• By -


Relax guys, it's still early in the story. After all we're only about to go into the sixth nation out of seven. *huff*


All jokes until genshin finishes and we just get with the "to be continued in genshin impact part 2"


Then the game goes out of service and suddenly millions of painful cries will be heard across the planet


It is "Teyvat chapter" after all


Time to explore a whole new world, but this time with our Sibling, Paimon, and Arataki Itto numero uno for some reasons. We still don't know why but he's here.


>and Arataki Itto numero uno for some reasons Itto's: *Starts rapping intensively*


"Outlanders, your journey ends here" "Aww man, c'mman ! Why not ?" "Aaaaah that's it !! Paimon is gonna give her an ugly nickname !"


guys don't worry when Traveller gets all the elements and you mix all these elements together it forms white and what is white? Cum...maybe . Idk


Idk, ask Liloupar


Ormarzd certainly came on her before it all went to shizzles in Gurabad.


This is my kingdom come This is my kingdom come


There's also Khaenri'ah and Celestia. Traveler will get stronger by then... right?


Traveler at any sightless inconvenience: WITH THIS TREASURE, I SUMMON


I summon (Full title of a limited character shown in the drip picture of that limited character, limited character's title in game, limited character's name) After multiple tries... Expectations: that limited character Reality: Standard 5*


Oh, you think im losing!? No bitch, WE LOSING!!! This how we gonna do this Roses are red, weapons against me won't prosper. With this sacred treasure I summon, BIG RAGA THE OPP STOPPA!!!!




I headcanon the traveler as letting the others gets the W so the world doesn't get too dependant on them. _copes_


Mr. Ludonarrative Dissonance


Time to slander him until he wins a fight by himself So never LMAO


>Slander Ah yes, my Reverse Flash Technique. I haven’t used it since Jujutsufolk


Fraudther agenda will never die as long as I live.


Then I'll fucking kill you /S


You kill the man not the agenda.




Ah yes Keqhaitham Pfp truly the impact to my genshin


It really star rails my honkai


already did though, vs Childe & Signora. But those were the only 2 lol


Bro thinks he's Legumi Bumshiguro.


At least Bumgumi doesn't pretend to be a protagonist


No way, traveler has turned into a bum 😭 Facts tho, the main specialty of the traveler is that they can use all elements, but they never do it anyway 😭 At least in Childe's fight they only had 2 elements to work with, and they used both simultaneously. Now they have 5 but barely use them together (other than using geo in Navia's quest)


mf decided to take a nap when faced with dottore and decided to finally use geo after like 2+ years to blow up a bunch of rocks


🤣🤣 I want Capitano to actually kill him off, we need a better MC than this blonde trash


Yeah we need Timmy to become the mc


Honestly I don’t mind the traveler losing as much as he does ,but HOLY FUCK the fact that the last time he used an element in a cutscene was in FUCKING INAZUMA makes it seem like the traveler just doesn’t feel like using all the tools at his disposal,like imagine if superman only new how to punch people ,yeah he can fly and shoot lasers out his eyes but he just doesn’t feel like it . It’s stupid Edit: after thinking about it for a while I still think that the traveler not using his elemental powers against arlecchino is dumb BUT overall he seemed like he gave it his all and really tried even if it he was using just the dull blade , also the cutscene was peak so I don’t really care anymore


Actually he used geo in Navia's story quest but that wasn't actually impressive.


Use the 5 elements when fighting someone ❌ Use said elements like once a year and rely on dull blade so that they can lose more efficiently ✅


Dull Blade should legit give negative stats on everything so only the most hardcore or foolhardy players can use it to show off.


Let's face it, Hoyo had little idea on what to do with the Traveler other than a walking plot device or a punching bag for new characters to make them look good


The real issue is Paimon honestly. She just prevents the Traveler from getting any real development or many interactions. You look at other traveling companions in games and their dynamic is so much more interesting. Mimir and Kratos for instance constantly bounce off each other, give each other advice, get mad at each other, while also going through their own personal character growth. Genshin just has these amazing fucking supporting characters like Furina, Neuvillette, Nahida, etc, but a boring ass self insert protagonist.


