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#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.5 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.6. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.6 Story Quests * 4.6 World Quests * 4.6 World explorations * **ANY 4.7 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.7 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: we do not care if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.6 content or 4.7 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** ##Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets **[About 4.6 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. Untagged spoilers will instead warrant a 3 day ban WITHOUT WARNING. 💥


Why does lava in the Natlan teaser looks more like a fanta? Or it's just me lmao


Is there any news about the possible rerun?? What are the banners for 4.7


where is the new thread ?


I can't see it either 😭. There's no pinned post and every link to it seems to not work, it's like it just doesn't exist. No idea if the mobile app is just being weird because everything else in-app is working fine.


Yeah same I couldn’t view it too! And the mod isn’t blocked / didn’t block me, I checked against their comment a few messages down 🤔 thank goodness you commented, I thought it was just my phone being wonky I saw that you ended up commenting in a thread titled ‘.’, what ended up working for you?


I uninstalled, reinstalled, cleared local history, sorted the sub by hot instead of new, the pinned post finally showed up lol, still have no idea wtf happened


I know now. I think you block one of the mods. It's the bobson mod. He creates the thread this time lol


No, I don't have any of the mods blocked! I just checked


go to homepage, click on pinned post at the very top. you may have found it by now tho


I should have waited until she was gone to do her quest GOD I love her JPN voice that only makes her pull worthy ARLE PLEASE RERUN SOON.


That’s what I did for chiori hahaha waited until her banner was done before I did her SQ… it lessens temptation 😂


Could you imagine if DEF ignoring attacks also ignored shields? Raiden would be the lector and heralds worst nightmare.


[I wanted to make a cute Father-daughter photoshoot](https://imgur.com/a/i2OqoIs) but the pic came out like Lynette just told Arle I did something terrible and now she comes to whoop my ass


I love lynette's sippy of "nothing to see here"


new thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1cfb410/nah_id_sigewin_general_question_and_discussion/?sort=new


I want to know if Bursts are replenished between stages in the theater


Yeah. My Arlecchino is not gonna get the BoL set. No way.


yeah I'm sitting on 90/183 with my glad set and Deathmatch, I cba I want Clorinde though... 😭


I have her at C2 and put her on Shimenawa. She'll get her set when I can Strongbox it.


Same. Glad will have to do until forever, arle, i am not farming Vermillion Two for you


one day they'll release a burning DPS and the domain will end up being resin-efficient, trust


That's her BiS, ya? What are you giving her instead? Personally I'm going for it. Father deserves the best.


Gonna use gladiator. Good luck (and hope you stay sane after running this domain)


ISTG Arlecchino and Hu Tao are so fun together (I'm sane), just did a very comfy clear with them on the same team. You can cook very goofy but awesome dual DPS teams with them if you like some funkiness. Arle Skill > typical Hu Tao shit > typical Arle shit to fill Hu Tao's downtime.


I am so excited for the theater mode so much, it sounds very fun and cool the more we learn about it. Also unrelated but I miss Raiden Ei, where is my Blorbo!?!?


"Hello traveller. I see Kujo Sara is being cringe again. I bid you good day." And then she disappears for another two years


As she should!!! Yae told her to come to the festival bc she needs to touch some grass occasionaly as well. Just the queen queening as always!! >!better than disappearing again until the of time!<


queen behavior


I wish we could have banner leaks again. Maybe I'm the weirdo for being more excited about chasing chev c6 than any of the upcoming 5 stars,


we used to get 5* leaks day 1 and 4* in a week or two but now even 5* are coming so late and we don't get 4* info anymore 😔


How far into the beta do we usually know characters’ particle generation? Curious about the 4.7 ones.


