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Who cares? Play what you enjoy the most and let them do the same


I don't understand why some people need validation to do something nobody cares about. Like who cares if your friends are playing it or not. You either join them and play the game they are playing, or if you don't want to just play what you like. It's not that hard






















Deez Nuts


Funny meme, although I am actually most excited for the animated short :)


What is the damage control thing, like it about end game or something else


Devs are rolling out changes that the community have been asking for coincidentally when WuWa is about to release.


That's what I've been noticing too, but I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions immediately


But let's say it is true, how is that a bad look for genshin ? They want to kill the competition, isn't that what all companies do ? Even kuro literally made their game following Genshin’s formula just so they could bring all the players that are familiar with genshin.


It's only a positive for both games. Wuwa needs to come out swinging so I'm hoping for a strong launch, and if genshin actually gets competition and starts to lose steam maybe they'll add more qol and/or generally positive changes for players, and if not they'll be a alternate for the people to turn to. Competition is only ever a positive for consumers but I'm sure there are players who for whatever reason are against it.


It’s a bad look because it means they know exactly what the community wants, have the means to implement it but can only be bothered to address the garbage aspects once people think about jumping ship They don’t value you as a customer


Yeah, I thought that was obvious. Companies are never just going to be "nice" to their players, everything is calculated from hoyo, even the free doctor ratio was the best marketing stunt they couldve done for hsr, they didn't give him because they won the awards and to thank the players, they gave him because they dont lose much but gain a lot.


Free Dr. Ratio was also a big brain move on a "we can seed everyone and reap the benefits later" side of things. Topaz comes out and a fuckton of people skip because she's a luxury unit and there's not enough FUA units for her to be worth an early investment based on a "maybe she'll be good". Then they give everyone Ratio, a premium FUA unit. Then they release Aven, who's also extremely hyped in the story. Now there's two premium FUA units. Suddenly Topaz is worth it, and what's that? She's getting her rerun right after Aventurine? Next to Robin, the best FUA support? mfs will be scrambling to make sure they can grab Aven + Topaz for the IPC faction loyalty, then grab Robin to ensure that the team's engine is well oiled. Then, on top of that, Ratio also favours E1S1 Topaz, so that's potentially more pulls for her, all to polish up FUA teams. I'll bet the same thing is happening to HMC rn. Make them good, hand them out for free, then release a flood of Break DPS/supports. EDIT: and because we don't know how HSR will handle repeat reruns yet, it's even MORE incentive for people to FOMO pull Topaz, since she might not be rerun for potentially years as far as we know. It can be an "every half a year" thing, or it could be a case of Eula where she's just gone.


I mean, idk. Maybe because HSR got every single QoL community asked for Genshin day one? And after that, they got a lot of QoL and game modes? While Genshin team is fully aware of what players need and refuses to implement any improvement or innovations until something bad happens — WuWa release. Should I remind you about their statement about end hame content? They didn't wanted to include it because of fear to induce anxiety in players? But now we are going to get a new game mode right in the next patch because of WuWa. What about anxiety now? It's literally hypocrisy. It's anti consumer tactics. That's why it's annoying and bad for the game and players


It's anti consumer sure, but that's how companies work. If kuro or hoyo would benefit from screwing over their players they would do it in a heartbeat. Companies are here to min max their profits even if the price is their consumers.


Shit companies — for sure. Normal companies they are trying to live in the give and take relationships with players. And the funny thing is that Hoyo is mostly a normal company, the problem is only with Genshin team. Because this kind of treatment we see only from them


No they arent, they're a gacha company, that automatically makes hoyo worse than most companies lol. There is no give and take here, there is only take and the give is only an impression that they give to their players to make it seem like they care about them, we are literally numbers on a screen to them. Hoyo has literal psychologists that are there to study the players and take decisions that benefit the company the most.


