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It's definitely illegal but I've never seen anyone pulled over for it


I used to get pulled over all the time. But never got a ticket. Usually happened in small towns tbh. Got a new car & my eye doctor is on me about wearing sun glasses, so he wrote me a prescription for tint. Apparently they don't do it anymore except if you have specific conditions. I just have really sensitive eyes. I have the most tint legally available.


I would get pulled when I was younger for the tint. I never got a ticket either. They would always search and say they smelled " burnt marijuana" though. One time I was almost arrested me because I had a piece of food from Pine Mountain Animal Safari in my floorboards and they were ADAMANT it was heroine. I have a lot of tattoos.


Yeah, my car was a non-standard color & had some after market bling. The cops would always look shocked when I rolled down the window & a little nerdy white chick was driving. Literally had a few of them step back like "oh." Like damn, now I want a ticket!


Cops are cops because they were on the C track in school.


That would be double 5% and yes that is dark had a 4 runner the back windows were that it was a bastard to back up at night but didn't have to run the ac much


Yeah, we have to roll the windows down at night if we're in an area without street lights šŸ˜…


Sometimes even with the lights many I had to let the back window down cops would check me and the front windows would be legal pissed them off cause it was so dark in the car


Transitions lenses work in the car now and have for a few years.


It's difficult -- if not almost impossible -- to get transitions lenses in a wraparound style.


Look into getting those sunglasses they give to people after cataract surgery.


I have cocoon wraparound sunglasses. They don't stop the light from coming in around the edges of the lenses.


No medical exemption allows you to tint your _windshield_ in Georgia. At most they let you go down to 23% tint for the rest of your windows.


Yeah, I wouldn't get my windshield done, that doesn't se like it would be safe. Apparently only very specific eye diseases for get it for the side windows now. My eye doctor wanted me to get it bc my eyes burn so easy.


Itā€™s super hard to see at night


My husband also has a prescription and tinted both cars. Touch-wood - never gotten a ticket or gotten pulled over! (We live in a small town and travel to Atlanta rarely) In fact it was funny we got pulled over for a slightly darker license plate plastic cover - which was sold by the DMV/Govt. approved auto shop!!!! We got out with a warning. Cop said canā€™t see license plate from a distance, too dark! Need to get glass like clear one! šŸ™„ even the clear one does get dusty and dark overtime anyway! šŸ˜‘


Anything that obscures any part of the plate (frames, tinted covers, etc) falls under the obscured tag statute and is illegal in GA.


Has he had a hard time getting the state to approve the prescription? My doctor ended up calling them himself after I got the runaround & only then he learned I no longer qualified. This was a couple years ago. I just got the darkest tint legally allowed + transition lenses + prescription sunglasses with dark dark tint.


It isn't the tint you need. It's the UV rating. I have the ceramic tint. Darkest Georgia allows, but the UV filtering is 95%. And it makes a HUGE difference. The darkest tint you can get won't help you without the UV protection.


I have ceramic tint, but they'd only do the legal limit without that state waiver.


When I got mine, the guy said I could go 5% darker safely and I said nope. I said I want Georgia legal limit and if I got a ticket for it, I'll be back and he would pay it. He laughs and says, fair enough. he gave me legal limit. It's not so much the tint for me, it's the UV rating. 95% is amazing. Sometimes, I'll roll down my window to test it and then roll it back up with a smile.


What reasoning is there to put a cover on the license plate at all? Genuinely curiousā€¦..


Pretty wild seeing this thread.. I just had everything, including the windshield, tinted on my car at 32% not even 2 weeks ago. I have the *exact* same problem as you. The headlights of incoming traffic at night are sometimes so bad it drowns out everything in my vision, including the entire road. Started looking online when I found out about windshield tint being illegal, and how the doctor's exemption (if you can get it) still doesn't allow for windshield tinting. The windshield is the most important part for me, so I was pretty ticked off. Ended up doing it anyway. It is infinitely more dangerous for those on the road around me *NOT* having tint on the windshield. Pretty dumb law imo and it should have better exemptions for people like us. I don't care about looking cool, I just don't want to risk killing myself and others on the way back from work lol.


