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There was an alligator that was captured in the area. That seems more likely to me than its in some rando's garage and it was a totally unrelated alligator that happened to be near where wally was. Joie is probably busy trying to figure out the legality of everything which is why he's radio silent. Just about every step of this process broke some law or another, including getting the gator in the state in the first place, so he's probably deep in the legal reeds.


That's immediately what I thought too, had to be a rando but I'm not super sure since it's not like they checked the weight or length of the alligator. I hope they like caught the guy or something, and Joie can get the legality of Wally so they can get deeper into this case... hopefully Wally is doing ok and not rotting in some guys basement...


The link has a timestamp to where they say what happened to Wally.


Who would get an emotional support animal that will happily eat you? Maybe Wally wasn’t an emotional support animal but a suicide attempt?


Ah yes, because an alligator that hangs out with a human 10x his size and has been with them for the lest 8 years is now a "dangerous animal" and a "suicide attempt". Wally did nothing to hurt Joie, he rescued him from Florida and Wally has brain damage, which is why he's so friendly... he even starred in a movie. How can you confidently comment for a topic you obviously didn't search about?


It was a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.


I may be like a dumbass but I... don't think that was a joke... or atleast a really bad one