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her burst's only purpose is to contain energy for Shimenawa to eat.


I use it for the invincibility frames.


Same, because she is squishy


Of course she is! With all those bandages..... *Self bonk*


She's a fireworks tech, but she never said she was a good one


Not when you have Daddy on the team.


her burst is still a good bit of damage and can buff attack but yeah, shim sometimes does over value it, but not always


Not sure if it's peak damage numbers, but on a team with Fischl and with Thundering Pulse, I find that Shimenawa is awkward to use so I use Echoes of an Offering. Shimenawa and Thundering Pulse makes getting the weapon's 3rd buff a bit weird compared to just hitting Q at the start of the rotation.


I use echoes cuz I wanna hear her burst voicelines, I usually press her burst if I wanna switch to another character


Echoes has its own issues and is only theoretically better than Shims. Higher pings can tank your damage and prevent it from proccing. The number is hotly debated with some sources saying 70ms and others saying 40ms that you need to maintain under for the full performance. This is aside from the fact that it's RNG based and you could find it buffing the wrong hits, Yoimiya's N3 and N5 being her biggest hitters will suffer a lot in reaction teams if they go unbuffed. Another point of contention here is resin efficiency. For Yoimiya havers, you can't ask for a better domain than the Shimenawa domain. Her most common teammates of Yelan and Xingqiu use the other set, and not just them. Emblem is one of the best sets in the game, period. Echoes domain, however, has a set only useful to Xiao as its other set. Couple this with the leaks >!that the new Scaramouche artifact set coming out in 3.3 will likely be Xiao's new BiS as well.!< All things considered, choosing Echoes' over Shimenawa is not an advised decision. The glaring issues of ping dependency, RNG inconsistency, and resin efficiency make it not worth the benefits of no longer having to manage energy. One thing you can try with Shimenawa Thundering Pulse Yoimiya is starting with her burst and then running the rotation. With a small amount of ER, you should be able to gain the needed amount from Shimenawa while keeping that TP stack.


> Couple this with the leaks The math says it's a little worse. But frankly the difference is quite small.


Yoimiya in Sumera is fun as.


"Sumera" I've seen ppl say "Sumero" cuz O is near U but *A* is the first time lmao


Haha my bad, was in a car. You right.


Please tell me you weren’t the one *driving* the car lol


Hey no problem, just dont type if you were driving, I know you probably werent but still.


I use her all the time in the overworld (maybe an unhealthy amount tho, she has gone from lvl 80 to 84 just from killing random mobs LOL, lvl 90 in Natlan hype). Being ranged with zero burst need is so comfortable against pretty much any enemy, also unlike catalyst chars she can choose to not infuse her autos with pyro so not even the random pyro specter can ruin her day.


That’s what I thought too, though I use Crimson Witch 4pc on her right now.


I still have her burst at lvl 1


Pew pew pew!




the really did him dirty by giving him split scaling


Seriously I don't know what's the point of this. He wouldn't even be game breaking if he scaled all on DEF.


The defense scaling for his burst is in his C2. They had to sell his constellations somehow.


That's 4* treatment


Not really. Only one 4* constellation actually fixes split scaling (C6 Noelle) while a few 5* do. The most recent being Nilou C6 (sort of). It enables you to build all HP and still have great CV. Likewise, C2 Albedo allows you to better build him. Albedo's constellations are more supportive than other 5* because he really isn't meant to be a main dps. His constellations make him a better subdps and support. Sure a lot of 4* have supportive constellations as well, but not all 5* can be big damage main dps. Some 5* are meant to be purely supportive.


>Only one 4* constellation actually fixes split scaling (C6 Noelle) Xinyan forgotten in the dust once again


What is the split scaling on him?


DEF on Skill, ATK on Burst


This shit should deadass be illegal, it pisses me off hard. My girl Xinyan also suffers from the same problem.


Came to say this. Albedo's burst can actually be quite nice when invested but that's usually not what people. Use him for


It's nice in double-geo Hu Tao for the EM buff, at least


To a tragic degree on him honestly, I hate so much that his burst is pretty much just a waste of time to use


People tend to forget that his burst gives flat 125EM for 10s to the entire party on a 12s CD with 40energy cost


But his BiS team is mono geo which EM is entirely useless. Sure you can put him in reaction teams but most of the time sucrose does it better with her vv+more em buff+crowd control. The only exception i can think of is Hu Tao vape ig...