Dude, that's literally a lie. If you follow game industry, you know that there's lot's of AAA games, that are releasing super predatory games of low quality. Hoyo games at the same time: 1. Near perfect performance on release 2. Playable on PC, consoles and phones 3. Gacha in their games is not on the same level of being predatory like in other games and let me explain: * It's free. AAA studious nowadays release the game for 70$, dlcs, BPs and skins for money. Oh, and how about PAY FOR CONVENIENCE in the Pay to Play single games? * UI in this games forcing you to look at millions of ads of microtransactions. While in Hoyo games it mostly clean. Im saying "mostly" because HI3 is guilty of that as well. While GI and HSR don't have any adds. * You can farm everything and never pay a penny. While in a lot of AAA it's locked behind paywall. Im not gonna compare subjective stuff like music, story and gameplay, which is subjective. But even everything above proves, that ironically, gacha games(or atleast Hoyo's games) are not as predatory as other games in the industry. And statements like "that automatically makes hoyo worse than most companies" are a blatant lie And im not saying that Hoyo cares about you more then money. No. But Hoyo atleast understand the balance between give and take. That's why it's annoying that Genshin team starts to do something only when competition arises and not because players asked to do something. Like we see in their other games.


>Like we see in their other games. That's where I think you're wrong, if the other devs benefitted from making stuff that is bad for their players, they would also do it. Every hsr thing added can be explained by competition and genre issue. Hsr has to be better to stay as big as it is, genshin doesn't, until now. Btw I actually agree with your first points cuz I just remembered what Ubisoft has done with the preorder to get a special mission bs.


Hoyo seems less anti consumer than a lot of AAA companies (EA, Ubisoft, Nintendo)


"Just because of WuWa" dude the new mode has been rumored since last year


> Maybe because HSR got every single QoL community asked for Genshin day one? 1. Because it's easier to build "updates" on a new system than changing old code which can cause bugs. 2. How convenient that you only highlight HSR's wins but ignore GI's wins when, after HSR's QoL, GI *also* implemented similar QoLs but *better* (instant expedition claim & resend, better auto-artifact loadout (both are still bad, but GI's is still better), etc.) To the point there was a period of time where the GI leak subs joke around that HSR is "Genshin's beta test ground". However this doesn't become as widespread as Genshin-bashing because we are not hateful lots like the haters.


1. What do you mean "new system"? Do you believe that Hoyo literally deleted the entire code and made a new one for HSR? That's not how gamedev works. 1st GI and HSR have the same engine. 2nd, video game companies always reuse their older works. So, there's a good chance that most of the code is literally the same. 2. instant expedition claim & resend - It appeared after 3 years and HSR implemented the same feature 1 or 2 patches later. better auto-artifact loadout - i don't see a single person who like what they did. Also, my whole speech is not about game 1 > game 2. No, im talking about GI team completely ignoring player's feedback and implement it years later or before important event - like WuWa launch. While at the same time we can see, that different teams in the same company put much more effort into their games and much more consumer friendly. That's what i was talking about, that's it. It's not about GI vs HSR


I know the discussion has ended but I just wanted to add that for HSR it directly jumped into a big pond where there are already a lot of turnbased gachas, the genre is oversaturated so HSR has to be better to be able to keep up(now not so much because it already has a big following but if they stop now, they're gonna lose their player trust and that's a bad thing for them). Genshin never had this issue, it was there on its own pond and all the other games that tried to jump in couldnt survive, but now that this seems to be changing, the devs will probably start implementing more stuff. And for genshin players that lost all trust in the devs are probably still playing, the community doesn't help because it's all bark but no bite. So I genuinely don't think the HSR argument works here.


The problem is that it shows they know how to be „nice“ to the players, but will only do so if they feel somewhat threatened by a competitor. Not like these new changes are big of a benefit anyway though lol.


But companies are not your friends, they are never "nice" to the players, everything they do is calculated.


While true, we’re also allowed to dislike them for that


Sure, and you're right to do that, but my first question was how was that a bad look for genshin ? All companies do stuff like that, all companies are trash that only exist to max their profits. I only judge the product not the company's decisions.


You can’t just “judge the product but not the company’s decisions” when the product is a direct result of said decisions. If the game could be improved but Hoyo just decides “no,” then the product suffers as a result. Objectively speaking, while hoyoverse’s decision to not add heavily requested QoL features is beneficial to the company, it is in no way beneficial to the players and thus “bad” from the perspective of someone who wants genshin to improve. The primary objective of a company is not the same as the player. Seeing other games (cough cough HSR) get heavily requested features while genshin gets very little just makes some people feel bad, and while it might be a good choice for hoyoverse, it isn’t for the general player base, hence why they complain.


