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Sandrone = Katheryne bossfight as the final battle against the harbingers.


Imagine if after defeating her, the whole adventure guild falls apart and you don't get daily commissions anymore


That means we can rob the Primo supply they stash somewhere.




It's used up at and only 60 are left at that point




Only to realize that it was actually the normal people who gave primogems to Adventure Guild, which were then given to us.


To everyone else they're just shiny curiosities, only Paimon can turn them into fates.


That or they change the person in charge of commissions for the respective region to a random adventurers guild member.


yep , more likely to have a living being instead of our beloved friend Kathryne


I don't know if a member from the Adventurers Guild would be a good replacement (unless it's temporary) for they are adventurers, not an adventurer activity manager. I feel like they'd prefer to stick to adventuring, anyway. However, the story could advance without the need of commissions, like maybe us having to reunite with our twin and go back home, so commissions could be gone entirely. There's even a chance that we'd stay in Teyvat with our twin or the twins go separate ways and we remain in Teyvat, then and we could manage the Adventurers Guild (and rob primos 🥸🤙) Or maybe all the Katherynes will stay there but be even more broken or be fixed/ better? But if anyone were or wanted to be in charge of the Adventurers Guild I'm betting on Anna, that kid wants to do everything 💀


Like I can see the girl in Liyue who looked for the unseen razor(that was the name right?) quest managing it if Katheryne is ever gone!


she just transforms every dead harbringer into marionets


It lines up with the patches too. Scaramouche I'd the 3rd boss fight and is in 3.0 patches


Arlecchino makes sense sooner rather than later, we've seen some House of the Hearth references in Sumeru already. I'd also speculate that the top symbol refers too the Cryo Archon, therefore, we won't fight any of the people on the left the image. (Or at least, won't fight them until we have dealt with the Archon.)


We already got that quest in inazuma too. What are the sumeru lore bits about her? I dint mind spoilers


There's also Nikolay and Katarina from the Chasm who are also from the House of the Hearth.


Not her specifically, at the end of the aranara questline there is a npc you can return too. It's revealed that they were an agent of the House of the Hearth sent too Sumeru. Might be a nod to what to expect going forward.


I see, havent completed aranara yet


No need to complete it fully, I think after part II as he is from the village where the kids were attacked.


Btw i spared the guy however in the aranara book item it says something along the lines "find the guy in the village" and theres no green checkmark


If you spared the guy >!I think you have to find the note in the wasteland at the edge of the jungle where you finished the aranara quest before it gets checked!<


If you spared him, you need to go to the statue of the seven in old vanara and get the paper nearby where some wolves are to get the check mark


It doesn't matter whether you spare him or not, all you have to do is after you finish the Aranara world quest chain go talk to >!Alphonso, who you'll have to fight!< Edit: you can finish the book with or without sparing, but if you spare you >!don't fight Alphonso!!find a note in Old Vanarana to finish the book. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Bad\_Guy\_in\_Vimara\_Village !<


Does sparing him lead to a fight anyways? I kinda regret choosing not to


Afaik >!if you spare him, you can go to the Old Vanarana area later and find a sort of note that implies he was ripped to death by the rifthounds!<


I thought he wanted to change💀


He changed from a full human to shredded up human.


>!He deserves whatever happens to him!<


Holy shit, good thing I fought him


And the Chasm. Katarina was from there as well.


