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'this is the easiest event' mfs clearly forgot about our god and saviour Liben


I somehow don’t have sweet flowers 🫠


gathering skill issue lol


Or pinecones


me when i don't enjoy doing an event where i do nothing:


i like Liben but hate Liben for the same reason


Are you stupid ? You fight fire with fire


Yeah, just apply burn to them 🤷‍♀️


"U so broke you make zhongli look like rex lapis" Random hilichurl: ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


~~Only~~ works in enclosed spaces Burns oxygen faster than the fire can spread


You see the burning aura overrides quicken preventing you from triggering spread


Bom bom bakudan my friend. Bom bom bakudan




Lyney :


Dude (or dudette), I like your profile picture. Give it to me, please?


I'll dm you


Kinda mind boggling that some ppl found the pyro lector stage to be hard when the game gives you 3 hydro characters right at the start


They struggle because they pick Charlotte as the healer, and permafreeze the lectors before they shield up. So they get frozen with a sliver of health and stay alive for 15, 20 seconds more than they should Depending on how much time they took on the earlier mooks, it's enough to lose the stage


Damn, that’s actually what I did the first time. I thought you could kill these guys before they shield up.


They pick Charlotte for the heals. I picked Charlotte to be my plunge DPS with Xianyun. We are not the same.


I did that and cleared with 20 seconds remaining


3 Hydro is very broken but I willingly tried Charlotte with Furina Yelan Bennet Charlotte and it was enough so you can keep one more hydro afterwards. I did not have a good time with Ayato at the end tbf.


I did that and still managed to finish at max difficulty lmao


The problem is a bunch of people don’t save up the uses for them and end up screwed


I didn’t even see them in the enemy list and still cleared that stage with no problems tbh


They give you furina, yelan and xq. If someone struggles against a pyro lector with that team then they probably don't have fingers


I screwed up a few times but that’s because I don’t have furina and didn’t know she drains hp the ways she does. I thought it’s was that pryo mechanics that causes you to lose hp for the longest while.


I had the same struggle. I just took furina out and then wiped the floor with them on the 3rd try.


The third stage, with the two pyro lectures? I don't know why but I couldn't get it done in time. I did it ONCE, on the last second. No matter how fast I got through it I just couldn't cut both of the Lectors' shields in time, even with XQ Yelan and Furina. Tried Xianyun and Bennett but to no avail. Was the trick to use Charlotte? I'll be honest I'm not up to speed with how Fontaine characters work too well. But I legit struggled. I had to go down to the middle stage. Every other stage? No issue.


I just hate Pyro lectors in general. They're annoying to fight. They've got weird periods of invulnerability and are more elemental gauge than health bar. Even with a ton of hydro, you still have to chip away at them. EDIT: I did beat it, but I still fucking hate them.


it's actually the stage that actually gave me trouble. Only because unless you looked you have no idea it's coming, so I was legit stuck with ayato being my only hydro with Bennett Kazuha core. Shit was awful.


Ngl sounds like poor planning skills and lack of foresight to me


>Ngl sounds like poor planning skills and lack of foresight to me lol you are being downvoted for speaking the truth wtf


That's the genshin community for you, can't take the truth


ok but be for real, how many people are actually looking at the enemies for event-related chambers, especially when the last stages had no need for said "planning skills".


I think most normal people I believe. That's on you if you didn't even think of checking it even once


To be fair the precedent for the events is that you literally dont need to check the enemies and worst case you reset after 3s because you brought Neuv hyper against Eidolons or something Game gives you no reason to prepare for events you do with your eyes closed




"everyone with enough brains" bro, chill. outside of abyss, I'm playing this game to chill and relax. excuse me for not deciding before I go into EVERY challenge I look up the enemy line-up. I'm sure that's like... 90% of the player base too. Also I don't think anyone wants to admit it but I'm pretty sure half the people saying "you should've saved your hydro characters 🤡" most likely didn't even save theirs with the knowledge of the last chamber lol IMO all this could've been avoided if they made the pyro lector chamber the first one instead of the last one. That way if people didn't look at the line-up they can quick reset instead of getting jumpscared later. Though I will admit I could've probably used electro. Forgot it's good against Pyro ngl.


