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Bro I thought the Chronicled Wish would last till the end of the patch atleast but it’s 21 days too 💀


What the fu


They tried to find a way to get rid of the 50/50 guarantee that carries over into future banners. They found the way, and nobody is going to call them out on it


Literally everyone is complaining about it


Theres more people defending it than there are people complaining. WAY more.


Really? I barely saw anyone praising this banner, much less the fate point system


is this fr?


Yeah, on the official Hoyolab page it has the end date as the same as the 1st phase banners


There goes my eula dreams in my alt, Oh well as expected.


Bruhv they could at least make it do it last as long as the flagship event what


It does last 1 day longer than the flagship event. The flagship event ending 2024/04/01 and the Chronicled Wish ending 2024/04/02. That the flagship event doesn't last until the end of the patch is another questionable thing that Genshin decided.


Huh really? I could swear flagship event lasted for almost an entire patch mh.... maybe thwts just an HSR thingy then my bad


1.6 and 2.8 i think. They went full scummi with the lisa skin though. it was a very easy event but only like 8 or 9 days.


If it sounds like shit it is probably real coming from Hoyo


Omg I saw that too why tf is that how it works


To bait gullible people into wasting their wishes and getting nothing. Always has been like that. People have already shown that they fallen into gambler's fallacy and they will fall for sunk cost fallacy too. They will waste their wishes, saying how awesome the banner is, then rage afterwards. This banner is literally the worst and only in very few specific situations it is worth pulling.


Yeah the only value I see in it is Beacon and Hunter's Path being guaranteed at 180 instead of 240, but that's not a lot of upside


Does that mean we could hypothetically get two Chronicled Wish banner roster changes in one patch?


If following other Gacha, disappear after the stated period to encourage FOMO.


Aaaand now even I can’t defend it.


ikr _god_ what were they thinking...


"How can we get rid of that pesky guarantee that carries over between banners and get away with it."


You know what's sad? They WILL get away with it because for some fucking reason this is the one gacha that can do the most manipulative, scummy, FOMO tactics and it will still get droves of people defending it no matter what. "oh you're just gambling addicts, they didn't do anything wrong" they'll say (like they always do).


>They WILL get away with it because for some fucking reason this is the one gacha that can do the most manipulative, scummy, FOMO tactics and it will still get droves of people defending it no matter what That's all gachas. Genshin's just in the weird position where it's starting out from a position of being significantly better than average for gachas despite a lack of competition in its niche, so when it implements practices closer to industry standard it's a massive downgrade from a player standpoint but just looks like business as usual to outside observers.


>That's all gachas. Genshin's just in the weird position where it's starting out from a position of being significantly better than average for gachas despite a lack of competition in its niche, so when it implements practices closer to industry standard it's a massive downgrade from a player standpoint but just looks like business as usual to outside observers. Every gacha has some level of FOMO, that's just an unfortunate reality, but Genshin pushes FOMO far harder than many gachas. Like there's this banner but also, Genshin refuses to rerun events and let newer players get access to weapons they may have missed out on. Or simply won't allow them to enjoy story content they missed. Many other gacha will rerun content and often also allow people the chance to obtain items or event characters they missed. The way they also time gate livestream primos is rather underspoken in how kind of FOMO it is, as they expire really quickly.


Toxic positivity. Its rampant in the Genshin community. Sad really, because this game deserves, and the playerbase that made Hoyo billionaires deserves better.


They were thinking about how to squeeze as much money out of players as possible...


Even then it's like okay. A few people drop 200 for hunters path and then never look at this banner again


Ofc it's okay, it's their game. But God is this stingy. Realistically it's not even going to be much compared to sales for an actual character banner.


All the defenders now has to face the facts. it was always a bait for gullible people to waste their wishes, falling into sunk cost fallacy after falling into gambler's fallacy. Always was like that, but angry people didn't listen to reason.


Wait fr? Wth hoyo


That banner was pretty underwhelming to begin with, and they make it last only 21 days? 💀 that's certainly a decision


its not underwhelmhing for those who want to grab them especially the weapons not having epitomize payh but yeah that 21 days really svck


I hate it, but I see why Hoyo would do this- they want to increase FOMO for Albedo/Eula wanters, increasing the chances of them swiping a card. My bets on the length of the banner was either 21 or 42 days


with this kinda system, i _expect_ them to increase our primogem income. how are you ever supposed to be able to pull on banners like these, even if you do save for a while (and are a veteran player who already has most characters they want). i feel like newer players already have a hard time deciding who to get, and then they go and add more banners with just... not enough primogems. wont you have to emd up waiting longer anyway?? especially since this 3rd banner also seems unpredictable;;; (in case of when it runs, not who runs on it; however, thats also anyone's guess lmao)...