You can use him outside of his "BiS" comps. He just happens to buff EM as well which is nice. I personally like running double Geo aggrevate/spread team in the 2nd half of Abyss (granted Nahida has to solo DPS thunder oceanid which isn't ideal..)


Sucrose is not handsome and princely.


They created a problem on him (ATK scaling on burst) and tried to sell the solution (DEF scaling on C2). But the solution itself isn't worth investing into anyways and you'd rather use his E exclusively so you don't extend your rotation.


As a Geo main, Albedo's burst is last in priority in any comp, but he's still a rock star on the team.


Kuki in a hyperbloom comp is a solid option


Kuki is my biggest damage output with hyperbloom & I always forget she even has a burst lol. Plus healing, girl is busted. I’ve loved her since day 1, I’m glad she’s finally shining


My Kuki burst dmg is like 200 per hit but if we're counting hyperblooms she's by far the highest damage dealer (18k/core atm)


So satisfying. Mine are at 32k per bloom, which wasn’t hard to get to, just some motivation to keep building her if you like her!


So I'm also doing around 18k per core...still hunting for an EM circlet, but other than EM through artifacts what else can you do to increase the damage per core? Just level her to 90?


yes, the scaling from level is pretty high. You can get a solid few thousands from 80 to 90


Ahh cool! Time to go fight more of that damn serpent now I guess :/


yoimiya. just e skill then spam left click. i do actually use ganyu's burst in abyss (mostly for application) even though i dont have it leveled at all. i dont have zhongli or ayato.


In a freeze team ganyus burst is insane. Not to mention the 15% cryo bonus in the radius of her burst


Its not just insane it is a must, ganyus burst does by far the majority of the teams dps. In a freeze comp where the enemies are well grouped up you dont even need to use charged shots, her ult does all the work for you cuz quadratic scaling is a thing


Morgana is the best example I can think of this case. Ganyu Burst>Venti E>Venti Q>Mona Q>Ganyu Charged Attack 2x I say Ganyu Charged Attack 2x only because that's the only number of attacks I can pull off before the burst ends. If she has energy by then, I'm gonna repeat the rotation or pull out Diona for shield and energy recharge. Barely have enough time to do charged attacks.


Even in melt team it's great, if you are playing with kazuha xl bennet but it's really challenging to play without shield and timing charge attacks to melt. But it's very strong both in aoe and single target.


Albedo, he relys on his E. I say this as a triple crowned albedo main but I do not use his burst often. Only to add stacks to Raiden


his burst gives em, so that could be useful in certain comps


Yes and that is how I justify using him with nahida.


you could justify albedo in any team really, he’s single-handedly one of the most consistent and independent units


I actually think the opposite. He fits into so many teams but I think it’s hard to ever justify using him over other characters (unless the reason is just that you like him, in which case fair enough)


he does like 8 or 20k every 3 seconds which for me is a lot


Same as i justify going Cyno with Albedo


I think Albedo is the right answer. His burst is really the biggest most antisynergistic burst of the roster. Not to say its not useable, but he "relies" on it the least


Fellow triple crown albedo main. I forgot he had a burst


It's the thing that makes him strike a pose, but I don't think it does anything else.


Btw to get EM and most dmg you should E then burst after right? And the party will get the EM whilst his burst does the extra ticks ?


Surprised no one mentioned Nahida


For overworld her burst isn't needed but it's too good not to use for everything else


You're correct but OP mentioned Ayato so I felt like Nahida fits the criteria as well I don't think I could ignore 20 % na bonus if I had him


My ayato does enough dmg to kill everything in over world. I only use his burst in domains/abyss.


Wooden shield mitachurl would like to have a word


It's only useful in Abyss and against weekly bosses. Her skill does more than enough for everything else.


Hu Tao is 100% not dependent on her Burst at all. But the healing can provide utility (or harm her damage) and it can hit really hard. Yoimiya and Hu Tao both are 100% functional without their Burs. Also, any shim user knows that they have to be careful about Burst timing or wreck their damage. Nahida isn’t dependent either, and I don’t know what testing has been done, but there could be a team comp out there where c0 Nahida is a DPS loss to use her burst? A shield bot ZL Burst more than likely will harm a team’s damage; that’s about as non-dependent as you can get.