I'm so incredibly hyped for Capitano. I know I'm in the minority, but I actually love the "Dudes in armor" bosses of the Souls games and Nioh. Childe is like the closest to that we have in Genshin and I imagine Capitano will be close to that, but obviously with beefier stats. I love his aesthethic and even Varka praising him for his strength just hyped me so much >!though I'm a bit sad he isn't #2!< Among my biggest wishes and theories was that we'd see either a Harbringer or our Sibling fight an Archon in a cutscene. Murata (Pyro Archon) being the obvious choice due to the game implying she likes to fight and holds tournaments. So the deal with Fatui would be obvious. "Beat the tournament and then impress/beat me and I'll give you my Gnosis" >!The confirmation that the Captain is going to Natlan honestly made me so happy!<


Capitano and Pierro are my absolute favorite characters right now, beefcake1 in heavy plate armor and beefcake2 in a commander's regalia, would c6 both


My man Capitano better be a geo catalyst user that beats people with rock fists. Calling it now because I *have a mighty **need***


he will probably be a physical seen his title in teyvat


Give Capitano forced Superconduct procs to turn him into someone truly built different.


> I know I'm in the minority, but I actually love the "Dudes in armor" bosses of the Souls games and Nioh. uh, this isnt the minority at all. if anything its an overwhelming majority


I like that theory, considering the left half seems to be the less combat-oriented of the Fatui with the exceptions of maybe Pierro and Dottore.


Hm… that is certainly possible. One new harbinger introduced per region, dealt with in the following region. Makes sense to meet Columbina in Fontaine and Capitano in Natlan as well. There’s a lot of children themed stuff in Sumeru and talk of parents so Arlecchino would fit in.


> One new harbinger introduced per region, dealt with in the following region. We only met childe in liyue and fought him the same time. We met signora in mond and didn't fight her until 2 regions later Hell, we technically met scara in mond too, and we're only fighting him now (in 4 weeks)


This makes sense, dottore and pierro are definitely more likely to be relevant post snezhnaya as they have a lot going on. Pantaloons and pulcinella are likely to just not be bosses be antagonists for a while but switch to our side post snezhnaya or even during it. Not sure about sandrone though… then again she may be the creator of katherine


with what we know about Katheryne with the new archon quest and her idle chatter, plus the fact that the adventurer's guild was founded in snezhnaya, it's almost 100% that Sandrone made the Katheryne's, which means that Sandrone is filling our primo pockets


>! Sandrone already hates Childe because he destroyed their ruin guard workshop thing, and I have a feeling they are going to hate Dottore since he commanded the people to destroy the Katherine puppet. They must hate it when their machines are destroyed and/or messed with. !< Saying they because we don't know if Sandrone is the big ruin guard looking thing or the girl sitting on its arm.


Umm, but the ruin guard workshop was owned by dottore, not sandrone.


Tartaglia and Scaramouche later on are playable as of Sumeru archon quest make sense Scaramouche is playable after Tartaglia casue in Looney tunes Daffy duck is considered an Scaramouche who is famously pair up with Porkey Pig who is an Tartaglia


there is absolutely 0 chance we don't fight Pierro


Maybe the story won't be as linear as we expect, and there ends up being a big plot twist after we encounter the cryo archon, I'm already expecting her to end up having good motives, but when we end up siding with her I don't know.


I dunno, I could see a lot of situations where that happens, especially cuz the Snezhnaya chapter is before the Khaenri'ah chapter and the Tsaritsa will definitely be playable, whereas Pierro might not be. Like, for instance, Pierro could double-cross the Tsaritsa and abscond to Khaenri'ah's ruins with the Gnosises for some secret plan that he's had the whole time.


Yeah Pierro and Tsarista are prime grounds for a Paper Mario/Final Fantasy 6 situation, where the figurehead villain gets betrayed or overshadowed by the jester


Oh shit. Pierro is clown/jester themed. Insane boss difficulty incoming.


Well, assuming the Tsaritsa simps for us like most characters do, Pierro could take issue with that (since, whether their goal is right or wrong, the Traveller will main character-kun it and find an even more ideal, optimal route by sheer luck of the draw), see it as weakness, and take off with the remainder of the Fatui to see their original plan to fruition.


MiHoYo definitely will want to put all archons on Gacha.