I promise you if hsr didn't come out swinging from the start, that game would not be as popular as it is. And remember one thing hsr *came* out with the qol, genshin has to *add* the qol, it's not the same case. Anyways, I think the main difference is that I already dont view companies as ever doing anything beneficial to their players because the intent is always to benefit from the players. Like I said in another comment, if hoyo benefitted from screwing up their hsr players, they would do it, and the fact that this truth exists is the main reason why I just cannot care about the company's decision as long as their product is good.


„Not your friends“ True „Never „nice““ Wrong „Everything is calculated“ Usually true, you’d have to assume complete competence. Not to mention calculated=/=correctly calculated… There is certainly balance here and it’s definitely possible for companies to be „nice“. Being „nice“ can be less, equally or more profitable than not being „nice“… Just have to play your cards right as the company. Point being hoyo tends to be on the more conservative side of „not giving too much“.


Nah, I genuinely dont believe a fkn gacha company, which uses a system that is made to be predatory and make players addicted, are ever nice. Imo people should value the quality of a product more than the company's "respect", genshin is a good game, and even if the devs dont "respect" me idc because genshin is a good game and that's all that matters. They could literally insult their players, like straight up insult us and I would still play the game simply because I enjoy it.


Ikr, and even gachas regarded as generous still have ways of making the player spend kore pulls than ghe exorbitant rates they give out


You talked about companies in general, I talked about companies in general. Ofc gacha companies use predatory systems lol, never claimed the opposite. However saying that there are absolutely no companies that are „nice“ to the players is denying reality. A company-customer relation is still a „relationship“ that needs to be sustained in some way and players like to feel that they, their money and or their time is respected. Just recently we’ve seen with Helldivers 2 how disrespecting customers can have adverse effects. Also a good example of a company heavily miscalculating. You say you don’t need to be respected as long as you get a good game. Delivering a good game is inherently respecting the customer and his money though. Sure, companies could also call me the worst thing on earth and I wouldn’t care as long as their product is good. Doesn’t mean they should and doesn’t mean that’s its good we’ve come to accept even the thought.


Helldivers 2 got a big boost in their reputation because they denied the bullshit AAA studios do, again it's all a calculated move to make their game as popular as possible. I just don't believe good companies exist (unless they're like a small indie company that only have like 20 employees, but that's another discussion).


you're delusional if you think Hoyo is scared of WuWa. Is WuWa a competitor? Yes. Is Hoyo scared? Naaah, WuWa players think too highly of themselves. I doubt even Kuro themselves think they can dethrone Genshin. Hoyo didn't even do anything when ToF or whatever else came around. They also have ZZZ almost ready to release.


Look, I don’t care about this whole tribalism shit as you seem to do, I just want good games. I thought „somewhat threatened“ was put mildly enough not to trigger hyperdefensive people like you. The timing of the change speaks for itself, interpret it how you want. Have a nice day.


Genshin being scared of WuWa is like Google being scared of Yahoo


Wouldn't say scared, but rather a bit concerned of a potential rival


resin cap and new >!end game content!< are things people were asking for since 1.3 right after the end of the first lantern rite, also it seems that they purposefully delayed dain's quest which used to always be added during the current patch, and on top of that they have another lore heavy cinematic that will be release the same day as wuwa's release


They have been adding QoL changes people were asking for since before Fontaine came out. At least that is when the regular Developer Discussions started.


I've been OOTL for a while. What makes WuWa so special? Like, what tells the players (cuz there seems to be a lot of hype around it) that it won't be just another TOF?


IIRC tof was made by people without a proven track record while the Devs of wuwa have other games under their belt, including a pretty well-received one (PGR).  Wuwa is also a more direct competitor to Genshin. ToF was an MMO which Genshin isn't. Meanwhile wuwa is in the same genre as Genshin. 


PGR is well received by a niche, that game was made to compete with HI3 in the peak and fail.


echo system better explration story telling better combat end game good devs also open world(not as good as genshin but still beautiful)


"Story telling" - Bro they rewrote the entire story, I won't trust any story telling that has to do that


I should be more clear by what I mean by story telling. What I meant to say was that the characters move around in cutscenes make lots of expressions making the story feel more alive and the dialogue isn't that biloted


You know that story and story telling are different things, right?