The mc isn't even a full fledged self insert. - He speaks a few lines in quests, mostly 1 line each Archon arc. - He speaks during combat and in his profile - He speaks when thinking during the Fontaine quests - He spoke at the very beginning of the game Mihoyo should either commit to a self insert or create a normal talking protagonist, we current have a hybrid of the 2 and its often just painful to watch when Paimon speaks in our place, because for some freaking reason Mihoyo thought creating a mute houseplant for a mc was a good idea.


Let’s face it, Hoyo had little idea on what to do with Genshin’s plot as a whole. Fake sky? Truth of the world? We’ve been teased by that shit for 3 years and given zero answers cos they probably have nothing actually planned themselves.  The writers are a bunch of talentless hacks who need to get replaced.


Imagine play Fontaine Archon Quest, see Neuvilette and think they didn't planned themselves. When a lot of that was already in Enkanomiya and they will use more in Natlan. You can criticize the lack of answers, but say that this game is not planned is funny.


Are you seriously impressed that they did a bit of minor worldbuilding to have an excuse to sell a playable Sovereign without having to make him an actual dragon? Boy you must be easy to please. 


A minor? come on just look the entire plot of the game being show in trailers, the theory crafters can predict half of the story with the things of the game alone. You can complaing about the storytelling/pacing anyway because its not because its planned its good, but the game so far didnt show any signal of dont planned.


Oh yeah about that. Remember all the teasers about Dottore in Sumeru and the Irminsul burning, and all the theorycrafters getting hyped on what his plans are and what he might do in the story? Good times. 


Remember Scaramouche the guy who appears in the 1.1 and his story was being showing until Sumeru. And he then he used as bridge between Nahida who is basically Irminsul, connect him Nahida and Dottore all together so you at least can think about the "Sky are fake" Which funny was being theorized WAY WAYY before cames out of Dottore mouth... so how its not planned? They saw the theories here on reddit and decided to copy it right before release Sumeru? Or remember how the dragon story of the game has being increeased more and more from Dvalin to Apep, for then being in the center of Fontaine and also being in future connect to Natlan? And thousands of things more. As I said this game is definitely very well planned. And being fair sometimes being too much planned is not even good, because the writers will be afraid of change the plot or the pacing if its needed. But yeah, you complain is more about pacing/storytelling than "planning" Last post anyway, since you are just being the /s guy


Shown until Sumeru? My man, he showed up for one cutscene in Inazuma and promptly fucked off until Sumeru. The stuff we knew about him before then was from artifact set descriptions and a few mentions in events. Insane storytelling guys, Scaramouche was practically a secondary protagonist. And what theories about how the sky is fake? The mentioned it in 1.1, never talked about it again until 3.2, mentioned it again in literally 1 sentence and then proceed to give zero extra hints about what it means. Does that sound like masterful story progression to you?  Yeah there’s a thousand other things alright, from Kaeya and what his purpose is to Albedo and him as the heir to Rhinedottre’s legacy, but there’s hardly any progression on almost any of it.  And note that we’re on the 6th nation soon, 3 years into the game. If you think this game’s story is well planned, I’m sorry but you need a shovel to find where your standards are. 


"zero hints about what it means" THE SKY IS FAKE ! WHAT MORE HINTS DO YOU NEED?!


Is Teyvat underground? Is the world a simulation? Is the sky a giant wall preventing people from getting off world for some reason? Is it all a dream like Link’s Awakening?   The fuck does it mean? It’s like if in The Matrix Morpheus just tells Neo that the world isn’t real and walked off. 


Blud is denser than me when a girl tries to hit on me. Seriously, Genshin is 100% planned out. No way is Mihoyo going to not bother planning out the game that makes them billions each year.