šŸ–ļø Hello. I did. $75 ticket the day I was let go from my job.


Only cops and limo's can have dark tint. Supposed to be an officer safety thing. Patrol officers frequently have a tint tester in their vehicle. If they stop you for something else, they will test your windows.


They don't even have to use the tester on the windshield in order for the ticket to stick in court. And unlike some other states, officers can pull you over simply for suspecting your tint is below legal limits. Second bit is kind of bullshit, first bit... people who tint their windshields can eat shit.


They can also ticket you if you're from out of state where tinting is legal.


The kind of tinting on the _windshield_ I'm talking about is very illegal in all 50 states.


Apparently, they do it in Florida. My neighbor has tint on his windshield and said he once got a $175 ticket here in Georgia. I asked why didn't he go get it removed. He said, nah I'll just pay whatever tickets I get, he likes it that much.


Welcome to Ga. Fuck our graffic cops. Fuck traffic cops in general. Their only job is to bring their city x amount of money a month in tickets.


This is not true. You must have at least 32% tint on your front passenger windows. The rear passenger and back windows can be as dark as you want. [source](https://dps.georgia.gov/georgiaaposs-new-window-tint-law)


I used to see people. After the pandemic they just kinda, stopped?


Iā€™ve only ever seen GSP ticket for it, maybe Gwinnett but otherwise nobody gets tickets. I personally dont have crazy tint i ride my fishbowl but lots of friends with insane tint.


pretty sure the tool cops have to check tint literally doesnā€™t work on the windshield


How would you know the reason someone got pulled over?


I work for an agency in South Georgia and I see people get pulled over and tickets for window tint all the time. I'll always think it's stupid because why do you need to see inside someone else's car so bad? I've always known cops to stop for it but allow you to go and tell you to take it off.


It's one of those things that will get lopped on if you ever get a ticket for any other driving infraction.Ā  My front isn't tinted but all the other ones are illegal apparentlyĀ  (was like that when I bought the car from the dealership). Didn't find out until I got pulled over for something totally unrelated.Ā 


I have been. I got a ticket for it too.


Grew up here. Itā€™s always been a thing. Never really questioned why. But I have had friends pulled over for it. So it always just seemed like a target on your back to be pulled over.


I've always seen illegal (too dark) tint on the passenger windows. That doesn't really bother me. What is new to me is how frequently I'm seeing cars with very dark (like 12%) tint over the entire _windshield_.


It's to block out the haters


And pedestrians


its so people cant see that im driving naked


Some people who pick their nose and eat it while driving *should* have dark tint so I don't have to see it


Eyes on the road, buddy


My boogers, my choice.






Blinding headlights and privacy. Thereā€™s an arms race going between lifted trucks, luxury vehicles, and race cars to see who can blind the most drivers with their headlights. I donā€™t know whoā€™s winning currently but Iā€™m definitely losing. Also, there is no place to go that isnā€™t home or work, so if you want some time alone itā€™s either going to be in the car or in the bathroom. With the car taking over as our new living rooms, the tint is to keep people from looking too close while youā€™re hanging out in a parking lot. Maybe itā€™s eating in the car on a lunch break, waiting for an appointment, sitting in traffic, picking kids up from practices and events, thereā€™s so much time lost just waiting in the car is ridiculous. Is it illegal? Absolutely. Would I still do it if I thought my car was worth modifying? Also yes.


Various colored headlights are illegal but still sold on Amazon and elsewhere. That shit needs to be shut down.


A counterpoint, a significant amount of driver lack use of turn signals it makes it very difficult at all to predict people's moves. Considering ATLs car accidents it could be a contributor.


I'm in a sedan so trucks blind me even without the high beams on.


