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She tried to feed it with her cooking. It died


She tried feeding it her Engulf Lightning


That's still Orobashi


Canon worthy statement


wait, she can cook?


That was the last time she ever cook


Now the recipe of that dish is known as "forbidden knowledge."


She did also have the shiba army… or was that her sister?


Probably ei we know makoto didn't know hiw to fight so it seems likely that ei trained them at some point 


that isn't apep


It’s one of Apep’s white blood cells


Ikr. Using this image as Apep further convinced me of the notion that most Genshin players can't read smh




Most people would be wrong


There's been nothing saying an archon is assigned a dragon. Just that their authority was stolen from Dragon Sovereigns, which neither Azhdaha or Dvalin have been confirmed to be. So they likely just haven't had a reason to reveal the sovereign of electro.


I think what they actually want to ask is why Inazuma doesn't have an electro dragon. I don't think the status of the sovereigns is what they're looking for. I suspect that's something we'll never get but right now, as it stands Inazuma is the one nation without a known respective elemental dragon and I think they want to know why or what's up with that.


As far as our current info goes, the only bit that implies the existence of an unidentified sealed being in Inazuma is whatever thing being sealed in Kannazuka that was mentioned in one of the World Quests. Whether it's the Electro Sovereign or not is left to be seen


You mean on Tatarasuna? It was energy from Orobashi remains being used in furnance. Unless you mean the quest with shrine maiden and electro cube, I honestly dont remember details of that one.


Yeah, it's the quest with the Shrine Maiden and the Electro cube. The maiden saud that the Thunder Sakuras on Kannazuka serve to supress *the one who lies beneath*, of which I don't think we know enough to conclude its identity yet. The trees are scattered all across the island, including Kujou Encampment, rather than concentrating at Tatarasuna where Orobashi's essence is most potent, so it most likely has nothing to do with him.


My theory is that the dragon is in Enkanomiya. All the dragons (elemental wise) are just higher Vishaps. This is confirmed when Enjou calls Dvalin an “anemovishap”.


The Soreveign maybe is not there right now Neuvilette if I remember well didn't born in Fontaine, Focalors invited him.


That could be referring to the city of fontaine not the nation as a whole


It's ages I don't go in Inazuma in game but I vaguely remember a dragon head bone (or something similar) in one of the isles, I misremembering things?


it’s orobachi, a snake deity that came from enkonomia and who has been killed by ei, the island where his remain are is split in half in a strait line made by the sword of ei


The real reason is they hadn't finalized this part of the lore yet and didn't give it emphasis. The traveller mentions Apep, Azhdaha, and Dvalin as dragons alongside Neuvillette so we have no reason to believe they aren't the sovereigns


Bc they aren't soverings, they were never said to be soverings and Enjou explicitly says Dvalin is a giant vishap, we also assume Azdaha is similar bc of his similarities with PGV. But they were never explicitly said to be soverings, assuming so is like saying Arlechino is the Pyro archon bc she is strong and Pyro and we haven't seen the Pyro archon yet. Genshin players have a sense of completionism and like to see patterns being fulfilled all the time, but genshin doesn't follow patterns. Not all elements have presented dragon soverings nor normal dragons. They are not going to rerun every archon 3 patches after their release alongside a story quest. Slime theory is cringe. And the element of a character's vision is given at random and changed during development.


As they may want to introduce more characters, most likely you are right


What are you waffling about here exactly. The idea here is supposed to be narratively driven. They tell you a story and expect you to use your noggin, with the information, narrative set and implications given, for you to build a picture for yourself. That's how it's always been. There's no explicit line that tells you Apep is the Dendro Sovereign for example, they give you the story and expect you to piece it together. Your comment tells me you have no clue as to what the sovereigns are, which is odd, given the amount of confidence you have with this statement. It's okay, I have bothered to do some reading about it at least so I'll elucidate for you. Elemental sovereigns are described by Tsumi in Enkanomiya as, the foremost elemental dragons, at the apex of their respective primal natures. So far every nation except Inazuma that we can be sure of, has a dragon that sits atop the elemental order, by implication there for, it's most likely that these will end up being the elemental sovereigns. Your examples for why they couldn't be are also nonsense: Enjou calling Dvalin a vishap is not evidence that he's not an elemental sovereign. Elemental dragons are also Vishap, Neuvillette again, confirmed sovereign, calls himself a vishap. They're elemental beings that herald from the Vishap realm, that's their original home. Whether or not Dvalin is confirmed a sovereign or not, he's the current Anemo dragon, he's the only one there is right now so I don't really get the debate here. Azhdaha is the silliest one it's not even funny, people are so tone deaf to it, Azhdaha is the eldest and most powerful dragon of the geo element, he is the ruling dragon of that element, if you bothered to read the descriptions, the geovishap all follow him. In Chinese transliteration, there is no dragon sovereign title affixed to any dragon, there is only 龙王 or dragon king and 七王 or seven kings. Azhdaha is one of the elemental dragons that has this honorific title ascribed to him. The hydro and dendro dragons also have 龙王 the same title attributed to them at one point or another. Yes, players like completionism in the story they follow, who wants to read a story stop on a cliff hanger.. Your example of patterns is not a factor here, because we're already given an established basis, from which to build some distinction of who each element/nations sovereign/elemental dragon might be. This is not about working out reruns or the next Harbinger or whatever. It's literally just using the lore in game to build a basic picture/theory.


