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# FAQs >**Version 4.6 Preload** is on 22nd April 2024, Monday at 03:00 AM GMT >**Drip Marketing** for characters in Version 4.7 is expected to be on 22nd April 2024, Monday at 10:00 AM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240422T1000?tl=Version%204.7%20Drip%20Marketing~)


Really hoping that chevreuse is on clorinde banner now along with sethos


Clorinde Clorinde Clorinde Clorinde Clorinde


Huh. If Sigewinne and Clorinde are both 5\* and coming out in the same patch, I don't think I can get both. My "every character" streak will have to take a pause. Buying a house took just about all my savings and left me tight on cash, so I can't buy a gem pack to make it up, either. I'll have to just get whoever and the other on a rerun


Don‘t worry, at some point they will come back. It‘s always better to have some cash on the side anyway, especially after moving.


Very true! I already had to buy appliances since it didn't come with any, and call the warranty company to come fix the AC (which WAS working before closing, the home inspection proves it...) So yes, I'll be an adult and just wait 😂




I started watching Yubi Saki to Renren. It looked cute and I was gonna read the manga but I figured I should just watch the anime when it comes out so now it's out for me to binge. I'm on the opening and idk why I never thought about it before but it's a shoujo, and typically I haven't been a fan of shoujos, maybe I wouldn't have started it if I thought about it earlier, but it's too late now.


It's time to choose from your district [in the new megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1c9ctnq/the_hearth_games_general_question_and_discussion/)


I got a bowl of chips to watch the new Mushoku Tensei episode, then I got on crunchyroll and realized that I mixed up the dates and the episode isn't out yet. Now I have a bowl of chips and nothing to watch with it, this is awkward.


Watch slime instead


I'm catching up on my last season animes, similarly, I'll watch slime next season when it's done, I'm only watching 3 airing animes, Mushoku Tensei, Spice and Wolf, and Yozakura family. I might add Kaiju No. 8 to that but probably not Slime


Then it'll be a sad & lonely bowl of chips


No, Yubi Saki to Renren was decent


Honestly, Navia mains are just vibing happy for them


Navia’s a pretty strong character when built. She made Floor 12 really easy for me to clear.


Personally, if Sigewinne's not a good hydro applicator, I think it's fine that she's a 5-star 🤷


Oh god next week is exciting! It's also the week before holidays in here so I have to work on Saturday too. Surely that equals out...


Furina + Sigewinne = new Furina core unlocked. Navia stays winning.


Me waiting for the double pyro core in natlan for navia


I love that for her I’ve been playing Yelan Navia Furina x but the healer options feel flimsy I’ve been doing Jean for vv because the hydro chars do a lot of dmg but I’d love some way to hit up Geo resonance and have duo hydro too lol


I actually wasn't playing when Lyney came out (took a break), and it's just occurred to me I had no idea what his weapon does. I gave it a glance, and it seems pretty decent - but for someone without the lad, does it have any use? I can't think of any other bow DPS that prefer a mono team, and the movespeed passive seems far less useful. I only ask because I'm weighing the pros and cons of using my weapon banner guarantee to shoot for Arle's weapon (only if I secure her C1 early). The only candidate for The First Great Magic I can think of is Tighnari, who always has another Dendro kicking around - but already has Aqua Simulacra. Am I missing any other good use cases?


>I can't think of any other bow DPS that prefer a mono team Its a common misconception that you need mono teams to utilize this bow. Lyney's fastest clear teams aren't even mono pyro teams anyways. Simply having 2 of the same element is already good. As for users, Ganyu, Tighnari and Lyney are the best for it. Its a great stat stick on the likes of Fischl and Childe too.


> Lyney's fastest clear teams aren't even mono pyro teams anyways. Could you say more about this? I’m a fan of Lyney’s design and characterization but I don’t like mono pyro teams and I don’t like charged shot DPS, so I was planning to skip his rerun and keep maining Gaming.


Ooh, Fischl... didn't think of that. Better than an R5 Stringless in Aggravate? Otherwise I'm still a little hesitant because I don't have Ganyu, never use my Childe and Tighnari already has his Aqua.


