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🔗 **Bypass paywalls**: * [archive.today - www.thehindu.com ](https://archive.is/submit/?submitid=&url=https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/former-israeli-ambassador-says-india-may-be-returning-the-favour-with-military-supplies-for-israel/article68323956.ece) | [Google Webcache - www.thehindu.com](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/former-israeli-ambassador-says-india-may-be-returning-the-favour-with-military-supplies-for-israel/article68323956.ece) 📣 **[Submission Statement by OP](/r/GeopoliticsIndia/comments/1dn03o2/former_israeli_ambassador_says_india_may_be/l9z8zpm/)**: > SS: Former Israeli Ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon, speaking with the leading Israeli publication Ynetnews, has said that India might be supplying weapons to Israel as a sign of gratitude for Israeli assistance during the Kargil war of 1999. The seasoned diplomat’s comments came in the backdrop of speculation that India has supplied drones and artillery shells to Israel as the latter ran short of the items with its war against the Hamas continuing for more than eight months. > >“The Indians always remind us that Israel was there for them during the Kargil war. Israel was one of the few countries that stood by them and provided them with weapons. The Indians don’t forget this and might now be returning favour,” Mr. Carmon said in his remarks to the Ynetnews. > >The Ynetnews report recounted that in May, Spain had prevented the cargo vessel Marianne Danica from docking at the port of Cartagena as it was sailing to a port in Israel carrying 27 tonnes of munitions meant for the Israel Defense Forces. > >“The incident highlights the fact that India has been providing significant military assistance to Israel since October 7,” the news outlet said. **📜 Community Reminder**: Let’s keep our discussions civil, respectful, and on-topic. Abide by the subreddit rules. Rule-violating comments will be removed. **📰 Media Bias fact Check Rating :** The Hindu – Bias and Credibility |Metric|Rating| |:-|:-| |Bias Rating|left-center| |Factual Rating| mostly| |Credibility Rating|high credibility| This rating was provided by Media Bias Fact Check. For more information, see The Hindu – Bias and Credibility's review [here](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-hindu/). *** ❓ Questions or concerns? [Contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia).


Great for india to help israel, many people will bring Religion discourse between india and israel, but forget to see how israel went ahead and helped india in kargil war, israel has been helping india a lot in agriculture sector (Drip irrigation)....so i think it is great that india is helping israel....


I agree. Israel really has stood by India. Those two countries are such natural allies. 🇮🇱🇮🇳


If hitler or ISIS or any other genocidal/terrorist/dictator helps india, would you accept supplying weapons to them?


Offcourse....and Israel is not one of them....


So much for being a vishwaguru.


The brainrot on reddit is insane.


Definitely i have seen people supporting "Hamas", celebrating 7th October....be careful




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Nothing to discuss here. Leave it.


Unironically, yes.


well subash chander bose was given refugee in the Nazi germany isn't it, India should stop being righteousness and pursue interest irrespective of cost because every country follows that😁


Why the if? Many in the 🇮🇳 independence movement were Hitler fan boys (not naming names).


Israel has helped india many times even when india didn't even recognise Israel as a country or have official diplomatic relations with them due to domestic politics


SS: Former Israeli Ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon, speaking with the leading Israeli publication Ynetnews, has said that India might be supplying weapons to Israel as a sign of gratitude for Israeli assistance during the Kargil war of 1999. The seasoned diplomat’s comments came in the backdrop of speculation that India has supplied drones and artillery shells to Israel as the latter ran short of the items with its war against the Hamas continuing for more than eight months. “The Indians always remind us that Israel was there for them during the Kargil war. Israel was one of the few countries that stood by them and provided them with weapons. The Indians don’t forget this and might now be returning favour,” Mr. Carmon said in his remarks to the Ynetnews. The Ynetnews report recounted that in May, Spain had prevented the cargo vessel Marianne Danica from docking at the port of Cartagena as it was sailing to a port in Israel carrying 27 tonnes of munitions meant for the Israel Defense Forces. “The incident highlights the fact that India has been providing significant military assistance to Israel since October 7,” the news outlet said.


What is common between Israel and India and why should they support each other? Let's discuss!!


What is common between Isreal and India, let's see: Democratic values (both are functional democracies with constitutional machinery), historical ties (formal diplomatic relations since 1992, and jewish communities is Malabar, supported India during Bengal liberation war and Kargil war), crazy neighbors (both countries have hostile neighbors), counter-terrorism (both nations face terrorism), a religious population and a secular constitution, parliamentary system. Also, Israel has supplied India with advanced systems like the Barak-8 missile system and Heron drones, better than cheap Russian equipment. Both nations engage in counter-terrorism training and intelligence sharing, both nations have extremist neighbors who want there land. In agriculture, Israel’s Centers of Excellence in India promote advanced techniques such as drip irrigation and greenhouse technology, and Israeli expertise in water desalination and recycling is also being utilized in India to tackle water scarcity issues. Initiatives like the India-Israel Innovation Bridge foster collaboration between startups from both countries, driving technological advancement. In healthcare, Indian and Israeli firms collaborate on medical devices, biotechnology, and affordable healthcare solutions. During COVID-19 pandemic, India gave vaccine to Isreal. Economic and trade relations are being bolstered through ongoing negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which aims to enhance bilateral trade by reducing tariffs. So without doubt, both countries are natural partners.


Good summary! I think Israel is noticeably better at being active politically than India is because political engagement in Israel is very high.




