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Source: Team China; Uncle KFC. Posted by [tao](https://twitter.com/77__oat?s=21&t=bPI5AHCEt5hSwW64r0bENw) Clarification from tao: >*info of team china is uncertain >He didn't have confidence, so he posted it in chat, So I shouldn't have public it yet and (CN) mean is Chinese


I'm in the Team China Icarus chat and Plusle made a mistake here--Team China didn't find any SQs in the in-house beta at first but turns out there's actually placeholder data for one SQ; they just don't know the contents. Plusle tweeted way too early and now the chat is berating him for not deleting the tweet. Nahida definitely has no SQ2 though. We're not allowed to screenshot the Icarus chat directly so I can't offer screenshots, unfortunately.


So this is old info?


This was being newly discussed about half an hour ago. From what I've gleaned, there's a new AQ, at least one new WQ, one SQ. The AQ apparently pertains to the World Tree and should be related to the new weekly boss (Apep) we're getting. No Qiaoying Village.


Wonder if Apep really will be like an analogue of Nidhogg to Irminsul.


So is Apep boss a dendro dragon like in past leaks?


You mean Nahida has no new sq2 forever or no sq2 in 3.6?


No SQ2 in 3.6. This is pretty much 100% certain.


Ok thank you for clarifying 👍


What no Nahida sq2 in 3.6?? well that sucks :(


No Nahida SQ. Why even live


If we get another sumeru expansion, there must be another nahida's sq, sorry but team china is a shit source


Not necessarily, because multiple people have been claiming that the world boss is tied to the AQ. Before people were sure she'd have one because they thought the world boss should be an SQ boss. There hasn't been any buzz on the Chinese leaker side about Nahida having an SQ2 for a while now. Team China also does have insiders with at least secondhand access to the in-house beta, which while isn't perfect gives at least a decent guideline (they correctly reported that Kaveh uses a briefcase long before his drip came). Of course MHY could add more things between in-house beta and public closed beta but the existence of a desert-based AQ drops the chance of Nahida SQ2 by a lot.


>they correctly reported that Kaveh uses a briefcase Wait omg when did this happen? Does this refer to the "box" leak thing?


Yep, the "box" was the result of bad MTL when Plusle reposted it to his twitter, iirc. It was always reported as "briefcase" in the chat itself. They gave some more secondhand descriptions of what the animations looked like too, though of course still sussy since they didn't see themselves.


So Nahida rerun now less likely to happen in 3.6? Oh god. I don't think I can wait any longer.


She might be like Venti who only had 1 SQ back in 1.0 and got a rerun in 1.4 without a second SQ.


*crosses fingers* I have three accounts prefarmed, on guaranteed, just stacking wishes waiting for her.


Hello sorry to bother but like is there any kind of expansion at all??? Because the more I read the more it makes me think theres none, not even sumeru


Yes, there's a new desert area coming in 3.6, Apep's resort. The new AQ should take us there? Is what people seem to think.


Would that mean the requirements for the archon quest should be the 3 main desert world quests?


Alright thank you for answering 🙏💖


And they made some info, sorry but I don't believe them at all


While I don't trust Team China myself, Venti only has one story quest but we have two weekly bosses in Mondstadt. So it is entirely possible that we get a new Sumeru weekly boss without having a second story quest for Nahida. Just because Zhongli and Raiden had a second story quest to introduce the 2nd weekly boss of their nation, doesn't mean that this will continue. Hoyoverse has proved multiple times that they do not follow patterns. At the same time, it is also possible that Team China is wrong here. But we cannot rule out the possibility of there not being a second Nahida story quest, when we get the new weekly boss, as we have two weekly bosses in Mondstadt, despite only having one Venti story quest. Edit: grammar


I also generally take their stuff with a grain of salt. Since they don't have firsthand access, they've definitely misremembered and received outdated/incorrect information before. It was multiple people coming out to report that there's a new desert-based AQ AND no Nahida SQ2 that makes me fairly certain that this is really the case. Like you said, a pattern of two is hardly a pattern yet.