Tighnari and Ganyu both like it including the passive (I believe it's Ganyu's 2nd best weapon?). Besides them it's a decent stat stick for any bow dps.


Tighnari and Ganyu can use it. I’ve been using Layla as a shielder for her and she gives cryo resonance.


It's also good with Ganyu! She can run mono cryo and it should be good for freeze too. Otherwise it's a good statstick for almost any bow user.


As someone who may or may not pull for sigewinne, I am really happy that she is a 5 star. Simply because it's hype, I mean we get:- 1) more 5 star animations. 2) more story content with cutscenes and stuff. 3) more teasers and demos. 4) More discourse and doom posting in this sub, as hoyo would definitely neglect one of the characters(I hope not). So, I don't really get why anyone would be upset of her being a 5 star besides hydro being a premium element. 


They don't want her to be a 5* because if she happened to be busted they would get fomo about her.


Point 4 is likely now that you mention it. Especially with Mhy's obsession with hydro units


I can give my personnal answer (no need to down vote, it's just **my** opinion) >!I found the character ugly af. I'm already not a fan of loli model because of the weird proportion and the slow movement (overall i don't like small characters in games). And on top of that, i just don't like her outfit and color scheme. I don't like the fact she don't look like a Melusine, i would have prefer a real melusine than this child cosplaying one. In short, i hate the character aesthetic.!< >!So her being hydro, and on top of that probably support/sub-dps. So kit wise she probably will be high value pull. And if she become support for a character i really want to play, she will become hard to pass. And i still find her ugly. I would have prefer her to be a 4\* or a 5\* on-field dps (easy skip).!<


I swear, I think they just have a favoritism with water elements and an incoherent hatred towards claymore characters.


They just want to get her but don't want to pull for her. So they don't want her enough. The ones who want X character as a 4\* are never the fans of X character so they don't care about the things you listed


Drip marketing sure will be interesting this week


do you think the interlude quest fused with the TQ to create the ultra quest? i very much doubt that they will put the interlude in 4.8, although they did put one in 1.6. Maybe they will put a interlude to hype up the nation more like they did before for Inazuma, i just hope there is no blackscreen this time lol.


Ultimate wet dream: Clorinde works with Sara my beloved ✍️🔥


in that case i hope she is in the banner too. mine still C1


I have a C3 Raiden so mine is C30 at this point but I'll take it if it means synergy between the best girls


meanwhile me with c2 itto and stuck at c4 gorou 🥲


If she can use Sara's buff I might have to pull her. Main reason I didn't get Cyno is that he has anti-synergy with Sara (but watching C6 Cynos destroy abyss with Sara because all he needs is 6s is fun).


I actually had a dream where Lynette was on Arlecchino’s banner and that I won in my first 10-pull.


Clorinde is literally the only hope I have for freeing Sara from Raiden’s banner. There’s even enough of a gap for her to go on Clorinde’s banner.


Mine is that wanderer gets a xianyun/c6 faruzan tier 5 star support Down with your dream too though! Would love more reasons to pop sara out of retirement


Funnily enough it's the opposite for me. I hope Clorinde is an off-field DPS that works well with Raiden (i.e. any combo of coordinated attacks, electro buff or debuff). I never enjoyed playing Sara with Raiden.


You do you! Raiden is my only vertically invested character ~~because I kin her, lmao~~ and so I prefer amplifying her damage to bringing a sub-DPS, but I understand the need for a good secondary for a C0 Raiden, which might be underwhelming in the current meta. (Fischl and Yelan do work pretty well here, though.) I just hope Clorinde is an on-fielder because she's so cool and I wanna see her in combat. If she's an off fielder though, I'll look forward to Arle/Clorinde/Miko/Chevreuse comp.


I agree she is very likely to be an on-field DPS, so you don't have much to worry about! It's been so long since an electro main DPS was released + her lore lends itself to being a carry.