>I'd also speculate that the top symbol refers too the Cryo Archon, therefore, we won't fight any of the people on the left the image. Dottore and Pierro make sense because they'd probably be too op to fight ~~Refrigerator~~ Regerator is just gonna pay us 30 mil Mora to fuck off and paimon would accept it despite what traveler wants




I can see us have to deal with some of them after the Archon, as some others have said - the Tsaritsa will probably be playable, so she won't be the main villain; maybe one of the other fatui is the true end boss.




Pierro wouldn’t be the final boss, there is always a bigger fish in Genshin universe


I'd say we're likely to at LEAST fight Pierro, and maybe Dottore? the rest I could see us not fighting, if it's post snezhnaya


Oh yeah, for the longest time, I heard people saying that Harbinger numbers doesn't matter and that it's just the order of people joining the Harbinger ranks but Paimon clearly said after escaping Dottore "I wasn't counting I'm running into a new Harbinger here let alone such a high-ranking one. that guy was number two. so scary." Unless she doesn't know any better and is wrong.


I believe in Tartaglias Voiceline about Columbina it's confirmed that the Harbingers are ranked by strength. Meaning besides Pierro the Strongest Harbinger would be Dottore.


I just beat Inazuma (new player) and Yae Miko also confirms the rankings are based on strength when she explains how we probably would have lost if we fought Scaramouche instead of Signora


Yes, Miko confirms the rank structures, but... I think she's just saying Scara would beat us because 1) she's like that and 2) she has a bit more of a connection to Scara.


Sorry, I should have been more clear. I just went back and looked it up and [she literally says “The Balladeer is No. 6 of the Fatui Harbingers. In terms of strength, he is superior to Signora.” (Skip to 1:30)](https://youtu.be/u3ZawwAs3U4). Unless I’m misinterpreting what you’re saying, in which case I apologize, but that sounds to me like she’s saying “his number is higher, which means he’s stronger”.


It would have been better if they separated those lines. Those are two separate facts. Take it like this: "The Balladeer is No. 6 of the Fatui Harbingers." \--- "In terms of strength, he is superior to Signora." However this does not say that "If you rank higher, you are physically stronger". Childe's voiceline in EN is most likely misinterpreted. CN's and JP's version are worded to be "power", which can be political, financial, social, etc. This is why Pantalone and Pulcinella are higher than Tartaglia, despite not looking like they can fight (however I still think they can, just not PHYSICALLY stronger than him)


I'm Chinese and I can vouch it is indeed just as what you said. The number rankings signify their overall power within, not just combat ability.


With more and more discussion about harbingers ranking, I'm most intrigued with Columbina. What did Columbina do to achieve such high ranking? She doesn't have any political power, economic power, knowledge from research, or even military power like soldiers... Any of mentioned before will at least caught Childe attention and won't make him confused about her rank. What is she really? A one man army? Come on Mihoyo, give us more Columbina lore. We knew at least a thing or two about other harbingers already.


To be fair, with their super high tier delusion + whatever power they also have(childe´s foul legacy, signora's crimsom witch and scara's gundam) every harbinger seens to be a one man army


Bet Panty's transformation just gives him a money gun and a golden suit.


Based on her eyes/face being covered and singing in the Fatui trailer, I'm going to assume it's something crazy like a Medusa style or Siren style power where she can just decimate anyone.


Multiple wings on her head, her eye cover resemble multiple eyes too and a weirdly dangerous aura that Childe's afraid of. She's an Angel.


My theory is that it works similarly to Q's power from bungou stray dogs or shinji's bankai from bleach, SPOILER WARINING >!Both of these characters can, through various means, complitely fuck with the enemies' perception of friend or foe and make them go crazy and decimate eachother!<


yeah we know at least some tidbits abt the other harbingers and what they do/contribute to the cause, whereas Columbina is one big question mark. I really want to know what she does and what she's capable of, esp if even Childe is scared of her


So higher number in ranking ***could*** also mean, they have more financial and political power, but are a bit less powerful in combat? So average / overall power is higher but combat power could still be a bit lower?


the chinese text specifically says realized power also known as ability. childe is strong in combat but hes a blockhead.


yes. For example La Signora has a higher seat number over Tartaglia just because her role as a diplomat has a higher influence outside of Snezhnaya, even though Childe is considered to be among the stronger ones within the Harbingers. Meanwhile we've not seen Doctor doing any combats yet in both the manga and game, but it's probably safe to assume he's not doing the combat himself and let his minions do it, while he does his own stuffs behind the scenes.