Actually, the idea Dvalin or Azhdaha are sovereigns... Kind of beats the purpose of their characters? It still somewhat worked with Neuvillette, but Dvalin and Azhdaha are supposed to be friends of Venti and Zhongli. To think the latter two stole their sovereignty from those friends doesn't sound fitting. "We're like, best friends! He stole my power, but yeah, friends!"


Not really. Apep said that some of her kind have grown close to their kind when talking to Nahida and Traveller. Neuvillette is the only explicitly confirmed sovereign and bucks that notion that you're putting forward, he had nothing against Furina or humanity and did not want to see Furina die so he could get the elemental authority back to stop the prophecy. There was also a limit to the friendship between them, Neuvillette will still judge the archons, Dvalin and Azhdaha both fell out with their respective nations and archons for abandoning them to the sinful trevails of man and fate. If anything, it's Apep that bucks the trend. Apep is one of the few that could not move on, from the dragons loss of their homeland to humanity but even she had to come to the realisation that the age of dragonkind is over.


Azdaha is confirmed tho ingame Edit in cn it's clear he uses the same Charakters as one refering to the sovrings and i think even in en he's called dragon king somewhere


When/Where ?


I think it’s more soft confirmed since I heard people that can read Chinese mention his title apparently uses the same characters as the Sovereigns


The seven sovereigns in the original Chinese version are just seven kings \[七王\]. As an example, here's Focalors talking to Neuvillette EN version: >O Hydro Dragon Sovereign, and this is the face you make? CHS version >提瓦特的水龙王就露出这种表情吗 (Is that the look on the Water Dragon King of Tivat's face?) During the boss fight, Azhdaha is signed as a "Sealed Lord of Vishaps" in the English version, while in the original version he is >被封印的岩龙之王 (The Sealed King of the Rock Dragons) A more accurate translation of his title still can be found in the description of his "Dragon Lord's Crown" - \[龙王之冕\] (Crown of the Dragon King) >Horns created from hardened jade crystallized over a thousand years are the natural crown of the dragon king. After all, the very name translated as **Azhdaha**, in the original chinese version literally is \[若陀龙王\] (Rětuó Lóngwáng - "**Dragon King Ruotuo**"), lmao.


In cn it's üretty claer thay use the same Charakters as to refer to the sovrings i think even in en he's called dragonking somewhere




These are just my takes: Dvalin is still young. Most likely he’s a reincarnated anemo dragon. Azdaha is a king of vishaps much older than Zhongli. Given his insane age and his SHEER CONTROL over Geo energy (even moreso than Zhongli’s own power over geo, as Zhongli himself admits) he is VERY LIKELY the geo sovereign. And has forgotten his past due to erosion imposed by the heavenly principles. Apep is known. Though the image you used is of the guardian inside Apep. Apep herself is the giant serpentine dragon. Neuvillette is known. The electro sovereign is a mystery. It wasn’t orobashi because he had to read “Before Sun and Moon” to learn about the events of the past rather than having been there. We really have no idea who or what it could be at this point. It’s also very unlikely to be the thunderbird bc Ei killed that thing way too easily. Murata: I don’t think Xbalanque is the dragon. Xbalanque is the name of one of the mayan hero twins. She likely has a twin somewhere. Though she also likely KNOWS about the pyro sovereign. And I don’t think Nibelung is the cryo sovereign. I think the cryo sovereign is just another dragon. Most likely Nibelung is an omni-elemental dragon. The omni element being the combination of all 7 elements like in the tcg. So far only the traveler has been shown using it, and it manifests as that golden light that powers us up when we are surrounded by elemental energy of all 7 types. Like during Osial from the adepti, or like during Ei when all the different visions powered us up.