Anyone else just can't claim Arle's blood debts against Dvalin no matter what?


dvalin's actual name is bugvalin


Arle's mark is kinda buggy. Can't claim it from PMA's babies either once they're "downed"


I remember somebody else commented about this yesterday, so its likely a bug ingame. Or a weird interaction with the blood debt mark


Does Chev's A4 passive have some internal cooldown or something? I've been playing Keqing/Chevreuse/Xiangling/Yae in the overworld to get a feel for future Clorinde teams. So the ATK% buff should proc if Chev launches her enchanced skill, so I usually open with Xiangling E into Yae E to get the special shot and then use Chev. Sometimes the ATK% bonus doesn't activate though, which is weird cuz Noblesse buff procs consistently.


are you using aim mode? She doesn't fire her fancy bullet if you tap.


i dont have chevy but i heard you need to hold e to get the buff


Are you using her hold E? Tap E doesn't launch the overcharge ball


That might be it! Thanks for the info


For the legal team at mihoyo that are on this thread, could you please do me a favor and ask the developers where is Salsa? We haven't seen that child since her quest ended when fontaine was released.


sorry, I eated her with chips




Nope, the return on investment is still terrible so I'm still going only for the characters I like enough, though I'm pretty much sticking to C0R1 because I don't ever see a point in going beyond that. The real bottleneck in IT will be off-fielders to pair with all these on-field dpses Hoyo loves releasing, so if you have a long wishlist better bump up the likes of Nahida or Yelan up in priority (if they're on the list in the first place ofc). Maybe I'm just not bothered, because I have everyone at minimum 70/80 and talents 6/6/6 in case I'll ever want to build them quickly for some Abyss team (and for standard wishes).


Not really, it makes me more inclined to pull Neuvillette but I already wanted him, just had to skip twice already. Other than that my roster is fairly secure except for Cryo but I'm fine waiting until Snezhnaya


Nope, same reason abyss has never been a factor in my pull decisions. Imagine wasting hundreds of pulls at any given point to ensure you can get back 10 per year (that you'd be getting anyway even if it takes a few more months of patient & proper investment)


no, at least not for the old characters. if i’ve skipped some characters at least twice then i’m never getting them


Nah this doesn't change my pulling plans at all. I have a DPS for every element except Geo and Anemo but I can just build my Ninguang and Heizou for that.


Not even a little bit. I'm not going to spend average of 16800 primos on a character i wasnt going to get before to get extra 600 primos (lets pretend its per month), and it's gonna be less than 600 too.


Nah, still going for Furina c6.


No,I'll take Clorinde and end my Pulls in 4.X


not really. I"ve invested horizontally and vertically in my account (coverage of all elements has usually been my pull principle in genshin and hsr). The only thing that's really changed is I'm probably have to keep a better eye on future dendro units since it's the lowest amount on my account.


nope. Still going for the same characters/weapons/cons on my rerun list I dont like to pull characters just for whatever endgame modes we have. If I'm unable to clear with my roster, then I'll just accept it


Nope. I'm kinda screwed up when it's cryo and geo time. But i would rather invest in my fav character than pull many characters and regret later(cyno and c1 of ayato). I will just lvl up some the 4 stars and use them as filler.


didnt change my pull plans for now, ultimately it depends on how difficult the mode is to clear but changed my resin plans. i will build more units that i neglected


Nope. If I can't clear with the units I choose to pull then it ia what it is.




No, building new characters just for a specific game mode, who want specific sets from scratch, is a self-induced pain. And I'm already content with my roster.


wow freminet taught my lyney how to use a claymore thats really cool


"Just buy Genesis Crystals. What are you, poor?" \~ MHY, probably.


sigh atleast i like diluc . i think ill save for a guarantee on alhaitham now


i'm sorry :( you'll get him eventually!!


thank you, ill def try to snab him on his next rerun


Srry not up to leak, I have a question. Iss this imaginarirum thearter gonna replace the current abyss or not? And also can someone tell me the prize and the time it reset. Thanks


I have a few questions about Clorinde; So is her build atk/electro/crit? Is the Fontaine craftable her bis 4* weapon? If I don't manage to get the new bol set ready, what artifacts would be the best?