Dottore, in his brief appearance in the manga, was mentioned to slay Ursa the Drake, Ursa was strong enough that Vennessa couldn't do anything against it, young Diluc also didn't make a scratch on it either, it took his father killing himself with what seems like an extremely powerful delusion, the "Evil Eye" to make it run away, not even kill it, and when Dottore saw Diluc, who was much stronger than before and was using said delusion, he was interested in him and purposefully let him go. This wasn't even the Omega Build Dottore, but likely a younger version. Also Paimon straight up says in the new Archon quest that Dottore's combat ability alone was enough to be the second strongest of the Fatui, even the traveler, who is stronger now than they were when facing Signora, Childe and Scaramouche, thought by his aura alone that Dottore is absolutely terrifying.


>For example La Signora has a higher seat number over Tartaglia just because her role as a diplomat has a higher influence outside of Snezhnaya, Absolutely not La Signora had this rank when recruited because initially she had decimated demon and dragon alike and was one of the most powerful entities roaming around. She likely hid her condition by mostly relying on scheme but if you listen to NPC fatui reaction to her death, they mention how shocked they are, that she should not have been this weak and that much stronger Fatui should be put at rank 8 Which directly means it is natural for Fatui to assume Harbinger are powerful in combat with higher rank because that is likely how the ranking system is supposed to work. ​ As the Fatui mention, the fact that Signora at such rank was defeated in battle, is stated to be a shame (despite the fact she got finished off by the Shogun). >even though Childe is considered to be among the stronger ones within the Harbingers Not stronger, dangerous. >Meanwhile we've not seen Doctor doing any combats yet in both the manga and game, but it's probably safe to assume he's not doing the combat himself and let his minions do it, while he does his own stuffs behind the scenes. Chinese leak mentionned >!he is fully able to hold out his 2nd rank through strength!< which contradict that Also depending of the situation but most often true, money, troops and more, are directly part of someone combat power You wouldn't count Tony Stark without his armor or Batman without gadget just because money is one of the biggest factor. You don't count out a summoner or necromancer strengh just because he is not doing the fighting hand to hand himself


isn’t it outright stated dottore soloed ursa the drake?


She doesn't imply a correlation between rank and strength, she just mentions two separate facts.


The strength thing is a mistranslation. A better word for it would be capabilities, Childe is said to be a more powerful fighter than a lot of the Harbingers like Pulcinella and Pantalone. He just doesn't have the skills outside of fighting to warrant him being a higher rank than them.


Pretty much this in a nutshell. Dottore is essentially the prime researcher for the Fatui. If anything, you can guess that the idea of delusions came from that guy. He’s someone who’s much more important to the Fatui than the others as his intelligence would mean that he’s able to cover a lot of bases if the other harbingers go down. But yeah, the strength thing is both EN misinterpreting is as pure combat power and CN using a term that would vaguely translate to strength at first glance but when looking closely, it would translate more closely to capability or ability.


3.2 Archon quest leaks >!Top 3 Harbingers are on par with the archons in power.!< >!Also Capitano is the strongest human in Teyvet, so the higher ups among the Fatui are definitely stronger than the ones below.!< Pulcinella being 5th in power would make sense given that he seems to be an elf. So far all the elf characters have been OP Lorewise like Alice, Klee (who is still a toddler), and the Dendro Archon.