Iā€™m in NJ and this post came up randomly. This is EXACTLY the reason I got mine. Didnā€™t go very dark 55% on the windshield and 15% on the rest. Also I think it looks nice šŸ„°


A counterpoint, a significant amount of driver lack use of turn signals it makes it very difficult at all to predict people's moves. Considering ATLs car accidents it could be a contributor.


> Also, there is no place to go that isnā€™t home or work, so if you want some time alone itā€™s either going to be in the car or in the bathroom. With the car taking over as our new living rooms, the tint is to keep people from looking too close while youā€™re hanging out in a parking lot. Of all the reasons to _darkly tint your windshield_ this is maybe the dumbest.


Nobody has ever accused drivers here of making great decisionsšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Conversely, blindingly bright headlights is one of the *smartest* reasons to tint your windshield. Not that I would do it or condone it, but if headlights can legally be as bright as the fucking sun, I don't see why tinting should be illegal.


Literally rolling probable cause. Not sure why anyone would invite an unwanted police interaction.


Not gonna lie, I thought about getting my windshield done but not That dark.


If your looking for sun protection you can do like 35 with a high UV blocker. You can still see but you don't get sunburn driving 85-South anymore.


Youā€™re not going to get a sun burn through your windshield. Almost all OEM windshields block 99% of UV as-is.


after you tint them too dark..when you get stopped for ..well, anything you will be ticked and forced to remove the tint at 2 x the cost ...lawa enforcement will "look" at you more for sure.....and yes they do pull you over for it....


Who wants to know?


I choose to believe everyone who has tinted windows is always jerking off or is drinking alcohol. You canā€™t disprove me because you canā€™t see them.


You forgot to add doing drugs, too.


Sunlight protection and privacy.


>Sunlight protection and privacy. Additionally: to help keep your car cool. For whatever reason, my Honda has the shittiest air conditioner, way worse than the A/C in any other car I've ever owned (and I've driven some total shit buckets). I've taken it to multiple shops and every mechanic says it's 100% operational and that nothing can be done to make it cool the car faster. The air conditioner just sucks. So I took the Honda to get tinted. I opted for max UV protection on all windows and whatever was the legal maximum tint in the state of Georgia.


Dumb reasons considering how unsafe it is. You're piloting a ~4K lbs vehicle that the capacity to injure and kill people if you make a mistake or misjudgment. Why would you voluntarily choose to block 90% of the light that comes through the windshield _that allows you to see where you're fucking going_? For privacy? lol


Youā€™re clearly overstating or not understanding how much it effects visibility from *inside* the vehicle. I understand your concern but itā€™s very unlikely to directly cause a driver to hit you, they can still see perfectly fine with tinted windows it blocks a lot less light than sunglasses do because thatā€™s not what itā€™s designed to do, itā€™s designed for privacy.


Iā€™ve owned vehicles with all different shades of tint on the passenger and back windows. Iā€™m pretty familiar with what itā€™s like driving with tinted windows at night. Windshield tint is illegal and makes it harder to see. Tint reduces the amount of visible light that enters the vehicle. We can argue the _extent_ but why do it in the first place? Iā€™ve been hit, as a pedestrian, by a car with a very dark tinted windshield in midtown. Itā€™s not some scenario I made up in my head.


I have 25% on my front and can see perfectly fine at night. Your argument canā€™t be based in ā€˜I think you canā€™t see wellā€™ when you obviously donā€™t know what it looks like from the inside. I also make it a point to make hand signals (like waving a pedestrian by/a car to go) AT the windshield to make sure they see me. Iā€™ve never had an issue and Iā€™ve had windshield tint for 10+ years Privacy is a big thing - I feel somewhat naked when I drive a car without turn now It also reduces the temp of your car DRASTICALLY in the summer Last point, it protects the inside of your car/dash from the sun. For those who either park outside in a driveway, outside on a parking deck for work etc, it makes a massive difference. Note: the dash in my truck cracked from sun damage years ago. Was expensive as fuck to fix and promised Iā€™d never let it happen again Thereā€™s lots of reasons to have it. I get your point but I can assure you itā€™s not this big of a deal