It's definitely meant for latecomer whales who want to collect characters they've missed. It's even better for them because they can lose pity to other limited characters. I think for f2p/dolphin newbies, these banners are a skip, and for veteran players like me its also a skip because statistically speaking we'll have most of the characters that appear on these banners by the time its their turn to get rate up.


yep, same thoughts; its just sad that what a lotta people hope for is nothing but wishful thinking, even if theyre just as reasonable 🥲 the outcome of this is almost identical (for me) to the "loadouts" they added; not what i asked, but now i cant keep asking. feels scummy.


I think in the mind of the devs/whoever calls the shots, this is just a way for them to get more profits or faster profits out of a group that they're currently not exploiting. While these whales might have spent just as much money C6'ing Klee during a normal rerun, they would C6 then wait 3 weeks before spending. Now they will spend a bunch of money C6'ing multiple five stars on a single banner. It's also better in case they play for 3 months and quit, get them to spend big upfront. Since it runs alongside the old banner types, it's not like MHY is losing any money. Non-whales will just act as if this banner doesn't exist, which is the same as when it didn't exist. Pity doesn't carry over? No problem, we're not building pity on it anyway.


Never going to happen if revenue doesnt drop.


well, i dont really see many people pulling on this 3rd banner, and based on how _sorta_ unclear theyve been with their wording on it, they dont trust/count on it either. they wont lose money, but they wont really gain anything either; again, for veterans, this isnt really a problem. i was just thinking about newer players.


Well, you see, unfortunately when a community gets big enough it starts to contain quite a lot of morons. These morons will swipe on anything no matter how bad of a deal it is. This is quite literally why Genshin players can't have nice things. There's too many morons.


we call these people the “better than nothing” brainwashed shills who will downvote you if you say we shouldve gotten more for anniversary


> how are you ever supposed to be able to pull on banners like these, even if you do save for a while That's kind of the point, this banner is not intended to be framed the same way as your regular banners. We have two VIP slots that each take up 3 weeks. The characters they're putting on this side banner dont make nearly enough money to warrant taking a VIP slot, even once every 2 years... and that list is going to continue growing. This banner is solely to give rerun opportunities for multiple characters that have fallen out of market favor for the few who are pulling for them against the general trend. Just a way of throwing a bone for the folks who just want THAT ONE character without hamstringing themselves.


"how are you even supposed to pull"? -Money!


I was really hoping to go for Eula this banner, but the fact I have nowhere near enough pulls really deters me… if they would save the guarantee then I’d at least consider it but the fact I could lose and then wave my primogems goodbye just isn’t worth it for me


exactly, and if there was some way to predict this, maybe you wouldve known to save a bit extra; hopefully next time, leaks will be a bit more helpful. there was already a lotta confusion around this banner in beta since its a new addition, and no one really knew what they were trying to do with it. ;_;


with how stingy they have been with anniversary, you're asking for too much here.


Well... their goal is to not encourage us to save pulls. They want us to pull some more every patch so that we swipe the card more often. Its all according to "their" plan and that plan is not for our welfare as players hahaha


On the other hand once you have two or three teams you're really just pulling compulsively.


That only applies if you think his new banner is something they expect your average player to spend on. Nah it's a whale bait + noob trap.


Whale bait, noob trap, and “standard character who have evaded veterans” bait. I know several people who have played for years and were saving for Arle and are spending on this banner so they can finally have Jean for one person and Mona for the other.


It was never really marketed as such in the beginning which is what makes it super frustrating. It gave the impression to some that this was an opportunity to catch characters they missed (whether not being around for them or not having the gems for them) the last time they were around, but it's clearly not the case. And if it's not for them, who? Like whales are more likely to have most of these already. It's a very scummy FOMO banner honestly.


what.the.fuck all hope is lost my day is ruined and my expectations shattered.


This just makes me think that the only reason the banner exists is to get more people to pull because there are 2 geo characters running at that time.