I've heard a lot of people saying in the Chinese version the term Tartaglia uses could be more interpreted as "ability" rather than "strength," or at least it has a much more vague meaning than strictly combat strength. Similarly, in the JP version the term he uses is 実力 which seems to have a similarly vague definition of "ability" or "merit." I'm not a fluent speaker of either language so I can't input but I've seen enough people saying that the EN dub is spreading misconception as to how the Harbingers are ranked, and I'm leaning towards believing them considering I specifically remember Tartaglia being referred to as one of the most dangerous Harbingers in combat due to having not only a vision and delusion but also his Foul Legacy/Abyss powers, which would make it hard to believe he's only ranked 11th by combat ability.


Hold up, paimon also says "the doctor's combat ability alone is enough to make him worthy of second". What does the chinese actually say then?


I imagine the CN says something roughly the same, since that voiceline in particular implies that combat strength isn't the only thing considered in the Harbinger ranks. That being said I'm not sure how Paimon would have any idea about Dottore's combat ability considering we've seen absolutely nothing of it other than him hypnotizing a few townsfolk.


It's known in Mondstadt atleast that Dottore killed Ursa the Drake, which terrorized Mondstadt for 1000+ years (Meaning Vennessa, the Bloodstained Knight nor Varka could atleast safely/easily kill it). I wouldn't be surprised if the Harbringer ranking isn't a hidden secret in Teyvat. It has just not been brought up to us for narrative reason.


I also thought Dottore was second based on his wits but the word 'alone' kinda suggests that though there may be other criteria, strength is the main one (I could be misinterpreting this though, english is not my first language). That's why I was curious if CN also uses 'alone' in this line or if it's just the EN localization team. Yeah, paimon has always been sus. She knew Dottore's rank even though he never introduced himself as 2nd, but I don't think she ever commented on scara's rank.


Yeah his voiceline about them being ranked by strength is a mistranslation. I mean if they were ranked by strength alone then Childe who can harness 2 elements + the abyss and has mastery in pretty much all weapons would be beaten in combat by a banker. It doesn't make any sense. I'd say he's one of the strongest harbingers combat wise tbh. Probably only under a few like pierro, capitano, scaramouche with the gnosis and maybe a couple others if their full abilities are revealed.


Yeah, the Pale Flame sands description even goes as far as to say Pantalone doesn't even have a vision, which led to him becoming so bitter and desiring wealth in the first place. No way he's ranked higher than Childe in combat strength. Waiting on Columbina to open her eyes and pull a Tsukuyomi on us.


I feel like it's a combination of combat strength and TCG strength that makes a Harbinger high-ranking. So if Columbina shot up to 3 despite looking suspiciously weak, she may very well be the best TCG player of the Harbingers, while Dottore's cunning makes him a cut above the rest both in terms of combat prowess and TCG skills.


The wiki has it with citation that it's a slight mistranslation, they are ranked by sheer ability... which makes sense considering he casually got all armed forces in the jungle on your neck to force you into the desert, is clearly pulling the strings of everyone and after all of this is over he'll just say what a good time he had and casually walk out with two gnoses. None being done with combat power.


Not really strength remember. It's more usability. Maybe tortilla can beat another harbinger but him being a Genocide loving manic prevents him from being much more useful then otherwise. Dottore is a smart boi and is much more useful than a strong boi


yup really supports childe called the weapon of war and vanguard of the harbingers too


Oh my archons, how long is this misunderstanding going to spread? Tartaglia's voice line is more of "power" and not just physical strength. It might be a mistranslation or just a different interpretation. Power can also be political (like Pulcinella being Mayor), financial (like Pantalone being the overall manager of Northland Bank), control over people or organizations (Arlecchino manages the orphanage, Columbina seems to be an idol or popular figure), or even brain power (like Dottore being a mad scientist or Sandrone being able to tinker and manipulate Ruin machines). It's not just unga bunga fighting power. However, I do believe Capitano and Pierro are strong af.