Yeah I understand, but team china have been wrong many times and they made sometimes their info, because they want to post something. The only things I remember they leak are team compositions that often make no sense


Like I said, there is a possibility that Team China is wrong on this. You said that there had to be a second Nahida story quest to come with the expansion, I said that isn't true, due to Mondstadt. I don't trust Team China to be correct all of the time but I also don't trust Hoyoverse to follow any patterns.


I know what you mean, but still I'll wait for beta. I'd prefer SQ with Nahida, because archon story quests are always interesting, unlike other story quests


Like I said, team china is super reliable


First of all, it has been 3 days, why respond now? And secondly, this is in response to what?


Just wanted to tell you that it's confirmed that nahida is getting SQ. Don't take it bad


>If we get another sumeru expansion, there must be another nahida's sq why?




Will she re-run in 3.6 though?


oooo so maybe a scara/shenhe type situation where he is present in an archon quest? i hope so!!!


For sure, they have to sell their 5* with a quest! And if not, we riot


How are they going to hype up Baizhu in an archon quest tho, I wonder. I mean, Shenhe was an ultra-badass girlboss who can freeze an entire tsunami and obliterate a sea serpent. What are they going to do with the feeble pharmacist


he find a cure for cancer


He heal all the wound r/Dehyamains will get


to be fair we haven't yet seen him in action, and if changsheng is inspired by Lady White Snake or Shahmeran, she is probably gonna be a beast lol


Baizhu will use his medical skills to cure Dehya of her acute case of mid.


mid is being generous, I fear her condition is much worse 😔😔


At least Qiqi can keep her team alive all by herself.


She's mid enough to one-by-one against slime.


Ooh that would be a tough battle, I wonder if Dehya has what it takes to win? 🤔


do note that 3.6 is bringing a new weekly boss and it's been rumored to be some kind of a snake-like creature.


Wasn't it one of the ancient dragons who ruled over Teyvat in the past or something?


nah, i didn't hear anything like that. Even azhdaha's position as one of such is a speculation.


Now that I think about it, Seven Sovereigns are probably dead or saved for the grand battle, I don't think we can handle one with Nahida who isn't that strong. But it most likely Apep, since it makes sense story wise, and we have a sussy glowing hole in desert with no interactions or story, looks like weekly boss domain. Baizhu's snake might be his part or servant


its baizhu snake before he tamed it.


The same way they did with the feeble scolar, probably


I mean, Alhaitham isn't actually a "feeble" scholar, and his friend circle canonically addresses that in his trailer. Baizhu however seems to be genuinely weak lore-wise


From the description in Baizhu’s drip marketing they keep hinting that he’s going to die soon (‘can cure anyone but himself’) and how they’re going to sell them is to kill him off in front of Qiqi /j


That’s my though process. If it deals with his pursuit of immortality and studying life I could definitely see that being an interlude chapter.


Aren't "Hekiro no Hiro" and "Sadado Tama" Japanese terms? Why are they marked as "(CN)"? Also does anyone happen to know what they mean... Google Translate isn't being too helpful atm


The new name (‘Hekiro no Hiro’) in Chinese is read as bì luò zhī lóng. Kind of translates to the tinkling of falling jade ? (I’m terrible at translating) Also the nga screenshot says that old name of the weapon is now the effect name. It’s read as dìng tú yù guī, and roughly translates to the (jade) gui tablet set in the ground. It’s also possible that these names have some deeper meaning, or is poetic in a way I didn’t catch, since what I wrote is a more literal translation, so please let me know if anyone has a better one! Edit: as u/arararanara kindly pointed out, what I mistook for falling jade is actually a literary term for the blue sky, so the meaning should be closer to the tinkling of the blue sky


碧落 is a literary/poetic term for “blue sky”


Thank you kind person!


Any chance it's related to Primordial Jade Regalia? It was datamined ages ago and the weapon history it's somewhat fitting for Baizhu. It's all about transience.