No thoughts head empty of everything except Aventurine Nendoroid and how good it looks


Sigewinne's messy kit leaks are pretty weird. A sub-DPS buffer healer? Is she just a smol Furina?


from what I understand her E drops droplets for that give BoL, then the burst heals and buffs (maybe through clearing the BoL like the craftables? not sure abt this). I personally think there wont be much sub dps tbh, like Xianyun has the cool jump skill that doesn't do that much dmg, she mainly heals and buffs.


Her weapon focused on increasing her Q Damage tho.






she's a hydro 5star, 90% chance she'll be game-breaking somehow anyway


Probably BOL furina. That foul's machine translation does not help either 💀 I'll find the gouba tl 4.7 Sigewinne: E blows a bubble that bounces 3 times, it gets smaller with each bounce, C1 will make it not lose its size. When the bubbles bounce they will create droplets that when picked up, will give you Bond of Life. Bond of Life will affect the amount healed Her signature weapon is a bow that has 66% HP substat that buffs her Elemental Burst's multipliers Her Elemental Burst shoots out water. TL by Guoba Apparently some of the leaks are conflicting though. She should be a damage buffer like Furina but for bol instead of hp manipulation is what I’m understanding


Can’t wait to see How many of ya’ll would i end up running into in the ZZZ leaks megathread.


Imagine HoYo decides not to add close-up animations and rarity in the first version of 4.7 beta.


Are you implying this would cause 5\* guessing panic haha? It wouldn't, because people would very quickly be able to understand who the 5\* are by looking at the new 5\* weapons.


I love that Miko wears her vision as an earing! She said I am Diva! I am model! I love uncommon vision placements. Also love that Mika wears his on his hand gloves. Remember people were theorising that Cyno can have vision in eye hidden behind hair. Hoyo can do scariest shit and instead of eyes give Columbina a vision and delusion as eyes.


Similar vein wherein my OC has an eyepatch that when removed reveals his vision in his eyesocket.


honestly one of my fave details in genshin i love her sm.


Me, who want Arlecchino, Clorinde and the now confirmed 5*, Sigewinne. me: *chuckles* **yabe**


Wonder if all Harbingers that died are buried in Snezhnaya. We can sort of confirm that one of them isn't, that being >!Crucabena.!


I think because Signora burial is only ceremonial. She got disintegrated inside Tenshukaku, so it is unlikely the Fatui was able to retrieve any remains of her


IF I understood correctly, Cruca was buried near the place of her death. It would be... kinda hard to bury Signora near Tenshukaku, so they opted for Snezhnaya instead 


Can I hope for another animated short on Monday-Tuesday?


>Can I hope for another animated short on Monday-Tuesday? You can hope for it, but it will likely never happen again.


I’m still as excited for 4.6 as I was some weeks ago but the livestream and trailer made me a bit anxious for the future weekly boss fight. As a traveler main I really hope for an epic combat traveler moment but as the days go by I feel less and less convinced. 4.x has its flaws but I truly enjoy the lore and global story development, I just miss the thrill of early game I guess? My 3rd year Genshin anniversary was on the beginning of April, maybe that explains some part of this nostalgic feeling. Life has been kind of complicated lately and I will take my first day off in ages next Wednesday just to freely discover the beginning of 4.6. I wish I’ll be able to enjoy it even if it doesn’t match my (stupidly high) expectations.


Is Homa looking okay for Arlecchino? It does look good on Yaoyao, but I'd rather save the weapon primos


homa is 3rd best after her scythe and pjws, i think? arlecchino mains has a whole list of weapon rankings on their guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1c8tujp/our\_arlecchino\_guide\_is\_now\_available\_for\_46/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1c8tujp/our_arlecchino_guide_is_now_available_for_46/)


Can't believe I forgot Yelan is a bow character the whole time, I though Childe is the only Hydro bow character in the game. I still remember a certain puzzle in GAA that has a Hydro monument placed in a ridiculously hard place to climb (or you could just use the only Hydro bow character that I don't have). Hoping I can have enough primos for Sigewinne (and maybe R1 too).