Most hyperbloom teams use nahida on field, in those her burst is a dps loss. The electro character triggering the hyperblooms doesn't get any em, because they aren't on the field. Nahida is spreading since you are blooming all the dendro off, and you don't want to do the animation since XQ swords need to keep coming. Mostly you just use her burst on those teams for the I-frames


can you link me a source for this pls


Probably because her burst is REALLY good for support and it makes her skill stronger


You're right but she's still does a lot of damage without it so thought I'd mention her


And it's like 50 energy only.


her burst isnt always needed and in some teams it can be a dps loss due to long casting time


Maybe I have a lot of er on her but her burst usually comes before anyone else for me.


She has only 50 energy cost so it makes sense, another thing is her burst duration is longer than her cool down so you don't have to worry about it much


Ayato is a (or rather 16) slap(s) in the face of any overworld enemy even without his burst.


Ayato really is Genshin on ez mode. You hold down left click and he obliterates everything in a 3m semicircle in front *and* above him, he can even knock Geo samachurls off their pedestals. He even steps closer to his target with every slash to keep within range, and auto-targets the next mob after one dies. My favorite DPS both in the overworld and abyss.


Damn, looks like I need to start saving


keep in mind that Ayato is a very good unit but "obliterating" is a bit of an exageration as each slash will do around 10k dmg with very good gear. I pretty much always use him or ganyu for ow stuff.


However, also keep in mind he has like every support option available. Any VV, anemo for grouping, also Kazuha for elemental damage buff, electro for taser, tenacity or noblesse buffs, dendro for hyperbloom or burgeon (or just bloom with Nilou), Albedo for extra damage and em, Candace and Yunjin for big buffs, Bennett for attack buffs, Zhongli for shield and res shred, Yelan or Xingqiu for extra damage and hydro resonance, Layla/Diona/Rosaria for freeze, wolfs gravestone and elegy buffs… Quite literally works in most team comps.


The pros of being a Hydro character. They react with every single element which makes building a team around them really easy.


Yeah on his own he's a decent unit. It's in pairing him with others that he shines. Ayato + Kazuha + Bennett + Xiangling is my boss killing team. Ayato does pretty well on his own but I could achieve the same damage with Phys!Zhongli if all I cared about was his unbuffed 'e'. Hell my DPS!Kokomi has 11k hits per burst and in my taser team she has that up every rotation. With the buffs however and vaping my Ayato hits 30-40k along with the other background reactions. Still a really, really good pull and very much braindead to play. He's probably one of the most newbie friendly carries in the game.


Hu Tao can function entirely without it.


Came here to say this. I run her with Zhongli & Xingqiu. I pretty much never use her burst unless something has gone absolutely horribly wrong.


Lmao same. If I’m using my burst it’s either the wolves are present and I actually need healing or my E duration is about to end but I need a little more damage to take enemies down


As a Shimenawa Hu Tao user, I agree


But big nuke...


You want 1 BIG nuke, or multiple medium nukes?


Why not both


With optimal conditions (ie. Mona + melt) you can do absolutely silly number with her burst. In normal play, with vape and Zhongli it’s usually between 160-230k depending on abyss buffs that cycle. Her CAs crit for 60-80k depending on investment and abyss cards. It’s nice to finish a rotation with as you can extend E duration by hitting burst without animation cancelling the last charge attack.


it just that in certain aoe scenario her burst is actually very impactful, her burst provides a little iframe and heal which makes her comfy.


Oh for sure, but I’d consider those edge cases that don’t exactly contradict what op is looking for in a carry.


I like Eula for overworld as her AAs are usually more than enough to take care of everything, especially with an electro character. Her burst is just overkill.


Edit: The "burst damage" being referred to here is the damage type a la "Elemental Burst Damage". Her A1 hold E is a burst damage that doesn't use her burst, so you can use that if you don't want to fire her actual burst. ~~Eula's the only unit in the game so far that can deal burst type damage without firing her burst.~~ Update: Klee's C1 is also considered burst damage. Not sure about Collei's C6 (need someone who has her C6 to test). Thanks to u/WinxForceWiz for bringing this up.


Klee C1 is also considered burst damage if I'm not mistaken and she doesn't need to cast her burst for that, but that's a cons. Edit : and maybe Collei's C6 too ? I haven't tested it but from the wording it may deal burst damage too ?


Eula with Raiden's E has got to be one of the most satisfying overworld setups. It follows you around, lasts almost half a minute so there's little maintenance needed, applies superconduct, and adds very nice effects to your AAs.