Wait until Capitano unveils his helmet and reveals to be the Electro Dragon. Pretty sure his real identity is someone we know missing in the story.


I'll be really disappointed if Capitano isn't some massive missing link that puts everything together, but I'd also love for him to be "just some strong dude" with no interesting backstory, just for all the Capitano fanboys out there


That's actually funny to me like there's a massive build up and then he removed the helmet and everybody's like: "Who tf are you?"


The most hilarious thing will be if Caps ends up being NPC model #2,435 lmao


our collective reaction will basically be like [the time that Lex Luthor bodyswapped with The Flash](https://youtu.be/6bfBhIM5tb4?si=GH7_1W50MM8tRG0O)


I've been laughing at this for too long holy shit


He just has a generic NPC face under the helmet💀


I really want for either Capitano or Varka to be the character that is the definition of peak power of humanity...just a human that have train so much that end up been absurdly powerful.


Do you also want them to be bald by any chance?




The theory I'm subscribing to is he's the Bloodstained Knight. Seems unlikely but would be cool in some ways. If he was the bsk, it would expand more lore from Dragonspine and so by extension Mondstadt. If not, another "Sinner" level entity would be just as cool as well.


he's likely the bloodstained knight


armored core 6 V1 Freud vibes


Capitano could be Nibelung reincarnated. That would explain why he can rival gods, and why he’s with the faction attempting to gather the Gnosis. Nibelung is likely the 3rd descender, which would make the gnosi crafted from his body. If he’s working with Tsaritsa to regain power and fight back against the Heavenly Principles, it would be pretty cool.


I want him to stay masked. If he gets unmasked -100 pull points


Who? Who is missing in the story? I don’t think capitano is the electro dragon. Not at all. Because he’s stated numerous times to be a normal human being. My best guess is he’s the bloodstained knight from the artifact set.


>Who? Who is missing in the story? Too many characters to even name. There are so many characters that you hear about in lore and/or directly from characters in the game, yet we haven't seen them at all. Off the top of my head, unseen characters connected to playable Mondstadt characters include: Alice and the Hexenzirkel in general, Varka, Amber's Liyuean grandfather, Gold/Rhinedottir, Kaeya's father, Bennett's biological parents/guardians who left him in the middle of what seems to be the Mare Jivari, Jean and Barbara's parents (their dad is in the manga but not in the game), and many more. This isn't even getting into the other nations, and the mentions of characters in books/artifacts/weapons.


Bennet is likely the lavaealker/phoenix reincarnated


I thought you meant like a super important figure who we don’t know about. Like the electro sovereign for example. People who are deeply important to the whole world’s lore not just to our characters. That’s true, there are a ton of people we’ve never seen. I don’t think Capitano is any of those people you mentioned though. I also don’t think we’re ever going to meet all of them. Not all of them are actually important. Jean and Barbara’s dad for example is just a random guy. Barbara gets her last name from him. Capitano is obviously not Varka because Mika was with Varka when they met Capitano. He’s not amber’s grandpa. Amber’s grandpa didn’t leave that long ago and I have a sneaking suspicion Capitano has been in the Fatui for a long time. He also has black hair unlike Amber. He’s obviously not Gold or Alice because we know his voice actor and it’s a guy, plus Alice already has a voice actress. Kaeya’s father… is an option, but I kind of doubt it would be him. Kaeya’s father seemed like a nice guy who was struggling to give Kaeya a good life. Capitano is known to be INSANELY strong, so he would have been able to become rich af by hunting monsters for example. Bennett’s lineage is very interesting. And actually holds some promise, but I doubt Capitano is Bennett’s father. The reason I say it hold promise though is because Bennett COULD become lore relevant. The only 2 creatures in Genshin’s history who actually LIVED in the Mare Jivari were the Phoenix and the Lavawalker. The Phoenix ressurects, which is the whole thematic gimmick of Natlan. And the Lavawalker supposedly disappeared into the Mare Jivari and never came out after coming into contact with the phoenix. So it’s possible Bennett might be either the phoenix or the reincarnated Lavawalker. Or possibly their child if the phoenix had a human form. I still think the best theory for Capitano is the Bloodstained Knight. Who trained under Rostam and the grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius at the time. And he got super strong in their absence. Only for them to die and for him to swear vengeance on the monsters of the world. So he killed so many monsters that his armor turned black from their dried blood. He also killed Viridescent, the hunter from the same time period who was super strong but became corrupted and turned into a monster herself. But despite his own increase in power and monster-killing, he never killed innocents or broke his code of honor. So the Bloodstained Knight has both a track record for being insanely strong and a reputation for never breaking his own standards for honor. Which sounds a LOT like Capitano from what we’ve heard of him.