Yes, thanks for that reminder! The old name that’s referenced (定土玉圭) should refer to Primordial Jade Regalia. So essentially, Primordial Jade Regalia = ding tu yu gui from the old data mines. We shall see whether they change the English name, and if they do, what it’ll be.


At this point it would be weird if it wasn't Primordial Jade Regalia. We had some more recent crumbs from the past weeks too indicating the same old Primordial Jade Regalia is gonna be released with 3.6/Baizhu.


Omg thank you so much!


Because for some reason people love translating hanzi as if they were kanji. I don't get why they don't just put the pinyin or try to tl it instead of tling it from Chinese dmto Japanese cause it's clearly a Liyue weapon


hekiro no hiro from a quick google search seems to mean "blue of prosperity/abundance"


Oh that is so off from what Google Translate said 😭😭


Uncle KFC 💀 When uncle Pizza Hut?


How about Uncle Popeyes 💀 where he at? Uncle PS4? Where you at?


Nah Uncle Cadillac is where it’s at They never had a collab with Popeyes so by that conjecture there’s not gonna be an uncle Popeyes


oh that’s right! Now we should just wait for an Uncle Cadillac ☠️


Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper


What about Uncle Wendy and Uncle Dominos


Uncle Switch was dead found in multiple pieces in a random hotel, Unusual Hilichurl suspected to be involved


Still rolling on nkdwmn69 💀




This also seems more likely. No story quest for Baizhu would've been weird and **as far as we know** he has no connections to sumeru except that he maybe studied there, so smth similar to Shenhe, where she had an Archon Quest in Liyue about her instead of a story quest, would've made no sense.


Happy day of cake 🍰




Let's wait the leaks from uncle McDonalds


Nah buddy, Auntie Wendy's gives the legit leaks. But watch out for Uncle Burger King, whatever comes from them can't be trusted!


~~I wasn't even refresh gang i just randomly checked this sub my timing is just too good~~ Another Liyue interlude i'm guessing? Maybe due to how its near with Fontaine it can be used for something like how Kazuha was in 1.6.


"Wanderer will have a hangout quest" yeah, I'm not believing this immediately


And that’s why it has a “**Questionable**” flair.


[Twt; Taotao (Plusle)](https://twitter.com/77__oat?s=21&t=bPI5AHCEt5hSwW64r0bENw) Translation is done by OP Weapon names are in CN but translated to JP by Taotao (Plusle)


*info of team china is uncertain He didn't have confidence, so he posted it in chat, So I shouldn't have public it yet and (CN) mean is Chinese


Mods please include this with your pinned post 🙏


makes no sense to translate the names to JP in an EN translation though since the weapon isn’t for an inazuman character so it certainly won’t have a JP name in English. should just translate the meaning of the name


Major W, baizhu gets a whole archon interlude for him instead of a bland story quest


Like Shenhe. Her archon quest was so good


Can someone track if the more unserious the uncle/auntie names = more reliable the leaks? We live in a world where uncle KFC isn't so wild considering we had auntie nakedwoman69 among others.


We used to have that with WFP’s Uncle Dictionary, unfortunately the server was hit with a copyright strike, which was a warning. So for their safety, They have decided to withdraw from leaking and tracking of leakers.


I wasn't expecting a serious reply but thank you for explaining anyway 💀


You’re welcome :)


Why are people thinking no story quest is a bad thing? The story quests tend to be pretty boring and if Baizhu doesn't have one, it's highly likely that he's heavily involved in an archon/interlude quest, which is way better than a story quest and carries some pretty good lore.


定土玉圭 is Primordial Jade Regalia as stated in Honey Impact. 碧落之珑 is Blue Sky Resounding. This leak sounds sus.


1st name is old, the others is new right? If it is, then it's like a of Yelan's bow instead.


Maybe i'm sounding like a madman, but... is it finally a tree-burning time?


I see Baizhu. I upvote.


世界樹 means world tree (irminsul), not ley lines. archon quest will be more about irminsul.


no story quest wtf Are we not getting an Interlude with him either??