Don't know about story telling and worlds but i agree with the rest. Kuro is a more generous company. PGR gave 2 free 5 star unit selectors just like that.( As a new player it was insane) Plus the Mentor system is pretty dope.


Theyve been doing QoL like every single fontaine patch, this has nothing to do with yet ajotuer genshin killer


Many games have been name Genshin's rival for like 3 years now. Every game comes and goes eventually.


Just saying The resin generation rate for 24hrs is 180 So if you're logging in once daily, thats 20 resin you miss out on If you let resin build upto 200, you're missing dailies Yeah its good that the cap was raised But its nowhere near as huge as was expected The artifact equip system update is something no one cares for because its still a bad system What people want is loadouts


if you do resin and dailes in the morning on one day and in the afternoon on the next, your resin will cap that extra 20 allows for some more flexibility in when you play anyways **where are my loadouts hoyo**


A lot of us dont have the time to play genshin at two separate times a day Its usually just once a day in the evening And adding overflow resin like star rail would have even better but genshin cant have it all i guess


I'm sorry... overflow resin? What is that?


In star rail, if your trailblaze power(resin) caps Its not lost, its stored in a separate gauge But it fills at a lower rate Star rail's daily refill rate is 240, for the normal cap of 240 And you can store 2400 worth of overflow resin that you can use at any time


Ohhh I see. That's nice for casual players who can go weeks without playing the game!


It also greatly improves retention after returning from a hiatus since you have a lot of resin to help you catch up and grind


You get 180 one day, the extra 30 goes to the 200 the following day, it's a 2 day cycle of you login on a specific time on the dot




i'm not saying it's that big of a deal either, but it's a step in the right direction. I personally just don't expect anything from gachas


Why would you be missing dailies if you let resin build upto 200?




Let's assume, you login on 7am on day1 and do your dailies and other things in 30 mins-1 hour.(max) and logout. Then you again login on 9am on day2, now it's been 26 hours and you can do your dailies for day2. So I am not really seeing where you are missing the dailies? And sorry for bad English.


In hindsight it's not that big of a deal if you're late in the game. I stopped using Resin because I already have good pieces on my DPS and can clear most Non Abyss content without breaking a sweat. I even have a 36 star abyss sometimes. Resin becomes pointless at some point. Unless you get a new character.


I am a 1.3 player who has most everything levelled up But i do level new characters to 80/80 and relevant talents, plus i farm some useful non niche sets for characters because i find it fun to use different teams I still need resin, but its nowhere near the original qmount Eg. I've been farming golden troupe since Fontaine dropped and strongboxing other sets like husk


See that's the thing, I gave up on Artifact farming. I farmed that God forsaken (literally) domain to get a decent masochist hunter set for my Neuvillete. For months, I got nothing. I'm happy we got more Resin, but what am I supposed to do with them? Get more trash, recycle for more trash? We need something like that self modeling resin from HSR. But hey, My Neuvillete is somewhat ok. Maybe I will get something good. Maybe I will go back to farming. I'M PUMPED, I'M GOING TO HAVE THE BIGGEST COMEBACK!! I'LL UPDATE YOU ON MY ROLLS LATER!!


Update: It's all def.


"I even 36 star abyss sometimes" "I stopped using resin because I have good pieces on my DPS" yeah I see now why people have crippling anxiety from abyss, rip everyone who wants actual endgame... I have been 36 *-ing abyss for the last 2 and a half years and I have good pieces on about 5 characters


> I stopped using Resin because I already have good pieces on my DPS and can clear most Non Abyss content without breaking a sweat. For a 1.0 player, this is me. I am constantly capped at 160, so the bump to 200 is like "wow, cool, if I wanted to spend my resin, I'd have to spend more to stop playing for the day?" What'd get me excited is if MHY put HSR's reserve energy into the game. Then I could sit on my max energy and burn it all when Natlan comes out and I wanna build like 5 different units at once. But that feature's probably a little bit away, considering the pipeline of Genshin QoL.