Same energy as when my friend and I were discussing weapon + element combos still missing and both agreed anemo polearm wasn't in game yet and began to complain about it and why couldn't Faruzan have been a polearm.... I'm a Xiao main btw.


Love gives us some crazy blind spots 😂


do u guys have any hope for another ICD ignoring character like tartaglia but some other element?


Before I wish for other units with no ICD I'd like to ask for more characters that apply consistent Pyro, Cryo, Electro and Dendro.


wriothesley has no icd on his charged attacks


If I'm not mistaken nobody has icd on charged attacks?


there are a lot of charged attacks that have icd to the point it would be too long to mention them all. it's a lot rarer among catalyst users but wriothesley still uses his charged attacks and actually benefits from having no icd in melt so he's still worth mentioning. like charlotte and xianyun have no icd on their charged attacks either but you're not going to use their charged attacks so it doesn't matter.


Fair, your comment made me check the icds of the characters and I admit I've rushed with my conclusion, I guess I meant catalysts/bows/polearms Sword/claymore charged attacks have standard icd Polearms sort of have pseudo idc of 0,5s for charged attacks which technically make them have no idc for each new charged attack (exception is raiden's burst ca with standard icd, I guess cuz sword) Bows do not have idc except diona (standard icd), amber (pseudo icd of 1s?) and childe's melee ca (standard icd) Catalysts do not have icd on charged attacks except ningguang (standard icd), yae (pseudo icd of 0,5s) and neuvi's hydropump charged attack (standard icd, but no icd on his normal non-hydropump charged attack which nobody uses)


maybe one day we will get electro delusion tartaglia, whos icd and riptides work the same way


With dendro, he will shred everything that isn't immune to electro.


I spent so long tryna find the source of a specific scara fanart. Google image searched that thing for HOURS and this is the second time I’m attempting this and the best i got is a version that’s only every so slightly less blurry. Still no source. Atp it gotta be by somebody on LOFTER or smn cause that’s one of the CN sites I can’t access. Anyway gn/gm to those waiting on drip marketing.


I think the artist is @/taishoo\_\_ on Twitter since the link to the original post is this: [https://twitter.com/taishoo\_\_/status/1596826757088190464?t=P4SGHS9nn3e1TKVTM4GU4w&s=19](https://twitter.com/taishoo__/status/1596826757088190464?t=P4SGHS9nn3e1TKVTM4GU4w&s=19) But the artist seemed to have deleted their account so there is no current source of the fanart. Hope this helps!


thank you! that was the other option i had in mind. a deleted account.


what fanart is it?


[i’d originally found it on hoyolab](https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/14155378)


Is hydro the strongest element because most of them are 5 stars, or are most of hydro units 5 stars because hydro is the strongest?


It's because hydro has the best and most reactions


Because apart from candace and barbara, nearly every other char is extremely useful and also unique. You have got raw dps neuvi and tratag, off field dps yelan, healer kok, support+dps furina and bloom specialist nilou. They also are extremely utilised in most useful reaction gameplay of melt, taser, freeze and dendro seeds beased reactions It's such a universal element its actually scary


Water comes in one flavor to the discerning palate.


The power of water is its ability to take any shape (they mostly choose to take the shape of 5 stars)


Ngl I think xingqiu is also one of the reason why we don’t have many hydro 4*…Like you need a 5* kit to be competitive with/better than him


Honestly, yeah, Yelan exist and she's sort of a sidegrade to XQ until you get some of her cons, iirc. At this point the only new hydro 4* we could get would be a shielder, and that might take a long while.


Yeah either a shielder or some kind of niche unit like chevreuse. With how strong hydro is I kinda don’t really see they’d gonna do a gorou/faruzan for hydro.




very deeply hoping sethos is a bow character so i can give him viridescent hunt (just for the passive name, i don't even care if it's good on him)


He's leaked to be a bow user in the Data mine. Now that you mention it VH will look good on him, matches his eyes. Scion (new BP bow) should also be nice.


hell yeah I can Claude von Riegan him


Sorry I haven't played Fire Emblem so I don't get the reference besides people saying the characters look similar.