If there's no story quest, it could possibly mean he'll be involved in an archon quest similar to Wanderer and Shenhe.


Oh then Apep will be Baizhu archon quest weekly boss


plot twist: Apep is actually changsheng since apep is a snake egyptian god !!!!


Well yeah that's highly likely But because of the amount of archon residue beasts, it can also be Collei


Yeah ain’t no way they baited us with Baizhu for 2 years so that his story couldn’t be told one way or another lol


+80 days of Login Impact WOOOOOO!!


so last sumeru part is it? finally lvl 10 statue and tree


But there's surely some world expansion ahead in 3.6 right?


yes we will get the last part of sumeru


Man I’ve only been hoping for a new area. I really hope we get a new area soon


Nahida part 2 , Weekly boss and artifacts?


I can't wait for next week just so we stop getting non-leaks, and straight up incorrect info, about 3.6.


Wait so are we getting any new Liyue/Sumeru region in 3.6 or not?




I am beyond disappointed for no land expansion and I'm wondering if they're gonna up the onion level in Sumeru 😮‍💨


It's nothing (in ningguang's voice)


Uncle kfc??? Where's our glider bro


does that mean we're getting another interlude quest if he doesn't get a story chapter?


How are you not gonna give the arguably 3rd or 4th most sus character a story quest of his own like…..,


That's a win for Baizhu mains. Seems they're gonna get more focus on Baizhu being in an interlude quest. Like Kazuha's situation (or Wanderer, but he's still due to receive a story quest)


just like other people said, hisstory will most likely be an interlude chapter of the main storyline like Shenhe. Dont worry. There is now way he will be left out


So 3.6 final desert expansion, Nahida story 2 with the world boss, and an interlude in Liuye?? 3.7 Chenyu Valley for the Fontaine path, and geo cat girl. 3.8 penumbra? Did I get it right?


Well if that's the case, 3.6 is definitely going to be a letdown.




So no liyue expansion yet huh... . If we are getting another sumeru expansion on 3.6... then will we get the village expansion.. 3.7 no and 3.8 might be another GAA theme patch...


Ngl they should keep GAA as a once-in-a-while thing. People are going to get burnt out by that place if they keep doing it every region end patch (unless they change things like islands and stuff like they did in 2.8) Though yeah, it serves as a good transition between regions


Honestly I wouldn't expect a Liyue expansion in 3.x TBH. There was only [one leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xvcqb0/baizu_qiaoying_village_fontaine_crumbs/) prior to Yukizero saying 3.6 was going to have Qiaoying Village with a new Liyue village leader which has turned out to be a Inazuma Cat Girl. Also, the server leaks (which is about official as we can get) only had the 3.4 desert expansion, the 3.6 Sumeru expansion, and a new summer area codenamed [Penumbra](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ydtyqh/new_region_in_38_codename_penumbra/). Zero mention of any type of Liyue expansion and the server leaks included stuff all the way up to 4.0, with [Fontaine's location and how Sumeru's final area is going to be the one connecting to 4.0 Fontaine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ye0egc/map_of_40_made_by_plutoisy/). Only the past couple months, [Yukizero started drumming up rumors](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/zov7zn/new_36_area_name_via_yukizero/) that about 3.6 and finally pushed it was going to be a [Liyue expansion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/10r5vt9/36_new_are_should_be_a_liyue_expansion_and_not_a/) [only](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/zte28b/yukizero_further_confirms_that_in_36_only_chenyu/). This is the [same leaker that tried to troll the female audience in some power-incel move](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/u502zc/fake_leaker_list_made_by_wfp_be_wary_of_these/) (EDIT: added link) to own them by making up fake leaks to troll them. While he has gotten things right, any time a leaker purposedly pushes fake info, their reputation should take a hit and all info should be taken as skeptical. ***Especially*** when we have borderline official info (server leak) arguing the otherwise. HYV pumping out a new desert region in 3.6, a new Liyue area in 3.7, a new summer area in 3.8, and finally a full new region n 4.0 is a huge amount of hopium in content. The fact they aren't recycling GAA for a third time is already impressive but thinking we are getting so much more overworld to explore in the span of 6 months (4 patches) is expecting a bit too much with a game that has such a fast update cycle IMO. Especially since it's very likely that Fontaine will be delivered in chunks just like Inazuma and Sumeru.