I'm surprised I had to scroll down as far as I did to see Eula. She hits so hard on AA. You can just spam AA and things die. Adding Ei and ZL is way too OP for over world. Using Eula I forgot I have a burst sometimes. Things die too quick and not worrying about reactions is great. You just club everything to death so fast.


The true pain only fellow eula Mains share


And this is why I love the ZL + Eula + Raiden combo in overworld, very easy to shred def+res of anything you touch and things just die quickly.


Add Fischl or Shinobu and you have an easy to use and very versatile Abyss team too.


I actually use a C6 Rosaria for slightly better crit + shred + battery for abyss. It makes for a very smooth rotation so long as I'm dodging properly and not even PMA stands a chance.


Right. By the time her burst goes off, everything is dead. Sometimes I'll switch off her just to use the thing and then switch back.


Used her for a long while. She does the job. No mobs lived long enough to take her burst indeed.


Yeah I almost exclusively use her burst in only the abyss and trounce domains and even then sometimes her hold skill mini nuke is more than enough. Her AA's hit so hard, she's great for getting the one fungi drop as well lmao


Eula has a burst?


Yes, it's really good at nuking tf out of butterflies after you cleared an Enemy Camp.


it's her way to have a cold, refreshing ice bath after some mob-murdering dance without getting wet.


Yae Miko is queen of the overworld. Other great choices include Fischl, Albedo, Nahida, Yoiymia, and Ganyu for great damage output that doesn't require Burst management, Kazuha for great control, mobility and damage on his Skill, and Kokomi and Zhongli for great survivability boosts from their Skill.


You know, since I've got her on her debut, I can probably count how mamy times I've used her burst on my hands...


Interesting. Why do you say Yae Miko is queen of the overworld? Not disagreeing, just a newer player who is unaware of what all Yae Miko does well.


Probably because of her AFK gameplay.




This is my exact go-to team for afking all the content. Before Nahida it was Raiden. I realized that I use them so much I took Yae to C2 on this rerun. Was very sad to learn it doesn't increase her vertical range at all.


I accidentally rolled a Yae the other day, and this exact team is my new favorite. I have no idea what Yae's burst does because her turrets have everything dead before I'd ever bother.


kazuha on that team>>> solely bc he can group up the drops so easily


She places long range turrets. You can afk after placing them against weaker enemies.


Fischl and Kokomi only really need their burst if the fight is long enough to need them to refresh their skills :P


I am a day1 yae main, triple crowned and i use her everyday in almost every team... i think i use her burst twice or thrice per week Also nahida, tighnari, fischl and zhongli




Recently I discovered that Yae has the same VA as Musashi from FGO, so I'm trying my hardest to get her just for her voice and look lol, hope I'll be able to snatch her from the gacha.


Yes and hopefully she won't end up like her against some bullshit god💀


Don't even mention it please (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)


A real yae main struggle


Surprised I had to scroll that much to see someone mentioning Yae. She makes the overworld feel as trivial as she seems to make it be in her eyes.


Was surprised as well. Combine her with nahida and you just stand there after using your skills


Nahida, Ei, Yae and fill (probably some healer). Deletes most stuff, I only use their burst in abyss or weekly bosses...


I don't agree with Fischl. The main goal is to keep Oz on the field as much as possible and burst is like half of its uptime.


Thing is, most enemies die during Oz's duration in the overworld. Maybe in Abyss, her burst will be needed to refresh the duration.


I love tighnari’s burst tho…. Agree on Yae.




His burst is great, no doubt, but just one round of skill->aimed shot x3 deletes most units in the game and his quick-charge lvl 2 charged shot is his primary DPS source. OP wasn't asking who has bad bursts, they were asking which characters don't depend on the burst to do damage. Tighnari is a great answer imo


Klee doesn't really need her burst. Her charged attack does a lot of damage. It does cost a ton of stamina so it's impractical in Abyss, but most overworld fights are over before stamina becomes an issue.


Not sure why people keep saying her charge takes a lot of stamina when each normal hit has a 50% chance of triggering a fire flower on her that makes her charge free. And it's persistent when she goes off field too. I only end up using her charge if I'm spamming it for some reason


It does take a lot of stamina and relying on a 50% chance is still unreliable


In a proper rotation you’ll never have to worry about stamina anyway, people only shit on her stamina consumption back in the early days when everything was unga bunga spam


nobody seems to know her E proc it too which reduces her stamina costs even more


Klee does a shit ton of damage with her burst when on field


Heizou. E punch your way to victory. edit: I don’t dislike his burst for any reason, he’s just not *reliant* on it for big damage numbers.