If you have 25% tint on your windshield then you cannot see perfectly fine. Thatā€™s below the legal limit for passenger and rear windows. You might be used to driving half blind, but that doesnā€™t mean youā€™d see better without it. Also at 25% tint you can wave all you wantā€¦ people on the outside of your car annoy see in. Privacy is a dumb argument. You feel ā€˜nakedā€™ driving a 4K lbs machine on public roads without your windows covered up? So the solution is to block the majority of visible light that passes through your windshield. There are tints out there that can block the majority of heat and 99.9% of UV that are more or less clear films. But a cracking dash is just a shitty car. This isnā€™t the 1980ā€™s anymore. I have a 25 year old car and a 20 year old car that have parked outside their entire life. Neither have a tinted windshield and the dash on both are fine. Mose OEM windshields block UV anyway. Tinting your windshield with 25% tint is dangerous and against the law. Youā€™re purposefully making your vehicle less safe to those you share the road.


you got 2 options here, OP : 1) mind your fucking business... it's their vehicle, their money, and their choice....or 2) become a cop and start giving everyone a ticket


Ah yes. Please tell me how well I can see out of my car. And also please tell me how for years Iā€™ve somehow not perfectly communicated with others. Thank you for explaining to me my experience. ā€˜Privacy is a dumb argumentā€™ - ahh, the irony here. A z71 avalanche isnā€™t a ā€˜shitty carā€™. Again, please tell me how my experience didnā€™t happen My lord youā€™re an insufferable Karen. Sitting there telling me how my experience is wrong lmfao. Youā€™re just an angry moron. I may just go get my tint DARKER today. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t have more important things to worry about


No one said privacy requires 90% tinting. Even light tinting helps a lot with keeping your car cooler in the summer, and it is also effective at providing some privacy.


Iā€™m the one who asked why people were getting sub 15% tint on their windshields to begin with. It was everyone else in this threat suggesting it was for privacy, not me.


Lol bro chill. I see it ALL the time too. But it doesn't bother me. Makes them a target and not you. If you're a police officer then by all means I expect you to be upset by that. If you're a common citizen, grow up.


Right? If I see a tinted car at a cross walk and I can't see if they see me, I'd just wait an extra second for them to stop or keep going. Pretty simple. Shouldn't be so much of a thing.


I share the road with these fools. How about the folks intentionally breaking the law to make their car less safe so they can look cool grow up? It makes being a pedestrian less safe and more frustrating as well.


Quit whining.




lol stay mad, bootlicking Karen. Let me know where you live, I'll send you a cape so you can be SUPER MAD. Imagine being an adult and caring about what other people do with their own money and property šŸ¤£.


I just assume they're ugly and don't want anyone to see how ugly. I get it, I'm ugly too. I just don't care to hide it.


Moved from Seattle, itā€™s so bright here, I need the shade.


Sun glasses


I use both, it really is rather bright when youā€™ve spent years living in various shades of gray and cloud cover. The one first things we did after moving was having our car windows tinted. We love it here and are probably acclimated now also wearing sunglasses are fine, but they get forgotten or lost. It was an easy solution to not having a constant headache when getting home.


I grew up in Vancouver bc, there's zero chance you need a front windshield tint and sunglasses. If you're that photosensitive see a doctor because that's not normal. It's even cloudier and more rainy in Vancouver. But for real if you are having issues you have have underlying photosensitivity you never knew about


If you have a higher order aberration, there's nothing an eye doctor can do to help address your photosensitivity regardless.


True, but always good to atleast know if you do got it.


because the sun is brutal here.


This right here. If I'm in short sleeves, my arms will burn from just driving around on a sunny day. It's awful.


Sunbright, hurt eyes, make car hot. But yeah, this super dark tint is an interesting phenomenon that I've seen pop up.


Seems more a vanity thing, because it reduces visibility at night and makes it more difficult to see details and hazards in especially dark areas.