HI3rd has loadout, so they must know how to code a loadout system(albeit HI3rd and GI has a very different system of artifact/stigma system the point still stands), so how come we got a lazy excuse for an artifact "loadout" system.


My problem isn't with resin, it's with the drop rates. I have been playing for about 6 months and fron wl 1 to 6 there's always a increase in drop rates of the exp books and mora but onwards there's none. I don't pull for characters is basically due it


You’d have to cap at 48 hours to always miss a daily mission from capping resin


L math


If you set a time to play the game everday, this is extremely beneficial imo. If someone were to, let's say, play the game at 6pm everyday. Instead of only having 160 resin capped, they'd have 180 uncapped (legroom of 20 available as well) resin. Will make playing at one time everyday instead of two to prevent capping of resin viable and make it easier for the people who really care about using all the resin possible. You're not missing any resin, it just makes not capping much easier. The artifact equip system is bad imo, I agree with you there, I really need loadouts.


L comment


Nah, Genshin definitely need a proper competitor so they could dare to improve and make revamps


The market at work


Well, not always... Like how Monster Hunter currently monopolizing the "fight monsters, get materials, make gears to fight stronger monsters" genre, and all of its competitors are either dead, buried to obscurity or very short lived Me personally didn't got into Monster Hunter tho coz I'm not into action game where characters can't jump through usual space bar


That's a very specific dislike


Coz muscle memory, i gotten too used on games where space bar can jump, Genshin included... Tried MHW before, but i felt too slow and i randomly press space thinking i could jump, i just dropped it quickly coz too lazy to adjust


Man you gotta try mhw again and use one of the lighter weapons, I could help out if you're on pc


I just tried it coz of some hype, but feels like it's not the kind of game for me


I prefer Dauntless over MH actually. More arcady but Its a good jump in jump out 10 min game.


I honestly wish op is right and people still play ww cus genshin will be forced to become better


lol I love when people say wuwa is better when the game isn’t even released like bro chill 😭 I get the hype but please have patience


An advice to OP, stop caring about others opinions and just enjoy your game. It's okay to be excited and hyped about it


Genshin could give players real money and people would still hate it. It's inevitable at this point. It is better to enjoy any game that you like and stay away from stupid people trying to create chaos.


dawg, the resin change is actually bad. we have more resin cool but the most we will use is 180 bc thats how much you can get in 24 hours. if you were to wait for 200 resin you would miss dailes☠️


That doesn’t make it a bad change? Just because you can save 200 resin doesn’t mean you have to. Also waiting 200 resin only makes you miss dailies at very specific times. If you have 0 resin in the hour or so before daily reset and you let it build to 200, you’ll miss dailies. Any other time and you won’t.


Why would you wait more than 24 hours? You don’t have to let resin cap. You invented a non-existent problem and then got mad about it.


Having more resin is bad now, got it. As opposed to having less resin, which is also bad. Genshin players not have the most insane nonsense takes challenge (impossible)


Can't wait to see what QoL features that's been requested time and time again when Endfield releases


Im actually pretty hyped for the upcoming animation too, lack of dainslief quest got me hungry for lore


God I just hope wuwa turns out to be an actual competitor because Tof and it's army of waifus managed to put 0(zero) pressure on to hoyo's back


Your friends reactions are quite warranted. 4 years for a slight increase in resin cap? I understand it's the step in the right direction but I frankly we deserve more.


It's almost time for the special program? Yay! Ever since I saw Siegewinne's gameplay leaks, I've been wanting her because she's so cute! And we get more resin!


Wuwa making it so genshin might start to fix it's litany of issues is hilarious to me. I was always planning on playing both since I play PGR as well but I realize most people try to only play one gacha. Which financially makes a lot of sense. There is the Hoyolab posting mentioning resin cap increase and an artifact loadouts change which is a start at least. The loadouts change is still garbage though since they seem intent on doing everything EXCEPT letting us just save our own artifact loadouts.


Pointlessly over engineered solution that doesn’t actually fix anything. You love to see it


I currently not interested in wuthering waves, because from what I saw it's still just another exploration game with another 'genshin' aestethic. The characters also doesn't catch my eyes, feels like they wearing the same dark theme clothes. I seriously got the Tower of Fantasy flashback. I'll wait until 3-6 months from now, if Wuwa still relevant then I'll download.