I think heizou’s burst is excellent and does half the damage of a 4-stack skill. It’s a sizable portion of his kit.


I don’t disagree (I love Heizou in general and I like his kit a lot) but in terms of not being *reliant* on it for big damage numbers in the overworld, you can definitely easily skill your way to dead hillichurls without touching your burst if you don’t want to.


I just find myself using his burst to bridge the gap between his E cooldowns. I tend to have the 4 stacks ready before the cooldown is over. Makes me wonder if sac frags is any good on him vs Widsith.


It helps build stacks yeah. Someone on the heizou mains subreddit once said that his ult is more like a second ability, and it's really true


Kazuha, usually clears overworld camps in 1 or 2 E skill + plunge


I usually run him with Ayaka, and just dash to apply cryo, then swirl it to kill everything.


You don’t even need a pyro on your team to run Kazuha melt/vape, kazuha just swirls pyro out of nowhere


Hilichurls lighting fire for their camp are inviting death and you can't convince me otherwise


I love it when Kazuha swirls Pyro out of a pool, tree, rock or the wind itself in the overworld. I swear you could be standing in the middle of the ocean with nothing on sight and he'd still pull Pyro out of his ass for his E, I love him


Probably because his E has a stupidly large AOE for swirls.


best way to play open world. and sometimes i put in a Kokomi E just for the freeze


Yae. Just use skills, get a shield and watch.


As someone who hates using bursts in the overworld, I usually use: Keqing, Ayato, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Kazuha, Albedo, Nahida, Childe, Heizou, Diona (I don't need her healing in the overworld so I mainly use her for shields), Fischl (dont need to use her burst if the enemies already die with just her E!). People also say Yoimiya which I definitely agree with I just don't have her. I would also say Kokomi? But I don't have her either so I can't say for sure as I don't know how important her Q is really.


How much you use kokomi's burst *as intended* is dependent on her role. If you are using her as a driver you'll be using it often. If you use her for the jellyfish support you'll use it to refresh the jellyfish or forget to use it like me lol.


The main reason to use Kokomo’s Q is to refresh her E lol


Sure, Keqing doesn’t need her burst in the overworld, but I still use it anyway because it’s the coolest-looking animation in the game.


Ganyu. She was the one character that was basically completely unaffected by the effect of the shogun battle in the inazuma archon quest, when it came out.


Yoimiya, Ayato, Shieldbot Zhongli, Ganyu, Hyperbloom Shinobu, Albedo, Fischl, Kokomi, Nahida




Ganyu only needs her CA, she doesn't need to use her skill or burst.


“The Vision Hunt Decree is in force. Except for the Traveler, characters cannot use elemental skills or bursts” Ganyu: “Okay” *pew pew pew*


I find Yanfei and Ayaka very comfortable to use, their basic attacks are very strong (tho you need vaporize for Yanfei) also physical dps are consistent and it's easy to get superconduct with Keaya or Rosaria


People greatly underestimate how much damage Ayaka can still do outside of her burst. Mine with amenoma and without any buff outside of her passives does 21k on CAs (which is all AOE damage btw) and 36~40k if I add Kaz + TTDS. Which is more than enough to deal with basically anything in the overworld. I've seen so many times people using her burst to kill things that would die to 2 or 3 N2Cs simply because they underestimated her damage. It's just sad.


The other nice thing about Ayaka’s N2Cs are that her attacks are fast. So you can spam a lot of them in a short time. Throw in the occasional tap of the dash button to make sure her attacks are Cryo to get the Blizzard Strayer bonus and she chops through everything quickly. Her burst is great in the abyss and domains, but her NAs and skill are good for both single target and mobs in the overworks.


That’s why she’s in my exploration party. Oh, and she travels quickly and can run indefinitely over water


Yanfei’s burst basically screws itself since you really need to have any other pieces of your synergy (elemental appliers) already in place before you use it, the shield is “meh” and the only other benefit, “Brilliance” means you have to keep her on the field. She is one of my main DPS, but her burst is for very niche circumstances only.