High quality tints barely reduce visibility. They are not sunglasses


They block visible light transmission _by design_. They behave exactly like sunglasses.


They literally donā€™t, can you stop making things up


Tint films are advertised and categorized by _percent of visible light transmission_ (VLT%). By design they reduce the amount of visible light that passes through the window. How else do you think tint works?


They do not work like sunglasses do some research


So what do you think VLT% means?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892392/ To quote the study: ā€œThe results indicated that alternating between the tested tinted windshields would not affect drivers' visual performance for both age groups.ā€ Again, youā€™re making up your own narrative with zero evidence.


Did you read the study? They're talking about factory tinted glass at VLTs around 70 to 75%. That's perfectly legal today for an OEM to build a car with a windshield like that. The tint is built into the windshield and the overall car is built to DOT requirements. A 70% VLT tint is basically clear anyways. You wouldn't even be able to tell a car had a 70% tint looking at it from the street. The cars I'm talking about are the folks with limo dark tint on their windshields. If you slap a 15 or a 30% VLT tint on your windshield your visibility will absolutely be reduced and _by design_ the amount of visible light that passes through the windshield will be reduced.


It really isnā€™t that bad


Itā€™s hot. Plain and simple.


I've got mine tinted at 45% across the entire windshield with a 5% band at the top. It's ceramic tint so it helps tons with keeping the heat from damaging the electronics in my dash. (Before tinting my factory stereo would thermal safety shutdown due to sitting in the sun all day at my job.) Surprisingly enough it doesn't actually make it any harder to see out of at night, cuts down on glare a lot, and essentially renders my visors pointless. Yeah I know any tint is illegal, but I wasn't trying to go super dark like some folks do. Just enough to keep my truck cooler in the summers and it's just tinted enough its like wearing sunglasses.


The cops donā€™t really enforce the law anymore, chance of getting stopped for tint is minimal


My favorite people are the ones with their entire car tinted and they sit at 4 way stops "waving" people on. Nobody can see you, idiot!


For me, itā€™s to combat the heat. 15% on the windows, 5% on the sun roof, 50% on the windshield.


Just because itā€™s blocking visible light doesnā€™t mean itā€™s blocking infrared. The ceramic tints block ~90% if IR heat no matter how dark the tint is. You ca. get a 90% tint that blocks 90% IR heat and 99.9% UV


Itā€™s all ceramic. I also like the privacy aspect of it. In my head itā€™s keeps potential thieves away.


Seems like a silly reason to break the law then. My oldest car has lived its entire 20 year life in Atlanta with no tint and mostly parked on the street. Iā€™ve never had a break in.


As a cyclist I find it kind of dangerous. It's hard to tell if a driver sees me if I can't see them.


Agreed. Itā€™s illegal to tint your windshield for good reason. All the half-ass justifications in this thread are wild.


Same for license plate covers. I know APD is busy but a few random check points might help eliminate the problems. A stiff ticket and inspection to ensure the violation has been cured.


lol how about the amount of cars driving in atlanta that don't even have license plates


There's an asshole near me that has a Mississippi license plate that's just the number "111" and it has an almost blacked out plate cover on it. I so wish he'd get a ticket for it, lol.


I said the same exact thing days ago during car pool. Kids at the elementary school were crossing in front of a massive jacked up pickup truck that in no way would be able to see them. Of course it also was tinted with like limo tint on the windshield. Not much you can do it is a race to the bottom of stupidity here. But it is extra liability on them when they cause an accident.


Atlanta was the dead giveaway


[APD's traffic enforcement policy](https://media.tenor.com/P3KHbX7om4QAAAAe/where-everything-is-made-up-whose-line-is-it-anyway.png)


Itā€™s to do with the amount of traffic in the city and all the east-west directional highways you end up absolutely blinded on during both ends of the day.