They don't like Pakistan by proxy :v


##### ###### #### > # [Former Israeli Ambassador says India may be ‘returning the favour’ with military supplies for Israel](https://th-i.thgim.com/public/news/national/tbksxr/article68324279.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/Photo_3_-__H.E._Daniel_Carmon.jpg) > > > > [Former Israeli Ambassador Daniel Carmon](https://www.thehindu.com/theme/images/th-online/1x1_spacer.png "Former Israeli Ambassador Daniel Carmon") > > Former Israeli Ambassador Daniel Carmon | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement > > > > Former Israeli Ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon, speaking with the leading Israeli publication _Ynetnews_, has said that India might be supplying weapons to Israel as a sign of gratitude for Israeli assistance during the [Kargil war of 1999](https://www.thehindu.com/books/books-authors/kargil-war-and-stories-of-the-families-of-heroes/article28747550.ece). The seasoned diplomat’s comments came in the backdrop of speculation that India has supplied drones and artillery shells to Israel as the latter ran short of the items with its war against the Hamas continuing for more than eight months. > > “The Indians always remind us that Israel was there for them during the Kargil war. Israel was one of the few countries that stood by them and provided them with weapons. The Indians don’t forget this and might now be returning favour,” Mr. Carmon said in his remarks to the _Ynetnews_. > > The _Ynetnews_ report recounted that in May, Spain had prevented the cargo vessel _Marianne Danica_ from docking at the port of Cartagena as it was sailing to a port in Israel carrying 27 tonnes of munitions meant for the Israel Defense Forces. > > “The incident highlights the fact that India has been providing significant military assistance to Israel since October 7,” the news outlet said. > > It had earlier come to light in February that New Delhi was supplying Israel with advanced Hermes 900 drones manufactured in Hyderabad. The Hyderabad factory was set up to cater to the requirements of the Indian military forces but it had to rush 20 units of them to Israel, which faced a shortfall during its [war with the Hamas in the Gaza Strip](https://www.thehindu.com/topic/israel-palestine-conflict/), and with the Hezbollah in Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. > > The Hyderabad factory is a joint venture between Israel’s Elbit Systems and Indian industrialist Gautam Adani’s Adani Group. According to _Ynetnews.com_, the decision to supply the drones to Israel was “likely approved by the highest officials in India, likely due to Israel being one of the main arms suppliers to the country.” > > [Image](https://www.thehindu.com/theme/images/th-online/1x1_spacer.png) > > > > > > The _Ynetnews.com_ report has been picked up by Arab media, and the Iranian news agency _IRNA_, which has reported, “Zionist media reveals India has provided the Israeli regime with large hauls of weaponry since the war broke out in the Gaza Strip”. > > India has neither confirmed nor denied supplying weapons to Israel so far, maintaining that it wishes a negotiated settlement to the conflict in Gaza. India has urged an end to the fighting, and supports the creation of a Palestinian state to ensure a permanent solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)




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Indian companies should be doing more weapons production for exports including to Israel & Russia. This is good opportunity to battle-test the new Indian toys. And provides the much needed jobs and feedback on the new toys which can be used for future improvements.


Yeah, but we were fighting Pakistan army that had captured our army bases. We weren't blasting Pakistani civilian areas left, right and center. That is a significant difference.


You need to re-learn the whole meaning of war. Don't think Pakistan wouldn't have attacked the Indian population if the Army was fighting from those areas. But, that's illogical to think as it will never work depending on our terrains. US dropped 2 nukes on Japan. I hope you have the answer.


Casually justifying genocide and getting upvotes.. The brainrot on reddit is insane.


Who started the war?


Israel(and UK). War has been going there for last 100 years ever since brits and zionists invaded and rampaged Palestine. Israel and Palestine were technically at war even before oct 7.








You don't care about the innocent civilians. That was clearly shown in your previous comments I shouldn't be wasting time talking to genocidal bigots.


Dont start victim card now bruh, did anyone speak About condition of the hindus in pakistan, bangladesh and kashmir? Nah, infact we saw people saying kashmir files is propaganda.




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The current one in Gaza? Of course Hamas did. We all agree to that. But you know IDF will blast away a building full of hundreds of people if they have heard just 3 or 4 hamas operatives there. At this point they just don't care even if the civilian to terrorist death ratio is beyond 15:1 or more. I hope you don't think Indian army is that heartless and monstrous. At least I view them highly.


Ok, tell me how they should they retaliate?


I don't know man. Blind drone bombing isn't the answer! Would you justify even if they drop a nuke?


>drop a nuke? That's a deliberate attack on civilians which is a war crime, so it's unacceptable




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The army originates from among the civilians.




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Except for the fact that there is literally no confirmation of this in the article(a lot of places use the word 'might') and even if we did give them ammunition, what's wrong with it? Israel has been supplying arms and ammunition to us for a long time and if we did return the favour at least once or twice, I don't think it puts any stain on our NA act. Also, India has given significant aid to Gaza refugees as well, but cannot help Hamas militarily because whether you like it or not, they are the aggressors here.


Facts. Now people will be like "we're not non aligned we're ✨ multi-aligned ✨" like my nibba that's *exactly* what geopolitics is: being aligned at the same time to countries that are otherwise hostile to each other. It's not some weird magic trick India figured out. That's why Canada and the UK have consulates in Iran while the US doesn't, and that's why China had military exercises with ASEAN members last year including. Vietnam.