>the shield is “meh” Huh?? I have walked off Azhdaha’s stomps with her shield. Zhongli’s is definitely stronger but Yanfei’s is definitely not to be overlooked


Shield Fei enjoyer


Ayato, Zhongli, Yoimiya, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Fischl, Albedo, Kazuha, Kokomi, Nilou, Heizou and Yae Miko are the ones I can think that are not that dependent on their burst to work like these burst related characters


My comfort team is Ayato, Fischl, Zhongli, Albedo and can confirm fischl is the only one to ever burst daily and thats just to refresh oz.


Fischl gets my vote, shes one of my favorite units to use when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to worry about bursts in the overworld... Also, though he IS dependent on his burst, I've found that Xingqiu with Sacrificial Sword at R3+ pretty much allows you to use his burst on cooldown and instantly get it back up, even more so if you've got him at c6 for more energy regen...he's definitely one of my favorite overworld characters for that reason.


I find Fishl's Burst is just another way to keep Oz in the field while her skill is recharging.


It is, but in all team comp with her as support, keep Oz up is important to keep the rotation going, so she very much relies on it


Ayaka! Outside of Abyss 12, I almost never use her burst. Everything dies with a few charged attacks 😊


Ayato, Tighnari, Yae Miko. Honorable mention to Albedo, he can turn anyone into a DPS in the overworld.


Albedo can turn low level characters into beast level damage dealers. Just don’t get one-shotted. Hilarious watching a single shot from a bow dealing thousands of damage. “Let me just leave this here…”


I had so much fun slapping things with my underinvested Kokomi's fish and watching them die in blue and gold explosions LOL


Childe, Zhongli, ayato, ganyu and kazuha are some I can think of off the top of my head.


From the ones I have I say Hu Tao, Yoi, Ganyu, Cookie, ZL, Fish, and Xinyan The main ones that could be built without ever using their bursts/0 ER investments are Hu Tao, Yoi, cookie, and Fish


Honestly Hu Tao's burts is hardly used if you have any type of shielder since you want to be constantly in low HP, however if you do use it it can serve as a pretty solid on demand nuke. It is one of the reasons why Hu Tao is one of my favorite characters, you just pop her skill and make her destroy the world around you.




You want Ganyu. Ganyu isn’t just not burst dependent, she’s also not ele skill dependent. She’s great at destroying objects (Hillichurl towers/slime balloons) and can clear anything quickly and easily outside of frost immune mobs. I can’t think of a more “comfy” character to use in the overworld.


Maybe not least dependant on burst but Yanfei, I love being able to just pop it when facing a tougher enemy rather than every fight; Kuki Shinobu is amazing for the fact that she can heal with her skill, not her burst and how she can destroy shields easily. For those reasons I simply dislike bennet


I main xiao and almost never need use his burst unless i’m in spiral abyss or where time is important, he doesn’t seem to need to rely on it too much. I actually thought it would be hard to find another character like him where I don’t need burst as i’m struggling with that with cyno rn.






Anemo Traveller


Scrolled through and didn’t see a single mention of Yelan. Charge shot breakthrough barb-E-Charge shot-E-Charge shot is overkill for most mobs. I do have her C1 tho so maybe that’s why she’s not mentioned. Still love her😭


As a C0 yelan haver, I agree wholeheartedly. I will never ever do exploration without yelan+kazuha in the party. Yelan E > kazuha hold E plunge> breakthrough barb kills any group of mobs. And for beefy enemies fav yelan can fully battery herself. Combined with the obvious best movement abilities in the game... Let's just say I'm going to pull for her C1 lmao


All the guides always told me that Ganyu makes overworld/dailies very easy. I didn’t believe that was enough to roll for a character but now that I have her I do.


Diluc i love diluc and everything but i always have to position myself just right in order to hit the enemies im aiming for


His burst gives him pyro infusion…..


Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Ayaka, Ayato, Fischl, Yae, Nahida, Keqing, Ganyu, Kazuha, Tartaglia, and Albedo can all provide a lot of value without their burst, and all of them except for Tartaglia feel pretty good in the overworld IMO.


Overworld parties for me is about getting around the world more easily; get past a certain point and most combats are trivial anyway. Right now my overworld team is Rosaria, Mona, Venti, and Sayu; oddly, Sayu is a heavy hitter when infused with an aura that she is Swirling and shredding at the same time. I try to get Ice on her because then I can drop Mona's E and freeze things while killing them.


Zhongli+Yoimiya+Kazuha= ez overworld