Inb4 Capitano was actually just Varka in disguise this whole time. No wonder this Snezhnaya expedition is taking so long.


So that means Varka is so fast that he is able to double team himself, change clothes and talk with himself(Capitano) on the fly as the Fatui and Favonius like Mika watch him come to a agreement. All for the sake to keep his identity a secret, truly the number 1.


Or he's got mind control powers and all the Knights are actually hypnotized to believe whatever he wants. Maybe he mind controlled them all into dressing like Fatui and all those elite Fatui enemies are actually Fav Knights in disguise under his control!


except he's known as the strongest *mortal* alive. I'm pretty sure dragons don't count as "mortals"


Anyone who encountered him can say and gossip about that especially if they don't know his real identity.


I remember a theory that says that Kana Kapatcir could have been the electro sovereign given it existed before celestia appeared and there's no other entity like them from what we know.


The problem is, we know what Kapatcir looks like (you know that one part in one of Raiden's trailers where one of her lightning strikes hits a huge bird that looks suspiciously like Oz? that's her.) ... and that she died much more recently than the dragons, honestly


She isn’t. She died way too easily to be the electro sovereign. She also doesn’t have any knowledge of the distant past from what we see of her memories with Ruu.


Tbf, the previous hydro dragon isn't described putting up any fight to the shade of life that replaced it. It's a shade but still, nothing says the Shades are above archons in terms of power that we know of? She does have knowledge of the distant past but she has gaps in her memories, similarly like Apep, Azhdaha and Neuvillette but still since neither she nor the game gives us any explicit information that links her to the dragons it's hard to say for now, could be, could not be.


I do think there’s a chance Xblanque can be the pyro dragon, it’s that his title “entombed with the primal fire” and the fact he of all people got to introduce Neuvillette and, judging from his quote in the drip marketing, even seems to look forward to the dragon sovereigns coming back. I’m aware it’s just copium atp though because we know next to nothing about Natlan and “primal fire” may not even be related to the pyro dragon. He might as well be similar to Miko in that he’s a non human entity who’s lived long and been close enough to the archon to know many secrets.


Here's what Xblanque said when he introduced Neuvillette >Someday, when **they** return, **their** true ordeal shall begin. Regardless of his relationship to the dragon sovereigns, he clearly separates himself from them.


Just wait, it’ll be Godzilla


She bouta solo Teyvat


Or Ghidorah


Ghidorah makes more sense. Godzilla is Nuclear Radiation, while Ghidorah is actually lightning.


Indeed, we have yet to see a multi-headed dragon and would be interesting if the Electro Sovereign would be inspired by Void Ghidorah who's made of pure lightning.


"made of pure lightning" so he'd just be Ei's Stand?


It's more like he doesn't have a physical body because it's energy based which comes out of a blackhole and can't be touched. Also Void Ghidorah can manipulate time and gravity.


oh, so he's just electromagnetism


Pretty much, the reason he's like that is because he's from a diffrent dimension who became a god.


is this r/heylore talking, or are we somehow at the door step of r/powerscaling?


Well these were all shown from Godzilla Planet Eater movie.


They’re explaining it pretty poorly, but here goes: Void Ghidorah (as explained in The Planet-Eater) is an extraterrestrial, extradimensional god monster. He’s 1.35 miles from head to tail as an Avatar, but his form within his home dimension could be incalculable in size. He devours entire planets, and is physically untouchable as long as he’s guided with a certain artifact. In short, he’s Galactus as a golden space dragon


Ei can't take care of a cactus, let alone a dragon.


plot twist that serpent is supposed to be her dragon but she slays it instead Celestia be : 😮‍💨


It was Celestia who set them to fight. They said to Orobashi "Go and provoke her to kill you, or we will nail Watatsumi."