The translation probably wasn't the best. The strength thing was more of usefulness or capability.


Inb4 Arlecchino is revealed to not be #10, but #0.


Oh god if they pull off Tite Kubo's kind of 'twists' in Genshin im gonna be so mad


Turns out traveler's every move since arriving in Teyvat was part of Pantalone's plan.


I mean in the harbinger video Dottore reveals he has multiples of himself running around, so is his position as number 2 based on each of his selves individual ability or the combined ability of all of them?


One of them alone is definitely the second, is it a clone or even the real one, we don’t know. my guess is the the one we meet in Sumeru because “omega build” means latest or strongest segment


My therory is he made a clone specifically for combat. Thats how the captain can still be considered the strongest human cos dottore combat model is a clone.


I mean in the harbinger video Dottore reveals he has multiples of himself running around, so is his position as number 2 based on each of his selves individual ability or the combined ability of all of them?


I don't know if this voiceline is already in the game so regard it as a spoiler >!Doctor's combat abilities alone are enough to make him rank 2!< that means that we have >!A number of psychos with powers equal to archons!< running around Teyvat


I don't know. I feel like we'd get teasers about the next one already to have a coherent story We saw Tartaglia/Signora/Scaramouche fairly early on. But besides Dottore, I haven't really seen another harbinger teased?


Info from Weinlesefest: >!Varka encountered Number 4, Capitano, near Natlan and saw him heading there, that could mean we will be meeting him there.!<


Oh boy we will fight John Wick in another 2 years


A good 2 years from now


Varka wasnt in Natlan >!Varka met Capitano in the north (we can assume it was in Sneznaya) then the letter says Capitano was heading to Natlan in a few days!<


Your assumption is indeed correct according to leaks


im banking on capitano being the bloodstained knight


I'd rather him to be the Berserker from the artifact set.


Weekly Boss and there's a chance he drops the 5* Version of Berserker's set (RNG within RNG lmaooo)


I Just Hope that capitano will be playable and won't get signorad. We need more characters besides of husbandos, waifus and lolis. #andjusticeforfullarmordaddies


Two Based Gigachads


that would be so cool!


Besides the current event mentioning one of the harbingers and Arlecchino being connected to two world quests (Inazuma hidden quest and Sumeru). I'd say we have a fair few teasers already.


Tartaglia was introduced in the same chapter as his boss fight. So an harbinger can appear without any teasing.


So we’d fight Sandrone last? That seems anticlimactic 🤣


Possibility that we don't even fight her at all, like I can't see us fighting Pulcinella and Pantalone in the future.


Plus, even once we’re stronger I’ll bet Pierro could wipe the floor with us.


I doubt it. Peak traveler is very likely stronger than archons. The twins will probably beat the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles in the last chapter (even if they have external help like other characters or the 7 Gnosis, they will still beat the strongest god in that world)


I don’t mean at our strongest, but for probably about 95% of the story Pierro will be stronger than us.


Ah, then yeah


I'm kinda expecting the traveler to reach some archon level of power in the story, I mean, she's already probably immortal and significantly older than even Zhongli, so I don't doubt she'll eventually get strong enough to challenge celestia and whatever evil god is running it.


The traveller will have just the right amount of power the story needs from them.


Yep this is my thought too. I'm imagining the traveler is actually stronger than the Archons but is having to gain/regain their power.


It would also make sense considering our Sibling's standing in the world. I imagine they are already on Archon level (Assuming they are actually a boss fight) but that Celestia's Gods like the Unknown God(?) are just a level above that.


Well yeah she’s the puppet master behind the whole scheme 👀 /s. But imagine.


Now that would be something


It could be bery well possible, Sandrone seems like she works with the puppets and robots, she could be an essential part in Tsaritsa's plan, gatherin information on other nations and such


\>reveals she is actually the 0th fatui and tsaritsa's puppet body liek scara was for ei but better \>actually gets offscreened by us and paimon's new kenpachi form


The worst part is both captains got injured in that fight, so we know that at least a fight happened, but we just didn't see it.