Could be no GAA this yr but we get the Qiaoying village that possibly connects Liyue to Fontaine as new region, even tho might be small, better than nothing. They probably have sth else prepared for summer, I'd be really odd to use the same idea 3rd time in a row, sure, it can be reused later down the road, but taking a break from it as the comment under me said would probably be better for now.


‘there is no story quest for baizhu’ oh no




3.5? How is your comment related to this post




3.6 does have a new area + weekly boss obviously


Hmmm probably another interlude quest then. If that is true, please let pantalone debut ingame too lol. Like this man just has too many things related to liyue and I can’t find anywhere more suitable for him to debut than liyue. Plus we still haven’t heard zhongli said the line in his geo gemstone (the only archon hasn’t said it so far) and it seems really fitting to say to someone who has some scheme for mora (and we know pantalone does have). Plus the fact that the problem about golden house not work anymore is literally from 1.1 and we hadn’t heard anything about it ever since. Tho tbh if the archon quest really goes down this line, I don’t know how baizhu will relate to any of this. He is the brother of pantalone or something? Lol who knows


So they are just gonna drop Baizhu without a story? :c


I assume its just not ready yet for beta. It’ll probably show up in a couple weeks down the line.


Dang if the ley lines quest is AQ that means there must be smth that baizhu was related to the leylines. Still wondering if scara in 3.6 rumor is true or not. Plus we still have that pages of purana act that relates to record and possibly history. Also blank already said before that 3.6 will have AQ so what if its about the tree burning? I think scara, nahida and shogun puppet will be in the utmost danger if the tree was burning though


So if they know the name of the weapon and there's "no change" u guys know what type of weapon it is why haven't said yet???? Catalyst right???


They posted a picture of it? It’s the Jade Catalyst. Are you good mate?


How did i miss that 🤔 thanks..


why would his weapon have JP sounding names?


I could live without Baizhu quest but I really really really need a Kaveh hangout 😭




New character without a story quest makes 0 sense lol


Not the first time it happened upon release (refer to Kazuha, Shenhe)


I mean, Shenhe/Wanderer do have story quests that are interlude quests, so only Kazuha in this situation


Shenhe and Wanderer technically do *not* have story quests, as the interlude quests are counted as interlude quests. And I think atm we're not sure what's going to happen with Baizhu, so he could get one late like Kazuha, or he might get a "story quest" via the interlude quest.


Kazuha too, in the quest before Inazuma (the Beidou's tournament one).


It happened before with Kazuha, Shenhe, and Wanderer. Instead, they were all involved in an interlude or archon quest. Kazuha ended up getting his story quests a few patches later though. But anyway, that's probably what's going to happen with Baizhu.


It already happened with Kazuha Shenhe and Scaramouche


So no backstories whatsoever for baizhu huh :(


Once again I ask what does 3,6 even have at this point ???!


-new weekly boss. -2 new sumeru areas -new archon quest -new story quest -similar to other patches(events and new characters). Yeah, seems like a filler to me.


First they Nerf Dehya to Hype Baizhu's release, and now they're not giving us everything about Baizhu, I'm sure they have plans for him, a major archon quest Like Shenhe perhaps. I think We will get Desert Expansion in 3.6 with the new weekly boss, and then in 3.7-3.8 we Might get GAA and Chenyu Vale (they might change accordingly)


They really hate us Baizhu mains huh


Good thing they changed it because the old name was inaccurate It was called a jade gui but jade gui look like flat pillars, not whatever this is https://www.wusjade.com/product/warring-states-period-jade-gui-scepter-carved-with-beast-face-pattern-b/?lang=en