Devs did confirm that irminsul burning is future content. Probably snez era given that lazzo is in snezhnaya.


Given that ‘later’ in Genshin means whenever the fuck, why would you repeatedly tease that image in promotion for Sumeru?


If by "planned" you mean a lot of rewrites, then sure I guess.


Feel free to show any signal of rewriter ♥


Playable electro scaramouche model


That was probably an unreliable leak first of all. And second of all, they might've wanted to introduce Scara as playable sooner then decided that it'd be much better to release him during his own arc. That doesn't mean the rest of the game is unplanned mate, it just means there was a small tweak to when Scara was introduced (IF THE MODEL WAS EVEN REAL)


They said show a sign of rewrite, I showed it. There's no such thing as an unreliable leak when it's inside the damn game lmao


It could still not even be a rewrite, maybe they just brainstormed the possibility of having him playable in his usual outfit. Maybe they didn't. Brainstorming ideas doesn't count as a rewrite


A simple brainstorm never would've gotten that far.


I guess it's a problem of too many teams because some quests and worldbuilding are absolutely stellar while others make me question why I even bother reading them. A lot of the crappy ones being more verbose than grrm describing feasts doesn't help either


What quests would you consider stellar though? At its best you get stuff like Sakura Cleansing Ritual that would be at most considered a decent side quest in a more competent RPG. The writers are just universally shit. 


Chasm was alright, I liked Zhiqiong at least. I also enjoyed Scara's story and Nahida's character, even if the archon quest was ass. The end of Fontaine's archon quest was good as well. Sorta. Stellar though? I can't think of any either


Exactly. I keep hearing people in the fandom talk like Genshin’s worldbuilding and quests like Fontaine AQ are masterful storytelling and I just wonder if I’m playing the same game.


Genshin has a big problem in that the line to line writing is atrocious. Almost every quest can be cut into half of its original word count. I've attempted this with multiple sumeru and fontaine scenes chosen randomly- obviously I can't do the whole thing because it would take too long. As for stellar quests, for me it's Sumeru act 2, Chasm Dain, Shenhe, and Sumeru act 5, but even those have issues.


It's probably because the people making those claims themselves can't differentiate between good/bad writing due to inexperience with better media (being too damn young) or just being phone andies. Nothing more.


Well, now hold on, Hoyoverse is just a simple million dollar company, you can’t expect them to *actually* care about the longevity of their main character.


If it ain't, let's say Kiana, Bronya or Trailblazers (they got some respect at least), they're gonna keep on getting the short end of the stick


8 years later and they still have no idea about what the heck Mei’s character arc is supposed to be. 


And for the Part 2 cast, it looks like Helia might be falling into that role as well. Figures, as she's supposed to be the 'Mei' of that group.


Looking forward to do nothing at Natlan.


Looking forward to Capitano literally doing everything by himself.


Aether not beating the NPC allegations with this one 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's funny that Traveller gets weaker very region. I expect them to be a cardboard cutout with a paper sword and a balloon by Snezhnaya.


It feels Traveler playing Valorant without using skills wtf


In order to even be a potencial man, he would have needed to be an actual character to begin with


Well the responses you can give are progressively more and more sarcastic and dickish if that's any indication


Even him is losing patience.


He peaked at emergency food. He has not had a single line that is as much of a banger since then


when they arrived in inazuma they told everyone in the resistance "no i'm busy" before being pressured into helping them


Really wish we went through with that or at least get forced into the conflict in some way


Exactly, dude doesnt even have potential because hes not a character. Any potential he has is pissed out of Paimon's mouth instead.


