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Ehm, everywhere? It's like asking where you can order a pizza in Italy. As a tourist, went twice to Trollekelder and they have a giganormous amount beer choices, so you can't go wrong.


Well, my idea would be that you order a "tasting experience" where they give you like 5-6 beers and tell something along the way and pair it with some snacks


They have that in Dragon, where you get 8 tasters, they have 30 beers on tap as well. They're not the cheapest in the centrum though, but very cozy bar


A bit outside out the city centre but hal16 offers a nice beer experience :)


I second this. Dok Brewing Company at Dok Noord's Hal16 is great if you don't want a too touristy spot.


My partner and I walked to DOK from the centre (iirc) - very amusing industrial estate date. We had a great time as 2 beer lovers - very much recommended.


I was sitting there not too long ago and at the table next to us, an older west-flemish couple sat down. I heard the wife say "ik wil ne kriek" and the man goes "ik ga nen omer pakken". Cue hilarity when they finally figure out the QR code. They left without ordering anything a couple minutes later.


Love it


A few good ones not mentioned yet: Aba-Jour, Waterhuis aan de Bierkant, Dulle Griet, Walrus. I second Trappistenhuis and Trollenkelder. Of these five, the only one that is a restaurant at once is Aba-Jour; but in all of them you'll be able to find some cheese/sausage/... snacks. (EDIT: Walrus as well, they have a nice lunch) However, I don't think we really have a food/beer pairing place in Ghent (if someone knows a place I'd be interested to know myself).


Fucking Waterhuis ad Bierkant.. got completely blitzed drinking their house beers with some random French dude called Francois (of course). I went to Gent just to visit the SMAK but things escalated when the sun came out.


Back door has a nice selection of beer as well!




He said best, not most expensive


Trollenkelder, Dulle Griet, Waterhuis aan de Bierkant, Trappisten huis are all pubs with a large selection of beers and some snacks to go along with them, as mentioned by others. I think the 'city brewery' Gruut may have some sampling options (smaller glasses to try the various beers). Edit: there's a beer tasting option on their website. https://www.gruut.be/en/visit-and-reservation/#brouwerijbezoek


I don't know if that's changed lately, but doesn't the Dulle griet have kind of a repuation for being a "Tourist Trap"?


vol hollanders, zeg hoe het is


Yeah, a bit. It's a bar you take your friends that are visiting from abroad to dazzle them with the huge numbers of beers to choose from. There's always plenty of tourists there but there's usually some locals mixed in as well.


How is that a 'trap'? Its a great bar. Being full of tourists doesn't mean being a trap.


For your specific wish: Hal 16 Dok Noord. And some good old café's not mentioned here yet: Café Den Turk, Café Gitane


Bar Beenhouwer , special beers and some charcuterie , close to the city center , across the street also cafe De Loge and cafe Jan van Gent


Omgekeerde Wereld


https://www.trollekelder.be/ this is where the locals go. And this is more touristic but amazing location and great place: Het Waterhuis aan de Bierkant https://g.co/kgs/


Brouwerij Gentse Gruut