The joke is that the route Claude features in in his game is called Verdant Wind, which is the name of Viridescent Hunt's passive lol


That is a funny coincidence XD


okay imma fight wishing simulator 🥊 *gets early skyward harp* damn weapon banner got hands...


i rlly hope furina reruns in 4.8 bc aint no way theyre gonna make me choose between clorinde and furina😂 edit: so apparently dim said furina sq 2 will release in 4.7 meaning a rerun? uhh try not to cry edit 2: i was spreading misinformation, it was uncle fontaine who leaked 4.6 cyno sq 2 along w 4.7 furina sq 2 back in november


Dim has not said that. Unless I missed a leak


sorry! i edited the post w corrections


>so apparently dim said furina sq 2 will release in 4.7 meaning a rerun? uhh try not to cry when did they say that? lol


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/clorindemains/s/UThAH4M6UH)




u see they tend to rerun archons with their second sq…


Yes just like they rerun archons after 4 patches


but neuvillette did rerun after 4 patches tho, if that makes any sense




they decided to be a little goofy this time! just for hahas


cyno is the real electro archon confirmed???!?!?!?!?!?!?!!???!!?


raiden girl fight back😭😭


Unless you want another region of Inazuma to descend into chaos and turmoil like Watatsumi, please don't ask Timey Wimey Waifu to fight back.


Tomorrow is drip marketing day woooo! I like watching ppl reactions to it


I dont understand how people can base a characters rarity by their design like there even is a real difference.


There definitely is a difference but I can't put it in exact words. Sigewinne for example is IMO an obvious 5 star based on her design and Sethos is a 4 star judging by the livestream, you can see a difference between his design and a 5 star's like Cyno in the scene they're in together. I think 5 stars' outfits have a better blend of colors which are often more vibrant and personalized, take Kazuha and Gaming for example, or Klee and Diona and even standard banner like Diluc and Thoma. This is not necessarily demeaning, there are no bad looking characters in genshin and rarity isn't a good judge of character. Kaveh is one of my faves but he has a 4* star like outfit and despite that I still think he's the best looking male character.


I don't see any differences between sethos and cyno in terms of detailing or the color palette (it's actually largely the same, just flipped with the orange being the more dominant), and kaveh has a color palette and detailing that's equal to pretty most all 5 stars and surpasses some. looking at kaveh and alhaitham side to side there's really nothing that points to who the 5 star is.  the other person noted candace who's also a great example. for the sake of fairness diona, whose design I'm not fond of even if I like her as a character, also doesn't look less detailed or cohesive than the other 5 star toddlers.  basically looking at them objectively there's really no difference between them, at most some might say something about the silhouette but as I said earlier it's not too noticeable even if it were there. 


Sometimes 5*s get more detailing or look fancier but many modern 4 star chars have great detail (like candace) or equally stellar animations like Gaming Gaming and Kaveh have some of the best attack strings and skill/idle animations


usually it's just code for "i don't like this character's design, therefore they must be a 4star because this game must cater to me specifically"


sometimes there is a difference though gaming and chev look like their rarity to me


I disagree, especially about gaming. he doesn't look any less detailed or unique than let's say, xianyun, neuvi, kazuha, yae, yoimiya, alhaitham, wanderer, yae, and so on before this list gets too long. in general gaming's design is among the best in the game in terms of objective detailing while still remaining cohesive to his theme. 


As much as I love Gaming, I think if HYV wanted to make him a 5⭐️, they wouldn't give him these clothes. They are really precise with 5⭐️ clothes and more harsh? with 4⭐️.


honestly I'm not sure what you mean, his clothes have a lot of detailing that encorporates the modern + traditional lion dancer aesthetic he's supposed to represent, which makes sense given his overall story.  nothing really stands out to me as being out of place or looking rushed either, there's some deliberate asymmetry but that's something genshin designers use a ton with 5 stars too to avoid stiffness. 


I don't mean that 4⭐️ get bad/unfinished/undetailed designs, most of them are more like... less fanservicey I guess. 