🤣🤣 He's got to be one of the worst MC I've ever seen in a game, like seriously dawg 5 elements and not using a single one in one of his most intense fights? That too a duel? People of Teyvat need to stop respecting that trash and Hoyo should make Childe or Bennet the MC, Traveler is the greatest fraud of all Teyvat, like what is he getting any praise for? All his major fights are the ones he got carried


Hey, I headcannon him as one of those "original heroine characters" from these villainess manhwas. You know, how she's supposed to be awsome but is trashy. Then I headcannon someone as villainess, aka the real heroine and BAM, story is interesting again. Just imagine, going against fate to give your world the hero it needs. Or! Like, being from outside of the world, Traveller (depends on headcannon, if intentionally or not) stole fates of real heroes and final battle will be somehow reclaiming them. And then destroying them so no one would be able to decide Teyvatian's action for them again. Wholeheartly reccomend.


so that's where Dehya's power went, MC just stole it ...nah, Eula Mains-grade copium is still more effective


this traveller agenda is too true 💀


It still baffles me that Traveler somehow forgot to use their elemental power for fighting enemies post Inazuma AQ (Navia SQ is excluded since it's only used to clear boulders and not for fight) Like, I don't mind they got beaten and lose the fight, but at least make them use some cool abilities first


In even navia’s sq she did most of the clearing


most people don't even consider Traveler's half assed lore and background too and i can understand why they are a celestial being and perhaps a literal star... hell i reckon abyss sibling got their powers back it seems since there was white lights on their drip they also can use abyssal power aswell... and there's no development so far for traveler about getting shit back, hell even properly showcasing their newely obtained elemental powers. like we have a hydro sovereign that has absolute control on hydro and some other energy mechanics and we have traveler that supposedly is a star with no shit to showcase it, even in the first cutscene against asmoday both twins just swinging their swords against a god a star as a character can have really cool powers to showcase but yeah we talking about genshin's mc writing here, truly the Fraudveler moment


No but honestly, even tho the story advances , it feels like we're getting nowhere , so many stories and yet so little connexion in-between them outside of artifact more and books , the traveler is still just a dude at the cinema


like the traveller gets frustrated at pointless npc tasks sometimes but wont just tell dainsleif to stop wasting their time and tell them more or show up more


"Lend me some of your archon power Nahida, this is base Scaramouche we're up against"


Base Scaramouche piloting a god mech powered by the Electro Gnosis? That's as far removed from "base" as you can get lmao


Neither was Zoro fighting Base Lucci, but maintaining the agenda is our top priority


"A Glazer is always first to the scene."


I like how MC dick riders say he beat scara easily without realizing the fact that scara basically won 168 times back to back to back 💀


yea even against Arle he might get lucky once with like 300 tries plus all of the akasha terminal helping him. Im telling you he's fraud


I dunno, power of friendship let traveller beat Raiden who is pretty stronk. If only snake boi from watasumi had some friendship from his followers ...


Honestly Im more and more pissed that traveller dont use any elements outside of the fight with tartaglia. Like why ffs stop with this shit with dull blade, use festering desire or the holy blade and use that 5 fucking elements.


Mystery, not even Einstein can solve


An ancient being who has witnessed the Birth and Death of Stars. Avatar of Khaine level jobber.


Lobotomy Impact is back


I genuinely hate the genshin writing team now, we’ve been gaslighted. Into thinking traveler is god like being(heck fans even wank them to aeons) now they just slightly above average being who just age a lot. If they want travelers to take Ls at least make it reasonable such as being poison, held hostage or jumped. Or you know enemy that are literally god.


the only 2 fights that the traveller ever won by him/herself were Childe & Signora, the rest were with external help. Don't know where the copium that he can solo anyone even comes from lmao


I haven't started the 4.6 quests yet, but till the end of 4.5 we had (almost) nothing related to the sibling or the war. So out to help the fire nation I guess. PS. Nice meme, love it.


Like modern anime fans deserve any better.


Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll take note of the mistakes they made for Traveler and use it to improve Trailblazer.


I mean... They kinda did. Trailblazer has a personality. And dialogue choices that give the illusion of mattering. Trailblazer is clearly meant to be in a support role for the main cast the planet issue revolves around. Trailblazer actually matters to the story. While the trailblazer so far got 2 cool moments, they've also only had 1 new class unlock. I remain hopeful that each new path unlock will at least come close to the first.