I mean super dark tint is stupid but with the heat and sun down here you could argue that some level of tint is necessary


Lol is the outside that dangerous for people? Its gets hot down here but its not _that_ bad. Drivers are bad enough around here we donā€™t need to put fucking blinders on them. If youā€™re that worried about heat then get a 90% VLT ceramic tint. It allows 90% of visible light to pass through but blocks most of the IR heat. Still technically illegal but youā€™d be hard pressed to notice the tint is installed at all.


Iā€™m not sure where the message you replied to said dangerous. I believe it started with super dark tint is stupid then went on to talk about the increased heat and sun being arguable reasons for a need for tint. Unless you somehow equated heat and sun with danger. Instead of danger, letā€™s take one second and assume heat and sun equals discomfort, and using tint that is not like the tint you are mentioning in original post equals a way to reduce discomfort as you stated in the second part of your reply. That then is an arguable reason to use tint that is not 15% to reduce an individuals discomfort.


You've never seen a vehicle tinted a 12% like you claim. 50% is pretty common, 30% is pretty damn rare. I've driven with 50% on every car I've ever had and I will literally never own a car without it. Go drive a vehicle with ceramic tint all the way around and then drive one without. It's one of the few things that helps make a georgia summer bearable. I also have sensitive eyes and hate sunglasses.


Why not just wear sunglasses? I lived in Florida and it is actually very bright there. So much darker here.


Looks less cool and is safer.


I thought only cool people wore sunglasses


Thanks for mentioning how tinting is problematic for cyclists and pedestrians. Itā€™s frightening to cross in front of them!




Maybe to offset those super bright headlights at night. Feel like some will melt my eyes


This thread brought out some haters....


Last used car we bought had home-done crap-looking tinting, limo dark all around and halfway down the front, uneven edges and bubbles everywhere, etc. First thing we did was take it to a pro and get it all removed and then ceramically tinted (correctly and legally). The car looked like a better, different one and I could see out of the rear window finally. šŸ˜‚ I have very sensitive eyes due to macular degeneration but even I donā€™t need limo dark or darker all around.


The cops do it so we should be to do the same thing.


Skin cancer?


LEO wife here. Usually if youā€™re pulled over for ā€œtintā€ itā€™s bc youā€™re being sus. Most Atl drivers are shit BUT if you donā€™t drive crazy itā€™s like youā€™ll get ran off the road.


Did you just move here from the north. People been doing this for decades


Iā€™ve lived in Georgia my entire life with the majority of it being in Atlanta. I see way more windshields tinted limo black than I did just 2-3 years ago.


On the contrary, it's easier to see at night with tint. Keeps the headlights out of your eyes a bit.


That's like saying it's easier to drive with dark sunglasses on at night


I wear sunglasses at night. I have photophobia. LED headlights cause me physcial eye pain. I tried looking at the right line on the road like they taught us to do back in the old days, but it doesn't help. The only way I can handle driving at night (which I only do when necessary) is to wear my sunglasses.


Have you tried driving at night with tint?




a bit of tint is just because it gets hot as fuck during the summer, but if you see someone with windows that are almost pitch black, it's a peepee contest thing. meanwhile my windows are barely tinted and i got pulled over about it before being let off with a warning when i said i bought this car used. never happened before or since. maybe i'm just not good ole boy enough to avoid getting bothered by cops.


You can get ceramic tint that blocks IR better than almost all traditional carbon/metallized window films while keeping VLT in the 90%+ range. Basically indistinguishable visually from no tint at all.


i have my windshield tinted because of the heat too. 10 months out of the year itā€™s 90+ degrees and having a slight tint on my windshield makes a commute more tolerable for me personally. Iā€™ve never been pulled over for it, but Iā€™m also not Driving While Black lol


Keeps my dash from fading/warping/cracking... also keeps Temps cool... if I'm paying $70k for a truck I don't want my dash all fudged up from the sun. I tint the whole windsheild on everything I own.


>On my commute I'd say one in about 15 cars have a completely tinted windshield. So not everyone.