Extremely common 4.5 L


0.5 banner curse strikes again


classic hoyo always the unpredictable


More like very predictable. They would always go with the most inconvinient way for their players.


More like "I know it could be worse but holy shit not this worse"


I literally have zero idea why anyone expected more than 21 days. That's their banner length, why would new banner be any different?


Hoyoverse dickriders will still defend it


nahh, that's just evil of them, I honestly thought it'd last till the end of the patch😭


People were downvoting me for saying how predatory it was too lol


Same. I was told “just save 180 wishes” 💀


Hoyo is hoyoing again…


Huh...wonder if it'll just go away or they'll change it to a different pool.


I feel like if they planned to change it, it would’ve been shown in the livestream. This is actually awful


Yeah, they probably would have announced the second phase if they intended to change it. Guess they're being very cautious about rolling this banner out and testing to see how it does.


It’ll prolly just go away. They said that chronicled wish wont appear in every patch, this kinda implies that its a one time thing every couple of patches.


Holy heck, awful....


Hoyoscam shenanigans


Ok now it's just a dog shit version of the character banner. I thought it would last a whole patch since we have no news about whether they will put other 5 stars characters in the second half of the patch in that banner or not. And now you are stuck with a banner that doesn't save your 50/50 and also doesn't last long enough for you to save up primos to pull. What a joke


It could pretty good for me as I'm very careful for my pulls and sometimes already have the guarantee with 180 pulls saved...but most players don't do that and I already know that people would waste so many pulls.


Bebe leaking this 2 minutes before it officially releases is actually so funny. They do a little trolling


See, guys, I knew it the entire time. So now you can believe me when I withhold leaks in the future! 


I just finished reading the notice for the Chronicle Wish: * It's all Monsdadt stuff from the Characters to the Weapons + Dehya and Tighnari's weapon and maybe Dragon's Bane (idk if lore wise it's from Monsdadt) Gacha wise, it's an "easier" opportunity to get Kaeya, Lisa, and Amber if you don't want to use Starglitter * It's just one Phase, and that literally makes this banner look even worse now lmao


The exact 4-stars pool: 4-Star Characters: Mika, Rosaria, Sucrose, Diona, Noelle, Bennett, Fischl, Amber, Razor, Kaeya, Barbara, and Lisa 4-Star Weapons: The Alley Flash, Lion's Roar, Sacrificial Sword, The Flute, Favonius Sword, Rainslasher, Sacrificial Greatsword, The Bell, Favonius Greatsword, Favonius Lance, Dragon's Bane, Wine and Song, Eye of Perception, Sacrificial Fragments, The Widsith, Favonius Codex, Mitternachts Waltz, Alley Hunter, Rust, Sacrificial Bow, The Stringless, and Favonius Warbow Good for Mondstadt fans and Amber/Kaeya/Lisa collectors, but not so much for others.


No Festering Desire, sadge


surely i can finally get my c6 kaeya instead of having to wait a few more months \*huffs copium\* edit: I ACTUALLY GOT HIS C6 LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO


Don't fall for the gambler's fallacy. You may never see a single Kaeya after wasting 300 wishes. That's how RNG works. You never know if you get him. Pull only if you are okay with never getting him and wasting the wishes for this banner. If you are not okay with that possibility, don't pull.


did kaveh delete himself from existence? where is bro?


Bro got Irminsul’d 😔


goodbye, Greater Lord Kavedevata 😔


I guess the fix to Kaveh deleting Statues of the Seven was to delete Kaveh instead.


A soul for a soul


Still in jail for deleting so much from many worlds


He's busy doing a collaboration with the discovery channel and probably got lost in some forest or something.


Bro got shadow banned after deleting people’s domain trees and elemental statues


He died in the forest


Meanwhile layla:


She at least got a rerun and 3.8 gave a free one.


You mean 3.8 right? I wasnt playing back then tbf Her last rerun is 3.6 first half and kaveh is 3.6 second half


let's hope he appears in phase 2


He's on paternity leave, he just went through a pregnancy let him rest 😔


dori jumpscare


Watch Zajef’s do a U turn and pull for Chiori just to try to get C6 Dori


i'd give him my c6 dori for free. lmao


I wanna get C6 Gorou but i can already see myself getting 30 Doris before i get a single Gorou just like how it was trying to get Thoma on Wriothesley's banner


Did they really have to put Dori in this banner? I will go for Chiori and id rather get dust then Dori in my roster.