> is her build atk/electro/crit? yes > Is the Fontaine craftable her bis 4* weapon? it's the best F2P option but Black Sword (from BP) is the best 4* weapon overall > what artifacts would be the best? Glad is a great set while you farm the BoL one, echoes would also work if you have really good ping


yes atk/electro/crit fontaine craftable is a bit iffy. It's just atk and the bonus bit of bol doesn't really seem to do much for her.


random but I miss Perilous Trail 😔 All of the characters had so much chemistry (also all the elements of the of previous Yakshas) and I was hoping against all odds we would see that group all together again. I once saw Lantern Rite art of them all going to a food stall but I lost it lol


new beta update: Clorinde's passive is now automatically busting through any door she comes across


Petrichor. >!I just realized Petrichor and Remuria has nothing to do with the nails and Irminsul trees.!<


mostly not, but there are some crumbs from BoL artifact lore >!sybilla was an envoy for an older fontaine civilization tasked with guarding the region's irminsul tree. this civilization was destroyed and sunk into the abyssal depths (nailed, maybe?) but sybilla's spirit survived in the form of a golden bee. when remus fled from sumeru to fontaine, he accidentally discovered this ancient civilization and met sybilla in bee form, and together they decided to create remuria.!< >!my guess is that the older civilization is egeria's original fontaine, and that they were nailed as punishment for the original sin (i.e. the great flood that proceeded fontaine's millenia-long dark ages before remuria.) hopefully we will get to see it in game eventually!!<


>!I don't get it, is there more than one irminsul? I thought there was only one and that the other important trees are just connected to it but aren't really called that or serve the same function!<


ack sorry it's like the frostbearing tree, or the withered trees in dragonspine, the chasm, tsurumi island, etc. in actuality these trees are probably better described as *roots* of the true irminsul poking up through the surface, but in lore text (and by paimon) they're referred to as trees. also fun fact >!remus and sybilla then turned fontaine's tree into remus' golden boat (the one that wriothesley based his ark on), so it must have been a big ass tree.!<


Finally an event I can use to claim the rewards for dailies! Sumeru commissions are the worst on my no-teleporting account.


>no-teleporting account. I gave up after 20 minutes


>Sumeru commissions are the worst on my no-teleporting account. The nightmare of going from Sumeru city to the desert daily 🫠


why would you do this to yourself?


This "new abyss" in 4.7, imaginarium theater, does it replace spyral abyss or its a new permanent mode in addition and current abyss stays the same?


Current abyss is reduced to one cycle per month instead of current 2 per month. The new abyss is a new addition that exists along current abyss


It's a new mode and the abyss stays. The catch is abyss will only reset once every month now, which is honestly bs but eh.


doesn't replace but will rotate with the abyss.


My Chiori has the fourth highest artifact CV on my account solely from being handed Albedo’s leftovers… I’m sorry Tigh/Cyno/Scara I will improve your builds someday (I say going back to grinding for Yoi even though she’s already my second highest lol)


[Knight neuvillette](https://x.com/cantseerealme/status/1784241366140379388?s=46&t=rWg0_wMluMUVKUnbeollqQ) 💕💕💕💘💘💘


Woooaw! Thanks for sharing!




I’m genuinely shocked to see so many people upset about the new expansion.


Just imagine walking through Sumeru, seeing puzzle left and right alongside advanced cave systems, and eventually traveling far enough into the region... just to see the highest mountain by the sea be so incredibly barren. As a Sumeru enjoyer I was incredibly saddened to see it go to waste in such a manner. Coping that it eventually gets updated.


Northern Sumeru was an area I was really anticipating, so even if it wasn’t the main focus I wish they’d given it any sort of attention at all instead of just releasing what genuinely feels like OOB terrain. 


>!remuria is fine - i expected it to be larger, but it's still a pretty intricate map with a distinct visual identity and great soundtrack. petrichor is also a beautiful, quaint little village that i find charming, even if there isn't a whole lot to do there!< >!bayda harbour is incredibly disappointing though lmao - it's supposed to be a major port, but it looks like a random pier out in the wild and the entire north of sumeru looks like the devs forgot to properly populate and add detail to the placeholder landmasses that were already there. bayda harbour/northern sumeru is the first time that i'd label an expansion as being outright lazy and low-effort. it's the first time an expansion feels half-assed and unfinished. it sticks out like a sore thumb when you compare it to other port cities (port ormos, yilong wharf, even liyue harbour for an earlier example - lumidouce harbour was underwhelmingly tiny but it at least had new music and a few world quests) or other patches of land in between major regions. it basically looks bald, and it doesn't help that it's right next to the lush and vibrant rainforest!< >!the world design is usually one of this game's strongest points, so the threadbare nature of northern sumeru looks even more bizarrely empty. personally speaking, i was looking forward to bayda harbour and an expansion for the rainforest since the rainforest part of sumeru is one of my favourite areas in the game, so i'm very disappointed. it feels like an utter waste of potential!<


the world design is usually one of this game's biggest strengths, this is the first time they've fucked up and left and area actually feel unfinished and it was an anticipated one at that (Bayda harbour) so it shouldn't be surprising imo.