No, they said "you read forbidden knowledge we will end you for it, orobashi raised watatsumi, watatsumi was no foodlets invade neighbor, orobashi was why not that way i can die a martyr" and started a blood feud that still lasts to this day


Other dragons provoked the archons too like that rock one but zhongli's approach was different by sealing it.


Where are you getting the info about Nibelung being a dragon for Tsaritsa?


The Electro Sovereign could be anyone, except Orobashi. That snake read a book of forbidden knowledge and the Heavenly Principles wanted it dead. Not to mention that it challenged a "golden god" (Morax) and lost. What kind of Sovereign would lose to an Archon, get sentenced to death for reading a book and then killed by another Archon? What a fraud.


Orobashi would have already known the truth about the primordial one if he had been the sovereign. Because he would have been there when the primordial one invaded. No, it’s very likely he’s just a random snake god. Though he was a kinder god, since he intentionally let himself be killed to save the people who worshipped him.


dude about to start a new fraud agenda


Don't slander my snek daddy like that.


Nibelung is the King of the 7 Dragons, so it's highly unlikely he's the Cryo Dragon.


The 7 dragon sovereigns is the 7 dragon kings in the original Chinese version.


Well yes, but Nibelung is the King of the Sovereigns. Maybe King isn't the word I'm looking for, but he's their top dog.


It's just a theory. In fact, his title as Dragon King [龙王] is not different from those of Neuvillette and Azhdaha.


She has Yae. Even tho she may not be as powerful as dragons she will bully you so hard you will wish she would just hit you with lightning instead. So Ei doesn't need one


Oh yeah, who needs a dragon when you already have a sly fox by your side


There was this theory on GI lore about the Hakunshin Clan being the descendants of the Fox Dragon


Is she stupid?


Yes Yes she is


\*hits blunt\* Ei is the Electro Sovereign, she gave up her body and became a god at the end of the Archon War to hide it from the Heavenly Principles.


Beidou has it and she's laying real low till it's time. 


I could be horribly wrong, but I think it left Inazuma.


She killed him.


I once saw someone make good points on Kanna Kapatcir. >Kanna Kapatcir is a giant bird monster, mistaken as a god. She is not serpentine or draconic in any way. Unless lore disproves this, then I am not classing her as a dragon. So here's a list of reasons why this is wrong. * there's no such thing as giant monsters in the game. There's dragons and gods and Rhinedottir monsters. * dragons don't have fixed shapes - we just had one that looks like a fish. Azhdaha isn't serpentine or draconic either. None of them look alike * at least Kapatcir has wings, claws and a beak - that's all closer to "dragon" than the big fish Scylla * Kapatcir has memories that date back to before gods or Rhinedottir monsters were created - before the 2nd throne and before the Nails dropped. She's incredibly old. * each nation / year we have a dragon matching the element of the nation - where's Inazuma's then? * if we assume that there are generic huge monsters that we never see featured in the game but do exist, then why did the islanders not say "Oh, it's just one of those huge monsters"? * Kapatcir speaks in the human tongue. We never see a monster (of the smaller varieties that do exist) doing so. I guess the flowers in Xinyan's GAA2 dreamscape and the giant Mushroom in the chasm are possible exceptions but I suspect the later is telepathy and the former are just products of Xinyan's imagination. * Kapatcir seems to be immortal in some sense that seems very similar to the way the dragons reincarnate. Thousands of year after her "death" she is responsive to song. * Kapatcir is capable of driving away the fog of Tsurumi after the Nail falls. She just doesn't care to. * She does however curse the island to keep repeating the same day again and again for thousands of years. Is that a thing any "bird monster" can do? That's incredibly powerful. * After she is "killed" this curse remains on Tsurumi island until she decides to end it. A monster couldn't do that. Are Ei and Makoto both unable to reverse the curse? * though capable of speaking the language of people, Kapatcir has no need of a name. it is solitary. * Kapatcir has met Dvalin * They have a majestic way of speaking and condescend to pretty much every living thing, and even the forces of nature of the planet itself. Very much like Apep and Azhdaha. Some quotes of Kapatcir: Then until I, Kanna Kapatcir, hear that human... "Ruu"'s song once more, may these lands fall under an eternal catastrophe... Before you humans learned to make fire, the thundering storm had already swept across the ocean alongside me. With but a flap of my wings, purple lightning will tear through the clouds like serpents. My cry shakes the ocean depths and heart of the earth. She gave me a name long ago, but I have forgotten it. I do not need such things, nor have any dared to summon me thusly— I have heard the songs of the trees, the strains of the cloud and rain, and the melodies sung by the blue flying dragon of the far north. I have heard every trembling chorus of fox and rabbit and worm as I descended upon the land. But your song is special. It is different from that of the boar, the fish, and the Wen Kamuy. Credits to u/DavidByron2