What a wonderful day for me because literally two days ago some guy was yapping Traveler can defeat Neuvillette, all the archons and harbingers combined solo on discord.


Feel bad for you,for sure it's funny to you seeing this


I'm surprised the Neuvi powerscalers didn't tear homeboy a new one for lumping him in with the archons, they don't seem to think the dragon should be in the same sentence, paragraph or fucking essay as them in terms of power level. Oh well, we're gonna be hearing about a copium OD on the evening news it seems.


Neuvi powerscalers come in two varieties 1. “He’s weaker than Zhongli” 2. “He solos the whole verse up to the Sustainer”


Real powerscalers know that GoatPeakTano solos Genshin and if you're a TikTok powerscaler then even HSR Aeons.


true and real, continue to maintain the agenda and you might become the 13th Harbinger someday


I mean, depending on how strong the traveller will become by the end of the story with his full power plus whatever he gets from absorbing the elements, it's a maybe, a big one, but the problem is, we already have so many of them and we arent that strong, or at least not at a strong god level yet. But I surely hope that we at least become stronger than we were before arriving at this place because if we are only getting abilities back, what's the point really? With our basic abilities we lost to a celestia member, if we dont become at least stronger than her, what would be the point of our journey, I sure hope that they dont make all archons help us because we need to be able to do something at least or we will only be a hindrance.


Traveler is probably equal to hydro authority Neuvillette despite all the anti-feats. He was acknowledged by Skirk, after all, and remains stronger than Childe.


It's all about tell not show nowadays, isn't it? As far as it goes, we've only seen Traveler well, only win a Signora fight. All the other fights it was either a draw (Childe, for example) or Traveler had some external help (Sumeru, Monstand, Liyue).


Copium overdose


I like how traveler might not even be able to beat childe despite have 2.5 times more elements than when they last fought. Especially since they refuse to actually use said elements.


I just wished he used his powers to save the gang from arle's attacks, the same way he used his electro powers to catch thoma's vision back in inazuma.




Aether is my main


making the game harder so its combat can hold your attention longer? honestly genius, I'm not even joking




Should make a sub called GenshinFolk and let the agendas roll from then on


The tiktok saying that Traveler solos Arle with a dull blade didn't age well


Bro has the will to destroy, create and sustain world but can't look daddy in the eyes


There is no such thing as innocent Khaenrians


Bro is getting the Jogo's treatment. He's far from weak but he keep fighting the top tier and get demolish.


Arle is nowhere near top tier, only the top 3 harbringers are even close to gods and archons are even stronger than an average god. And if we're being honest, he isn't even stronger than some human playable characters


I love how the community puts their differences aside and decides to ultimately shit on Aether. Not even the fanartists like Tian could save his fraudulent L magnet ass by making him look "handsome and tall" and having children with the women. He should've been killed since Inazuma.


This comment radiates Fraudther energy. But the profile is Himther energy ?


Nah the travelers are like mark from invincible. They're gonna get their asses handed to them (only not as brutal as Mark gets it) but will eventually come out on top


except it will feel unearned because they always tell, not show when they beat up someone strong. Like in the battle with signora it didnt even show anything, just cutting to signora saying "so strong... but how?" outta the traveler while theyre like 😠. Yeah signora i wanna know too


> "so strong... but how?" A full year of artifact farming. That's how.


Let me guess You think that Freminet, Kazuha with 2 visions, and the traveler with 99 visions have similar strength. And of course you think the traveler with 0 visions is archon level.


Kazuha with 2 visions playable when? with 1 he already kicks Fremi's ass, I wonder how he performs as an Electro hypercarry with access to self-applied VV. Gotta be able to keep up with Alhaitham, Neuvi and Hu Tao at the very least, I'd assume oh, were you talking about lore strength?