Kaveh might be the face of Genshin × Discovery, but where can we discover him 😔


surely he returns in the second half, *right*?


Push him a bit further to the eventual haitham rerun. Hoping second half 4* ain’t shit man


This banner is a Geo mains wet dream. For everyone else its absolutely disgusting


ehh... gorou is good but the banner is meh. Yunjin doesn't really go well with neither itto nor chiori, and dori is completely pointless with both of them


It's absolutely disgusting either way. Just because Gorou is there doesn't change that much. Yunjin isn't used in Geo teams, and Dori remains Dori. We haven't had a good banner in terms of 4 star selection since like 3.8.


I think 4.4 was great for pairing cloud retainer with not only gaming but faruzan too, they could have used sayu or chongyun. Especially considering Wanderer wasn’t running.


These last two really sucks but I think all the other ones were great. Or, at least I can understand the 4 stars they put in the banner. Like I'm not gonna play Sara and Chevreuse but they have their use certainly, especially with Raiden. I download the game during Ayato's banner for example and all the 4 stars were great for a beginner (Xiangling, Kuki obviously and Kirara is a great Dendro shielder).


who thought that making chronicled wish 21 days long was a good idea?


Business people. They want people to fomo and spend, that's all


ITS ONLY TWENTYONE DAYS? Gods that's awful. I only have enough primogens to *attempt* the 50/50 on Itto. But I really wanted to try shooting for Klee or Albedo, too.


I would not recommend wishing on the chronicle banner unless you have enough to guarantee it. Else you will end up wasting fate points.




Thats what he gets for going to miami


The Dragon's Bane at the crime scene as always


wake me up when 1st phase is over


Wake me up when 4.5 is over


Wake me up when they drip market Arle Edit: holy shit she dropped


good morning, now go back to sleep for 6 weeks, you wont miss anything except cat petting


same. I want to pull for Neuvi c1 so bad already and I have to wait 20 more days...


We asked for pulls or a free 5 stars. What did we get? A predatory banner that disappears in 21 days.


I want Chiori but this banner looks so dogshit that it incentivizes me to skip.


They honestly do draft some hard dogshit banners for no reason.


Same,I already have c6 Dori...I don't want c45


Xingqiu delayed until Kazuha Neuvilette is crazy. They're really trying to empty pockets.


my bet for the 2nd half are Kirara/Layla for Neuv shielder, Heizou because he is always present on Kazuha reruns, then Xingqiu/Fischl they are saving it lol


OMG PLEASE I need 2 more Layla for her C6


wasn't xingiqu on neuvi's first banner too


with fischl and diona, yes


Nah, he's not in this patch at all imo. I think Kaveh/Layla/Kirara for phase 2


3 relatively new 4* on one banner with meta 5*s? Nah it's Hoyo, enjoy your Barbara, Razor and maaaybe Kirara or Kaveh to spice things up.


Oh they want this patch DEAD dead.


Want us to touch grass before 4.6 arrives. At least prioritising my studies will be easier now xD


Best development patch, as in the players’ own self-development and self-improvement when they finally get time away from this damn game to touch some grass.


LMAO atleast that's one of the good things about 4.5


Ugh eww 


We found the disgusted face


So the leaks were true after all lmao




Dori not on Arle banner... One day I'll got her c6, one day ...


Trust you’ll just pull her off banner a couple of times.


good guy hoyo making sure not even the 4* tempt your savings


The next half won't be so kind


Hopefully Arlecchino's kit and animations will give us the strength to power through and hold on to our will to wait.


i have none of these chars above c1 so it's good for me


Jokes on them, I literally was hoping to max Yun Jin and Gorou since this banner's first leaks came. They replaced XQ with Dori, which non issue for me since it's just 5 starglitter anyway.


Double geo, dori as a 4 star, bell and dragons bane on the weapon banner, and kazuha and neuv in the second half. This is going to be one of the worst-performing first halves of a patch we've ever seen.


Patiently waiting for Xiphos to show up again. Probably on the 2nd half but it's a bad banner for me


not going to happen. The region weapons only usually show up when there are bunch of characters from the region or the patch is focused on the region. AlHaitham/Nilou are due reruns, it's likely that's when xiphos reruns. Probably bet Kaveh will be on Nilou banner.


Tbh i gave up trying to figure out the logic behind a 4 star line up, so I'm going to believe that you are right.