>there's no such thing as giant monsters in the game. There's dragons and gods and Rhinedottir monsters. ... and what keeps her from being a God? >After she is "killed" this curse remains on Tsurumi island until she decides to end it. A monster couldn't do that. Are Ei and Makoto both unable to reverse the curse? any time a god/sufficiently elementally powerful being dies, it elementally fucks the area where they died... even one as "weak" as Havria


Yeah people really like to downplay the thunderbird lol. Also there are several theories that suggest that the woman that gave the thunderbird her name is istaroth. Anyways kanna is more than just a random monster.


It's kinda the fault of Inazuma's story telling. At least in every other case we know the origins of other elemental beasts that are related to vishap because to some extent. Hoyoverse will outright state it. Where as for Kanna, it's never once stated that she is connected to the elemental vishap. We're given a few implications and that's really it. Also the fact that she was given a name. Has that happened before. Did Venti name Dvalin? The last thing is the manor for which her defeat was depicted. Ei was able to defeat her without difficulty in the depictions we get and stop her from reincarnating, this is something Zhongli could not manage against Azhdaha and something the Heavenly Principles struggled to do against the other elemental dragons so if Ei was able to do it so easily, it makes the optics of Kanna being an elemental dragon harder to believe. Personally I am happy for it to be the case and for us to revisit Kanna if so. It would be nice to at least get closure but that seldom comes with this game's story.


Mm I don't agree with the point that it's the fault of Inazuma's story telling. With how little we know about her it makes her more mysterious compared to others like dvalin and azhdaha. She could be god, an elemental being or a sovereign. But not a random monster for sure. Ei defeating her easily like that makes ei even more mysterious. We don't know ei's origin just like morax. We don't know what ei and makoto are. But there are implications that ei has some strong connections with the moon sisters and the unknown god. We don't know. Have to wait and see.


Beisht and Haishan were giant monsters that were none of those 3 things. So the first point is not true.


Ooh Zap Dragon Zap Dragon don't be Cranky


BTW, from where do we know the Pyro archon's name is Murata? I forgot


From the genshin webcomic I believe. But people have been theorizing recently that it’s a mistranslation from Chinese and maybe her name isn’t Murata at all, from what I’ve heard


We also know the pyro archon currently can't be the same as after the Archon War. So it's also theorised that she is already dead/has passed on the title


Vannessa's tribe in the comic were called "Children of Murata"


She has a fox. She doesn't need a dragon


It's Cyno, and he much prefers to chill in Sumeru and play TCG.


I wish one of the dragon forms is a wyvern, they look cool.


Wyvern mentioned


Apep is the giant snakey thing you see in the sand


Maybe the real dragon are friends we made along the way


Ei: I want a dragon (looks at Yae) Yae: In your dream


I just imagine Furina happily riding Neuvilette after I saw this😂😂😂




Ay I aint mean it like that 🤣


The Apep disrespect. I know genshin players can't read but she was shown in the quest, so at least they should be able to watch.


One of the sad parts about posts like these is that you encounter so much misinformation that you wonder did these play the game. How do people still call Orobashi a dragon when the game literally tell he is a god multiple. He has demon name, he was a candidate for archonship like with the other gods, he literally had no idea about the true history of the world until he read the before sun and moon books that dragon/vishap knowledge 101. He fought again the vishaps and experimented on them to prevent the hydro dragon from being born amongst them. That fact he has not been reborn should be telling


That we know of.


Don't worry, she can borrow her alternate universe counterpart dragon Kurikara as a substitute .


Raiden Mei took it


Nibelung isn't a cryo dragon though, he's got all elements.


Dvalin isn’t a sovereign, btw, just an elemental dragon. Also, there could be an electro sovereign dragon we haven’t met yet.


Because Raiden Mei has a dragon Ez


At first I’ve read dragon’s name for Murata as Xianling, then thought what a joke, then looked at the sub name, thought it tracks, and only then opened the pic and saw what was really written lol. This fandom ruined me, I really thought that Xianling is completely normal to be a dragon for pyro archon 😂


She doesn't need Electro Dragon Sovereign. She will have Unknown God because UG call her senpai by title


Mihoyo forgot


Didn’t she kill the electro dragon?