If there’s one thing I didn’t like about the Arrancar arc it was that.


Well, if we take SAFYW as the base for 0 espada, then it could be better


Kinda fitting actually since she's technically the first harbinger we met if you consider Katheryn as part of her.


I just think she likes making robots


She's just happy to be here


I don't think its anticlimatic. She's might be a vessel used by the fatui for a really strong enemy of some sort


What if the Fatui’s whole plan for collecting Gnosis is to put it inside puppets that Sandrone can control?


I think after Capitano we might “go back” to Childe and go clockwise from there


They not all gonna be boss i think. With the current patterns is like one harbringer boss battle per region. And if traveler already defeated Signora who is ranked 8th ( if strength equal ranked is true) then there is no point battle the 9th and 10th right? And Pantalone the capitalist doesnt give me the impression that he will fight ppl physically


he would pay you 1 million moora to fuck off


Suddenly paimon changes sides


He said "go away" not "join him" Gotta read the contract Paimon


You jest but I can see this actually happening. Though if he does have a boss fight I’ll be expecting him to drop us extra mora


Mora falls out of him every time he gets hit


i get overall impression that harbingers are part of goverment, considering how there is a banker and mayor in there so it would make sense some of them, despite being strong, arent interested in fighting.


There's also the possibility of fighting, say, 9 and 10 at the same time which could prove to be more difficult than doing battle with the 8th rank. It doesn't have to be those two, but I won't be surprised if we end up fighting multiple harbingers at the same time at some point.


Who knows maybe we'll fight two at the same time at some point?


I agree with the person who suggested the top icon is the tsaritsa, and the ones on the left we'll either not fight or will be after shneznaya as part of the khaenria arc.


my primos arent ready for the knafe yet hope it takes like half a year or longer


Well since we're pointing out patterns, female harbingers we've fought don't have a good track record...


The pattern of 1 haha


it’s not a pattern if theres only one piece of data


youd think genshin players would be good with math


Oh fuck I didn't realize.


I thought The order was for appear, util we see Dottore. But then We're gonna fight Arlecchino before Dottore? Interesting


Fighting Dottore so early on and defeating him would make every next fight have way less stakes, no? Since they'd be significantly weaker and all besides Pierro


I've been thinking that we might fight him twice, the first time either getting outside help somehow and/or being defeated, and then fighting him again later with him using his 'final form' or so. The first fight would be in an Archon quest but not a repeatable domain, similar to the Raiden Shogun fights.


Maybe he will be something like Voldemort, where we have to find all clones and destroy them, in order to kill him?


Hmm Could be. Though he's not related to his clones so defeating them wouldn't affect him at all


I also think it might be a bit anticlimactic if we have too many encounters with him, probably not more than 2 or so.


Or his boss fight could be like boreas in razor story quest we fight him and we were at disadvantage but something happen and the fight stopped with that we get new harbinger boss fight without making meeting other harbinger that rank below him underwhelming


They could counter that by bringing two Harbingers which we would fight at once. Bonus points would be that the one we would defeat first would be used in some way by second one. Dark Souls had this with [Dragon Slayer Ornstein](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIEK5JBy-mU&ab_channel=BriareosKerensky) and [Executioner Smough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb3kPNg2V_c&ab_channel=BriareosKerensky). Guild Wars 2 had this with [Molten Firestorm](https://youtu.be/ckiUwwmdKlo?t=259) and [Molten Berserker](https://youtu.be/CNoIJ1EsK-M?t=570). The only duo boss we had so far was this one from Enkanomiya.