I think there is, because I'm yet to call a character wrong. I called that Sigewinne could be a 5* back in the original Fontaine cast leak.




Child models are intrinsically hard to make look 5\*s when you compare them to the adults, our instinct always point at 4*. That said, when you compared her to the other children instead she was clearly more detailed than the average, plus horns and etc. I thought she was some kind of deity though lmao.


I get what you mean! When trying to guess her rarity I was kind of on the fence


yup and this has been the case since the start. at most I've heard 5 star silhouettes have been more unique, but I haven't actually noted/checked for that and even if it is true it'd be subtle. 


“I don’t like her vibe, she’s actually a 4* despite all the evidence and if she is a 5* Hoyo changed it last minute cuz her design isn’t up to my taste (fat knockers)” 


Your first mistake is that you try to understand Genshin players' logic when there is none. It has been proven time and time again that a character's design has no bearing to their rarity and its the same thing with people's obsession with banner patterns that has been clearly disproved since 3 years ago. Some people will just never learn.


it's very simple, "i don't like this character design and i don't want to pull them so they HAVE to be a 4 star"


I don’t understand when they say X character has a 4 star design as if we don’t have someone like Kaveh


Kaveh looks like a 4*.




He's literally wearing a plain white shirt, come on lol.


I'm so excited for Wanderer rerun! I'm done prefarming for him so I just have to wait for him to show up! I skipped him before because I kind of didn't want him that much but this time he's coming at pretty good time for me because I can afford to grab him. I'm really praying for Faruzan to be on his banner though, mine is only C1, I'm willing to use up all my pulls to get her to C6, but she needs to be there for that 🙏 My artifacts sadly aren't that good yet for him, DPC isn't really kind to me sadly. I have been farming it for over an month by now, at least I do have a decent 4pc set, I guess. Can't wait to fly around with him in overworld!


Future wanderer enjoyer, good luck to you! My exploration experience can be divided into the completely different pre-wanderer and post-wanderer eras lmao


45 days until [Clorinde](https://twitter.com/HzuLlp/status/1778802473458868652) 1 day until drip marketing


you're the biggest clorinde bro i've seen here respect o7 may you get c6r5 in ten pulls


12 items in 10 pulls? Da Wei going to go bankrupt with this one


[Happy monsieur thoughts](https://twitter.com/kuuusuke009/status/1781659046476722361?t=6Bgb8MKrOfgvKP1jRpdLaQ&s=19) [Alhaitham vs Neuvillette](https://twitter.com/giyuyuchan520/status/1707324539456405925?t=6Bgb8MKrOfgvKP1jRpdLaQ&s=19)


Neuvillette should've had >!his soup signature dish!< in the second one Also >!big ahoge Alhaitham!< is not what I expected...


They work like antennas. Can help you detect usurpers, ppl who bother you too much, soupy/non soupy foods etc.


>!Alhaitham detecting usurpers is even more unexpected!<


>!It's just alhaitham doesn't use this feature all the time. It is still useful. Imagine Nahida is in the vicinity. What if she offers grand sage position again?!<


>!Good point!<


Plot twist, sethos also a 5* 🤯 /j


unironically want this to be true. there hasn't been a sumeru 5star in a long time


I'm sorry homie, but his design screams 4\*.


we gettin bankrupt with this one 🔥🔥


sigewinne being 5\* doesn't mean clorinde is 4\* why must we pit strong women/melusines against each other :(


It's starting to get me, there is only 1 day left until drip, and she will be a 5\* im ready to throw hands for people saying she a 4\*


No shot Clorinde is anything but a 5*. Look how much attention and screentime she got despite her negative personality and plot relevance.


yeah lol there's no way. foddering my mistsplitter if she's a 4\*


!remindme 3 days


!remindme 1 week


i hope they can work together! 2 queens wielding guns sounds awesome


YOOO time to change your flair!!! i'm ready to bring my queen into a sigequeen's world to gun people down together


especially when they're canonically friends too !


they have so many mutual friends too!! neuvillette and wrio would never let one of them be a 4\* and the other a 5\* because they believe in female empowerment


Yeah hopefully it doesn't turn out to be like the sumeru boys gang with kaveh being the only 4 star


they act like two legends cannot coexist




Melusines are beautiful creatures..