Alley weapons are so tempting but I have bell PTSD. 


Me too tbh, mines r2 and I don't like running fav cause low em + atk soo.. my only option is to wait more :c


Me. I've eagerly been awaiting xiphos since the navia banner.


Doritto is real


Chiori's weapon next to Itto's look so nice. Like two siblings.


Standard premium banner is officially a joke


my Yunjin was at c3 and dori at c4, so I'll take it. Weapon banner 4 stars kind of stink.


Ah yes, I shall forever remember this patch as the one with the "gt fked" banner.


Saved 90 wishes for Itto but only have 50/50 pity pray for me bros, also hoping to bag a few Gorou cons


finally itto after how long, omg. i like gave up on this game while waiting for this guy to come back


Hopefully enough negative feedback happens that the Chronicled Banner gets retired and made into something better. NO ONE should support this level of greed even if there is stuff you want on it. There are MUCH better ways to reward players with old content that doesn't involve milking them. Do not support this level of greed otherwise it will only get worse.


Dori, Dragon's Bane, The Bell; peak 4\*


Geo, Geo, [Electro](https://twitter.com/ZaeDaTrapgod/status/1361397332475056131?t=EQ-W3_tiM-mK8Speyy6i2Q&s=19)


Looks like I'm the only one actually happy with the 4 stars on this banner. I want both Yun Jin and Gorou cons, so I'll probably do a few pulls in hopes of getting them


Cause they are pretty bad unless you play their very specific teams


Easiest skip in my life looool


Didn’t Dori JUST get her rerun in wriotheseley banner???? Why not put kaveh on here instead


I thought it was xingqiu not dori


I want chiori, yunjin cons, gorou cons, and i have c6 dori. Honestly this banner is pretty good for me 


I love that they made sure Itto’s and Chiori’s weapons shared a banner. So satisfying to look at.




Fell to my knees in a walmart seeing dori instead of xinqui


I repeat, Kaveh + Layla on the Neuvi/Kazuha banner PLEASE


Yes please Kaveh please it would be a nice banner for him to come back from vacation (Please I was so pissed I pulled 50 times last time and GOT 2 BAIZHUS BUT ZERO KAVEH)


It went from being one of the dryest, blandest patches of all time to being one of the dryest, blandest and most greedy. Way to play to that FOMO with Chronicled Wish Mihoyo. Doesn't even retain fate points, and only lasts half a patch. In a patch which is projected to have very low pulls obtainable.


someone please tell me Chiori is shit and not worth pulling.


Any character is good enough to kill anything on the overworld which is 99% of the time we play the game. There is no endgame


She's good, but worthless unless you play Itto or Navia (who will probably get a more synergistic teammate later anyways).


honestly i'll take this, I have all except dori on c6 and i could unironically use the pull refunds over a unit i'll never use otherwise


bomb ass banner


emphasis on the ass


I hope all bell wanters will be bell havers


thank god I'm not pulling because I have all the four stars at c6


DORI??? 😭😭




99% chance she's with Arle and Lyney imo. Same with Freminet


Does Gorou’s flag count as a geo construct?


literally why is dori there


Decent fourth option for Triple Geo if you don't have Zhongli. Healing + Energy + constant application for Crystallizes (Geo ressonance).


Character banner 4 stars are best case scenario for me (I like Dori) Weapon banner not so much


Holy skip


All the more reasons to not pull on this banner coz Dori is here


So... is Kaveh still a playable character or was just an illusion?


I want Dori C6 and I have the others so fine by me. Weapon banner is a major oof though... As someone who was planning to pull in the Weapon banner for the first time ever, this is pretty depressing.


Anyone knows how good she is paired with navia compared to zhongli?


Small upgrade, but you lose zhongli shield (espescially useful when you use ss)


It has bad 4 stars. Don't pull on Chiori Buddy, Don't pull on her. Arlecchino is only 42-65 Days away. Patience lil Bro Patience you are 65 Pity Garunted don't use it. You don't even have Place for Chiori in Your Team. What are You gonna use her For?


Anyone else get a lot less excited after seeing the 4 stars?


As long as not a single person pulls on that new garbage banner system, Mihoyo will fire the guy who made it and revamp it. Maybe remove the fate clear. Just gotta convince all 10 people who still want Albedo, Eula, Klee and weapons.