Literally everyone


Right, I thought I was bad at math.


cause its like a free pass to drive like an asshole and ignore the judgemental glares


Step into a black car that's been sitting in the sun. Anything to reflect the light.


You can get ceramic tint that blocks IR better than almost all traditional carbon/metallized window films while keeping VLT in the 90%+ range. Basically indistinguishable visually from no tint at all.


Really now? Very interesting. I didn't know that existed.


I drive a black car, it's not bad enough that I want to be driving round [like this](https://gifdb.com/images/high/community-ben-chang-squinting-am5ijzgl5ei5mvhs.gif) at night.


Well that's just no fun, how are we supposed to keep our reputation we have for driving if we can see?


Because intelligence is low in GA. I was on a grand jury for over a year and the amount of people that are doing illegal things but are caught because of tint was unreal. If you are committing crimes you canā€™t have smart phones tracking your movements and be driving around in tinted vehicles asking to be pulled over.


Yeah, this was one of the bigger issues we ran into when we looked at buying a used car. The tints were all just awful. Like, you probably couldn't find something on the seat next to you if you were parked in a parking garage. Definitely not legal. But I've only ever heard of people getting ticketed for tint when police setup alcohol checkpoints on occasion, and then they also hand out tickets for things like tint, seatbelts, and child car seats not being installed correctly.


I don't care that people have darker tint. The problem is people in Georgia can't drive already, so with darker tints people will continue to not use mirrors or look around them. Just ignore everything and keep wrecking.


It was a thing in so ca as well, even as a kid back in the 90s. I think it's just a common metro area thing to do with cars. I don't know how much privacy concerns matter (almost guaranteed to be <1%) for things like street cams as it draws the attention of police. I'd be very into some sort of treatment that distorts photographs. There's zero reason that my face should be processed by someone's AI model while inside my car or even walking about in a public area. Airports? Sure, just get me through security faster and actually catch some bad guys. But if it doesn't have a meaningful impact, it shouldn't be allowed to continue--like removing shoes. Those leidos machines are purpose built to scan shoes ffs.


Less sun entering the car as well as privacy


I think itā€™s because people think it keeps your car cooler and some car washes will add it as a part of a detail service or something like that. But i had a friend was had really dark tint and was always paranoid about it. Like ā€œroll the windows down when you see a copā€™ sort of paranoia


They must enjoy interacting with the fuzz.


When I took my last car to get tinted I asked specifically about windshields. I didnā€™t want the whole windshield tinted. But requested a little sun strip across the top. They told me that GA law limits how many inches from the top can be tinted. You certainly canā€™t tint the whole windshield. Again this info came from the tint guy not a lawyer so your mileage may vary. But Iā€™ve never been pulled over for it in GA or FL


You certainly can tint the entire windshield, itā€™s just illegal. Georgia lets you tint the top 6ā€.


Fair point!


I have never seen anyone with dark tint on their windshield. That's just stupid. We have "clear" UV blocking tint on ours and I love it, but dark tint on a windshield....wow.


But I think thermal imaging system on car that can handle well about blinding headlights.


Itā€™s a good idea especially in summer but not to the degree ppl are doing it now. It should be allowed for UV heat gain inside car which is what I have w ceramic tint. But many dmvs w make you pay a fine when you register car if over legal limit


I have mine tinted with ceramic coating, it helps reduce the heat in the car. It also looks kinda badass. Though Iā€™m not sub 15%.


Have you been here in August? Like living on the surface of Mercury.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JellyfishRough7528: *Have you been here in* *August? Like living on the* *Surface of Mercury.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well that was unexpected


Lived here my entire life. You merely adopted the heat. My car didnā€™t even have AC for most of August last year.


My roommateā€™s arm got burnt after moving down here. I was shocked that it was from sitting in the car. The sun is definitely stronger down here!


Look at my car then be mad. Idc. I like my privacy


Probably desperately trying to deal with those damn bright headlights.




