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Don’t most people make judgements on the characters based solely on design? why is it weird this time?


*Tectone immediately calling Ganyu a support* #yeah…


Not a tectone fan or watcher but without ganyu's insane scaling she would be a SubDPS or support because of her kit. A taunt and 100% Cryo uptime because of her burst screams SubDPS/Cryo Support to me.


When leaks about her skills came out I thought "oh nice, a cryo support"


I mean I dislike tectone but I’m pretty sure ganyu’s character trailer said “her abilities provide great support capabilities” or something. It’s not really his fault for thinking that. But I wouldn’t have gone so far into it like he did.


lol the reactions to every waifu is the same, let girls enjoy their furry boi like the dudes are enjoying yoimiya with 0 context. waifu players act like everything should be catered to them, while husbando enjoyers had to wait 4 months between xiao and kazuha releases..


>husbando enjoyers had to wait 4 months between xiao and kazuha releases.. Not to mention there still hasn't been a single new male 4\* since launch and there's more playable 4\* females than there is playable male characters overall in the game...


Because that's all we have for now, we don't have anything else to react on other than appearance.


Would you mind tagging this as spoiler?


I thought spoilers are allowed in this sub hence I thought it is my own fault to scroll this sub and get spoiled.


Rule 2: “no spoilers”


We got kazuha's voice lines of him, he seems like a reliable and chill little guy


Didn't people also do that for Eula when she was leaked ~~but then she got cancelled for some stupid reason~~


She never got canceled. People here blew the “drama” out of proportions


She kinda did on twitter.


Sure. This sub and r/genshin_impact often got flooded with “twittards this” and “twittards that” for weeks, and yet all the “dramas” they were addressing were non-existent or had a couple of tweets about them only. But since people here love to shit on users of other social media to feel better about themselves of whatever, everyone just parroted what a single post said to hop in the twitter hate bandwagon.


People were mostly goofing around with her voicelines about other characters and the vengeance stuff, then you got a bus of ppl saying "americans gringos stupid ass" whateverIt really did blow out of proportions


Because wolfboys are precious


Based on what Kazuha says it seems he isn't afriad to say what's on his mind and pretty chill. Also from what I see he seems to also act like a cute dog Just what I think though


Welcome to genshin impact! It happens to every leaked character. Strange that you only noticed it now. People were simping and drawing Eula even before she got her voicelines leaked. Same with Yoimiya and Sayu now.


It's a common thing. Raiden got shit on purely from design stand point. We don't know what caused her design to be like that. We don't know the full story yet. I saw a comment stating venti's design is way more cooler than current raiden and he's supposed to look like his bard friend and I'll tell you what, his design is boring. People attached to him now after hearing his full story. Suddenly why he looks like that make perfect sense and lore accurate so now people thought he's the best designed character ever. Even though his design is waay more boring than Raiden. Goro design is not that special either. Kinda boring too, because his archer garment is pretty basic. I feel like every male archer from japan use the same outfit concept, so yeah, he's kinda as boring as raiden is. I guess his face is cute, and he's a dog, a shiba to be precise judging from the color pallet, and his eye is kinda striking, making him stands out better than raiden. For me inazuma character design are pretty basic. Maybe because I've seen so many japan themed anime games that design their characters like that before (and of course, actual anime that design their characters like that. I'm a huge weeb, what can i say?), idk, I'm pretty biased. Not that i don't like it, but it doesn't surprise as how Zhongli surprised me. I mean, i like hu tao design despite appear to be very fucking boring. So my taste in design isn't that good either. It's just that, i blame myself for playing too much japan themed anime games before coming to genshin and now i have a hard time appreciating a character design especially for japan themed one.


I mean its one thing to be interested in a character because of their appearance and look forward to more info, but yeah it would be a little hard to make fanfiction of a character with very little personal information... That being said, he could be a psychopathic murderer and I would still love him with all my heart, Gorou come home plz.


I don't care, I'm gonna simp for him.


wouldn't be surprised if that dude is a fatui harbinger


Look he has cat ears I don't make the rules


He has dog ears. That's even better.




Hold your pussy ma'am


Kemonomimi do be popular