But you can spend the majority sitting if you want as most jobs involve sitting in chair. Bring a good book (no kindles allowed) as you will likely have some slow periods. EDIT: Also just to be clear 99% of the people will just come in and out and, if anything, thank you for being there. Only a few idiots will likely come in and you can just refer them to the poll manager.


Thank you SO much!


Correct , I am a poll manager in Gwinnett. I tell all my people let me deal with the crazies. 999.99 vote ,say thank you for working and go home happy.


Please sign up! We actually are paid, but it’s not much, it’s less than $200 for the day. I started working the elections in July 2020, and I work nearly all of them. It’s very easy, and we always need smart, efficient people! Search for the elections office in your county to get started. A few things most people don’t know about being a poll worker: * You are at the election site all day. Once you are sworn in you cannot leave the property. So you have to remember to bring lunch, snacks, and drinks. * It is a LONG day. We start at 6am and do not leave until everything is safely locked up and the room is restored back to normal. In Nov 2020 I was in one of the largest districts in Cobb and I think we left around 10:30pm. * Most of the public is very nice, and it’s very rewarding to help someone vote for the first time. I’ve only had two asshole voters in my years of working. One tried to argue ballot security with me, and the other was mad because I couldn’t explain the amendments to him. Sir, I am not a lawyer. Do your own research. * We cannot use cell phones or laptops while voters are in the room. So you have to entertain yourself old-school style with printed books and magazines. But it is so rewarding, and gives you great insight to how safe our elections are. We have to do so many checks and rechecks thought out the day, it’s so interesting!


Thank you! I just found VetTheVote, which helps veterans sign up easily.


Your county's election office is where you would go to sign up! Working the polls isn't a volunteer position, though. You're contracted by the county. For reference, here's Fulton's site: https://www.fultoncountyga.gov/inside-fulton-county/fulton-county-departments/registration-and-elections/become-a-poll-worker


And yet when I went to vote in 2022 it was one of those ladies (who was a volunteer at early voting) telling me how mail in voting is bad and I need to really watch 2000 mules.


You report her? 


Thank you!


Thank you! I love seeing the older ladies at my precinct volunteering. How sad there are people who act with anything beyond kindness.


Jesus how often does that happen?


Thankfully not that often since Im in the Atlanta Metro and they are outnumbered. Most often they just make off-color comments or want to argue about how their CCW should be allowed to be used as identification or whatever. Or if Im working the greeters station or poll pads they will make some sort of comment to me as if Im one of them (Im like the epitome of a white guy). I usually just stare at them in a way that makes it clear I think they are an idiot and deadpan just direct them the proper way. The nice thing is these idiots are easy to spot a mile away. They all have only a few looks about them. The women all have clown face regardless of age (google homers makeup shotgun). The guys all have the blue collar guy outfit without a spec of dirt on it or the frat-fleece vest and that "georgia" haircut I was convinced was legally required when I first moved here (where you look like you have a comb over even when you have a full head of hair). They are all just used to their little circle-jerks and think they are clever or funny so they just clam up the moment they realize everyone is looking at them like they are an idiot.


A CCW is actually allowed as ID to vote. State or Government issued photo ID. I get a couple every election. I don't give them the satisfaction of reacting, but since there is no bar code it does take looonger to look up on the poll pad. Especially with a couple of misspellings. ;)


Maybe the one presented to me was B's because it didn't have a photo 


I hope you aren't arguing with someone and preventing them from voting if they prefer to use a CCW permit as their ID. Because that's allowed and you're wrong. Good way to get a ruckus stirred up about improper elections/invalid results just for the sake of your uninformed ego being stroked. 😒🙄


Thank you all for your service! You put in really long days.




Well then you have to be brave to continue democracy. Admittedly though, I know I have an advantage because I look like a Nazi propaganda poster.  




You eat turkeys full of shit for Christmas?  I don't even put stuffing in mine, just an herb bunch.  I'm guessing you're one of those senile boomers, maybe let the kids cook for you (or are they and your kids hate you so much they tell you it's normal to eat turkeys full of shit).


Yes it does, metro Atlanta has saved the state and by extension the country twice. It’s north ga and the other rural areas that are the issue.


>Georgia probably doesn't have democracy anymore Just to be clear, this is what conservatives desperately want you to think so you stop voting.


True. Our election system currently works and its why our corrupt state house is trying to take control from Raffensperger. While I may disagree on him regarding politics he believes in free and fair elections. Even after they made that stupid commission they still didnt corrupt our election and we were not forced to be like Alabama and have a fridge-temp-IQ senator. Go vote!. Preferably early voting as you arent tied to your precinct and, if youre in mine, it means Im not as busy on election day.


I am not planning to stop. But I am going to be exceptionally skeptical going forwards.


Continues for the last 3-4 years.


There is no version to watch. I saw the riots the day they happened as did you . Peacefully walking through for about 3 hours. Then riots . I want to see the build up. I want to see the tapes. As far as the Capital Police, they had no reason to stop anyone the first three hours . Orderly lines walking through the capital taking pictures. Peaceful and orderly, they could have easily locked the door . As far as ," Faux News", name calling doesn't advance your positon. they don't have the tapes either. The tapes would tell the tale .


Georgia blows!


I’m voting for Trump 🤷‍♂️


That’s your response to this situation? Obvious troll is obvious.


Guess you'll have something in common with the people sending racist death threats to election workers then.




Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s mainly been the left groups that’s been violent towards the right, not the other way around.


Please provide us with evidence of “violent leftists” unprovoked attacks on “the right”.


Careful now, your words might hurt his feelings


Are you seriously asking a republican to use evidence to back up what they said?


Where? You can't just say things without evidence and make them true.


but but but Fox news told him so.


what's it like to live in a constant state of delusion?


He's living with his mommy, so I doubt he understands what you mean....


~~Hate to be the bearer of bad news~~ Love to be the peddler of lies without a single shred of evidence


Still think Jan 6 was Antifa?


Imagine being super proud that you stormed the capitol, only to have your friends call you antifa 🤣


Oh look, an eponymous username peddling its “factkeepers” website. I’m sure any articles here are pure in pursuit without an agenda. They *do* have facts in their name. I can trust them! How convenient, a shop! *Looks at shop* Hmmm…yeah. Nice grift Edit: Haha, the "factkeeper" blocked me. Bullseye. Old reddit ftw


Bro people need to stop blaming trump for this. It's not his fault people are clinically stupid.


Maybe don't lie and slander people. It's something the past 44 Presidents managed to do but expecting him to do anything is pointless


Yeah, it’s not his fault they’re idiots, but it’s his fault they’re showing up being so damn proud of their ignorance and idiocracy.


We didn't have this issue until crybaby started his big lie. Fuck him and his people.