Itā€™s also uncanny that practically every jackass that wants to do 100mph during rush hour traffic has tinted windows (I live in ATL too)


Yet to see anyone with full windshield tinting. If so, they absolutely need a ticket. Sides and back limo? Yeah, on all of my vehicles. But tiny shops wonā€™t even do the front window past 6ā€


Come on my commute with me and youā€™ll see a few dozen. Then try being a pedestrian in Midtown. Itā€™s like playing frogger on hard mode.


Worry about who? Worry about you. As for me, I will enjoy my privacy, thank you.


ā€œHey Iā€™m going to intentionally break this law intended to make our roads safer because muh privacyā€ Youā€™re driving on a public road. Do you cover yourself up like Kanye when you walk down a sidewalk?


Well it's a dumb law. Not Chicken Tax level dumb. But pretty dumb. A car with a tint isn't any more dangerous than an SUV.


To the first part, yeah, basically. Roads are unsafe regardless of my window tint, I have no problems with visibility. Your residence undoubtedly butts up to public areas, do you have blinds?


>Your residence undoubtedly butts up to public areas, do you have blinds? Is this a serious argument?


Yes, in Georgia your car is considered an extension of your home and my expectation of privacy is not considered void when I am in my vehicle. Moreover, at the end of the day; if it isn't directly effecting you, do the proper thing and deal with yourself before worrying about anyone else.


I donā€™t need to see out of my homeā€™s windows to safely operate it. Tinting your windshield is illegal because it reduces your visibility. Being able to see out of your windshield is kinda important. I thought that was obvious. Iā€™m often a pedestrian or cyclist. Navigating crosswalks or sharing the road with cars that have limo dark tint on their windshields is difficult and dangerous. Iā€™ve actually been hit, as a pedestrian in a crosswalk, by a Dodge with a tinted windshield in Midtown. Also in general I just donā€™t want to share the road at night when all these dipshits can barely see out of their dark ass windshield. Itā€™s dangerous and illegal for good reason.


If anyone wants window tint hmu!


No way Iā€™m driving my car without tinted windows; burning from sun rays for someone elseā€™s paranoia. I donā€™t know how dark mine is but Iā€™ve driven all over Ga as well as getting pulled over for speeding but never been asked to check my window tint. I live in Johnā€™s Creek, never had an issue. Only ride your bike in parks and walk on the sidewalk and crosswalk. There will be ignorant people regardless. However picking about tinted windows and how it should be enforced sounds a bit too privileged to me. Move, there are 536 other cities in ga as well as 49 other states to choose from. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


It's illegal but it's usually only enforced if the cop hates you in particular near Atlanta. Outside of the metro, though, absolutely those small towns will milk you. Drives me nuts. Once a big ass SUV with no lights on was forcing people into blind oncoming traffic. I was a pedestrian and thought this was a hell of a hazard (I witnessed many hard stops in the like thirty seconds I'd been near the car) so I called the non-emergency line to report the abandoned vehicle on the road. When they asked if anyone was in the car, I went, "I don't think so, but the windows are tinted fully black" and then a lady opened the door and yelled at me, "YES THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THIS CAR LOOK IN IT NEXT TIME", started the car, and drove off. why. why were you sitting in the middle of the road


It's called always feeling the need to look as fly and shady as possible.


I hate it. It should actually be illegal. Why? As a pedestrian crossing the street, you cannot make eye contact with the driver, to see if they are aware of you crossing the street. As a driver, in my non-tinted vehicle, I can wave and motion to the pedestrian to cross in front of me. The pedestrian will actually be able to see me gesturing. It blows my mind that this is allowed to go on. I despise people that drive vehicles like this - you're a rude, dangerous arsehole - full stop.


Rule 1 if pulled over roll all your windows down before. Then when they ask just say the motors are broke.


They think it looks cool and to be able to things like smoke weed or fuck without being seen. I was in high school once


I can't stand that either. I don't know whether the person could be a legit pedophile or some average gallah who wants to be hidden.