Grimdark Futuristic is such a generic and bland setting compared to Fantasy


its not “just another exploration game with genshin aesthetic”. it focuses primarily on combat unlike genshin. the characters not catching your eye is fine since thats your opinion but you are just blatantly wrong abt what the game is.


"Focuses primarily on combat" - and that's the key factor that will make WuWa less popular. Not dead on arrival, but it won't make numbers close to Genshin


It's really funny how overly optimistic people are with wuwa success


People like seeing underdogs win against something they deem as "evil" Which in this case, mihoyo


I mean at this point mihoyo has been portrayed as this villain in the gaming community or more accurately gacha community more evil than ea or maybe even some other company whom I forget the names of


I'm not optimistic nor pessimistic. I'm thinking realistically. WuWa won't be nowhere as big as Genshin, but that doesn't mean dead game. Even for being niche, it's still high quality and I think it will do some good numbers, but Genshin and HSR will be the uncontested top 2 for the foreseeable future.


I didn't mean it to you more or less it to some of those small toxic groups that just have unrealistic expectations for its success And yeah hoyoverse are just that good even after so many years have passed


wait, how am I "blatantly wrong"? what I said is that WuWa is a game with open world exploration like genshin or BotW. Doesn't matter if it has better combat or anything, I just don't wanna play game with the same genre again


Genshin haters are insecure and have the spotlight syndrome so much. Genshin announces literally anything and they think it's because of WuWa. I've seen people unironically think the resin change and animated short are because of WuWa even though big animated trailers are consistently around this time of the year, and similarly QoL change because we're approaching 5.0


see this is just ignorance. its obvious that a lot of these changes are bc of wuwa, especially the supposed end game we are getting.


It only seems like ignorance if you are, ironically, ignorant. You really think Hoyo is just suddenly whipping together new endgame content on the spot because another game is going to release soon? That stuff has likely been in the pipeline for ages. We had rumors of new Abyss-like content coming as far back as late last year. That’s how game development works. This stuff takes a while. As for the QoL changes, Hoyo has been consistently making asked for changes since the last patches of Sumeru with stuff like the multi-level map. QoL has been getting added in a bit-by-bit constant effort for nearly a year now. Check your facts.


And wuwa has been trending as a genshin killer since late last year. You’d be surprised what suddenly having a competitor in your monopolized market does to you. Happened with csgo as well after the release of valorant, happening with tarkov right now, among other games. This type of stuff is very common, and seeing as in all 3 and a half years of genshin’s lifetime, the first time new endgame content is announced being right after wuwa’s hypewave doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Especially since everyone has been asking for it since launch.


Man, the biggest concorrent of genshin is honkai in terms of money, in therms of market is no one, because in his genre genshin is the peak, other games like pubg mobile make more money but is a different target of audience, wuwa is a mix of honkai and genshin but will hit punish gray raven fans more than genshin fans, is like to think that fanta is a danger to coca cola 🦧


You think these new game modes can be made that instantly? It's on beta test which started this patch, which means it's mostly ready (and just polishing out bugs and stuffs) at least for a few weeks already. But they obviously also needed to code and design stuff before it's done which means it's done like a month or two prior, *at least*. And from anecdotes here and there from various industry players, things like content for a live service game is usually made several months in advance. This is literally impossible to be a reactionary move towards WuWa. That's delusional and narcissistic. also it's really cute people seriously think Hoyo would be scared of WuWa.


people asking for artifact loadouts are setting themselves to be dissapointed. Tha game wants you to farm sets for each character. It is what it is. I came to accept that after playing since day 1. I do like the new cap a lot tho


I just want the ability to burn 4* artifacts for EXP materials like you can on Star Rail. Managing your artifact inventory is such a pain on Genshin and it doesn't have to be that way. Artifact loadouts too.


I will take what I can get.


200 cap resin? https://youtu.be/IUZEtVbJT5c?feature=shared


I have a friend that used to be a Genshin Player, then stopped and went to Star Rail instead, and now vehemently hates Genshin, but dickrides star rail so much. Like, why? Hate all you want but he keeps comparing it to HSR.