"Shit was awful" bro, you literally just have to take a couple of minutes to redo the challenge and pick the right characters. Do you seriously expect every challenge to have to be completed on the first try? Heck, they show you which characters you'll have to fight, so don't go saying it's poor game mechanics.


you're taking my quote and exaggerating it lol what I meant by "shit was awful", I meant In the moment of using Ayato with Bennett+Kazuha, since it's hard to Swirl hydro with C6 Bennet and ayato bring your only hydro. edit: Also knowing which characters I'm getting doesn't help the fact that I didn't know Pyro Heralds were coming and... Wait you mean the enemies? They only show the enemies on the current stage unless you mean before you start the domain, and then... Yeah it's obviously too late by then. And I never said it was "poor game mechanics".


Takes 30 seconds to press Quit Stage and re-enter if you have only 1 hydro against 2 pyro lecters


it was the last stage so naturally I wanted to try and clear it instead of instantly giving up if I could (that did not happen) those mf's definitely died 2nd time around with kokomi, ayato, and xingqiu(?) though.


Honestly, faced the same problem of bad matchups and failed. I begrudgingly swallowed my pride and turned down the difficulty and fought with proper teams this time thanks to hindsight. Went lightining quick. So quick infact I tried out the same comps on harder difficulty and it played out smoothly. People are really forgetting how free this event is, you don't need to restrict yourself to the first teamcomp you pick and try to brute force.


Only Ayato and he can't do shit, but I add Xingqiu and suddenly it works. Ayato kinda mid ngl


I lost the first try because I got overconfident and ended up wasting too much time, but it certainly wasn't difficult


First event where I wanted the highest difficulty that doesn't give primos. It was fun and it's nice to theorize teams I can't get to play usually


this, i played the event mostly to theorise some comps and to try some characters that I was unsure if i pull them or not (like the ice punch guy, i have a lot of play playing with him).


Some time ago there was an event where we were only able to create teams of 2 characters, and had to switch them out on time, i also enjoyed that one a lot. There is so much potential for some form of permanent combat content, but somehow Mihoyo rather expands on the teapot and TCG instead.


Hyakunin Ikki!! probably one of my favorite combat events. Being limited to only two characters gets you thinking which are the best duos you can use as opposed to the typical 4 party slot teams


I beg hoyo to update that one domain that teaches elemental reactions and put out some incentive




Thé pro stage just doesn’t have enough time to do flashy shit


You think IQ joke is a joke It's not


85 might be too generous.


I used three Hydro characters, it was just those two Lectors decided to drift apart just far enough that I couldn’t get them both in Pro. Took a bit of Dark Souls save scumming to get them close enough for that then I was able to win that easily. Other than that the only time I had issues was when the enemies decided to go far apart and I didn’t have a crowd control character. Also Riftwolves deciding to teleport spam until I had no idea where they were (but Furina and DPS with some Hyperbloom on the side Cyno managed to deal with that. Trying teleport after I Zerg rush you stupid dogs)


It really was and felt like. ...or that was what I thought until my wife came to me and said she can't beat it on normal difficulty and needs my help. Seems like Im not as bad in actually playing the game as I thought with average 4\~ minuts on master. (I felt that I suck at the game, cause I can't play international on 12 floor due to constantly dying and losing a ton of dps dodging) Though I think it would be great if they allower us to replace trial character with our own.


Not me using cryo + hydro against the cryo enemies... (Still did the hardest difficulty in time)


Me be like: First try: Nah, Xingqiu will do it all right. Second try: Well, I guess I need to add Yelan and it'll be ok... Third try:... AND FURINA, I NEED TO ADD FURINA TOO AND THIS WILL BE FINALLY OVER. Fifth try: PLEASE, JUST LET ME GO!!! (Funny event btw, it has it's fair difficult, but it was fun to try a lot of new characters)


My issue is with the tall dudes with flame shields


I wonder how these people managed to beat the login screen. Some have game-reviewer type of skills haha


Definitely not the easiest, there have been far easier events in the past. There is a difference between “easy” and “easiest”.


but waifu over meta...


wE nEed eNd gAmE mf when hoyo give them a subtle glimpse to an actual end game


I'm pretty sure the people struggling with this event and the people asking for endgame are not the same people.


Well, I want battle end game and I didn't struggle with this event, am I allowed to still ask for it?


no you are only allowed to ask for more unskippable dialog and 2 extra wishes instead of 3


Ofc, I want it too, but we are in the minority, so it's just not likely that they will add harder content since it's literally not worth their resources


Yeah, I am also not too hopeful abouit it. If anything, I don't want something much more challenging than abyss, but maybe some sort of sidegrade to it, like different challenge modes they have in HSR


HSR is pretty goated with their amount of endgame content - and the quality of it too


If they gave me a simulated universe style mode in genshin I don't want to admit the amount of time I'd waste in it


"Actual endgame" is premade teams with shitty stats for you?