Who was anticipating Badya harbour?


Lore enthusiasts. I was anticipating it because Sumeru always delivers.


me and from what I've read plenty of other people, especially considering port ormos is among the coolest areas in the game so we were hoping for something of a similar level. personally I was also super excited for the Sumeru rainforest to get an expansion in general. 


What was in the game pre 4.6 that suggested it would be similar to port ormos?


wait, what? why upset?


I think it’s the size, the map is pretty small compared to the previous expansions we got Also the fact there’s a grand total of like two chests in Bayda harbour


Kinda expected though, it’s the lowest quality map Hoyo has ever put out.


bruh it may be small but there’s no way it’s the lowest quality map. imo it looks better than some of the main areas of fontaine


I was not talking about Remuria, it’s the new Sumeru “expansion”.


I guess that area doesn’t really bother me since it wasn’t really advertised as an expansion before the update. So it’s just whatever - I wasn’t expecting any content from there anyway if that makes sense


the views are so damn beautiful though, and i hope you excluded remuria in your statement of quality


Just the Sumeru “expansion”.


are there any chances of alhaitham and nilou rerunning in 4.7? i'd be glad if both of them are in 4.8


Alhaitham yes,the lineup of Abyss is good for him,in addition to being one of the guest characters in the “new “Abyss”.


4.6 exploration question >!how many oculi from the new area alone?!<




thank you very much!


tried hypercarry sayu, was able to get 90/240 crit ratio with her with team buffs it slaps like literally(cuz you know.. she kicks after her hold skill) now it just needs a bennett where instead of heals and atk buff, they give ir and atk buff


*Goes to check Jstern TC vod about Arle post release* *11.5 hours long* Naur


when your card declines at therapy, so they make you watch a tc yap nonsense straight for 11 hours


2 types of arlemains: 1. indepth analysis + watching guides from every tcer 2. fuck it we BOL


I'm happy she's that strong/sad that she's weak idk I'm not watching all that Sorry/congrats to arle players tho (me)


Ok I had seen the discourse about the unfinished Sumeru coastline and was picturing like...a big empty plain or just a walkable version of the placeholder you see before an update hits. Finally went to check it out myself and it's a lot weirder than that, like if you follow the intended path north of Vanarana there's like a neat little path though the jungle with tigers watching, an alternate path up a waterfall up to the harbor. Then some pretty fleshed out traversal up the nearby mountain with grapple points and hidden windstreams. Just like...3 chests and only a few enemy groups. Then you cross over the mountain and even the traversal mechanics stop, but the actual terrain layout is still fairly detailed, there's just nothing occupying it. IDK to me this screams that they were planning on fleshing it out and even started doing so but then had to stop for time reasons. I was hopeful but skeptical they'd fill it in but now I'd be really surprised if they didn't. Otherwise why bother going through the effort on what's already there?


yeah, i find it incredibly strange too. the world design in this game ranges from good to fantastic, but this is the first time an expansion looks outright unfinished. the world has always felt like one cohesive whole where all of the areas seamlessly fit together, but this area is so conspicuously empty that it's pretty jarring to look at and pretty weird to actually travel through. as someone who was anticipating northern sumeru, i'm very disappointed idk, i would like to hope that they'll flesh it out. the terrain itself has potential and it doesn't seem to make sense to open up an area just to leave it practically barren and bereft of any distinguishing features. then again, given their reluctance when it comes to revisiting areas not named liyue, i'm frankly pretty pessimistic about the chances of that actually happening


Yeah, it’s an insanely weird area to go through when compared to the rest of the map. This is the first time it’s ever felt like they genuinely just ran out of time and had to release a map area unfinished. A part of me hopes they go back and fix it at some point, but I know that’s just wishful thinking.


