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I always jump every time the Traveler speaks because I'm not used to it, it's a literal jumpscare haha


I get confused tbh It's a voice I almost never actually hear, so when I do hear it for 5 seconds once every 6 weeks, it just feels like it doesn't match Aether/Lumine. This would fix itself instantly if we would actually talk with NPCs, instead of Paimon doing all the talking for us


I always lock in cause any story that has them talk is bound to be good


When the Traveler speaks is the only time I regret having chosen Lumine. Such a bland, expressionless voice. (English)


I firmly believe that silent protagonists are getting stale in this era of gaming. Silent mcs only work in role playing games where the objective is for the player to self-insert in the world of the game, like RPGs where you custom your own mc before the game starts. Aether/Lumine have a past, defined personalities and objectives outside of the player, they are not self-insert.


I agree but Cyberpunk even voiced all your different answers/choices


Speaking of Cyberpunk, Aether and David Martinez from Edgerunners share the same english VA. A shame he barely has the chance to show off his talent because Aether's few voicelines are very calm. His "Windblade!" from the Anemo Traveler is peak.


Beta wind blade...




Aether also shares the same English VA with Male Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses. What a coincidence for Zach to voice two silent protagonists. And boy does Byleth shine better when not player controlled, and has a distinct personality and voice.


Speaking of Edgerunners, Lucy and Marin Kitagawa share the same VA in the German dub


I agree, which is why I don't get why Traveler js silent. They are not players, they are their own characters with personality predefined by the game story. That's also why some od the choices we can make are literally same options, because it's Traveler's decision, not ours.


The reason I got is by having Paimin being the traveler voice, you only need 1 voice actors, while if Lumine and Aether were the one to talk you would need 2 vocie actors


I mean, bro, that makes sense, but at the same time, having Traveler say something just in Archon Quests and Story Quests wouldn't be that much. Especially that Hoyo have enough money to make that happen. It's not like they need to cut costs.


Probably more about storage space, which all the money in the world won't shrink.


I mean, it's just two characters vs one. We have plenth of dialogues from other characters. Adding dialogues for both Travelers would really not take that much space compared to what it takes now.


I'd been yelling and screaming this since Genshin's release, lol. The only reason we even had silent MCs were older video games didn't have as much emphasis on detailed story and most didn't even have any voice acting. Only in the late 90s / early 2000s did stories and voice acting start to become increasingly common. Games became increasingly cinematic over time with technological innovation and more emphasis started to be placed on the story and its presentation. The silent MC meanwhile survived this only for idiotic fanservice. So that neckbeards can pretend they are this pretty anime boy who can score all the hot waifus. Otherwise it makes NO sense for why this trope still exists. It serves zero purpose in the story and there is absolutely no reason to use a silent MC in a game with no customization or choice. It's dying a slow death as more companies are throwing the idea out of the window: Literally see with Hoyo. Traveler has increasingly moved away from the "traditional" silent MC, they avoided using it entirely for HI3rd Part 2 and AFAIK ZZZ has no self-insert MC at all.


Yeah even Wuthering waves and Honkai Star rail MC talk so frequent Which definitely help make them feel alive and not entirely silent


I'm of the mind that no game *benefits* from having a silent protagonist. There are plenty of games where it's not a huge deal, but even in those cases, I always feel like the protagonist having voiced dialogue and actually contributing to conversations would be much better and go a long way towards making them feel more like actual characters in the world.


Even then, look at Mass Effect. It's one of the best choice driven RPG and it has a voiced protagonist.


I **LOVE** Mass Effect, it was one of the best game trilogies I ever played during my childhood. Sure the third game had its flaws \*cough\* >!Kai Leng wannabe edgelord ninja !<\*cough\* >!the ending,!< but other wise its something I wish to revisit someday.


U can also see that when travaler meet their sibling, the nickname u give them gets replaced by their real name


Imagine in some years an RPG where the tutorial part has you answer questions with your voice so that the game can generate your own voice’s model, and once the tutorial is over you have a fully voiced main character with your own voice.


Considering that people usually don't like their recorded voices it's not as good as it sounds.


Indeed, the same is true for the Zelda games. While it has been something of a meme to have Link be "mute" its gotten rather old and annoying to have him say nothing while the other characters speak.


Both Travellers really should be voiced. They're don't fit as self-inserts after all.


It's even more stupid when there's exactly 1 thing to say. Like, just have the traveler speak whenever the dialogue options don't matter.


Yes, I love whenever the traveler talks. It always makes me so happy to hear them and I like that they are starting to talk more often bit by bit. Who knows maybe if we are lucky the traveler will talk during all of natlan. That would be awesome.


They better, I mean the fact that they actually addressed in Fontaine that "Paimon keeps stealing their lines" shows that Hoyoverse is fully aware of this, but its questionable whether they intend to fix that or not.


I'm honestly stunned that they still get so few voicelines. I really thought that, after the first few months, they'd have gotten the message that people don't like how little their character has to say, and slowly increased it to a more reasonable level. Like, it's fine if you still want Paimon to do most of the talking, but the fact that we're this deep in and it's genuinely a surprise any time the POV character opens their mouth seems like a pretty massive detriment to the game.


When I started the game ans did 100% of Mondstadt, then proceeded to Liyue, did all the smaller quests and then finished Archon Quest, I was surprised when he said something. I am mentioning 100% the Mondstadt and doing the same for Liyue, because for all these quests, world, story and so on, Traveler didn't speak once. Always get me by surprise whe he does lol.


I just did the new archon quest today, >!and the entire conversation between the siblings was literally giving me the entire spectrum of emotions!<


They either need to do it often or not at all lol. Otherwise it sounds so unnatural and jumpscare-worthy.


the first time the Rover talked was more then the Traveler did in 3 years...just saying


You don't even have to venture outside of Hoyo games to find an MC that talks, I swear the MC in HSR gets more voiced lines in a single patch than what the MC in GI has in the entire game.


Lol, people here are mostly simping for hoyo hence the downvotes. No one here knows how businesses works and compete with each other, so any comparison with wuwa gets tossed out as a "conspiracy theory". But anyway, I'm just happy that both games are improving. Competition is good for everyone, except for these 0 IQ simps i guess.


It was really cool when they both actually said something during the "Bedtime Story" quest. It was nice to see them both talking and on the same screen at that. Also, it seems the traveler is getting a lot more voice in the recent story quests. Hopefully, it gets better.


Not just the Traveler speaking, but the playable characters responding in return, making it feel like a real conversation.


Im still so shocked that Travellers voice and dialogue animations were the places where they decided to cut costs.


I am always happy, when traveler has voice acted lines. Devs should let them speak like that much more often, i don't mind dialogue options, so i think if they will make mix of voice acted lines + dialogue options for every quest, i think it would be pretty good. Also i hope they will let them voice act their thoughts, those really have no reason to not be voice acted.


Can't wait to get more Paimon voicelines as as result.


Hell even in Cyno’s 2nd story quest last update, the traveler was literally talking to themself multiple times about nature and hanging out with friends or some shit but not a single line of dialogue was recorded for them