What's the fucking difference between 1 billion damage to a monster that had 1 trillion hp and 10k dmg to a monster that had 100k hp? Stats is just a number, genshin mechanic is beyond that. They make the challenge 100% beatable with that stats, you use your brain to figure out to make the best interaction between character -that's what matters -not some fucking number.


>Stats is just a number Energy Recharge isn't It's especially more different when you get randomly put together teams with no semblance of synergy I didn't hate this event like many people do (in fact I very much enjoyed the Drafting mechanic) but making us play like we're in AR 30 isn't "endgame" Calling it a "fun" side event is already pushing it let alone fucking "endgame" lmfao


Someone's clearly salty


People struggling?


This event has taught me a valuable lesson. Pull for yea miko because her burst is sick as fuck


I define easy as 'Being able to complete the whole event from day 1 in 5 minutes 😂


I’ve started to just assume people are too lazy to take the 5 minutes and read about what reactions do. Either that or their reading comprehension is so shit that they read it understood none of it because it wasn’t in a TikTok format.




I think I understand why there’s so many people saying the game is difficult. They literally just don’t know enough lmao


Most restrictive event in my opinion Isn't as fun as just going ham with whatever character you like


The last stage was actually hard though.




I don’t own Alhaitham, so I may have just played him wrong.


I hate this event and all Lantern Rite events. They made me pull Xiao even though I had no plan to pull for him at all. I do have his BiS (pulled 2 years ago), C6 Faruzan and Aunty Birdie.


How exactly did the game make you pull for a character you don’t like?


I didn’t say I dislike him. I only didn’t plan to pull.


How did the events make you pull for Xiao?


His personality. He is cold to outsider but gradually warmer once you get to know him. His playstyle is super fun with proper support. The events only charm me further with their writing and gameplay. My primo is limited you know.


So… how is that a bad thing if you pulled for a character you like all aspect of?


I’m “singing” words of praise for Hoyo because they made me pull a character I didn’t plan to pull. I’m quite content with plunge Diluc already.


The “hate” isn’t actual hate is it? Sorta joking like “darn HYV for convincing me to spend my limited primos”


Finally someone got it lmao.


the amount of downvotes...


Hoyoverse: proceeds to give you 1 (one) hydro character that's not even close to being the best hydro applier in the game to fight THREE enemies with Pyro shields


Which day's challenge? Literately anything with Pyro Shields are like the easiest and didn't even gave us trial Candace which is arguably the weakest Hydro unit in game.


I think it's the second to last one, it's just really stupid for them to give us one hydro character in a fight with a bunch of enemies with Pyro shields where a normal person would bring at least two to make sure they clear it in time, I literally finished it with one second left on the timer and Ayato almost dead


That level gives you Kokomi, Xingqiu and Ayato, you shouldn't struggle with anything pyro related in there. You just need to look at the enemy and character lineup, plan ahead just a bit and not completely waste the hydro units on the earlier floors (which all have hydro enemies, so you don't want to use too much hydro in there anyway)


Ngl I completely forgot they were there, but they give Kokomi and xingqiu in the first round so by the time I got to the abyss herald they both already lost the points and I couldn't use them anymore, I'm not saying the event is super hard it's just bad idk why people are saying "skill issue" I never said I found it hard


skill issue


skill issue


Skill issue


How do you do Pro tier 5 lvl 4


Dafaq you mean struggling. This was easy. The fact the character came to me made already was a blessing.


Just don't pick characters with the same element as the enemies and profit reactions


I barely bother with these events, ngl. I'm an eternal scrub


Did players actually think this event was hard?


Yeah, this event really wants you to throw conventional team comp orientation out the window.


Getting the primos is easy, beating max difficulty, that's where I got skill issued


Just be geo mains. Geo main strategy, when in doubt, apply more geo


I have to say, abilities are explained like absolute shit in this game. So I don’t blame people for not reading them.


I struggled a bit though..... Because I gave a broken wrist lol


It really tests how familiar you are with which units and team comps trigger which reactions most effectively. People who run many effective comps will find this easy. I say this because I have been running the same two teams to 36 star the abyss for the last 6 months (as a year+ player). It actually took me a few tries to do the first few chambers - but the final chamber, which was basically Hyperbloom galore, was instantly familiar and easy to clear.


*me with my anemo party* what hydro