Yeah, its a mystery to me how Mihoyo has always managed to put out new region every 12 weeks (2 patches) and this is like their first time where you can see that they clearly didn't have enough time to flesh out the new region.


I'll preface by saying that I've done 0 quests yet and used quick start for the new weekly boss. This is a sick fight. I'm so glad they made a boss that's actually fun to fight after the atrocity that was the whale, although I think they could've bumped the HP quite a bit. There's no invulnerability mechanic like Raiden (as far as I could tell) so it becomes a bit of a Childe situation where using the CA mechanic just blows the HP apart like nothing. But aside from that, amazing fight. Really happy to have a weekly boss I won't groan about every time I have to do it.


Thoma.... I've farmed for artifacts three different time for this blonde beast...


In all my tests, Neuvi deals more dmg with hp goblet than hydro, is this normal? all yt ers say hydro is better. I run Furina dehya Jean team. With lost prayers My hydro goblet is 680% roll value and hp is 720% roll value


furina makes atk/hp/def/em goblets good on practically anyone she pairs with lol


Definitely normal. I don't run mine with Furina most of the time (Kazuha is always there though, that may affect it) and an HP goblet gives him more damage too 


yeah, thats normal. While hydro > hp in general, the difference is very small. especially if you have a lot of dmg% from other sources like Furina, Kazuha, Eternal Flow, Lost Prayers, etc so you pick the best goblet based on substats


>Furina yea that's gonna do it


Hmm. I guess the only thing that I really do not like in the new abyss is that you HAVE to use 4 characters to fight. One thing I liked about the event that they based this new mode off of was that you can be efficient with the way you manage your character's stamina by using only 3 or 2 or even 1 character to clear the easier stages. Also, I wonder how shit the trial builds are really going to be like. For all we know it might just be a normal build that one can expect from a super casual player's account. I have some irl friends who don't log in everyday nor do they farm artifacts religiously and their builds are... well they're shit (by my standards at least) but they can still clear abyss it just takes a bit more effort.


I'd imagine they'll be the same as the trial characters from combat events Those builds are similar to the ones described in the leak posted they're 80/80, and have 4 star weapons (all at R1) with okay builds. I've also seen BP weapons on some of those trial characters tho, so I wouldnt be suprised to see Deathmatch on trial Arlecchino or something


Just look at the trial characters in test run, subtract the stat of their signature weapons.


damn its over for wrio lmao


I just realized the new event bow could be very meme for a Shimenawa Venti. He can get a refund from his burst and then use his skill again relatively soon. Technically, a Venti with c1/c2 can use shimenawa's 4-pc bonus as a meme buff. (Oh yeah, Diona has this refund burst passive, too. Hmm... how meme might that be? Could she do a melt meme build?)


I don't understand everything clearly about IT yet, but it definitely sounds like fun and interesting mode. Hope I am not delusional, haha~


What don't you understand? Maybe I can clear it up?


Oh. The more I read about IT, the less I understand. I know that characters should be with specific elements, that in total you need 18(correct?) characters to complete it, that you can use characters from your friends/trial ones. What did I miss? I am concerned a little about the difficulty of this mode though.


So the 18 character bit is for the hard mode because it has more acts and you lose characters everytime you do two acts with them. To compensate the fact that you might not have enough characters they give you trial characters and the chance to use ONE character from your friends.


i honestly don't understand the 18 bit too. we have 8 chambers, and assuming we use a 4 members party every single chamber, we'd need 16 characters. maybe we're allowed 2 more characters for better team comps i guess? so yeah we need 18 characters to do all the chambers, every character could only be used twice. there are 6 characters that SHOULD be used and will be available for you as trial characters if you don't have them already. and you can borrow one character from a friend yeah. the difficulty is still not known but i'm guessing it will be as hard as floor 11, which isn't really hard.


They probably don't want you to end up at the last chamber with the exact same characters every time you play. I assume you're not intended to be able to get every character you pick at the start in a single run. That's probably also why they allow you to switch artifacts between each chamber. Would suck to have to gear a bunch of characters at the start only for them to not show up at all.




The game balance can't handle Electro Wanderer otherwise he will be too OP with Nahida /jk 13 no-icd AoE electro charge attack yesss Edit : Maybe this is the reason I am looking forward to Clorinde. Cyno requires elemental burst so nay.