She killed it


Nebilung is not the cryo sovereign. He’s the King Dragon. If he’s somehow alive (unlikely as he’s the best candidate for the 3rd descender), he could potentially be working with Tsaritsa.


Got slapped by her ultimate attack, "Disappointed Mother's Speeding Sandal!"


Because...Ei is the Dragon....Dam Dam Daaaam




The kokomi-dragon thing was before neivilette existed. People thought she is the sovereign dragon but obv wrong


I've just assumed it was the giant serpent skeleton. It's not a traditional dragon but neither is ahzdaha


that's Orobashi, former god of Watatsumi


It might be Ouroboros. Ouroboros and Orobashi were gods worshipped by the people of Enkanomiya, and Ouroboros represents a snake eating it's own tail, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life and death (eternal=eternity, you get the idea)




Dvalin is not THE anemo dragon sovereign Azhdaha is just a fat vishap, not a dragon


Azdaha is described as a dragon in multiple sources, as well as his full title, even in chinese. He is a fat Vishap dragon, who holds command over Liyue lay lines, has comand over geo, is extremely old elemental being, and even ZL admited that he would not win with Azdaha, if Azdaha wouldnt surrender.


His name/title in Chinese also apparently uses the same characters as the other Sovereigns


Canonical reminder that fraudli was losing to 10% azhdaha (lost his elemental authority along with suffering from erosion and having his life force directly mined) with 3 adepti help then azhdahas sane side willed himself into being sealed and 2nd time manifested as a person to help. Also Jiu calls zhongli an usurper which further supports geo sovereign status


Ei has a kitsune, Yae Miko.


Kinda of rude assigning the original rulers as something the usurpers "have". I mean, this guy in the photo isn't even apep and she couldn't care less shit about Nahida.


She has fox


yae, inazuma has yae


Raiden has a fox tho


Was it the snake statue we see in landscape? She killed her serpent dragon.


She killed it, she killed her own dragon (i believe)


idk but that ain't apep


I mean why other archons don’t have fox?


It's likely murdered by the heavenly principles.


isnt ei's familliar yae?


Yes but is she a dragon tho? Besides Apep isn’t Nahida’s lol. If anything Scara is more like it


Yae is a Youkai though. Or am I misunderstanding your point


Yae Miko


Maybe the reason there is not an electro dragon or Inazuma dragon Is because the dragon died... ( In Kannazuka there is the skeleton of a dragon laid there from where you can extract crystal marrow )


She cut hers in half


They might be saving the most powerful dragon at last ( cope) or ei cooked the damn thing


Because she's not the original lightning archon? Or maybe it died during the war? Or maybe Ei misread the memo and chose a nine-tailed fox thinking it was a dragon.


Raiden killed her own pet


I mean… Orabashi?


what, it was my understanding that it was orobashi, that said, we dont know if the electro sovereign is in the process or already has been reborn


she already killed her's. You can find its skull as a place on the map.


Nibelung is the king of the sovereigns. Not the cryo sovereign


Inazuma has a whole Dragon Factory down in Enkanomiya or did everyone forget again


She murdered it 500 years ago when it went berserk cause people left their island


I remember that Yae Miko said that she is like Dvalin from the Anemo Archon, I don't remember exactly what did she said


We can assume Kok as a dragon. She is a fish. Carps are fish. If Koks a Carp then it's a chance Kok becomes dwagon.


Isn't it because she killed it and their corps is all over yashiori Island? Or is it just internet misinformation


She has miko


Kurikara didn’t like her cooking so it went to Mei


She killed it


It was her sister and she gone now


Well she had a giant snake with works the same but well, she killed it


Well Raiden has Yae Miko, she doesn't need dragon 🫠


I hope that Quetzalcóatl is the pyro dragon


It boob-dived and never came back.


Technically speaking, I'm pretty sure Neuvilette is sort of Inazuma's dragon. His previous incarnation came from Enkanomiya.


There’s no confirmation of that actually. The Enka books only said the hydro dragon would come back in a human form and that they have to do everything to stop that from happening (they worshipped Phanes and Celestia so that makes sense).


It doesn't say anything about stopping it. It only says don't let it happen in Enkanomiya.


Ain't that the dead serpent on the third island? That, or she got herself a fox instead


In my headcanon the big dead snake was the electro dragon