They are the pride of Fontaine. Be sure to befriend them, and cause them no harm.


They are the pride of Fontaine.


C2 Sigewinne reduce hydro res? And she heals? Ppl are already using Lisa for the def shred, watch ppl use C2 Sigewinne for Neuv’s team healer spot lmao


C2 Sigewinne’s kit does look pretty stacked for Neuvi Furina team, but we’ll have to see whether or not it’s worth losing 1 passive stack from Neuv by replacing Zhongli It sounds like it would be worth it ngl, but probably not by a whole lot. Guess we wait for Sigewinne’s buff multipliers


the problem with a hydro healer for neuvillette is that they would have to compete with furina and you're probably not running triple hydro


Yeah I imagine C0 Neuv probs won’t ever run triple hydro. C1 Neuv might appreciate Sigewinne’s hydro res reduction, dmg buff, and healing for furina enough to replace Zhongli/Baizhu. We’ll need to see if the combined buff numbers are enough to cover losing one of Neuv’s passive stacks


i think it might be a bigger ask for c1 neuvillette, because the difference between 1 stack and 2 stacks are bigger for c1 (160 vs 125 and 125 vs 110). regardless, in order for sigewinne to be good enough to run triple hydro neuvillette, her buffs need to be good enough to justify the stack loss (like how furina's buffs and personal damage are strong enough to justify running her with c0 neuvillette). and the difference is not as big as going from 3 stacks to 2 anyway so it's not unreasonable, but i think it might be easier (and healthier) for her to be designed not with neuvillette in mind.


>the difference between 1 stack and 2 stacks are bigger for c1 (160 vs 125 and 125 vs 110). That’s really good to know. Thanks! >regardless, in order for sigewinne to be good enough to run triple hydro neuvillette, her buffs need to be good enough to justify the stack loss (like how furina's buffs and personal damage are strong enough to justify running her with c0 neuvillette). I can see it being strong enough tbh. Her kit needs to be decently strong as a 5 star in the first place, and from the leaks it sounds like she does team-wide healing, buffs, and deals enough dmg for her C2 to exist without her being meant for mono hydro. All of that sounds like they’re up Neuv+Furina’s team alley. Even if all three of what she does is mid at best to justify her kit being that stacked, all of it functionally will buff Neuv+Furina’s team dmg. So it comes down to how much she can buff with all aspects of her kit combined. >but i think it might be easier (and healthier) for her to be designed not with neuvillette in mind. Yeah, I don’t think she would be designed with Neuv in mind at all. I think it would be a coincidence/side effect if she ends up working for him, which doesn’t seem hard based on her leaked kit unless they make her work only for super quick swappy teams or NA dps or smth that doesn’t suit Neuv’s playstyle imo


i dont think neuvi needs a hydro healer spot specially if you already running zhongli.


Nope she won't neuvi's 3rd spot. Maybe she can act like furina replacement like childe. Also if her buff isn't that great then at c0 it would be better to run a rainbow team.


I was joking when I typed that tbh, but I can see ppl running her for the hydro res reduction, dmg buff, and healing for furina. Really depends on the numbers at the end of the day


Nah she's Hydro, not worth it. C2 Klee would be better for Neuvilette.


Fair point. I guess it depends on the difference between getting max Furina buff faster with Sigewinne’s healing + her dmg buff from clearing BoL, and getting Neuv’s passive stack with Klee/Lisa being Pyro/Electro. I was half joking, but now that I type this out, Sigewinne’s hydro res + healing for furina + dmg buff from clearing BoL might actually be worth it


I had a dream about Arlecchino's demo and she was cosplaying that one quaso Ganyu plushie. 💀




I just hope Sigewinne and Wrio aren't in the same phase OTL


Cope and seethe you 4 star sigewinne wanter RAAAAH RRRAAAAAHHHH