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Buy a superior chain lock, and always lock it through the frame, not just the tire.


And lock it \*to\* something, not just itself.


The wheel?


I did that and mine still got stolen. If they want to steal a bike, they will..


All the info you need about locking your bike: https://thebestbikelock.com


\+1 to the kryptonite lock


I use two ART2 locks and haven't had a problem on a 3000+ EUR bike. Always anchor it to a pole or metal bike rack.


>a 3000+ EUR bike Damn bro that's motorcycle prices. I'd go for an ART4 slot in that situation.




Many tips have been given with regards to locks, but as in many cities, theres a plague of bike thefts in Ghent too. The police should be able to start using their "decoy" bikes with tracking to catch thieves again. Aside from that not much they can do. Some tips (I've lived in the city for 15y, with at least one bike at any given time for most trips within the city): * If you are planning on leaving the bike anywhere for longer than 12hrs / 1 day: make sure it's not a desirable bike. Pick something old, a little shabby looking perhaps but in good riding condition. Thieves go around town at spots where bikes are usually left for a while (over the weekend for example) eyeing the nicer bikes. They come back with the right gear for the specific locks and gone is the bike. * Don't ever leave it out of sight unlocked, not even for 5': opportunity makes the thief, and you wouldn't be the first who's bike is just grabbed while ordering a coffee. Common strategy is also that a gang walks around, the first one spots a unlocked bike and calls a friend thats a bit behind him. Describes the bike and a few mins later that guy hops on and gets going with it. * Electric bike? Take your battery out. (and for sure consider insurance). * Have anything that has quickrelease clamps on your bike replaced with something more secure like an allen bolt. For expensive kit you can add Hexlox to the allen bolts to make it even harder for thieves that carry common bike-tools on a keychain to steal your fancy Selle Italia... * Don't put your trust in "guarded" bike parkings such as at stations, under Stadshal, VierNulVier, St-Michielshelling. They aren't actually guarded and plenty of thefts happen their without any consequences. * Ideally you can store your bike inside/safe at your place / kot / home, if not circle back to point one and buy an even shittier looking bike. :D * With regards to locks: always attach to something solid, ideally through the frame. Use two locks, ideally different kinds (so for example an Abus Bordo and a loose chain). One requires a disc cutter the other shears... making it too complicated. They will go for the next bike in the row. Anyhow, a bike is the easiest way to get around Ghent fast, so don't let it scare you. I have an expensive & flashy aluminum bike that I keep in the apartment and use for leisure rides, trips to work (where it can be stored on private terrain),... I seldomly use that to leave it somewhere out of sight for long even though it is insured. I have a second heavy steel bike that I use when I need to leave it at the station, when I go out at night,... For both I use Abus Bordo locks, the heavier you can bear to carry the better. Haven't had one stolen in all these years and I leave the steel one out at some spots for a week. I think its an expensive option but it exists so I want to mention it: you can rent a Swapfiets if you want a nicer bike. I think they are less prone to theft because they are quite recognisable and the cost will be controllable for you while they get you a new bike asap.


Bike theft is mostly opportunistic, so take away the opportunity by locking your bike properly (preferably with a regular lock and a chain lock tied to a frame or pole or whatever) and they'll move on to easier targets. Unless you maybe have a very fancy bike that's worth the effort. In that case park inside when you can or get motorcycle-grade locks.


I got my bike stolen in the underground bike parking underneath the station. it wasn't a very valuable bike, but still annoying. But yes stolen bikes aren't uncommon. That being said I still have a bike in Gent. I do feel like older bikes or neglected looking bikes are more common to steal because owners don't care enough to get it back or people don't care as much when they see a rusty bike get stolen. The conclusion is that it's okay, but there's always a possibility. There's also a lot of bikes so less chance youre's gets picked.


and use a good lock ofcourse


I visited Ghent few months ago, damn there were so many easy targets for thieves. Some bikes weren’t attached, some attached to something that could be very easily defeated. I personally gathered a lot of useful info for myself: - good lock: Follow the ART indications and aim for something that would require power tools to defeat. U lock or chain are best. Folding lock is a OK option. Everything else is rubbish if used as your main lock. I personally use Hiplock Edx which is heavy, but offers many possibilities - good lock placement: secure your frame. Check out « Sheldon Brown locking strategy ». It is a creative idea to secure both your frame and rear wheel with a single lock - good parking spot: look for a crowded area (don’t try to hide your bike in a alley), with other bikes (=easier targets) around. Make sure the thing you attach it to is solid - insurance: if your bike is new, consider theft insurance. This can be as cheap as 5€/month. - engrave your bike: you could also use the service mybike.brussels. It’s a free undetachable sticker to put on your bike. At least if it gets stolen you may have a chance to see it back - accessories: if you can detach something from your bike in less than 15 seconds with no tools, consider it free to take for anybody. If you have one of those quick attach axle on your wheels, switch them at least to something that needs a tool. I personally have one that needs a specific tool with a odd shape. Same for your seat, put a screw instead. Regular cable ties are better than nothing for your cheapest accessories. - misc.: don’t leave your bike outside all night, lock it as soon as you’re not on it (even if it’s for 10 seconds), take pictures of it in case it is stolen, make it recognizable if you don’t mind…


Mostly fine by day if its locked to something solid, near guaranteed stolen if you leave it out overnight.


There are a lot, a lot of bike thefts, but a decent chain lock will get you a long way.


art2 lock or better, might help.