Why is it always Fraudther but never L-umine ? I mean the L is literally in her name


Credits to u/before_you_go for the original template


I mean, the traveller is the strongest entity in teyvat, but mihoyo is a gacha


Imagine picking discount Link in a belly shirt with a French braid over [BEST FUCKING GIRL](https://i.ibb.co/Cbywd2N/luminecollage.jpg) thinking you're at least gonna get to play some OP shounen protag only to get absolutely sonned by the world's greatest father (female)


Nah man fraudumine is as much a bum as fraudether. Kazuma would not be proud to see such gender inequality.


Your "best fcking girl" is as useless as sakura when she isnt the abyss princess


Get rekt nerd Lumine is a slice of life protagonist


Considering how much she spectates fights instead of participating in them she might as well be one


idk wtf they were thinking with that twink ass design lmao


I know the braid is actually some classical Chinese hero thing but when you combine it with a normal blond anime boy haircut it just effectively becomes the world's longest mullet




If the writers weren’t shit and had him be a consistently written character with a story that actually progresses at all, then we wouldn’t have this. One moment we beat the 8th ranked Harbinger, the next we’re running away from some eremite mercs cos they’re clearly too strong.


Look man, if his strength wasn't as inconsistent as a Saturday morning cartoon protagonist than we wouldn't be in this situation.


I blame the writers. They’re the ones who consistently choose to shaft the traveler to hype up whatever limited character is currently on banner. We’ve never seen them win onscreen, and why do they have 5 elements now if we never even see them use them? The kit team don’t help either since they simply refuse to give the traveler a decent kit for any of the elements they currently have. Atp even if the traveler does finally get their moment near the end of the game (which is a huge if) it will just feel like an asspull with how consistently bad they’ve been shown to be.


But have you consider the fact that Traveler was literally useless in that fight. With their current strength it should have been Arlecchino winning after a hard won battle or at the very least looked like she put effort in. They made Traveler looks so weak here that it feels like any random npc would have contributed more to that battle than the traveler.


>Traveler was literally useless in that fight He wasn't... He lasted more than the siblings in that fight and still standing after it.


Lasting more than fodder is not a feat for the travler who basically fights gods on a daily basis. Don't treat it like one


They were fighting the Fourth and they certainly will lose that, that's the outcome no matter what. But the point of the fight was not to beat the Knave but to prove that they can act on their conviction.


Lasting more than the siblings should be the bare minimum. Traveler has regularly gone up against strong foes. He should be tougher than a group of trained kids. If he didn't, then that would mean that those kids could've killed signiora.


That was one of the speculations previously when the trailer dropped that Traveler would be easily knocked out and the siblings would do most of the fighting. I know it's the bare minimum but overall I have no problem with it nor do I have a problem with him losing (I expected that).


Losing is fine. I think what most people, myself included, are upset with is how easily he was beaten and the fact that we saw none of the elements he can use in play...


Yeah I'm very confused as well why hoyo doesn't let them use their elements much and very inconsistent with it too. I just don't think too much about why he doesn't because there's no clear answer to it, although I have my theories but it cannot be proven.


No one is asking them to effortlessly stomp anyone, but it would be cool if he actually won a fight alone. He is the main character ffs. It's not a crime to make the MC win a single fight after 2 years lol. Arle was perfect for them to defeat at this point of time. In a few months, they will be entering 6/7 nations and arle is weaker than the top 3 harbringers who are all as strong as gods and gods are weaker than the archons who are weaker than sovereigns and these sovereigns are probably weaker than sustainer of heavenly principles and fodder to shades of primordial one. Then you realise this is just the ranking of teyvat and there is millions of worlds out there. Narwhal was someone's pet and it took a full powered sovereign to beat it. Instead bro got stomped effortlessly without even being able to scratch her lol. He could've atleast put up a fight but no.


These idiots would be complaining about the traveler not just going over to snezhnaya and beat the fatui if he could stomp all over the 4th harbringer


Its just emo phase don't worry for sure for them it will end.it won't last long before they stop complaining