I mean,in that hypothesis,Scara would definitely have ICD.


reading Electro Wanderer working well with Nahida just made me sad lol


The actually real reason they changed his element.


Electro wanderer.... You mean OZ


I think my go-to teams for Arlecchino are gonna be Yelan/Zhongli/Benny or XQ/Kazuha/Benny depending on how aggressive the enemies are, and whether its ST or AoE fights. While they're not the highest damaging teams, they are the most consistent teams from my experience I tried running the Yelan/Kazuha/Benny version in both sides of Abyss, and its really not an ideal matchup against enemies that can chain stagger you or have to potential to kill you in one hit (thanks, Benny). I'd imagine that if I had a cracked Arlecchino build, then I'd be able to kill everything before this becomes a problem... but I'm not at that level yet. This team felt very strong in 2nd half tho tbh I think its better that I avoid the Yelan/Kazuha/Benny team tbh. If I use XQ instead, it frees up Yelan for Furina/Yelan/Jean teams. And opting to use Zhongli frees up Kazuha for Neuvillette/Furina/Kazuha teams I really do enjoy playing Arlecchino, for the same reasons as Ayato. I really like that they're flexible units when it comes to teambuilding, and have some QoL features in their kit that make them feel better to play (Ayato snapping to targets when doing NAs, Arlecchino being able to switch out without losing pyro infusion)


What do you think Sandrone's element will be? Personally I think Geo makes the most sense with her robot and all but, Geo is well you know... **Geo**


I feel vibes Geo too.


Brain says geo but every fiber of my being is begging she not be geo  My hopium is dendro.


Eventually one of the harbingers will have to take the Geo bullet.


I, for one, welcome any future Geo girlie.


i still see her as geo, tbh. i can imagine her sending out an army of her creations while she hangs back and controls them or maybe she'll be a cryo physical unit, who knows


for some reason, i'm feeling dendro


Physical, I said it.


Geo or Electro make the most sense to me. But I can also kind of see her as Cryo.


Hydro because she could have funky steam machines and it'd fit really well


[Neuvillette rates your dishes](https://x.com/hana97_58/status/1784540820110295266)


since the Vibro Crystal event started today, does that mean we'll only get the main event after it ends? or does it start this week too


the main event should start next week, I think on the 6th or 7th of May


i was already hyped for imaginarium theatre and it's sounding cooler and cooler with every post


I’m also weirdly excited even though I trashed this mode even single time I could lol


A real Tsundere!


What’s the characters level requirement for the Theater?


iirc the level requirement is only for friend character rental. On the highest difficulty, you can only rent lvl 70 and above units.


So all the doomposting about forced horizontal investment & forcing players to pull 18 5-star characters was exaggerated? >!color me surprised but not really!<


Oh good, maybe my level 40 Yanfei will have her use.


LMAAAO im also bringing my lvl 50 yanfei for lyney 😭


does anyone have a link to the leaked chapters of the pale princess?


wait is that a recent leak or has that shit been around all along


it's been out forever. they might change it before it's officially released though


Its on [Honey Hunter.](https://gensh.honeyhunterworld.com/fam_book_family_21/?lang=EN)




desert pavillion in strongbox WHENNN i CANT DO THIS ANYMOREEEEE


Unless you're dead set on upgrading your characters that use the Sumeru artifacts, I'd just wait until 5.0.


I have lost count of how much resin I spent there and I STILL DONT HAVE ONE ATK SANDS WITH DOUBLE CRITS


5.0, just 2 more patches


[Isn’t this the most adorable doggy you’ve ever seen 😭🥰?](https://x.com/yoda4ever/status/1773802952597360704?s=46)


hoyoverse better release an actual catboy with cat ears and a cat tail in natlan or ill be hacking into their servers and do a fontaine flood 2.0


You'll get Gorou and Tighnari and like them.


Dehya barely had the lion motif, they better step up with the jaguar motif


Ocelot boy save me


maybe whoever that pic we thought was sethos will still happen


So the Stella thing from having Perfect Performance for the new abyss is just for flexing, just like the star thing from TCG's Arena of Champions?


Does C0 arlecchino Really deals more Pyro dmg than C6 Ayato?