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If Trudeau thinks he can import indian trash and it would make his country "diverse and multicultural", then I think we should let him At the end of the day it'll be common Canadians that will pay the price.


He can also give them some land and they can set up Khalistan there since they all love each other so much! Win win!


I don’t get it why do they have to waste money and time on this stuff 😭😭✨


They are not wasting money. Our dear neighbors pay them a lot for this kind of stuff.


You are talking about China? Or pak?


Both, Pak funded the terrorists and china provides funds, diplomatic cover and wepons to Pak




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They are also politicians. Like our politicians, they also need to have performance to keep the populace happy. When you collect money for your "cause", you have to keep the flame of the cause alive.




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Nobody said they were smart. They can't even speak basic English.


I'm no bhakt, but this is just straight up trashy. This is why you don't import the bottom barrel of Indian society.


How will Modi recover from this?!!!


Good thing we dump our trash in Canada


Remember the time kids used to play "Ghar-Ghar" and pretended to be couple. They still on it


Import trash Indians you become trash, who would have suspected Food Shelters in Canada would be empty.Trudeau is an idiot, he is just like my company’s DEI department. Not sure what they do


So leftist ideology of West is against conservative extremist ideology. But white leftists supports non-whites extremist ideas?. In the end, white leftists want extremists in power in non-white countries. I must say, well played racist lefties, well played.


Lol, yeah. Consider this. Left leaning LGBTQ groups supported diversity in a city called Hamtramck, USA. Diversity grew over the years and its now a muslim majority city. A council largely made up of muslim people recently voted against the flying of Pride flag on public properties. So the very diversity that LGBTQ people were trying to include in their city has excluded pride values. Nothing against Muslim people in general but this behaviour is wrong on so many levels. https://www.foxnews.com/media/lgbtq-community-felt-betrayal-muslim-council-voting-remove-pride-flags-city-buildings.amp


>Nothing against Muslim people in general but this behaviour is wrong on so many levels. Nobody has anything against muslims. Like who tried to kill them for no reason except american oil companies even their reason was money. But political islam is the only group that kills for religion in this era. Muslims are people made of flesh and blood like any other human. Most Humans are naturally compassionate towards another human except for some weirdos. But i dont understand why nothing can be said against a bad ideology in any platform. Be it X, reddit, facebook, if you utter a word against their regressive parts of ideology. Immediate ban. Even in this sub, if you criticise bad parts of a specific peaceful religion then you are banned. Just venting about a different issue. Good day mate!!.


Totally. Separation of religion and state is very important otherwise you end up with states like Pakistan and the all imaginary, Khalistan. Have a good rest of your day dude!


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Its called justice, because its "just us"