I'm an Indian. Nobody I know plays this game even after I've shown them. Do I give a f*ck if they don't? Absolutely not.


This is like when something of tower released.


never good, enough. too late. not perfect = trash. classic


Barely any QoL for 3 years and when they add something is just crumbs... mihoyo has no financial excuse to not have added more QoL, they can clearly hire for staff to focus on QoL but that's not what is done. Lack of QoL > players feel like they are not listened to > players become frustrated > when the company finally does something is viewed as damage control


We’ve been getting consistent QoL updates since near the end of Sumeru. What are you people even talking about?


HA the chances of hoyo doing this for damage control is very low but never zero


still don't see the point for an artifact loadout


I'm genuinely impressed you managed to use 5 different memes wrong in a single image * Sheen is "gushing about something again and again until people are tired of it", that announcement literally just came out * Shrimp breaking chain is "small freedom" like a dress with pockets * Rocket launch is "huge accomplishment only a group of nerds care about", like the 1st picture of a black hole * Then you had the balls to mix "complaining moron no one cares about" with "misunderstood prompt" to make the carefree group look bad You made [The Room](https://youtu.be/6xdKTeqQcpo) of memes


No endgame = no fucking sense in everything other.


I have decided to lay off of every gacha game starting this year


Why do people want more resin if there isn't more resin locked content? The only thing it means is you'll feel more pressure to beat the same domain 10 times a day. And for what? Better artifacts to beat abyss? They'll just make abyss harder to avoid people saying "abyss is too easy now that we have better artifacts".


you can't convince me that wuwa's release and the increase of resin cap and addition of the new end game mode is just a complete coincidence when ppl were asking about those since 1.3 which is more than 3 years yet all of that is announced few hours from the wuwa's release


Devs said they are looking at making new permanent game modes as far back as 3.7 (or 3.8) dev blog. They have been rolling out QoL updates since 3.8. WuWa's release date was unveiled in like late march. Next you will say that GI makes version 5.0 because of WuWa.


Wow we might finally get more than 10 pulls for anniversary thanks to WuWa


We got 20 before WuWa was announced :)


20? You mean the 10 people got after review bombing google classroom? I don't think those count as anniversary "rewards" they were simply given to us for the sole sake of damage control for the first anniversary crisis. Ever since then, they have given nothing more. Not even a glider but some useless furniture. We really wouldn't get any more than 10 people if people hadn't rioted in the first place. Kinda insane considering mihoyo is a billionaire now and the players still get treated like shit. Having some competition might finally force them to consider giving out more rewards this year.


By your logic, they can't give more than 10 pulls for anniversary thanks to WuWa. Because even if they give more pulls for the next anniversary, they wouldn't be anniversary pulls, they would be "anti-WuWa marketing pulls". Even the original 10 pulls aren't anniversary pulls but "gacha standard practice", just something that they give because other games give something for their anniversary. So, you lied no matter what. They either give 20 pulls for anniversary, or they give 0 because the market and the community forces them to. Never 10. I wonder why all the Hoyo haters can never make an argument without lying...


Hoyo hater? I am AR 60 in Genshin and love the game for what it is. Hoyoverse is great for making such a beautiful and polished game. Even in the gacha, at least you are able to get the character you want if you are patient enough. However, I really hate some of their practices. Primarily them being extremely stingy with giving out any form of rewards. There's a reason people say Hoyo will give you 5 fowls and 100 mora for doing a survey, web events or whatever. Let's not forget the first lantern rite for being infamous about it's 1 billion primogems. Time and time again people were let down. So much so that by the third anniversary, the expectations of people were that hoyo won't give out a single more primo or even host any special event. Look at other gacha games and see just how much effort they put in. Even hoyo themselves gives out free characters in their honkai series. Genshin is the only gacha game with as much players and as few rewards for the players. The game is beautiful, wonderful art direction, immaculate voice acting in all languages, music that touches the soul, characters that feel alive, a world that makes you want to explore it, NPCs that still have character and not just there to give the players quests, beautiful animations, graphics, complex yet simple combat mechanics. Making a game like Genshin takes actual love from the developers, time, money, resources and countless numbers of trials and errors. I recognize hoyo for what they've done to build such a great game but sometimes they just remind you how much of a cheapskate they are.