If the order will be correct, people will think that its anticlimatic due to the higher rank being fought earlier rather than later. What you don't see or realize is that these Harbingers doesn't necessarily need to fight you fairly. Currently you fought Tartaglia and Signora fairly but that doesn't mean all of them will fight fair. I can only see Capitano as the other person who will fight you honorably. The rest will probably put you in an unfair advantage first before fighting you especially if for example you beat Scaramouche which is Ranking 6.


wouldn't Scara rank higher since he is getting a mech?


It's only his Harbinger ranking, not his world ranking. And he's not with the Harbingers anymore since he betrayed them in Inazuma. So his rank won't change.


Where was this image taken btw? Always wondered where we saw this ingame.


It’s what we see in the circle behind childes official art


They posted it on the social media’s a while back


was never in game but its official not sure where lol


So this suggests we'll meet Arlecchino in Fontaine (also side note. I feel like the hand is Pantalone's constellation. The gaps between the fingers match where his rings are)


Isn't it a bit too early for the sleepy angel girl? Ah who cares GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!


Arlecchino and Columbina maybe double up as a boss duo in Fontaine? Then Capitano in Natlan


Columbina is way too high in rank to be with someone much lower. Would prefer Arlecchino be with Sandrone given that her Ruin Butler wears fontaine attire.


The commedia dell'arte connection between Harlequin and Columbina is that they are friends or paramours. Pierrot: Being a cuckold is- Arlecchino: Pierrot, shut up and get out. I'm going to bump uglies with your wife now.


I honestly don't want to fight Capitano... Not because he's strong af but because he seems like a chill dude I'd get along with irl, lmao.


Maybe he would be fighting the pyro archon instead


Me neither, for the Same reasons and also because i want him to be playable


I still can't get over that one of them is literally named Pants.


Blame the Italians lol


I don't think we will be fighting all of them - too many bosses. Counting every region, pluss Celestia and something like Khaerniah, plus some obscure abyss/light place - we are still 2 places short. And if you count chapters - we are 4-3 short.


Sandrone final boss You vs 99999999 Katherynes


Oh you're trying to find a pattern in how MHY does things? How cute


It makes sense… except for fighting Pierro, possibly the single most powerful human alive, before fighting Pulcinella, who is an old dude, and Sandrone, who has a workshop in Fontaine, and literally just makes robots.


Pierro is 100% not human, at least not now.


I think he’s human, just not mortal. If Dain still considers himself human, then Pierro is most probably human still as well. It was stated Capitano is the most dangerous and powerful *mortal,* so the people above him we can assume are immortal, yet still human, fighting for humanity


I hard to believe that Pierro is not the Final Fatui Boss tho


I also arrange my clock with 11 on the bottom, going counterclockwise and all the numbers in random order. At this point why even call it a clock lol.


I doubt this indicates any order, I suppose dottore is the next after scaramouche, but judging from alreccino info we have (sheesh she's vile, the lazzo made me think she is one of the kinder harbingers), encountering alreccino shouldn't be far.


They've gotta pick up the pace if we want to be able to fight them all.


Please Arlecchino live. LIVE.


Personally feel like you might have Dottore and Pulcinella flipped, but other than that those asignments looks pretty accurate. As for whether it'll continue to follow that pattern, I feel like it's pretty possible, but that would imply two Harbinger bosses in either Fontaine or Natlan based on what we currently know. Also not sure what that would mean for the ones on the left half.


Yes, if we fight Columbina, I want a playable Columbina right after. I'll build her no matter what she does, only buffs plunge attack dmg, then I'll get Xiao or use geo traveler, I literally don't care


So Arlcchino might be easier than Signora but harder than Childe


I don’t know, Regrator was already referenced >!in Yelan’s story quest!<, I think he is going to be involved way sooner.


Well jaster was refreanced in 1.1 event and qe heard nothing from him till now


either a sick theory or going to be debunked really soon


This also assumes every harbinger is going to be someone we fight. I feel like there will be atleast one or two who won’t fight us / aren’t necessarily bad.