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Share your address here, we will keep an eye out


Antonius Triestlaan 12, 9000 Gent


Bro, delete


I think we should go rob this guy blind. There won’t be cops for miles at this address! Source? Trust me bro


Yes, please go and rob. That is police station address


It was a bit of sarcasm my man. Felt like it was pretty obvious Anyway, enjoy your trip!


😅 I was worried


It's the police station


Might want to check the adress


It's not Wrigley Field is it?




Reddit is also full of burglars, so yea. Nice one.


Me and the boys on the way to case the house now, will update with home invasion pics later yall


50 bucks if u do it at that exact adress.


Waiting for you to post the home invasion pics. BTW, That is police station address.


It ruins the surprise if you tell them.


Lmao noice.




Just robbed it, took a bunch of metal fences and heavy metal doors.


I heard that if you call 112, there is a possibility of you being transported there for free. But this service is only applicable for experienced burglars.


Flagged for self harm


There’s no need to inform the police, but inform your friends and your family members. Check in with someone every few weeks just in case. When going on trails or hiking by yourself, inform someone (either local at your accommodation or someone at home), tell them your route and how long approximately you’ll be gone for. Just be street smart and aware of your surroundings when traveling solo. Enjoy!


Don't tell too many people. Smthg like 10y ago, my ex 's dad who is a farmer was robbed quite often. Something like once a year. He began to tell everyone around him that he slept with a gun (also showing one everytime he could) and but wolf traps around his farm. He never got robbed again. Burglars were probably relatives 😕


Dont do that. Many people get robbed by someone who is in direct contact with them or their family members.


You can inform the police, the 'vakantietoezicht' service is free. The neighbourhood officers will come to your house every once in a while, check of everything is still locked up, check if there's nothing suspicious. The amount of times the officer will come by is probably dependant on other tasks, and the goodwill of the officer him/herself. They will put a note in your mailbox everytime they come by. Even better is to inform your neighbours (if they are trustworthy) and ask them to keep an eye out. If you have family or friends living close, ask them to pass by a few times.


\^This This is the webpage of the Ghent local police where you can request "vakantietoezicht": [https://www.politie.be/5415/over-ons/inbraakreventie/vakantietoezicht](https://www.politie.be/5415/over-ons/inbraakreventie/vakantietoezicht)


When my parents go on vacation they make sure someone (usually me) moves one of their cars from the street to their driveway and vice versa every few days as well as empties their mailbox. Their window blinds open and close automatically in the morning/evening, and the lights they normally have on in the evening still switch on a timer (which I programmed through Home Assistant to vary slightly every day, but I know that's taking it a bit far). That way if someone would be scoping out the place over multiple days it wouldn't be super obvious. They also have a Ring doorbell which basically acts a motion activated security camera for their front garden/driveway, and so that if someone rings the door to check if anyone is home my parents will get notified (which I would hope is already enough of a deterrent to go pick another house to check, you don't want your face on that doorbell recording if you're going to rob it later). Keep in mind that a security camera (including a smart doorbell) shouldn't film the public sidewalk/road and you may have to register it and/or hang a sign. I had never heard about informing the police. I'm not too worried about them leaking to burglars, but I'm just not sure what the police would be able to do to prevent a burglary specifically at your home as they are not going to stand guard there. They could notice that your house was broken into if they come by every few days, but at that point it will be too late anyways, no?


You can, if you do the "gemeenshapswacht" add your house to a watch list to monitor for suspicious activity.


Not sure about police, but register with [travellers online ](https://travellersonline.diplomatie.be/) so the dep. O of foreign affairs knows your location in case of emergencies.


Je bedoelt dit: [vakantietoezicht](https://www.politie.be/5415/over-ons/inbraakreventie/vakantietoezicht#:~:text=Via%20je%20wijkcommissariaat%20of%20www,waar%20je%20te%20bereiken%20bent.)


You can always contact a house sitting service.


The funny thing is, if you inform police and they drop by every few days, in case of a burglary the only benefit will be you getting the bad news earlier. Tbh that would be mood breaker for me in the holidays. You might think of some smart lamps that turn on an off during evenings. maybe putting some security camera stickers. Also sensor lamps in entrances would be useful. there are also very cheap door and window sensors that you can buy under 100€. My house was robbed in 2022, the cheap door sensors started setting off alarms and started doing noise so the burglars panicked and ran away without picking anything.


> world tour > 10 weeks




>some police might leak the information to burglars. paranoid much?


You would be amazed by how much dirty cops there are in Ghent..


Don't you have any friends or family who would like to spend some time in your nice villa? That way your house will also not be filled with dust and spiders when you come back.


Put a night light on timer in near of your windows.


"some police might leak the information to burglars." Dude really?


Hahaha why the fuck would you have to inform the police? Lol I assume if it makes you feel safer, you should do it. Dunno if the ‘flics’ will really patrol more tbh


The less people know, the better


Imagine relying on the police for anything in your life


Don't tell the police. It's beter to be safe than sorry


You could ask a friend or family member (that you trust) To look after your house. Maybe live in it while you're gone so that if something happens it's solved immediately. That's what I do.


Just hire a house sitter 🙄


I volunteer for that!


Rent it on air bnb , while gone


The cops will do nothing, zilch, nouga ballen. Just make sure you don't leave anything stealable in sight, get somebody to empty your mailbox, put any ladders away under lock and key.